diff --git a/docs/Release-Notes.mdx b/docs/Release-Notes.mdx index 62b8c02..1765694 100644 --- a/docs/Release-Notes.mdx +++ b/docs/Release-Notes.mdx @@ -8,38 +8,52 @@ route: /docs/release-notes All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of [keepachangelog.com](http://keepachangelog.com/). +## 4.9.1 + +- Adds Graceful shutdown to the http server + ## 4.9.0 + - Improvises the publishing logic during consumption via subscribers. - Upgrades the state management for rabbitmq subscribers. ## 4.8.0 + - `rabbitmq-retry-count` is now available in `metadata` provided in user handler function. ## 4.7.6 + - Fixed a bug where kafka header with null values, throws Null Pointer Exception upon publishing to rabbitmq ## 4.7.5 + - Publishes metric to gauge time taken to send messages to rabbitmq ## 4.7.4 + - Updated dead-set APIs to replay and delete dead-set messages asynchronously ## 4.7.3 + - Fixed a bug where instantiation of channel pool leads to null pointer exception when stream route does not have :stream-threads-count defined ## 4.7.2 + - Releasing a new tag because the version 4.7.0 was already present in clojars. ## 4.7.0 + - Added a feature to retry non-recoverable exceptions during publishing messages on rabbitmq ## 4.6.4 -- user can provide `:prefetch-count` for RabbitMQ channel threads in `[:stream-router :channels :]` + +- user can provide `:prefetch-count` for RabbitMQ channel threads in `[:stream-router :channels :]` section of the config - Fixed a bug for overriding the default channel-pool configuration with the user provided config ## 4.6.3 + - RabbitMQ's connections use a DNS IP resolver to resolve DNS based hosts - Setting of HA policies from within ziggurat have been removed