diff --git a/java/downgrades/38d02c063878000356a3e5db49d5a6a8f38efe24/old.dbscheme b/java/downgrades/38d02c063878000356a3e5db49d5a6a8f38efe24/old.dbscheme
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..38d02c063878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/downgrades/38d02c063878000356a3e5db49d5a6a8f38efe24/old.dbscheme
@@ -0,0 +1,1232 @@
+ * An invocation of the compiler. Note that more than one file may be
+ * compiled per invocation. For example, this command compiles three
+ * source files:
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ *
+ * The `id` simply identifies the invocation, while `cwd` is the working
+ * directory from which the compiler was invoked.
+ */
+ /**
+ * An invocation of the compiler. Note that more than one file may
+ * be compiled per invocation. For example, this command compiles
+ * three source files:
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ */
+ unique int id : @compilation,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ string cwd : string ref,
+ string name : string ref
+case @compilation.kind of
+ 1 = @javacompilation
+| 2 = @kotlincompilation
+ int id : @compilation ref
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ string info_key: string ref,
+ string info_value: string ref
+ * The arguments that were passed to the extractor for a compiler
+ * invocation. If `id` is for the compiler invocation
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ *
+ * then typically there will be rows for
+ *
+ * num | arg
+ * --- | ---
+ * 0 | *path to extractor*
+ * 1 | `--javac-args`
+ * 2 | A.java
+ * 3 | B.java
+ * 4 | C.java
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ string arg : string ref
+ * The expanded arguments that were passed to the extractor for a
+ * compiler invocation. This is similar to `compilation_args`, but
+ * for a `@@@someFile` argument, it includes the arguments from that
+ * file, rather than just taking the argument literally.
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ string arg : string ref
+ * The source files that are compiled by a compiler invocation.
+ * If `id` is for the compiler invocation
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ *
+ * then there will be rows for
+ *
+ * num | arg
+ * --- | ---
+ * 0 | A.java
+ * 1 | B.java
+ * 2 | C.java
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ int file : @file ref
+ * For each file recorded in `compilation_compiling_files`,
+ * there will be a corresponding row in
+ * `compilation_compiling_files_completed` once extraction
+ * of that file is complete. The `result` will indicate the
+ * extraction result:
+ *
+ * 0: Successfully extracted
+ * 1: Errors were encountered, but extraction recovered
+ * 2: Errors were encountered, and extraction could not recover
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ int result : int ref
+ * The time taken by the extractor for a compiler invocation.
+ *
+ * For each file `num`, there will be rows for
+ *
+ * kind | seconds
+ * ---- | ---
+ * 1 | CPU seconds used by the extractor frontend
+ * 2 | Elapsed seconds during the extractor frontend
+ * 3 | CPU seconds used by the extractor backend
+ * 4 | Elapsed seconds during the extractor backend
+ */
+#keyset[id, num, kind]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ /* kind:
+ 1 = frontend_cpu_seconds
+ 2 = frontend_elapsed_seconds
+ 3 = extractor_cpu_seconds
+ 4 = extractor_elapsed_seconds
+ */
+ int kind : int ref,
+ float seconds : float ref
+ * The `cpu_seconds` and `elapsed_seconds` are the CPU time and elapsed
+ * time (respectively) that the original compilation (not the extraction)
+ * took for compiler invocation `id`.
+ */
+ unique int id : @compilation ref,
+ float cpu_seconds : float ref,
+ float elapsed_seconds : float ref
+ * If extraction was successful, then `cpu_seconds` and
+ * `elapsed_seconds` are the CPU time and elapsed time (respectively)
+ * that extraction took for compiler invocation `id`.
+ * The `result` will indicate the extraction result:
+ *
+ * 0: Successfully extracted
+ * 1: Errors were encountered, but extraction recovered
+ * 2: Errors were encountered, and extraction could not recover
+ */
+ unique int id : @compilation ref,
+ float cpu_seconds : float ref,
+ float elapsed_seconds : float ref,
+ int result : int ref
+ unique int id: @diagnostic,
+ string generated_by: string ref, // TODO: Sync this with the other languages?
+ int severity: int ref,
+ string error_tag: string ref,
+ string error_message: string ref,
+ string full_error_message: string ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+ * An error or warning generated by the extractor.
+ * The diagnostic message `diagnostic` was generated during compiler
+ * invocation `compilation`, and is the `file_number_diagnostic_number`th
+ * message generated while extracting the `file_number`th file of that
+ * invocation.
+ */
+#keyset[compilation, file_number, file_number_diagnostic_number]
+ unique int diagnostic : @diagnostic ref,
+ int compilation : @compilation ref,
+ int file_number : int ref,
+ int file_number_diagnostic_number : int ref
+ * External artifacts
+ */
+ int id : @externalDataElement,
+ string path : string ref,
+ int column: int ref,
+ string value : string ref
+ string prefix : string ref
+ string metadataKey : string ref,
+ string value : string ref
+ * SMAP
+ */
+ int outputFileId: @file ref,
+ string outputFilename: string ref,
+ string defaultStratum: string ref
+ int outputFileId: @file ref,
+ string stratum: string ref,
+ int inputFileNum: int ref,
+ string inputFileName: string ref,
+ int inputFileId: @file ref
+ int outputFileId: @file ref,
+ string stratum: string ref,
+ int inputFileNum: int ref,
+ int inputStartLine: int ref,
+ int inputLineCount: int ref,
+ int outputStartLine: int ref,
+ int outputLineIncrement: int ref
+ * Locations and files
+ */
+@location = @location_default ;
+ unique int id: @location_default,
+ int file: @file ref,
+ int beginLine: int ref,
+ int beginColumn: int ref,
+ int endLine: int ref,
+ int endColumn: int ref
+ int locatableid: @locatable ref,
+ int id: @location ref
+@sourceline = @locatable ;
+ int element_id: @sourceline ref,
+ int num_lines: int ref,
+ int num_code: int ref,
+ int num_comment: int ref
+ unique int id: @file,
+ string name: string ref
+ unique int id: @folder,
+ string name: string ref
+@container = @folder | @file
+ int parent: @container ref,
+ unique int child: @container ref
+ * Java
+ */
+ unique int id: @file ref,
+ int packageid: @package ref
+ int fileid: @file ref,
+ string keyName: string ref,
+ string value: string ref
+ int fileid: @file ref,
+ string entryName: string ref,
+ string keyName: string ref,
+ string value: string ref
+ unique int id: @package,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ unique int id: @primitive,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ unique int id: @modifier,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ * An errortype is used when the extractor is unable to extract a type
+ * correctly for some reason.
+ */
+ unique int id: @errortype
+ unique int id: @classorinterface,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int parentid: @package ref,
+ int sourceid: @classorinterface ref
+ int id: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref,
+ unique int instance: @field ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref,
+ unique int instance: @field ref,
+ unique int companion_object: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @kt_nullable_type,
+ int classid: @reftype ref
+ unique int id: @kt_notnull_type,
+ int classid: @reftype ref
+ unique int id: @kt_type_alias,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+@kt_type = @kt_nullable_type | @kt_notnull_type
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @fielddecl,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref
+#keyset[fieldId] #keyset[fieldDeclId,pos]
+ int fieldId: @field ref,
+ int fieldDeclId: @fielddecl ref,
+ int pos: int ref
+ unique int id: @field,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref
+ unique int id: @field ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @constructor,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ string signature: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref,
+ int sourceid: @constructor ref
+ unique int id: @constructor ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @method,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ string signature: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref,
+ int sourceid: @method ref
+ unique int id: @method ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @param,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @callable ref,
+ int sourceid: @param ref
+ unique int id: @param ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @param ref,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ int param: @param ref
+ unique int id: @exception,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @callable ref
+ int interfaceid: @classorinterface ref
+ int methodid: @method ref
+ int parentid: @annotation ref,
+ int id2: @method ref,
+ unique int value: @expr ref
+ int classid: @classorinterface ref
+ int fieldid: @field ref
+ unique int id: @typevariable,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @classorinterfaceorcallable ref
+ unique int id: @wildcard,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @typebound,
+ int typeid: @reftype ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @boundedtype ref
+ int argumentid: @reftype ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @classorinterfaceorcallable ref
+ int memberid: @member ref
+ int memberid: @member ref
+#keyset[classid] #keyset[parent]
+ int classid: @classorinterface ref,
+ int parent: @classinstancexpr ref
+#keyset[typeid] #keyset[parent]
+ int typeid: @classorinterface ref,
+ int parent: @localtypedeclstmt ref
+ int constructorid: @constructor ref
+ int exprId: @lambdaexpr ref,
+ int bodyKind: int ref
+ int constructorid: @constructor ref
+ unique int id: @array,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int elementtypeid: @type ref,
+ int dimension: int ref,
+ int componenttypeid: @type ref
+ unique int child: @reftype ref,
+ int parent: @reftype ref
+ int id1: @reftype ref,
+ int id2: @classorinterface ref
+ int id1: @classorarray ref,
+ int id2: @classorinterface ref
+ int id1: @classorinterface ref,
+ int id2: @classorinterface ref
+ int id1: @modifiable ref,
+ int id2: @modifier ref
+ unique int id: @import,
+ int holder: @classorinterfaceorpackage ref,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @stmt,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ int parent: @stmtparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int bodydecl: @callable ref
+@stmtparent = @callable | @stmt | @switchexpr | @whenexpr| @stmtexpr;
+case @stmt.kind of
+ 0 = @block
+| 1 = @ifstmt
+| 2 = @forstmt
+| 3 = @enhancedforstmt
+| 4 = @whilestmt
+| 5 = @dostmt
+| 6 = @trystmt
+| 7 = @switchstmt
+| 8 = @synchronizedstmt
+| 9 = @returnstmt
+| 10 = @throwstmt
+| 11 = @breakstmt
+| 12 = @continuestmt
+| 13 = @emptystmt
+| 14 = @exprstmt
+| 15 = @labeledstmt
+| 16 = @assertstmt
+| 17 = @localvariabledeclstmt
+| 18 = @localtypedeclstmt
+| 19 = @constructorinvocationstmt
+| 20 = @superconstructorinvocationstmt
+| 21 = @case
+| 22 = @catchclause
+| 23 = @yieldstmt
+| 24 = @errorstmt
+| 25 = @whenbranch
+ unique int id: @expr,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parent: @exprparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int callable_id: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int statement_id: @stmt ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int parentheses: int ref
+case @expr.kind of
+ 1 = @arrayaccess
+| 2 = @arraycreationexpr
+| 3 = @arrayinit
+| 4 = @assignexpr
+| 5 = @assignaddexpr
+| 6 = @assignsubexpr
+| 7 = @assignmulexpr
+| 8 = @assigndivexpr
+| 9 = @assignremexpr
+| 10 = @assignandexpr
+| 11 = @assignorexpr
+| 12 = @assignxorexpr
+| 13 = @assignlshiftexpr
+| 14 = @assignrshiftexpr
+| 15 = @assignurshiftexpr
+| 16 = @booleanliteral
+| 17 = @integerliteral
+| 18 = @longliteral
+| 19 = @floatingpointliteral
+| 20 = @doubleliteral
+| 21 = @characterliteral
+| 22 = @stringliteral
+| 23 = @nullliteral
+| 24 = @mulexpr
+| 25 = @divexpr
+| 26 = @remexpr
+| 27 = @addexpr
+| 28 = @subexpr
+| 29 = @lshiftexpr
+| 30 = @rshiftexpr
+| 31 = @urshiftexpr
+| 32 = @andbitexpr
+| 33 = @orbitexpr
+| 34 = @xorbitexpr
+| 35 = @andlogicalexpr
+| 36 = @orlogicalexpr
+| 37 = @ltexpr
+| 38 = @gtexpr
+| 39 = @leexpr
+| 40 = @geexpr
+| 41 = @eqexpr
+| 42 = @neexpr
+| 43 = @postincexpr
+| 44 = @postdecexpr
+| 45 = @preincexpr
+| 46 = @predecexpr
+| 47 = @minusexpr
+| 48 = @plusexpr
+| 49 = @bitnotexpr
+| 50 = @lognotexpr
+| 51 = @castexpr
+| 52 = @newexpr
+| 53 = @conditionalexpr
+| 54 = @parexpr // deprecated
+| 55 = @instanceofexpr
+| 56 = @localvariabledeclexpr
+| 57 = @typeliteral
+| 58 = @thisaccess
+| 59 = @superaccess
+| 60 = @varaccess
+| 61 = @methodaccess
+| 62 = @unannotatedtypeaccess
+| 63 = @arraytypeaccess
+| 64 = @packageaccess
+| 65 = @wildcardtypeaccess
+| 66 = @declannotation
+| 67 = @uniontypeaccess
+| 68 = @lambdaexpr
+| 69 = @memberref
+| 70 = @annotatedtypeaccess
+| 71 = @typeannotation
+| 72 = @intersectiontypeaccess
+| 73 = @switchexpr
+| 74 = @errorexpr
+| 75 = @whenexpr
+| 76 = @getclassexpr
+| 77 = @safecastexpr
+| 78 = @implicitcastexpr
+| 79 = @implicitnotnullexpr
+| 80 = @implicitcoerciontounitexpr
+| 81 = @notinstanceofexpr
+| 82 = @stmtexpr
+| 83 = @stringtemplateexpr
+| 84 = @notnullexpr
+| 85 = @unsafecoerceexpr
+| 86 = @valueeqexpr
+| 87 = @valueneexpr
+| 88 = @propertyref
+| 89 = @recordpatternexpr
+/** Holds if this `when` expression was written as an `if` expression. */
+when_if(unique int id: @whenexpr ref);
+/** Holds if this `when` branch was written as an `else` branch. */
+when_branch_else(unique int id: @whenbranch ref);
+@classinstancexpr = @newexpr | @lambdaexpr | @memberref | @propertyref
+@annotation = @declannotation | @typeannotation
+@typeaccess = @unannotatedtypeaccess | @annotatedtypeaccess
+@assignment = @assignexpr
+ | @assignop;
+@unaryassignment = @postincexpr
+ | @postdecexpr
+ | @preincexpr
+ | @predecexpr;
+@assignop = @assignaddexpr
+ | @assignsubexpr
+ | @assignmulexpr
+ | @assigndivexpr
+ | @assignremexpr
+ | @assignandexpr
+ | @assignorexpr
+ | @assignxorexpr
+ | @assignlshiftexpr
+ | @assignrshiftexpr
+ | @assignurshiftexpr;
+@literal = @booleanliteral
+ | @integerliteral
+ | @longliteral
+ | @floatingpointliteral
+ | @doubleliteral
+ | @characterliteral
+ | @stringliteral
+ | @nullliteral;
+@binaryexpr = @mulexpr
+ | @divexpr
+ | @remexpr
+ | @addexpr
+ | @subexpr
+ | @lshiftexpr
+ | @rshiftexpr
+ | @urshiftexpr
+ | @andbitexpr
+ | @orbitexpr
+ | @xorbitexpr
+ | @andlogicalexpr
+ | @orlogicalexpr
+ | @ltexpr
+ | @gtexpr
+ | @leexpr
+ | @geexpr
+ | @eqexpr
+ | @neexpr
+ | @valueeqexpr
+ | @valueneexpr;
+@unaryexpr = @postincexpr
+ | @postdecexpr
+ | @preincexpr
+ | @predecexpr
+ | @minusexpr
+ | @plusexpr
+ | @bitnotexpr
+ | @lognotexpr
+ | @notnullexpr;
+@caller = @classinstancexpr
+ | @methodaccess
+ | @constructorinvocationstmt
+ | @superconstructorinvocationstmt;
+ unique int callerid: @caller ref,
+ int callee: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int callable: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int getter: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int field: @field ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int setter: @callable ref
+@exprparent = @stmt | @expr | @whenbranch | @callable | @field | @fielddecl | @classorinterface | @param | @localvar | @typevariable;
+ unique int expr: @varaccess ref,
+ int variable: @variable ref
+@variable = @localscopevariable | @field;
+@localscopevariable = @localvar | @param;
+ unique int id: @localvar,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @localvariabledeclexpr ref
+ unique int id: @localvar ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+@namedexprorstmt = @breakstmt
+ | @continuestmt
+ | @labeledstmt
+ | @literal;
+ string name: string ref,
+ string value: string ref,
+ unique int parent: @namedexprorstmt ref
+ * Modules
+ */
+ unique int id: @module,
+ string name: string ref
+ int id: @module ref
+ int fileId: @file ref,
+ int moduleId: @module ref
+@directive = @requires
+ | @exports
+ | @opens
+ | @uses
+ | @provides
+ int id: @module ref,
+ int directive: @directive ref
+ unique int id: @requires,
+ int target: @module ref
+ int id: @requires ref
+ int id: @requires ref
+ unique int id: @exports,
+ int target: @package ref
+ int id: @exports ref,
+ int target: @module ref
+ unique int id: @opens,
+ int target: @package ref
+ int id: @opens ref,
+ int target: @module ref
+ unique int id: @uses,
+ string serviceInterface: string ref
+ unique int id: @provides,
+ string serviceInterface: string ref
+ int id: @provides ref,
+ string serviceImpl: string ref
+ int id: @case ref
+ * Javadoc
+ */
+ unique int id: @javadoc
+ int commentid : @javadoc ref
+ int commentid : @javadoc ref
+ int documentableid: @member ref,
+ int javadocid: @javadoc ref
+ unique int id: @javadocTag,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int parentid: @javadocParent ref,
+ int idx: int ref
+ unique int id: @javadocText,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @javadocParent ref,
+ int idx: int ref
+@javadocParent = @javadoc | @javadocTag;
+@javadocElement = @javadocTag | @javadocText;
+@classorinterfaceorpackage = @classorinterface | @package;
+@classorinterfaceorcallable = @classorinterface | @callable;
+@boundedtype = @typevariable | @wildcard;
+@reftype = @classorinterface | @array | @boundedtype | @errortype;
+@classorarray = @classorinterface | @array;
+@type = @primitive | @reftype;
+@callable = @method | @constructor;
+/** A program element that has a name. */
+@element = @package | @modifier | @annotation | @errortype |
+ @locatableElement;
+@locatableElement = @file | @primitive | @classorinterface | @method | @constructor | @param | @exception | @field |
+ @boundedtype | @array | @localvar | @expr | @stmt | @import | @fielddecl | @kt_type | @kt_type_alias |
+ @kt_property;
+@modifiable = @member_modifiable| @param | @localvar | @typevariable;
+@member_modifiable = @classorinterface | @method | @constructor | @field | @kt_property;
+@member = @method | @constructor | @field | @reftype ;
+/** A program element that has a location. */
+@locatable = @typebound | @javadoc | @javadocTag | @javadocText | @xmllocatable | @ktcomment |
+ @locatableElement;
+@top = @element | @locatable | @folder;
+ * XML Files
+ */
+ unique int id: @file ref,
+ string encoding: string ref
+ unique int id: @xmldtd,
+ string root: string ref,
+ string publicId: string ref,
+ string systemId: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlelement,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlattribute,
+ int elementid: @xmlelement ref,
+ string name: string ref,
+ string value: string ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int id: @xmlnamespace,
+ string prefixName: string ref,
+ string URI: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int elementId: @xmlnamespaceable ref,
+ int nsId: @xmlnamespace ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcomment,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcharacters,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int isCDATA: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+@xmlparent = @file | @xmlelement;
+@xmlnamespaceable = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute;
+ int xmlElement: @xmllocatable ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+@xmllocatable = @xmlcharacters | @xmlelement | @xmlcomment | @xmlattribute | @xmldtd | @file | @xmlnamespace;
+ * configuration files with key value pairs
+ */
+ unique int id: @config
+ unique int id: @configName,
+ int config: @config ref,
+ string name: string ref
+ unique int id: @configValue,
+ int config: @config ref,
+ string value: string ref
+ int locatable: @configLocatable ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+@configLocatable = @config | @configName | @configValue;
+ unique int id: @ktcomment,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ string text : string ref
+ unique int id: @ktcommentsection,
+ int comment: @ktcomment ref,
+ string content : string ref
+ unique int id: @ktcommentsection ref,
+ string name : string ref
+ unique int id: @ktcommentsection ref,
+ string subjectname : string ref
+#keyset[id, owner]
+ int id: @ktcomment ref,
+ int owner: @top ref
+ unique int id: @method ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ int getter: @method ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ int setter: @method ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ int backingField: @field ref
+ unique int id: @callable ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @method ref
+ unique int id: @assignexpr ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ unique int variableId: @variable ref
+ * If `id` is a compiler generated element, then the kind indicates the
+ * reason that the compiler generated it.
+ * See `Element.compilerGeneratedReason()` for an explanation of what
+ * each `kind` means.
+ */
+ unique int id: @element ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @method ref,
+ string name: string ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref
diff --git a/java/downgrades/38d02c063878000356a3e5db49d5a6a8f38efe24/semmlecode.dbscheme b/java/downgrades/38d02c063878000356a3e5db49d5a6a8f38efe24/semmlecode.dbscheme
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1fd1afa7862b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/downgrades/38d02c063878000356a3e5db49d5a6a8f38efe24/semmlecode.dbscheme
@@ -0,0 +1,1227 @@
+ * An invocation of the compiler. Note that more than one file may be
+ * compiled per invocation. For example, this command compiles three
+ * source files:
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ *
+ * The `id` simply identifies the invocation, while `cwd` is the working
+ * directory from which the compiler was invoked.
+ */
+ /**
+ * An invocation of the compiler. Note that more than one file may
+ * be compiled per invocation. For example, this command compiles
+ * three source files:
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ */
+ unique int id : @compilation,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ string cwd : string ref,
+ string name : string ref
+case @compilation.kind of
+ 1 = @javacompilation
+| 2 = @kotlincompilation
+ int id : @compilation ref
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ string info_key: string ref,
+ string info_value: string ref
+ * The arguments that were passed to the extractor for a compiler
+ * invocation. If `id` is for the compiler invocation
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ *
+ * then typically there will be rows for
+ *
+ * num | arg
+ * --- | ---
+ * 0 | *path to extractor*
+ * 1 | `--javac-args`
+ * 2 | A.java
+ * 3 | B.java
+ * 4 | C.java
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ string arg : string ref
+ * The expanded arguments that were passed to the extractor for a
+ * compiler invocation. This is similar to `compilation_args`, but
+ * for a `@@@someFile` argument, it includes the arguments from that
+ * file, rather than just taking the argument literally.
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ string arg : string ref
+ * The source files that are compiled by a compiler invocation.
+ * If `id` is for the compiler invocation
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ *
+ * then there will be rows for
+ *
+ * num | arg
+ * --- | ---
+ * 0 | A.java
+ * 1 | B.java
+ * 2 | C.java
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ int file : @file ref
+ * For each file recorded in `compilation_compiling_files`,
+ * there will be a corresponding row in
+ * `compilation_compiling_files_completed` once extraction
+ * of that file is complete. The `result` will indicate the
+ * extraction result:
+ *
+ * 0: Successfully extracted
+ * 1: Errors were encountered, but extraction recovered
+ * 2: Errors were encountered, and extraction could not recover
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ int result : int ref
+ * The time taken by the extractor for a compiler invocation.
+ *
+ * For each file `num`, there will be rows for
+ *
+ * kind | seconds
+ * ---- | ---
+ * 1 | CPU seconds used by the extractor frontend
+ * 2 | Elapsed seconds during the extractor frontend
+ * 3 | CPU seconds used by the extractor backend
+ * 4 | Elapsed seconds during the extractor backend
+ */
+#keyset[id, num, kind]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ /* kind:
+ 1 = frontend_cpu_seconds
+ 2 = frontend_elapsed_seconds
+ 3 = extractor_cpu_seconds
+ 4 = extractor_elapsed_seconds
+ */
+ int kind : int ref,
+ float seconds : float ref
+ * The `cpu_seconds` and `elapsed_seconds` are the CPU time and elapsed
+ * time (respectively) that the original compilation (not the extraction)
+ * took for compiler invocation `id`.
+ */
+ unique int id : @compilation ref,
+ float cpu_seconds : float ref,
+ float elapsed_seconds : float ref
+ * If extraction was successful, then `cpu_seconds` and
+ * `elapsed_seconds` are the CPU time and elapsed time (respectively)
+ * that extraction took for compiler invocation `id`.
+ * The `result` will indicate the extraction result:
+ *
+ * 0: Successfully extracted
+ * 1: Errors were encountered, but extraction recovered
+ * 2: Errors were encountered, and extraction could not recover
+ */
+ unique int id : @compilation ref,
+ float cpu_seconds : float ref,
+ float elapsed_seconds : float ref,
+ int result : int ref
+ unique int id: @diagnostic,
+ string generated_by: string ref, // TODO: Sync this with the other languages?
+ int severity: int ref,
+ string error_tag: string ref,
+ string error_message: string ref,
+ string full_error_message: string ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+ * An error or warning generated by the extractor.
+ * The diagnostic message `diagnostic` was generated during compiler
+ * invocation `compilation`, and is the `file_number_diagnostic_number`th
+ * message generated while extracting the `file_number`th file of that
+ * invocation.
+ */
+#keyset[compilation, file_number, file_number_diagnostic_number]
+ unique int diagnostic : @diagnostic ref,
+ int compilation : @compilation ref,
+ int file_number : int ref,
+ int file_number_diagnostic_number : int ref
+ * External artifacts
+ */
+ int id : @externalDataElement,
+ string path : string ref,
+ int column: int ref,
+ string value : string ref
+ string prefix : string ref
+ * SMAP
+ */
+ int outputFileId: @file ref,
+ string outputFilename: string ref,
+ string defaultStratum: string ref
+ int outputFileId: @file ref,
+ string stratum: string ref,
+ int inputFileNum: int ref,
+ string inputFileName: string ref,
+ int inputFileId: @file ref
+ int outputFileId: @file ref,
+ string stratum: string ref,
+ int inputFileNum: int ref,
+ int inputStartLine: int ref,
+ int inputLineCount: int ref,
+ int outputStartLine: int ref,
+ int outputLineIncrement: int ref
+ * Locations and files
+ */
+@location = @location_default ;
+ unique int id: @location_default,
+ int file: @file ref,
+ int beginLine: int ref,
+ int beginColumn: int ref,
+ int endLine: int ref,
+ int endColumn: int ref
+ int locatableid: @locatable ref,
+ int id: @location ref
+@sourceline = @locatable ;
+ int element_id: @sourceline ref,
+ int num_lines: int ref,
+ int num_code: int ref,
+ int num_comment: int ref
+ unique int id: @file,
+ string name: string ref
+ unique int id: @folder,
+ string name: string ref
+@container = @folder | @file
+ int parent: @container ref,
+ unique int child: @container ref
+ * Java
+ */
+ unique int id: @file ref,
+ int packageid: @package ref
+ int fileid: @file ref,
+ string keyName: string ref,
+ string value: string ref
+ int fileid: @file ref,
+ string entryName: string ref,
+ string keyName: string ref,
+ string value: string ref
+ unique int id: @package,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ unique int id: @primitive,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ unique int id: @modifier,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ * An errortype is used when the extractor is unable to extract a type
+ * correctly for some reason.
+ */
+ unique int id: @errortype
+ unique int id: @classorinterface,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int parentid: @package ref,
+ int sourceid: @classorinterface ref
+ int id: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref,
+ unique int instance: @field ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref,
+ unique int instance: @field ref,
+ unique int companion_object: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @kt_nullable_type,
+ int classid: @reftype ref
+ unique int id: @kt_notnull_type,
+ int classid: @reftype ref
+ unique int id: @kt_type_alias,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+@kt_type = @kt_nullable_type | @kt_notnull_type
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @fielddecl,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref
+#keyset[fieldId] #keyset[fieldDeclId,pos]
+ int fieldId: @field ref,
+ int fieldDeclId: @fielddecl ref,
+ int pos: int ref
+ unique int id: @field,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref
+ unique int id: @field ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @constructor,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ string signature: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref,
+ int sourceid: @constructor ref
+ unique int id: @constructor ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @method,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ string signature: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref,
+ int sourceid: @method ref
+ unique int id: @method ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @param,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @callable ref,
+ int sourceid: @param ref
+ unique int id: @param ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @param ref,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ int param: @param ref
+ unique int id: @exception,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @callable ref
+ int interfaceid: @classorinterface ref
+ int methodid: @method ref
+ int parentid: @annotation ref,
+ int id2: @method ref,
+ unique int value: @expr ref
+ int classid: @classorinterface ref
+ int fieldid: @field ref
+ unique int id: @typevariable,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @classorinterfaceorcallable ref
+ unique int id: @wildcard,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @typebound,
+ int typeid: @reftype ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @boundedtype ref
+ int argumentid: @reftype ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @classorinterfaceorcallable ref
+ int memberid: @member ref
+ int memberid: @member ref
+#keyset[classid] #keyset[parent]
+ int classid: @classorinterface ref,
+ int parent: @classinstancexpr ref
+#keyset[typeid] #keyset[parent]
+ int typeid: @classorinterface ref,
+ int parent: @localtypedeclstmt ref
+ int constructorid: @constructor ref
+ int exprId: @lambdaexpr ref,
+ int bodyKind: int ref
+ int constructorid: @constructor ref
+ unique int id: @array,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int elementtypeid: @type ref,
+ int dimension: int ref,
+ int componenttypeid: @type ref
+ unique int child: @reftype ref,
+ int parent: @reftype ref
+ int id1: @reftype ref,
+ int id2: @classorinterface ref
+ int id1: @classorarray ref,
+ int id2: @classorinterface ref
+ int id1: @classorinterface ref,
+ int id2: @classorinterface ref
+ int id1: @modifiable ref,
+ int id2: @modifier ref
+ unique int id: @import,
+ int holder: @classorinterfaceorpackage ref,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @stmt,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ int parent: @stmtparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int bodydecl: @callable ref
+@stmtparent = @callable | @stmt | @switchexpr | @whenexpr| @stmtexpr;
+case @stmt.kind of
+ 0 = @block
+| 1 = @ifstmt
+| 2 = @forstmt
+| 3 = @enhancedforstmt
+| 4 = @whilestmt
+| 5 = @dostmt
+| 6 = @trystmt
+| 7 = @switchstmt
+| 8 = @synchronizedstmt
+| 9 = @returnstmt
+| 10 = @throwstmt
+| 11 = @breakstmt
+| 12 = @continuestmt
+| 13 = @emptystmt
+| 14 = @exprstmt
+| 15 = @labeledstmt
+| 16 = @assertstmt
+| 17 = @localvariabledeclstmt
+| 18 = @localtypedeclstmt
+| 19 = @constructorinvocationstmt
+| 20 = @superconstructorinvocationstmt
+| 21 = @case
+| 22 = @catchclause
+| 23 = @yieldstmt
+| 24 = @errorstmt
+| 25 = @whenbranch
+ unique int id: @expr,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parent: @exprparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int callable_id: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int statement_id: @stmt ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int parentheses: int ref
+case @expr.kind of
+ 1 = @arrayaccess
+| 2 = @arraycreationexpr
+| 3 = @arrayinit
+| 4 = @assignexpr
+| 5 = @assignaddexpr
+| 6 = @assignsubexpr
+| 7 = @assignmulexpr
+| 8 = @assigndivexpr
+| 9 = @assignremexpr
+| 10 = @assignandexpr
+| 11 = @assignorexpr
+| 12 = @assignxorexpr
+| 13 = @assignlshiftexpr
+| 14 = @assignrshiftexpr
+| 15 = @assignurshiftexpr
+| 16 = @booleanliteral
+| 17 = @integerliteral
+| 18 = @longliteral
+| 19 = @floatingpointliteral
+| 20 = @doubleliteral
+| 21 = @characterliteral
+| 22 = @stringliteral
+| 23 = @nullliteral
+| 24 = @mulexpr
+| 25 = @divexpr
+| 26 = @remexpr
+| 27 = @addexpr
+| 28 = @subexpr
+| 29 = @lshiftexpr
+| 30 = @rshiftexpr
+| 31 = @urshiftexpr
+| 32 = @andbitexpr
+| 33 = @orbitexpr
+| 34 = @xorbitexpr
+| 35 = @andlogicalexpr
+| 36 = @orlogicalexpr
+| 37 = @ltexpr
+| 38 = @gtexpr
+| 39 = @leexpr
+| 40 = @geexpr
+| 41 = @eqexpr
+| 42 = @neexpr
+| 43 = @postincexpr
+| 44 = @postdecexpr
+| 45 = @preincexpr
+| 46 = @predecexpr
+| 47 = @minusexpr
+| 48 = @plusexpr
+| 49 = @bitnotexpr
+| 50 = @lognotexpr
+| 51 = @castexpr
+| 52 = @newexpr
+| 53 = @conditionalexpr
+| 54 = @parexpr // deprecated
+| 55 = @instanceofexpr
+| 56 = @localvariabledeclexpr
+| 57 = @typeliteral
+| 58 = @thisaccess
+| 59 = @superaccess
+| 60 = @varaccess
+| 61 = @methodaccess
+| 62 = @unannotatedtypeaccess
+| 63 = @arraytypeaccess
+| 64 = @packageaccess
+| 65 = @wildcardtypeaccess
+| 66 = @declannotation
+| 67 = @uniontypeaccess
+| 68 = @lambdaexpr
+| 69 = @memberref
+| 70 = @annotatedtypeaccess
+| 71 = @typeannotation
+| 72 = @intersectiontypeaccess
+| 73 = @switchexpr
+| 74 = @errorexpr
+| 75 = @whenexpr
+| 76 = @getclassexpr
+| 77 = @safecastexpr
+| 78 = @implicitcastexpr
+| 79 = @implicitnotnullexpr
+| 80 = @implicitcoerciontounitexpr
+| 81 = @notinstanceofexpr
+| 82 = @stmtexpr
+| 83 = @stringtemplateexpr
+| 84 = @notnullexpr
+| 85 = @unsafecoerceexpr
+| 86 = @valueeqexpr
+| 87 = @valueneexpr
+| 88 = @propertyref
+| 89 = @recordpatternexpr
+/** Holds if this `when` expression was written as an `if` expression. */
+when_if(unique int id: @whenexpr ref);
+/** Holds if this `when` branch was written as an `else` branch. */
+when_branch_else(unique int id: @whenbranch ref);
+@classinstancexpr = @newexpr | @lambdaexpr | @memberref | @propertyref
+@annotation = @declannotation | @typeannotation
+@typeaccess = @unannotatedtypeaccess | @annotatedtypeaccess
+@assignment = @assignexpr
+ | @assignop;
+@unaryassignment = @postincexpr
+ | @postdecexpr
+ | @preincexpr
+ | @predecexpr;
+@assignop = @assignaddexpr
+ | @assignsubexpr
+ | @assignmulexpr
+ | @assigndivexpr
+ | @assignremexpr
+ | @assignandexpr
+ | @assignorexpr
+ | @assignxorexpr
+ | @assignlshiftexpr
+ | @assignrshiftexpr
+ | @assignurshiftexpr;
+@literal = @booleanliteral
+ | @integerliteral
+ | @longliteral
+ | @floatingpointliteral
+ | @doubleliteral
+ | @characterliteral
+ | @stringliteral
+ | @nullliteral;
+@binaryexpr = @mulexpr
+ | @divexpr
+ | @remexpr
+ | @addexpr
+ | @subexpr
+ | @lshiftexpr
+ | @rshiftexpr
+ | @urshiftexpr
+ | @andbitexpr
+ | @orbitexpr
+ | @xorbitexpr
+ | @andlogicalexpr
+ | @orlogicalexpr
+ | @ltexpr
+ | @gtexpr
+ | @leexpr
+ | @geexpr
+ | @eqexpr
+ | @neexpr
+ | @valueeqexpr
+ | @valueneexpr;
+@unaryexpr = @postincexpr
+ | @postdecexpr
+ | @preincexpr
+ | @predecexpr
+ | @minusexpr
+ | @plusexpr
+ | @bitnotexpr
+ | @lognotexpr
+ | @notnullexpr;
+@caller = @classinstancexpr
+ | @methodaccess
+ | @constructorinvocationstmt
+ | @superconstructorinvocationstmt;
+ unique int callerid: @caller ref,
+ int callee: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int callable: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int getter: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int field: @field ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int setter: @callable ref
+@exprparent = @stmt | @expr | @whenbranch | @callable | @field | @fielddecl | @classorinterface | @param | @localvar | @typevariable;
+ unique int expr: @varaccess ref,
+ int variable: @variable ref
+@variable = @localscopevariable | @field;
+@localscopevariable = @localvar | @param;
+ unique int id: @localvar,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @localvariabledeclexpr ref
+ unique int id: @localvar ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+@namedexprorstmt = @breakstmt
+ | @continuestmt
+ | @labeledstmt
+ | @literal;
+ string name: string ref,
+ string value: string ref,
+ unique int parent: @namedexprorstmt ref
+ * Modules
+ */
+ unique int id: @module,
+ string name: string ref
+ int id: @module ref
+ int fileId: @file ref,
+ int moduleId: @module ref
+@directive = @requires
+ | @exports
+ | @opens
+ | @uses
+ | @provides
+ int id: @module ref,
+ int directive: @directive ref
+ unique int id: @requires,
+ int target: @module ref
+ int id: @requires ref
+ int id: @requires ref
+ unique int id: @exports,
+ int target: @package ref
+ int id: @exports ref,
+ int target: @module ref
+ unique int id: @opens,
+ int target: @package ref
+ int id: @opens ref,
+ int target: @module ref
+ unique int id: @uses,
+ string serviceInterface: string ref
+ unique int id: @provides,
+ string serviceInterface: string ref
+ int id: @provides ref,
+ string serviceImpl: string ref
+ int id: @case ref
+ * Javadoc
+ */
+ unique int id: @javadoc
+ int commentid : @javadoc ref
+ int commentid : @javadoc ref
+ int documentableid: @member ref,
+ int javadocid: @javadoc ref
+ unique int id: @javadocTag,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int parentid: @javadocParent ref,
+ int idx: int ref
+ unique int id: @javadocText,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @javadocParent ref,
+ int idx: int ref
+@javadocParent = @javadoc | @javadocTag;
+@javadocElement = @javadocTag | @javadocText;
+@classorinterfaceorpackage = @classorinterface | @package;
+@classorinterfaceorcallable = @classorinterface | @callable;
+@boundedtype = @typevariable | @wildcard;
+@reftype = @classorinterface | @array | @boundedtype | @errortype;
+@classorarray = @classorinterface | @array;
+@type = @primitive | @reftype;
+@callable = @method | @constructor;
+/** A program element that has a name. */
+@element = @package | @modifier | @annotation | @errortype |
+ @locatableElement;
+@locatableElement = @file | @primitive | @classorinterface | @method | @constructor | @param | @exception | @field |
+ @boundedtype | @array | @localvar | @expr | @stmt | @import | @fielddecl | @kt_type | @kt_type_alias |
+ @kt_property;
+@modifiable = @member_modifiable| @param | @localvar | @typevariable;
+@member_modifiable = @classorinterface | @method | @constructor | @field | @kt_property;
+@member = @method | @constructor | @field | @reftype ;
+/** A program element that has a location. */
+@locatable = @typebound | @javadoc | @javadocTag | @javadocText | @xmllocatable | @ktcomment |
+ @locatableElement;
+@top = @element | @locatable | @folder;
+ * XML Files
+ */
+ unique int id: @file ref,
+ string encoding: string ref
+ unique int id: @xmldtd,
+ string root: string ref,
+ string publicId: string ref,
+ string systemId: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlelement,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlattribute,
+ int elementid: @xmlelement ref,
+ string name: string ref,
+ string value: string ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int id: @xmlnamespace,
+ string prefixName: string ref,
+ string URI: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int elementId: @xmlnamespaceable ref,
+ int nsId: @xmlnamespace ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcomment,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcharacters,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int isCDATA: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+@xmlparent = @file | @xmlelement;
+@xmlnamespaceable = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute;
+ int xmlElement: @xmllocatable ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+@xmllocatable = @xmlcharacters | @xmlelement | @xmlcomment | @xmlattribute | @xmldtd | @file | @xmlnamespace;
+ * configuration files with key value pairs
+ */
+ unique int id: @config
+ unique int id: @configName,
+ int config: @config ref,
+ string name: string ref
+ unique int id: @configValue,
+ int config: @config ref,
+ string value: string ref
+ int locatable: @configLocatable ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+@configLocatable = @config | @configName | @configValue;
+ unique int id: @ktcomment,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ string text : string ref
+ unique int id: @ktcommentsection,
+ int comment: @ktcomment ref,
+ string content : string ref
+ unique int id: @ktcommentsection ref,
+ string name : string ref
+ unique int id: @ktcommentsection ref,
+ string subjectname : string ref
+#keyset[id, owner]
+ int id: @ktcomment ref,
+ int owner: @top ref
+ unique int id: @method ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ int getter: @method ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ int setter: @method ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ int backingField: @field ref
+ unique int id: @callable ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @method ref
+ unique int id: @assignexpr ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ unique int variableId: @variable ref
+ * If `id` is a compiler generated element, then the kind indicates the
+ * reason that the compiler generated it.
+ * See `Element.compilerGeneratedReason()` for an explanation of what
+ * each `kind` means.
+ */
+ unique int id: @element ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @method ref,
+ string name: string ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref
diff --git a/java/downgrades/38d02c063878000356a3e5db49d5a6a8f38efe24/upgrade.properties b/java/downgrades/38d02c063878000356a3e5db49d5a6a8f38efe24/upgrade.properties
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1d437ec8ac6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/downgrades/38d02c063878000356a3e5db49d5a6a8f38efe24/upgrade.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+description: Add databaseMetadata relation
+compatibility: full
+databaseMetadata.rel: delete
diff --git a/java/ql/lib/config/semmlecode.dbscheme b/java/ql/lib/config/semmlecode.dbscheme
index 1fd1afa7862b..38d02c063878 100644
--- a/java/ql/lib/config/semmlecode.dbscheme
+++ b/java/ql/lib/config/semmlecode.dbscheme
@@ -206,6 +206,11 @@ sourceLocationPrefix(
string prefix : string ref
+ string metadataKey : string ref,
+ string value : string ref
diff --git a/java/ql/lib/config/semmlecode.dbscheme.stats b/java/ql/lib/config/semmlecode.dbscheme.stats
index a6b93ae74055..024ba7c8a853 100644
--- a/java/ql/lib/config/semmlecode.dbscheme.stats
+++ b/java/ql/lib/config/semmlecode.dbscheme.stats
@@ -3968,6 +3968,21 @@
+ databaseMetadata
+ 1
+ metadataKey
+ 1
+ value
+ 1
diff --git a/java/ql/lib/upgrades/1fd1afa7862b82955785edd29820054ab6c9ec81/old.dbscheme b/java/ql/lib/upgrades/1fd1afa7862b82955785edd29820054ab6c9ec81/old.dbscheme
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1fd1afa7862b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/ql/lib/upgrades/1fd1afa7862b82955785edd29820054ab6c9ec81/old.dbscheme
@@ -0,0 +1,1227 @@
+ * An invocation of the compiler. Note that more than one file may be
+ * compiled per invocation. For example, this command compiles three
+ * source files:
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ *
+ * The `id` simply identifies the invocation, while `cwd` is the working
+ * directory from which the compiler was invoked.
+ */
+ /**
+ * An invocation of the compiler. Note that more than one file may
+ * be compiled per invocation. For example, this command compiles
+ * three source files:
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ */
+ unique int id : @compilation,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ string cwd : string ref,
+ string name : string ref
+case @compilation.kind of
+ 1 = @javacompilation
+| 2 = @kotlincompilation
+ int id : @compilation ref
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ string info_key: string ref,
+ string info_value: string ref
+ * The arguments that were passed to the extractor for a compiler
+ * invocation. If `id` is for the compiler invocation
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ *
+ * then typically there will be rows for
+ *
+ * num | arg
+ * --- | ---
+ * 0 | *path to extractor*
+ * 1 | `--javac-args`
+ * 2 | A.java
+ * 3 | B.java
+ * 4 | C.java
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ string arg : string ref
+ * The expanded arguments that were passed to the extractor for a
+ * compiler invocation. This is similar to `compilation_args`, but
+ * for a `@@@someFile` argument, it includes the arguments from that
+ * file, rather than just taking the argument literally.
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ string arg : string ref
+ * The source files that are compiled by a compiler invocation.
+ * If `id` is for the compiler invocation
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ *
+ * then there will be rows for
+ *
+ * num | arg
+ * --- | ---
+ * 0 | A.java
+ * 1 | B.java
+ * 2 | C.java
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ int file : @file ref
+ * For each file recorded in `compilation_compiling_files`,
+ * there will be a corresponding row in
+ * `compilation_compiling_files_completed` once extraction
+ * of that file is complete. The `result` will indicate the
+ * extraction result:
+ *
+ * 0: Successfully extracted
+ * 1: Errors were encountered, but extraction recovered
+ * 2: Errors were encountered, and extraction could not recover
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ int result : int ref
+ * The time taken by the extractor for a compiler invocation.
+ *
+ * For each file `num`, there will be rows for
+ *
+ * kind | seconds
+ * ---- | ---
+ * 1 | CPU seconds used by the extractor frontend
+ * 2 | Elapsed seconds during the extractor frontend
+ * 3 | CPU seconds used by the extractor backend
+ * 4 | Elapsed seconds during the extractor backend
+ */
+#keyset[id, num, kind]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ /* kind:
+ 1 = frontend_cpu_seconds
+ 2 = frontend_elapsed_seconds
+ 3 = extractor_cpu_seconds
+ 4 = extractor_elapsed_seconds
+ */
+ int kind : int ref,
+ float seconds : float ref
+ * The `cpu_seconds` and `elapsed_seconds` are the CPU time and elapsed
+ * time (respectively) that the original compilation (not the extraction)
+ * took for compiler invocation `id`.
+ */
+ unique int id : @compilation ref,
+ float cpu_seconds : float ref,
+ float elapsed_seconds : float ref
+ * If extraction was successful, then `cpu_seconds` and
+ * `elapsed_seconds` are the CPU time and elapsed time (respectively)
+ * that extraction took for compiler invocation `id`.
+ * The `result` will indicate the extraction result:
+ *
+ * 0: Successfully extracted
+ * 1: Errors were encountered, but extraction recovered
+ * 2: Errors were encountered, and extraction could not recover
+ */
+ unique int id : @compilation ref,
+ float cpu_seconds : float ref,
+ float elapsed_seconds : float ref,
+ int result : int ref
+ unique int id: @diagnostic,
+ string generated_by: string ref, // TODO: Sync this with the other languages?
+ int severity: int ref,
+ string error_tag: string ref,
+ string error_message: string ref,
+ string full_error_message: string ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+ * An error or warning generated by the extractor.
+ * The diagnostic message `diagnostic` was generated during compiler
+ * invocation `compilation`, and is the `file_number_diagnostic_number`th
+ * message generated while extracting the `file_number`th file of that
+ * invocation.
+ */
+#keyset[compilation, file_number, file_number_diagnostic_number]
+ unique int diagnostic : @diagnostic ref,
+ int compilation : @compilation ref,
+ int file_number : int ref,
+ int file_number_diagnostic_number : int ref
+ * External artifacts
+ */
+ int id : @externalDataElement,
+ string path : string ref,
+ int column: int ref,
+ string value : string ref
+ string prefix : string ref
+ * SMAP
+ */
+ int outputFileId: @file ref,
+ string outputFilename: string ref,
+ string defaultStratum: string ref
+ int outputFileId: @file ref,
+ string stratum: string ref,
+ int inputFileNum: int ref,
+ string inputFileName: string ref,
+ int inputFileId: @file ref
+ int outputFileId: @file ref,
+ string stratum: string ref,
+ int inputFileNum: int ref,
+ int inputStartLine: int ref,
+ int inputLineCount: int ref,
+ int outputStartLine: int ref,
+ int outputLineIncrement: int ref
+ * Locations and files
+ */
+@location = @location_default ;
+ unique int id: @location_default,
+ int file: @file ref,
+ int beginLine: int ref,
+ int beginColumn: int ref,
+ int endLine: int ref,
+ int endColumn: int ref
+ int locatableid: @locatable ref,
+ int id: @location ref
+@sourceline = @locatable ;
+ int element_id: @sourceline ref,
+ int num_lines: int ref,
+ int num_code: int ref,
+ int num_comment: int ref
+ unique int id: @file,
+ string name: string ref
+ unique int id: @folder,
+ string name: string ref
+@container = @folder | @file
+ int parent: @container ref,
+ unique int child: @container ref
+ * Java
+ */
+ unique int id: @file ref,
+ int packageid: @package ref
+ int fileid: @file ref,
+ string keyName: string ref,
+ string value: string ref
+ int fileid: @file ref,
+ string entryName: string ref,
+ string keyName: string ref,
+ string value: string ref
+ unique int id: @package,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ unique int id: @primitive,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ unique int id: @modifier,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ * An errortype is used when the extractor is unable to extract a type
+ * correctly for some reason.
+ */
+ unique int id: @errortype
+ unique int id: @classorinterface,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int parentid: @package ref,
+ int sourceid: @classorinterface ref
+ int id: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref,
+ unique int instance: @field ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref,
+ unique int instance: @field ref,
+ unique int companion_object: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @kt_nullable_type,
+ int classid: @reftype ref
+ unique int id: @kt_notnull_type,
+ int classid: @reftype ref
+ unique int id: @kt_type_alias,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+@kt_type = @kt_nullable_type | @kt_notnull_type
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @fielddecl,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref
+#keyset[fieldId] #keyset[fieldDeclId,pos]
+ int fieldId: @field ref,
+ int fieldDeclId: @fielddecl ref,
+ int pos: int ref
+ unique int id: @field,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref
+ unique int id: @field ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @constructor,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ string signature: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref,
+ int sourceid: @constructor ref
+ unique int id: @constructor ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @method,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ string signature: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref,
+ int sourceid: @method ref
+ unique int id: @method ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @param,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @callable ref,
+ int sourceid: @param ref
+ unique int id: @param ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @param ref,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ int param: @param ref
+ unique int id: @exception,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @callable ref
+ int interfaceid: @classorinterface ref
+ int methodid: @method ref
+ int parentid: @annotation ref,
+ int id2: @method ref,
+ unique int value: @expr ref
+ int classid: @classorinterface ref
+ int fieldid: @field ref
+ unique int id: @typevariable,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @classorinterfaceorcallable ref
+ unique int id: @wildcard,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @typebound,
+ int typeid: @reftype ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @boundedtype ref
+ int argumentid: @reftype ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @classorinterfaceorcallable ref
+ int memberid: @member ref
+ int memberid: @member ref
+#keyset[classid] #keyset[parent]
+ int classid: @classorinterface ref,
+ int parent: @classinstancexpr ref
+#keyset[typeid] #keyset[parent]
+ int typeid: @classorinterface ref,
+ int parent: @localtypedeclstmt ref
+ int constructorid: @constructor ref
+ int exprId: @lambdaexpr ref,
+ int bodyKind: int ref
+ int constructorid: @constructor ref
+ unique int id: @array,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int elementtypeid: @type ref,
+ int dimension: int ref,
+ int componenttypeid: @type ref
+ unique int child: @reftype ref,
+ int parent: @reftype ref
+ int id1: @reftype ref,
+ int id2: @classorinterface ref
+ int id1: @classorarray ref,
+ int id2: @classorinterface ref
+ int id1: @classorinterface ref,
+ int id2: @classorinterface ref
+ int id1: @modifiable ref,
+ int id2: @modifier ref
+ unique int id: @import,
+ int holder: @classorinterfaceorpackage ref,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @stmt,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ int parent: @stmtparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int bodydecl: @callable ref
+@stmtparent = @callable | @stmt | @switchexpr | @whenexpr| @stmtexpr;
+case @stmt.kind of
+ 0 = @block
+| 1 = @ifstmt
+| 2 = @forstmt
+| 3 = @enhancedforstmt
+| 4 = @whilestmt
+| 5 = @dostmt
+| 6 = @trystmt
+| 7 = @switchstmt
+| 8 = @synchronizedstmt
+| 9 = @returnstmt
+| 10 = @throwstmt
+| 11 = @breakstmt
+| 12 = @continuestmt
+| 13 = @emptystmt
+| 14 = @exprstmt
+| 15 = @labeledstmt
+| 16 = @assertstmt
+| 17 = @localvariabledeclstmt
+| 18 = @localtypedeclstmt
+| 19 = @constructorinvocationstmt
+| 20 = @superconstructorinvocationstmt
+| 21 = @case
+| 22 = @catchclause
+| 23 = @yieldstmt
+| 24 = @errorstmt
+| 25 = @whenbranch
+ unique int id: @expr,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parent: @exprparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int callable_id: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int statement_id: @stmt ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int parentheses: int ref
+case @expr.kind of
+ 1 = @arrayaccess
+| 2 = @arraycreationexpr
+| 3 = @arrayinit
+| 4 = @assignexpr
+| 5 = @assignaddexpr
+| 6 = @assignsubexpr
+| 7 = @assignmulexpr
+| 8 = @assigndivexpr
+| 9 = @assignremexpr
+| 10 = @assignandexpr
+| 11 = @assignorexpr
+| 12 = @assignxorexpr
+| 13 = @assignlshiftexpr
+| 14 = @assignrshiftexpr
+| 15 = @assignurshiftexpr
+| 16 = @booleanliteral
+| 17 = @integerliteral
+| 18 = @longliteral
+| 19 = @floatingpointliteral
+| 20 = @doubleliteral
+| 21 = @characterliteral
+| 22 = @stringliteral
+| 23 = @nullliteral
+| 24 = @mulexpr
+| 25 = @divexpr
+| 26 = @remexpr
+| 27 = @addexpr
+| 28 = @subexpr
+| 29 = @lshiftexpr
+| 30 = @rshiftexpr
+| 31 = @urshiftexpr
+| 32 = @andbitexpr
+| 33 = @orbitexpr
+| 34 = @xorbitexpr
+| 35 = @andlogicalexpr
+| 36 = @orlogicalexpr
+| 37 = @ltexpr
+| 38 = @gtexpr
+| 39 = @leexpr
+| 40 = @geexpr
+| 41 = @eqexpr
+| 42 = @neexpr
+| 43 = @postincexpr
+| 44 = @postdecexpr
+| 45 = @preincexpr
+| 46 = @predecexpr
+| 47 = @minusexpr
+| 48 = @plusexpr
+| 49 = @bitnotexpr
+| 50 = @lognotexpr
+| 51 = @castexpr
+| 52 = @newexpr
+| 53 = @conditionalexpr
+| 54 = @parexpr // deprecated
+| 55 = @instanceofexpr
+| 56 = @localvariabledeclexpr
+| 57 = @typeliteral
+| 58 = @thisaccess
+| 59 = @superaccess
+| 60 = @varaccess
+| 61 = @methodaccess
+| 62 = @unannotatedtypeaccess
+| 63 = @arraytypeaccess
+| 64 = @packageaccess
+| 65 = @wildcardtypeaccess
+| 66 = @declannotation
+| 67 = @uniontypeaccess
+| 68 = @lambdaexpr
+| 69 = @memberref
+| 70 = @annotatedtypeaccess
+| 71 = @typeannotation
+| 72 = @intersectiontypeaccess
+| 73 = @switchexpr
+| 74 = @errorexpr
+| 75 = @whenexpr
+| 76 = @getclassexpr
+| 77 = @safecastexpr
+| 78 = @implicitcastexpr
+| 79 = @implicitnotnullexpr
+| 80 = @implicitcoerciontounitexpr
+| 81 = @notinstanceofexpr
+| 82 = @stmtexpr
+| 83 = @stringtemplateexpr
+| 84 = @notnullexpr
+| 85 = @unsafecoerceexpr
+| 86 = @valueeqexpr
+| 87 = @valueneexpr
+| 88 = @propertyref
+| 89 = @recordpatternexpr
+/** Holds if this `when` expression was written as an `if` expression. */
+when_if(unique int id: @whenexpr ref);
+/** Holds if this `when` branch was written as an `else` branch. */
+when_branch_else(unique int id: @whenbranch ref);
+@classinstancexpr = @newexpr | @lambdaexpr | @memberref | @propertyref
+@annotation = @declannotation | @typeannotation
+@typeaccess = @unannotatedtypeaccess | @annotatedtypeaccess
+@assignment = @assignexpr
+ | @assignop;
+@unaryassignment = @postincexpr
+ | @postdecexpr
+ | @preincexpr
+ | @predecexpr;
+@assignop = @assignaddexpr
+ | @assignsubexpr
+ | @assignmulexpr
+ | @assigndivexpr
+ | @assignremexpr
+ | @assignandexpr
+ | @assignorexpr
+ | @assignxorexpr
+ | @assignlshiftexpr
+ | @assignrshiftexpr
+ | @assignurshiftexpr;
+@literal = @booleanliteral
+ | @integerliteral
+ | @longliteral
+ | @floatingpointliteral
+ | @doubleliteral
+ | @characterliteral
+ | @stringliteral
+ | @nullliteral;
+@binaryexpr = @mulexpr
+ | @divexpr
+ | @remexpr
+ | @addexpr
+ | @subexpr
+ | @lshiftexpr
+ | @rshiftexpr
+ | @urshiftexpr
+ | @andbitexpr
+ | @orbitexpr
+ | @xorbitexpr
+ | @andlogicalexpr
+ | @orlogicalexpr
+ | @ltexpr
+ | @gtexpr
+ | @leexpr
+ | @geexpr
+ | @eqexpr
+ | @neexpr
+ | @valueeqexpr
+ | @valueneexpr;
+@unaryexpr = @postincexpr
+ | @postdecexpr
+ | @preincexpr
+ | @predecexpr
+ | @minusexpr
+ | @plusexpr
+ | @bitnotexpr
+ | @lognotexpr
+ | @notnullexpr;
+@caller = @classinstancexpr
+ | @methodaccess
+ | @constructorinvocationstmt
+ | @superconstructorinvocationstmt;
+ unique int callerid: @caller ref,
+ int callee: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int callable: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int getter: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int field: @field ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int setter: @callable ref
+@exprparent = @stmt | @expr | @whenbranch | @callable | @field | @fielddecl | @classorinterface | @param | @localvar | @typevariable;
+ unique int expr: @varaccess ref,
+ int variable: @variable ref
+@variable = @localscopevariable | @field;
+@localscopevariable = @localvar | @param;
+ unique int id: @localvar,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @localvariabledeclexpr ref
+ unique int id: @localvar ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+@namedexprorstmt = @breakstmt
+ | @continuestmt
+ | @labeledstmt
+ | @literal;
+ string name: string ref,
+ string value: string ref,
+ unique int parent: @namedexprorstmt ref
+ * Modules
+ */
+ unique int id: @module,
+ string name: string ref
+ int id: @module ref
+ int fileId: @file ref,
+ int moduleId: @module ref
+@directive = @requires
+ | @exports
+ | @opens
+ | @uses
+ | @provides
+ int id: @module ref,
+ int directive: @directive ref
+ unique int id: @requires,
+ int target: @module ref
+ int id: @requires ref
+ int id: @requires ref
+ unique int id: @exports,
+ int target: @package ref
+ int id: @exports ref,
+ int target: @module ref
+ unique int id: @opens,
+ int target: @package ref
+ int id: @opens ref,
+ int target: @module ref
+ unique int id: @uses,
+ string serviceInterface: string ref
+ unique int id: @provides,
+ string serviceInterface: string ref
+ int id: @provides ref,
+ string serviceImpl: string ref
+ int id: @case ref
+ * Javadoc
+ */
+ unique int id: @javadoc
+ int commentid : @javadoc ref
+ int commentid : @javadoc ref
+ int documentableid: @member ref,
+ int javadocid: @javadoc ref
+ unique int id: @javadocTag,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int parentid: @javadocParent ref,
+ int idx: int ref
+ unique int id: @javadocText,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @javadocParent ref,
+ int idx: int ref
+@javadocParent = @javadoc | @javadocTag;
+@javadocElement = @javadocTag | @javadocText;
+@classorinterfaceorpackage = @classorinterface | @package;
+@classorinterfaceorcallable = @classorinterface | @callable;
+@boundedtype = @typevariable | @wildcard;
+@reftype = @classorinterface | @array | @boundedtype | @errortype;
+@classorarray = @classorinterface | @array;
+@type = @primitive | @reftype;
+@callable = @method | @constructor;
+/** A program element that has a name. */
+@element = @package | @modifier | @annotation | @errortype |
+ @locatableElement;
+@locatableElement = @file | @primitive | @classorinterface | @method | @constructor | @param | @exception | @field |
+ @boundedtype | @array | @localvar | @expr | @stmt | @import | @fielddecl | @kt_type | @kt_type_alias |
+ @kt_property;
+@modifiable = @member_modifiable| @param | @localvar | @typevariable;
+@member_modifiable = @classorinterface | @method | @constructor | @field | @kt_property;
+@member = @method | @constructor | @field | @reftype ;
+/** A program element that has a location. */
+@locatable = @typebound | @javadoc | @javadocTag | @javadocText | @xmllocatable | @ktcomment |
+ @locatableElement;
+@top = @element | @locatable | @folder;
+ * XML Files
+ */
+ unique int id: @file ref,
+ string encoding: string ref
+ unique int id: @xmldtd,
+ string root: string ref,
+ string publicId: string ref,
+ string systemId: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlelement,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlattribute,
+ int elementid: @xmlelement ref,
+ string name: string ref,
+ string value: string ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int id: @xmlnamespace,
+ string prefixName: string ref,
+ string URI: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int elementId: @xmlnamespaceable ref,
+ int nsId: @xmlnamespace ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcomment,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcharacters,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int isCDATA: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+@xmlparent = @file | @xmlelement;
+@xmlnamespaceable = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute;
+ int xmlElement: @xmllocatable ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+@xmllocatable = @xmlcharacters | @xmlelement | @xmlcomment | @xmlattribute | @xmldtd | @file | @xmlnamespace;
+ * configuration files with key value pairs
+ */
+ unique int id: @config
+ unique int id: @configName,
+ int config: @config ref,
+ string name: string ref
+ unique int id: @configValue,
+ int config: @config ref,
+ string value: string ref
+ int locatable: @configLocatable ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+@configLocatable = @config | @configName | @configValue;
+ unique int id: @ktcomment,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ string text : string ref
+ unique int id: @ktcommentsection,
+ int comment: @ktcomment ref,
+ string content : string ref
+ unique int id: @ktcommentsection ref,
+ string name : string ref
+ unique int id: @ktcommentsection ref,
+ string subjectname : string ref
+#keyset[id, owner]
+ int id: @ktcomment ref,
+ int owner: @top ref
+ unique int id: @method ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ int getter: @method ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ int setter: @method ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ int backingField: @field ref
+ unique int id: @callable ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @method ref
+ unique int id: @assignexpr ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ unique int variableId: @variable ref
+ * If `id` is a compiler generated element, then the kind indicates the
+ * reason that the compiler generated it.
+ * See `Element.compilerGeneratedReason()` for an explanation of what
+ * each `kind` means.
+ */
+ unique int id: @element ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @method ref,
+ string name: string ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref
diff --git a/java/ql/lib/upgrades/1fd1afa7862b82955785edd29820054ab6c9ec81/semmlecode.dbscheme b/java/ql/lib/upgrades/1fd1afa7862b82955785edd29820054ab6c9ec81/semmlecode.dbscheme
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..38d02c063878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/ql/lib/upgrades/1fd1afa7862b82955785edd29820054ab6c9ec81/semmlecode.dbscheme
@@ -0,0 +1,1232 @@
+ * An invocation of the compiler. Note that more than one file may be
+ * compiled per invocation. For example, this command compiles three
+ * source files:
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ *
+ * The `id` simply identifies the invocation, while `cwd` is the working
+ * directory from which the compiler was invoked.
+ */
+ /**
+ * An invocation of the compiler. Note that more than one file may
+ * be compiled per invocation. For example, this command compiles
+ * three source files:
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ */
+ unique int id : @compilation,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ string cwd : string ref,
+ string name : string ref
+case @compilation.kind of
+ 1 = @javacompilation
+| 2 = @kotlincompilation
+ int id : @compilation ref
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ string info_key: string ref,
+ string info_value: string ref
+ * The arguments that were passed to the extractor for a compiler
+ * invocation. If `id` is for the compiler invocation
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ *
+ * then typically there will be rows for
+ *
+ * num | arg
+ * --- | ---
+ * 0 | *path to extractor*
+ * 1 | `--javac-args`
+ * 2 | A.java
+ * 3 | B.java
+ * 4 | C.java
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ string arg : string ref
+ * The expanded arguments that were passed to the extractor for a
+ * compiler invocation. This is similar to `compilation_args`, but
+ * for a `@@@someFile` argument, it includes the arguments from that
+ * file, rather than just taking the argument literally.
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ string arg : string ref
+ * The source files that are compiled by a compiler invocation.
+ * If `id` is for the compiler invocation
+ *
+ * javac A.java B.java C.java
+ *
+ * then there will be rows for
+ *
+ * num | arg
+ * --- | ---
+ * 0 | A.java
+ * 1 | B.java
+ * 2 | C.java
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ int file : @file ref
+ * For each file recorded in `compilation_compiling_files`,
+ * there will be a corresponding row in
+ * `compilation_compiling_files_completed` once extraction
+ * of that file is complete. The `result` will indicate the
+ * extraction result:
+ *
+ * 0: Successfully extracted
+ * 1: Errors were encountered, but extraction recovered
+ * 2: Errors were encountered, and extraction could not recover
+ */
+#keyset[id, num]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ int result : int ref
+ * The time taken by the extractor for a compiler invocation.
+ *
+ * For each file `num`, there will be rows for
+ *
+ * kind | seconds
+ * ---- | ---
+ * 1 | CPU seconds used by the extractor frontend
+ * 2 | Elapsed seconds during the extractor frontend
+ * 3 | CPU seconds used by the extractor backend
+ * 4 | Elapsed seconds during the extractor backend
+ */
+#keyset[id, num, kind]
+ int id : @compilation ref,
+ int num : int ref,
+ /* kind:
+ 1 = frontend_cpu_seconds
+ 2 = frontend_elapsed_seconds
+ 3 = extractor_cpu_seconds
+ 4 = extractor_elapsed_seconds
+ */
+ int kind : int ref,
+ float seconds : float ref
+ * The `cpu_seconds` and `elapsed_seconds` are the CPU time and elapsed
+ * time (respectively) that the original compilation (not the extraction)
+ * took for compiler invocation `id`.
+ */
+ unique int id : @compilation ref,
+ float cpu_seconds : float ref,
+ float elapsed_seconds : float ref
+ * If extraction was successful, then `cpu_seconds` and
+ * `elapsed_seconds` are the CPU time and elapsed time (respectively)
+ * that extraction took for compiler invocation `id`.
+ * The `result` will indicate the extraction result:
+ *
+ * 0: Successfully extracted
+ * 1: Errors were encountered, but extraction recovered
+ * 2: Errors were encountered, and extraction could not recover
+ */
+ unique int id : @compilation ref,
+ float cpu_seconds : float ref,
+ float elapsed_seconds : float ref,
+ int result : int ref
+ unique int id: @diagnostic,
+ string generated_by: string ref, // TODO: Sync this with the other languages?
+ int severity: int ref,
+ string error_tag: string ref,
+ string error_message: string ref,
+ string full_error_message: string ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+ * An error or warning generated by the extractor.
+ * The diagnostic message `diagnostic` was generated during compiler
+ * invocation `compilation`, and is the `file_number_diagnostic_number`th
+ * message generated while extracting the `file_number`th file of that
+ * invocation.
+ */
+#keyset[compilation, file_number, file_number_diagnostic_number]
+ unique int diagnostic : @diagnostic ref,
+ int compilation : @compilation ref,
+ int file_number : int ref,
+ int file_number_diagnostic_number : int ref
+ * External artifacts
+ */
+ int id : @externalDataElement,
+ string path : string ref,
+ int column: int ref,
+ string value : string ref
+ string prefix : string ref
+ string metadataKey : string ref,
+ string value : string ref
+ * SMAP
+ */
+ int outputFileId: @file ref,
+ string outputFilename: string ref,
+ string defaultStratum: string ref
+ int outputFileId: @file ref,
+ string stratum: string ref,
+ int inputFileNum: int ref,
+ string inputFileName: string ref,
+ int inputFileId: @file ref
+ int outputFileId: @file ref,
+ string stratum: string ref,
+ int inputFileNum: int ref,
+ int inputStartLine: int ref,
+ int inputLineCount: int ref,
+ int outputStartLine: int ref,
+ int outputLineIncrement: int ref
+ * Locations and files
+ */
+@location = @location_default ;
+ unique int id: @location_default,
+ int file: @file ref,
+ int beginLine: int ref,
+ int beginColumn: int ref,
+ int endLine: int ref,
+ int endColumn: int ref
+ int locatableid: @locatable ref,
+ int id: @location ref
+@sourceline = @locatable ;
+ int element_id: @sourceline ref,
+ int num_lines: int ref,
+ int num_code: int ref,
+ int num_comment: int ref
+ unique int id: @file,
+ string name: string ref
+ unique int id: @folder,
+ string name: string ref
+@container = @folder | @file
+ int parent: @container ref,
+ unique int child: @container ref
+ * Java
+ */
+ unique int id: @file ref,
+ int packageid: @package ref
+ int fileid: @file ref,
+ string keyName: string ref,
+ string value: string ref
+ int fileid: @file ref,
+ string entryName: string ref,
+ string keyName: string ref,
+ string value: string ref
+ unique int id: @package,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ unique int id: @primitive,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ unique int id: @modifier,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ * An errortype is used when the extractor is unable to extract a type
+ * correctly for some reason.
+ */
+ unique int id: @errortype
+ unique int id: @classorinterface,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int parentid: @package ref,
+ int sourceid: @classorinterface ref
+ int id: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref,
+ unique int instance: @field ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref,
+ unique int instance: @field ref,
+ unique int companion_object: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @kt_nullable_type,
+ int classid: @reftype ref
+ unique int id: @kt_notnull_type,
+ int classid: @reftype ref
+ unique int id: @kt_type_alias,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+@kt_type = @kt_nullable_type | @kt_notnull_type
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref
+ unique int id: @fielddecl,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref
+#keyset[fieldId] #keyset[fieldDeclId,pos]
+ int fieldId: @field ref,
+ int fieldDeclId: @fielddecl ref,
+ int pos: int ref
+ unique int id: @field,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref
+ unique int id: @field ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @constructor,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ string signature: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref,
+ int sourceid: @constructor ref
+ unique int id: @constructor ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @method,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ string signature: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @reftype ref,
+ int sourceid: @method ref
+ unique int id: @method ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @param,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @callable ref,
+ int sourceid: @param ref
+ unique int id: @param ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @param ref,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ int param: @param ref
+ unique int id: @exception,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @callable ref
+ int interfaceid: @classorinterface ref
+ int methodid: @method ref
+ int parentid: @annotation ref,
+ int id2: @method ref,
+ unique int value: @expr ref
+ int classid: @classorinterface ref
+ int fieldid: @field ref
+ unique int id: @typevariable,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @classorinterfaceorcallable ref
+ unique int id: @wildcard,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @typebound,
+ int typeid: @reftype ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @boundedtype ref
+ int argumentid: @reftype ref,
+ int pos: int ref,
+ int parentid: @classorinterfaceorcallable ref
+ int memberid: @member ref
+ int memberid: @member ref
+#keyset[classid] #keyset[parent]
+ int classid: @classorinterface ref,
+ int parent: @classinstancexpr ref
+#keyset[typeid] #keyset[parent]
+ int typeid: @classorinterface ref,
+ int parent: @localtypedeclstmt ref
+ int constructorid: @constructor ref
+ int exprId: @lambdaexpr ref,
+ int bodyKind: int ref
+ int constructorid: @constructor ref
+ unique int id: @array,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int elementtypeid: @type ref,
+ int dimension: int ref,
+ int componenttypeid: @type ref
+ unique int child: @reftype ref,
+ int parent: @reftype ref
+ int id1: @reftype ref,
+ int id2: @classorinterface ref
+ int id1: @classorarray ref,
+ int id2: @classorinterface ref
+ int id1: @classorinterface ref,
+ int id2: @classorinterface ref
+ int id1: @modifiable ref,
+ int id2: @modifier ref
+ unique int id: @import,
+ int holder: @classorinterfaceorpackage ref,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @stmt,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ int parent: @stmtparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int bodydecl: @callable ref
+@stmtparent = @callable | @stmt | @switchexpr | @whenexpr| @stmtexpr;
+case @stmt.kind of
+ 0 = @block
+| 1 = @ifstmt
+| 2 = @forstmt
+| 3 = @enhancedforstmt
+| 4 = @whilestmt
+| 5 = @dostmt
+| 6 = @trystmt
+| 7 = @switchstmt
+| 8 = @synchronizedstmt
+| 9 = @returnstmt
+| 10 = @throwstmt
+| 11 = @breakstmt
+| 12 = @continuestmt
+| 13 = @emptystmt
+| 14 = @exprstmt
+| 15 = @labeledstmt
+| 16 = @assertstmt
+| 17 = @localvariabledeclstmt
+| 18 = @localtypedeclstmt
+| 19 = @constructorinvocationstmt
+| 20 = @superconstructorinvocationstmt
+| 21 = @case
+| 22 = @catchclause
+| 23 = @yieldstmt
+| 24 = @errorstmt
+| 25 = @whenbranch
+ unique int id: @expr,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parent: @exprparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int callable_id: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int statement_id: @stmt ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int parentheses: int ref
+case @expr.kind of
+ 1 = @arrayaccess
+| 2 = @arraycreationexpr
+| 3 = @arrayinit
+| 4 = @assignexpr
+| 5 = @assignaddexpr
+| 6 = @assignsubexpr
+| 7 = @assignmulexpr
+| 8 = @assigndivexpr
+| 9 = @assignremexpr
+| 10 = @assignandexpr
+| 11 = @assignorexpr
+| 12 = @assignxorexpr
+| 13 = @assignlshiftexpr
+| 14 = @assignrshiftexpr
+| 15 = @assignurshiftexpr
+| 16 = @booleanliteral
+| 17 = @integerliteral
+| 18 = @longliteral
+| 19 = @floatingpointliteral
+| 20 = @doubleliteral
+| 21 = @characterliteral
+| 22 = @stringliteral
+| 23 = @nullliteral
+| 24 = @mulexpr
+| 25 = @divexpr
+| 26 = @remexpr
+| 27 = @addexpr
+| 28 = @subexpr
+| 29 = @lshiftexpr
+| 30 = @rshiftexpr
+| 31 = @urshiftexpr
+| 32 = @andbitexpr
+| 33 = @orbitexpr
+| 34 = @xorbitexpr
+| 35 = @andlogicalexpr
+| 36 = @orlogicalexpr
+| 37 = @ltexpr
+| 38 = @gtexpr
+| 39 = @leexpr
+| 40 = @geexpr
+| 41 = @eqexpr
+| 42 = @neexpr
+| 43 = @postincexpr
+| 44 = @postdecexpr
+| 45 = @preincexpr
+| 46 = @predecexpr
+| 47 = @minusexpr
+| 48 = @plusexpr
+| 49 = @bitnotexpr
+| 50 = @lognotexpr
+| 51 = @castexpr
+| 52 = @newexpr
+| 53 = @conditionalexpr
+| 54 = @parexpr // deprecated
+| 55 = @instanceofexpr
+| 56 = @localvariabledeclexpr
+| 57 = @typeliteral
+| 58 = @thisaccess
+| 59 = @superaccess
+| 60 = @varaccess
+| 61 = @methodaccess
+| 62 = @unannotatedtypeaccess
+| 63 = @arraytypeaccess
+| 64 = @packageaccess
+| 65 = @wildcardtypeaccess
+| 66 = @declannotation
+| 67 = @uniontypeaccess
+| 68 = @lambdaexpr
+| 69 = @memberref
+| 70 = @annotatedtypeaccess
+| 71 = @typeannotation
+| 72 = @intersectiontypeaccess
+| 73 = @switchexpr
+| 74 = @errorexpr
+| 75 = @whenexpr
+| 76 = @getclassexpr
+| 77 = @safecastexpr
+| 78 = @implicitcastexpr
+| 79 = @implicitnotnullexpr
+| 80 = @implicitcoerciontounitexpr
+| 81 = @notinstanceofexpr
+| 82 = @stmtexpr
+| 83 = @stringtemplateexpr
+| 84 = @notnullexpr
+| 85 = @unsafecoerceexpr
+| 86 = @valueeqexpr
+| 87 = @valueneexpr
+| 88 = @propertyref
+| 89 = @recordpatternexpr
+/** Holds if this `when` expression was written as an `if` expression. */
+when_if(unique int id: @whenexpr ref);
+/** Holds if this `when` branch was written as an `else` branch. */
+when_branch_else(unique int id: @whenbranch ref);
+@classinstancexpr = @newexpr | @lambdaexpr | @memberref | @propertyref
+@annotation = @declannotation | @typeannotation
+@typeaccess = @unannotatedtypeaccess | @annotatedtypeaccess
+@assignment = @assignexpr
+ | @assignop;
+@unaryassignment = @postincexpr
+ | @postdecexpr
+ | @preincexpr
+ | @predecexpr;
+@assignop = @assignaddexpr
+ | @assignsubexpr
+ | @assignmulexpr
+ | @assigndivexpr
+ | @assignremexpr
+ | @assignandexpr
+ | @assignorexpr
+ | @assignxorexpr
+ | @assignlshiftexpr
+ | @assignrshiftexpr
+ | @assignurshiftexpr;
+@literal = @booleanliteral
+ | @integerliteral
+ | @longliteral
+ | @floatingpointliteral
+ | @doubleliteral
+ | @characterliteral
+ | @stringliteral
+ | @nullliteral;
+@binaryexpr = @mulexpr
+ | @divexpr
+ | @remexpr
+ | @addexpr
+ | @subexpr
+ | @lshiftexpr
+ | @rshiftexpr
+ | @urshiftexpr
+ | @andbitexpr
+ | @orbitexpr
+ | @xorbitexpr
+ | @andlogicalexpr
+ | @orlogicalexpr
+ | @ltexpr
+ | @gtexpr
+ | @leexpr
+ | @geexpr
+ | @eqexpr
+ | @neexpr
+ | @valueeqexpr
+ | @valueneexpr;
+@unaryexpr = @postincexpr
+ | @postdecexpr
+ | @preincexpr
+ | @predecexpr
+ | @minusexpr
+ | @plusexpr
+ | @bitnotexpr
+ | @lognotexpr
+ | @notnullexpr;
+@caller = @classinstancexpr
+ | @methodaccess
+ | @constructorinvocationstmt
+ | @superconstructorinvocationstmt;
+ unique int callerid: @caller ref,
+ int callee: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int callable: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int getter: @callable ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int field: @field ref
+ unique int id: @expr ref,
+ int setter: @callable ref
+@exprparent = @stmt | @expr | @whenbranch | @callable | @field | @fielddecl | @classorinterface | @param | @localvar | @typevariable;
+ unique int expr: @varaccess ref,
+ int variable: @variable ref
+@variable = @localscopevariable | @field;
+@localscopevariable = @localvar | @param;
+ unique int id: @localvar,
+ string nodeName: string ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int parentid: @localvariabledeclexpr ref
+ unique int id: @localvar ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+@namedexprorstmt = @breakstmt
+ | @continuestmt
+ | @labeledstmt
+ | @literal;
+ string name: string ref,
+ string value: string ref,
+ unique int parent: @namedexprorstmt ref
+ * Modules
+ */
+ unique int id: @module,
+ string name: string ref
+ int id: @module ref
+ int fileId: @file ref,
+ int moduleId: @module ref
+@directive = @requires
+ | @exports
+ | @opens
+ | @uses
+ | @provides
+ int id: @module ref,
+ int directive: @directive ref
+ unique int id: @requires,
+ int target: @module ref
+ int id: @requires ref
+ int id: @requires ref
+ unique int id: @exports,
+ int target: @package ref
+ int id: @exports ref,
+ int target: @module ref
+ unique int id: @opens,
+ int target: @package ref
+ int id: @opens ref,
+ int target: @module ref
+ unique int id: @uses,
+ string serviceInterface: string ref
+ unique int id: @provides,
+ string serviceInterface: string ref
+ int id: @provides ref,
+ string serviceImpl: string ref
+ int id: @case ref
+ * Javadoc
+ */
+ unique int id: @javadoc
+ int commentid : @javadoc ref
+ int commentid : @javadoc ref
+ int documentableid: @member ref,
+ int javadocid: @javadoc ref
+ unique int id: @javadocTag,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int parentid: @javadocParent ref,
+ int idx: int ref
+ unique int id: @javadocText,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @javadocParent ref,
+ int idx: int ref
+@javadocParent = @javadoc | @javadocTag;
+@javadocElement = @javadocTag | @javadocText;
+@classorinterfaceorpackage = @classorinterface | @package;
+@classorinterfaceorcallable = @classorinterface | @callable;
+@boundedtype = @typevariable | @wildcard;
+@reftype = @classorinterface | @array | @boundedtype | @errortype;
+@classorarray = @classorinterface | @array;
+@type = @primitive | @reftype;
+@callable = @method | @constructor;
+/** A program element that has a name. */
+@element = @package | @modifier | @annotation | @errortype |
+ @locatableElement;
+@locatableElement = @file | @primitive | @classorinterface | @method | @constructor | @param | @exception | @field |
+ @boundedtype | @array | @localvar | @expr | @stmt | @import | @fielddecl | @kt_type | @kt_type_alias |
+ @kt_property;
+@modifiable = @member_modifiable| @param | @localvar | @typevariable;
+@member_modifiable = @classorinterface | @method | @constructor | @field | @kt_property;
+@member = @method | @constructor | @field | @reftype ;
+/** A program element that has a location. */
+@locatable = @typebound | @javadoc | @javadocTag | @javadocText | @xmllocatable | @ktcomment |
+ @locatableElement;
+@top = @element | @locatable | @folder;
+ * XML Files
+ */
+ unique int id: @file ref,
+ string encoding: string ref
+ unique int id: @xmldtd,
+ string root: string ref,
+ string publicId: string ref,
+ string systemId: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlelement,
+ string name: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlattribute,
+ int elementid: @xmlelement ref,
+ string name: string ref,
+ string value: string ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int id: @xmlnamespace,
+ string prefixName: string ref,
+ string URI: string ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ int elementId: @xmlnamespaceable ref,
+ int nsId: @xmlnamespace ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcomment,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+ unique int id: @xmlcharacters,
+ string text: string ref,
+ int parentid: @xmlparent ref,
+ int idx: int ref,
+ int isCDATA: int ref,
+ int fileid: @file ref
+@xmlparent = @file | @xmlelement;
+@xmlnamespaceable = @xmlelement | @xmlattribute;
+ int xmlElement: @xmllocatable ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+@xmllocatable = @xmlcharacters | @xmlelement | @xmlcomment | @xmlattribute | @xmldtd | @file | @xmlnamespace;
+ * configuration files with key value pairs
+ */
+ unique int id: @config
+ unique int id: @configName,
+ int config: @config ref,
+ string name: string ref
+ unique int id: @configValue,
+ int config: @config ref,
+ string value: string ref
+ int locatable: @configLocatable ref,
+ int location: @location_default ref
+@configLocatable = @config | @configName | @configValue;
+ unique int id: @ktcomment,
+ int kind: int ref,
+ string text : string ref
+ unique int id: @ktcommentsection,
+ int comment: @ktcomment ref,
+ string content : string ref
+ unique int id: @ktcommentsection ref,
+ string name : string ref
+ unique int id: @ktcommentsection ref,
+ string subjectname : string ref
+#keyset[id, owner]
+ int id: @ktcomment ref,
+ int owner: @top ref
+ unique int id: @method ref,
+ int typeid: @type ref,
+ int kttypeid: @kt_type ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property,
+ string nodeName: string ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ int getter: @method ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ int setter: @method ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ int backingField: @field ref
+ unique int id: @callable ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @method ref
+ unique int id: @assignexpr ref
+ unique int id: @kt_property ref,
+ unique int variableId: @variable ref
+ * If `id` is a compiler generated element, then the kind indicates the
+ * reason that the compiler generated it.
+ * See `Element.compilerGeneratedReason()` for an explanation of what
+ * each `kind` means.
+ */
+ unique int id: @element ref,
+ int kind: int ref
+ unique int id: @method ref,
+ string name: string ref
+ unique int id: @classorinterface ref
diff --git a/java/ql/lib/upgrades/1fd1afa7862b82955785edd29820054ab6c9ec81/upgrade.properties b/java/ql/lib/upgrades/1fd1afa7862b82955785edd29820054ab6c9ec81/upgrade.properties
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9b83871fb9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/ql/lib/upgrades/1fd1afa7862b82955785edd29820054ab6c9ec81/upgrade.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+description: Add databaseMetadata relation
+compatibility: full