- #2160: Selects with a title option throw an error in the render function
- #1710: When listening for keydown event on .bs-searchbox, ensure it is a child of .bootstrap-select
- #1943: Option dropdownAlignRight auto doesn't work
- #2034: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
- #2082: button vertical alignment
- #2105: Dynamically added picker causes resize JS error
- #2118: Memory leak: getPlacement resize & scroll
- #2140: data-hidden broken in v1.13.0
- #2151: This plugins broken when the version of IE below 10
- #2125: add styleBase option to documentation
- #767, #1876, #2026: Improve/expand liveSearchNormalize
- #2120, #2121, #2152 - replace JSHint with ESLint (clean up code)
- #1910: Amharic locale
- #1926: Latvian locale
- #1425: Don't render checkMark (tickIcon) if showTick is false or the select is not multiple
- #1828: Select not working on mobile
- #2045: 'auto' width not working
- #2086: Cannot read property 'display' of undefined
- #2092: Cannot read property 'className' of undefined
- #2101: Extra tick mark when using livesearch in Bootstrap 4
- #1999: selected styling removed from previous option in a multiselect
- #2024: Arrow down key doesn't scroll the view to the top when virtualScroll is disabled
- #2027: data-max-options="1" not removing selected class
- #2029: LiveSearch and "Select All" selects too many options
- #2033: Dividers broken on bootstrap 4
- #2035: Selectbox with live search throwing error when UP/DOWN key is pressed
- #2038: Select / Deselect All buttons are modifying disabled options
- #2044: When data-container is set, first click resets scroll position
- #2045: 'auto' width not working
- #2047: Optgroup labels are escaped
- #2058: Menu hight is not properly calculated when using data-size and styling the options' height
- #2079: Subtext is difficult to read on active options
- #1972: add option to manually specify Bootstrap's version
- #2036: Add support for Bootstrap dropdown's display property added in v4.1.0
- #2076: HTML content in the subtext get escaped in 1.13.0
- #2073: Error retrieving Bootstrap version
- #2073: Bower description is too long
- #2071: noneSelectedText not working
- #2060: form control sizing classes not working
- fix sass variable syntax
- #2062: popper error when bootstrap-select is in a navbar
- #1913:
causing formatting errors on MacOS - #2061: unnecessary caret code with Bootstrap 4
- #2065: .empty() method is not working
- #2063: New-lines in options cause formatting issues with title attribute (if multiple options selected)
- #2064: Purely numeric
breaks live search - #2066: Button padding when using data-width="fit" is incorrect
- #2067: input group addons not displaying properly
- #2077: selectAll performance in Edge is abysmal
- #2074: show-menu-arrow not displaying properly
- #2068: Bootstrap 4 validation pseudo classes not being applied properly when new options are appended dynamically
- #2070: popover-title is not popover-header in Bootstrap 4
- #2075: liveSearch with data-content not working
- #2072: Button text breaks to the next line when using form-control as styleBase (Bootstrap 4)
- #2069: Placeholder text is unreadable on darker buttons (btn-primary, btn-success, etc.)
- #1691: XSS vulnerability in option title
- #1404, #1697: changed.bs.select now passes through previousValue as the third parameter (instead of the previous value of the option, which was redundant). This is the value of the select prior to being changed.
- update jQuery range to make v1.9.1 the minimum (and exclude version 4)
- #1034: Issue with long option inside input-group
- #1135: Support Bootstrap 4 (via auto-detection)
- virtualization is now optional via
. Can be set to false, true, or an integer to only use virtualization if the select has more than the specified number of options. Defaults to 600. - update docs to support MkDocs v0.17.0
- #1303: val() method doesn't fire changed.bs.select
- #1383: Croatian locale is not cro_CRO. Renamed to hr_HR
- #1395: title option position not correct when adding options dynamically
- #1398: trigger setSize on refresh event
- #1674: Fix li tags inside option being treated as options
- #1692: Live Search Box Not Cleared After Selection
- #710: focus on selectpicker triggers focus on actual select, allowing for event listeners
- #1110: 'active' class is only applied when liveSearch is on
- #1229: Large lists and virtualization
- #1687: Improve init performance
- #1286: Event creation throws illegal constructor error on stock Android Browser < 5.0
- #1764: Bootstrap-select steals focus on form.checkValidity
- #1529: add selectAllText and deselectAllText to translation files (used Google Translate)
- #1604: Keydown improvements
- #1630: htmlEscape inline style
- #1631: Livesearch performance
- Add/update various translations
- #1563: key word searching broken in #1516.
- #1570: properly adjust size when inside form-group-sm or form-group-lg
- #1590: menu height calculated improperly when using liveSearch and input has custom height
- #1220: unescape button title
- #1348: escape HTML for optgroup label
- #1506: Fix bs-placeholder usage for jQuery>=3.0
- #1509: inline style Content Security Policy
- #1477: using liveSearchNormalize and liveSearchStyle="startsWith" simultaneously breaks search
- #1489 fix selectOnTab with liveSearch enabled which was broken when #1489 was fixed
- #1533: remove touchstart event listener (issues with FastClick)
- remove destroyLi function - improve refresh() performance
- #1531: add Spanish (Spain) translations
- #1553: don't use replace in normalizeToBase if text is undefined (throws error otherwise)
- #1503: Add windowPadding option (either a number or an array of numbers - [top, right, bottom, left])
- #1516: Improve liveSearch performance (addresses #1275)
- #1440: allow HTML in placeholder title for non-multiple selects
- #1555: Use default with SCSS variables
- fix sourceMappingURL in bootstrap-select.min.js
- #1475: fix Cannot read property 'apply' of null error
- #1484: Change events fire twice on IE8
- #1489: hide.bs.select and hidden.bs.select events not fired when "Esc" key pressed with live search enabled
- #1291: don't trigger change event if selecting an option that passes the limit
- #1284: check if all options are already selected/deselected before triggering changed/changed.bs.select
- #1245, #1310: With livesearch, when keypress, focus to search field isn't working with some characters
- #1257: fix issue with Norwegian translation
- #1346: fix edge case where default values are not respected when initializing the plugin
- #1338: improve support for disabled optgroups and hidden options
- #1373: prevent selectAll and deselectAll from being called on standard select boxes
- #1363: if hideDisabled is enabled, and all options in an optgroup are disabled, the optgroup is still visible
- #1422: fix menu position inside a scrolling container
- #1451: fix select with input-group-addon on both sides
- #1465: changed.bs.select not firing for native mobile menu
#1459: jQuery 3 support -
$.expr[':'] -> $ .expr.pseudos
- #1139: add placeholder styling via
class - #1290: auto close the menu if maxOptions is set to 1 (instead of leaving open)
- #1127, #1016, #1160, #1269: add 'auto' option for dropdownAlignRight
- 58ed408: support using a string for maxOptionsText
- #541: ARIA - Accessibility
- #1268: performance bug in clickListener
- #1273: html5 validation message disappears in Chrome 47+
- #1295: hide select by default (so there is no flash of unstyled content)
- #950: add
method to allow menu to be open/closed programmatically - #1272: add showTick option
- #1284: selectAll and deselectAll now trigger the
Add Lithuanian translations.
- #1250: don't destroy original select when using
method - #1230: Optgroup label missing when first option is disabled and
is true
Add new translations.
- Fix #1235 - issue with selects that had