This folder contains a docker composition which can simulate an actual GeoNetwork 4 instance to be used for testing and development on GeoNetwork-UI.
The instance is already prepared with a few sample records and offers a reproducible development and testing environment.
$ docker compose up -d
On the first run, the database will be populated with the settings and sample records.
A quicker startup can be obtained by only targeting the init
$ docker compose up init -d
To clear the volumes and let the database repopulate itself from scratch, run:
$ docker compose down -v
By default, the version of GeoNetwork used as a backend is 4.2.2. You can specify another version like so:
$ GEONETWORK_VERSION=4.2.5 docker compose up -d
GeoNetwork can be accessed on http://localhost:8080/geonetwork.
Kibana can be used to inspect the ElasticSearch index and experiment with requests; it is accessible on http://localhost:5601.
Running the following command will extract the current state of the database and store it as the new initial state:
$ docker compose exec database pg_dump -U geonetwork -d geonetwork -Fp > docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump.sql
Please keep in mind that the initial state of the database should be as lightweight as possible and that changing it might break integration tests relying on it.