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File metadata and controls

68 lines (63 loc) · 3.47 KB

Packages files list generator.

The package files list generator provides a snapshot of system by producing a group of 26 files which describe the system. These lists can be very useful, for example: Reporting bugs, discussing installed packages, maintenance , freeing space on your hard drive, backing up, restoring or migrating system etc. This is created by program function "pkglistFunc". The "pkglistFunc" is called at various places in program see (REF1) marker in

Index Contents Filename
1 All .pacnew and .pacsave files on system pacNewSaveFiles.txt
2 All installed packages pkgQ.txt
3 All native packages pkgQn.txt
4 All explicitly installed packages pkgQe.txt
5 All explicitly installed native packages that are not direct or optional dependencies pkgQent.txt
6 All foreign installed packages pkgQm.txt
7 All foreign explicitly installed packages pkgQme.txt
8 All packages not required as dependencies (orphans) pkgOpn.txt
9 All modified by user system backup files pkgSysBck.txt
10 All packages installed as dependencies pkgQd.txt
11 All explicitly installed native packages, quiet output for system restore pkgQqne.txt
12 All packages that are optional dependencies and not installed explicitly pkgOptDep.txt
13 All explicitly installed pkgs not in meta pkg base nor pkg group xorg with size and description pkgNonBase.txt
14 All explicitly installed pkgs not direct or optional dependencies not in meta pkg base nor pkg group xorg with size & desc pkgexpNonBase.txt
15 All installed packages sorted by size pkgSize.txt
16 All installed packages sorted by last install/update date pkgDate.txt
17 All installed groups pkgGroups.txt
18 All packages in repository core pkgCore.txt
19 All packages in repository extra pkgExtra.txt
21 All packages in repository multilib pkgMulib.txt
22 All installed packages sorted by original install date pkginstall.txt
23 All development/unstable packages(cvs svn git hg bzr darcs) pkgdevel.txt
24 All flatpak packages installed pkgFlatpak.txt
25 All foreign packages not in the AUR pkgFNotAUR.txt
26 System packages information summary pkginfo.txt

Commands used by index number in table.

  1. find / -path /run/media -prune -o -path /mnt -prune -o -regextype posix-extended -regex ".+.pac(new|save)"
    -fprint pacNewSaveFiles.txt -exec echo -n "." ; 2> /dev/null
  2. pacman -Q
  3. pacman -Qn
  4. pacman -Qe
  5. pacman -Qent
  6. pacman -Qm
  7. pacman -Qme
  8. pacman -Qtdq
  9. pacman -Qii | awk '/^MODIFIED/ {print $2}'
  10. pacman -Qd
  11. pacman -Qqne
  12. comm -13 <(pacman -Qdtq | sort) <(pacman -Qdttq | sort)
  13. expac -H M "%011m\t%-20n\t%10d" $(comm -23 <(pacman -Qqen | sort) <({ pacman -Qqg xorg; expac -l '\n' '%E' base; } | sort -u))
  14. expac -H M "%011m\t%-20n\t%10d" $(comm -23 <(pacman -Qqent | sort) <({ pacman -Qqg xorg; expac -l '\n' '%E' base; } | sort -u))
  15. expac -H M '%m\t%n' | sort -hr
  16. expac --timefmt='%Y-%m-%d %T' '%l\t%n' | sort -hr
  17. expac -g '%G' | sort -u
  18. paclist core
  19. paclist extra
  20. paclist multilib
  21. sed -n "/ installed "x" /{s/].*/]/p;q}" /var/log/pacman.log NOTE: "x" = array containing pacman -Qq
  22. pacman -Qq | awk '/^.+(-cvs|-svn|-git|-hg|-bzr|-darcs)$/'
  23. flatpak list
  24. Multiple commands uses Auracle and connects to the internet.
  25. wc -l ./*.txt | head -n -1 | sort