diff --git a/src/main/java/org/hid4java/jna/DarwinHidApiLibrary.java b/src/main/java/org/hid4java/jna/DarwinHidApiLibrary.java
index 7998fc1..9c0d078 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/hid4java/jna/DarwinHidApiLibrary.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/hid4java/jna/DarwinHidApiLibrary.java
@@ -1,24 +1,168 @@
package org.hid4java.jna;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
+import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.WString;
-public interface DarwinHidApiLibrary extends HidrawHidApiLibrary {
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
+import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
- DarwinHidApiLibrary INSTANCE = Native.load("hidapi", DarwinHidApiLibrary.class);
+ * This class provides a management layer for thread-sensitive operations within the HIDAPI library on macOS. Due to
+ * threading constraints in the underlying native library, certain functions must be called from the same thread. This
+ * includes {@code hid_init()} and {@code hid_exit()}, which must be invoked on a consistent thread to avoid runtime
+ * failures. See hidapi #666
+ *
+ * Additionally, certain functions such as {@code hid_open()}, {@code hid_enumerate()}, and {@code hid_open_path()} may
+ * implicitly call {@code hid_init()} if it has not been previously called. To prevent potential crashes due to these
+ * implicit calls, these functions are also managed in the same way.
+ *
+ * This class utilizes a single-thread executor to wrap the thread-sensitive calls onto a single thread. Despite using
+ * an executor, the operations are executed in a blocking manner, ensuring they complete before returning.
+ */
+public class DarwinHidApiLibrary implements HidApiLibrary {
+ // WARNING: This is NOT a JNA interface, but rather a wrapped instance
+ public static HidApiLibrary INSTANCE = new DarwinHidApiLibrary();
+ private static final RealDarwinHidApiLibrary REAL_INSTANCE = Native.load("hidapi", RealDarwinHidApiLibrary.class);
+ private static final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
- /**
- * Changes the behavior of all further calls to {@link #hid_open(short, short, WString)} or {@link #hid_open_path(String)}.
- *
- * All devices opened by HIDAPI with {@link #hid_open(short, short, WString)} or {@link #hid_open_path(String)}
- * are opened in exclusive mode per default.
- *
- * Calling this function before {@link #hid_init()} or after {@link #hid_exit()} has no effect.
- *
- * @since hidapi 0.12.0
- * @param openExclusive When set to 0 - all further devices will be opened in non-exclusive mode.
- * Otherwise - all further devices will be opened in exclusive mode.
- */
- void hid_darwin_set_open_exclusive(int openExclusive);
+ private interface RealDarwinHidApiLibrary extends HidrawHidApiLibrary {
+ /**
+ * Changes the behavior of all further calls to {@link #hid_open(short, short, WString)} or {@link #hid_open_path(String)}.
+ *
+ * All devices opened by HIDAPI with {@link #hid_open(short, short, WString)} or {@link #hid_open_path(String)}
+ * are opened in exclusive mode per default.
+ *
+ * Calling this function before {@link #hid_init()} or after {@link #hid_exit()} has no effect.
+ *
+ * @since hidapi 0.12.0
+ * @param openExclusive When set to 0 - all further devices will be opened in non-exclusive mode.
+ * Otherwise - all further devices will be opened in exclusive mode.
+ */
+ void hid_darwin_set_open_exclusive(int openExclusive);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void hid_init() {
+ try {
+ executor.submit(REAL_INSTANCE::hid_init).get();
+ } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void hid_exit() {
+ try {
+ executor.submit(REAL_INSTANCE::hid_exit).get();
+ } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Pointer hid_open(short vendor_id, short product_id, WString serial_number) {
+ try {
+ return executor.submit(() -> REAL_INSTANCE.hid_open(vendor_id, product_id, serial_number)).get();
+ } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void hid_close(Pointer device) {
+ REAL_INSTANCE.hid_close(device);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Pointer hid_error(Pointer device) {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_error(device);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hid_read(Pointer device, WideStringBuffer.ByReference bytes, int length) {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_read(device, bytes, length);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hid_read_timeout(Pointer device, WideStringBuffer.ByReference bytes, int length, int timeout) {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_read_timeout(device, bytes, length, timeout);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hid_write(Pointer device, WideStringBuffer.ByReference data, int len) {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_write(device, data, len);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hid_get_feature_report(Pointer device, WideStringBuffer.ByReference data, int length) {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_get_feature_report(device, data, length);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hid_send_feature_report(Pointer device, WideStringBuffer.ByReference data, int length) {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_send_feature_report(device, data, length);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hid_get_indexed_string(Pointer device, int idx, WideStringBuffer.ByReference string, int len) {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_get_indexed_string(device, idx, string, len);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hid_get_report_descriptor(Pointer device, byte[] buffer, int size) {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_get_report_descriptor(device, buffer, size);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hid_get_manufacturer_string(Pointer device, WideStringBuffer.ByReference str, int len) {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_get_manufacturer_string(device, str, len);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hid_get_product_string(Pointer device, WideStringBuffer.ByReference str, int len) {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_get_product_string(device, str, len);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hid_get_serial_number_string(Pointer device, WideStringBuffer.ByReference str, int len) {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_get_serial_number_string(device, str, len);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int hid_set_nonblocking(Pointer device, int nonblock) {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_set_nonblocking(device, nonblock);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public HidDeviceInfoStructure hid_enumerate(short vendor_id, short product_id) {
+ try {
+ return executor.submit(() -> REAL_INSTANCE.hid_enumerate(vendor_id, product_id)).get();
+ } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void hid_free_enumeration(Pointer devs) {
+ REAL_INSTANCE.hid_free_enumeration(devs);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public Pointer hid_open_path(String path) {
+ try {
+ return executor.submit(() -> REAL_INSTANCE.hid_open_path(path)).get();
+ } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public String hid_version_str() {
+ return REAL_INSTANCE.hid_version_str();
+ }
+ public void hid_darwin_set_open_exclusive(int openExclusive) {
+ REAL_INSTANCE.hid_darwin_set_open_exclusive(openExclusive);
+ }