1.0.4 (2020-05-28)
- remove .github workflows when building on netlify (6f813d0)
1.0.3 (2020-05-28)
- resolve cookie consent banner flickering (34c462e)
1.0.2 (2020-05-25)
1.0.1 (2020-05-25)
- add changelog content for v1.0.0 (04c7bdf)
- adapt preview for the new content type (c19b6d6)
- add article description to meta tag (253ff81)
- add category content type prefixes (6ba6d6a)
- add category content type prefixes (9ae2973)
- add env variables at runtime for preview (90aba33)
- add eol after the URL env variable (518d077)
- add missing seo component import (77a6335)
- add public instead of build as publish folder for netlify (e168093)
- check if articles are available (17c263c)
- fix cookie consent at build time (5b05d94)
- some margin issues after using normalize (b5b65f5)
- add 404 page (47e36c4)
- add 404 page (4f83fd9)
- add breadcrumb for the new content type and remove categories without articles (50f24e3)
- add click outside for search (7b5d280)
- add cookie consent banner (1ff161a)
- add cookie consent banner (f30ef29)
- add google analytics (8294604)
- add google analytics (aef0455)
- add new styles for the article template (4e518fc)
- add preview page (e683629)
- add seo with react-helmet for all pages (2adbfe7)
- add sitemap.xml file generation (053d3d5)
- add sitemap.xml for all pages (4c55ad0)
- article page (8c65089)
- category articles static page (3954fc0)
- create homepage (32601a8)
- create styles for the category articles page (2df56ad)
- create the homepage (320dfdf)
- fetch from new content type (e267fab)
- fetch new content type + breadcrumb (7c5bb22)
- full search and design adjustments (80b7132)
- implement seo for pages (1f76eed)
- only render categories with articles (f01c1ce)
- pull content from contentful and finish css (cf0409d)
- static search using flexsearch (636cfe5)