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132 lines (85 loc) · 3.11 KB

File metadata and controls

132 lines (85 loc) · 3.11 KB

Alternative talk name - "Easy solutions to the website obesity crisis"

Your web pages are too big

  • Hello, who I am
  • slides on github, link at end, will also tweet link


  • The Guardian is 1.7 MB (or 0.6MB with primed cache)
  • BBC news is 0.8 MB (or 117kb with primed cache)
  • Django docs is 52kb (or 27kb with primed cache)

why should you care?


  • you've got a fast internet connection
  • works fine for me

why should you care?

  • african universities often have expensive, slow, poorly managed connections (IT staff)
  • anyone here given up loading a web page on a train because it took too long to load
  • snappy websites have better retention of users

Types of poor connection

different types

  • speed - TODO: lookup values - mobile ...

  • latency - near, far, satellite, buffer queues

  • dropped packets - 1% or 2% and things start getting bad - timeout, resend

  • TODO: measure conference netstat -s | grep retransmit ... 1253853 segments send out 6598 segments retransmited ...

why should you care?

easy win - let me show you

Gzip compression on server

SSL vuln ? (BEAST and BREACH)

mod page speed

  • available for both apache and nginx
  • does more than just compression - one stop shop
  • combine and minify js and css
  • resize images and remove metadata
  • and more

Mention SPDY? Less TCP connections


The best way to get quicker is to not do anything, so Allow your clients to cache etag - allow client to ask "Has this changed?" use jquery from CDN, so it might already be in their cache, and will load quicker

HTML minification

Example - you've written nicely formatted templates with if, for loops ... -> spaced out HTML

Show example from BBC News website

  • django-htmlmin
    • gave us 10-20% reduction on HTML (and still after gzip)
    • young and a bit buggy tbh
    • and only comes on when DEBUG=False - so if you get weird bugs in production ...
    • can be used outside django
  • htmlmin
    • also young but looks like it's more efficient
    • not as much django integration

TODO: show django snippets

CSS/JS minification

TODO: more detailed instructions?

  • all give option of using external tools (mostly node.js/java based)
  • some have built in options

jquery -> jquip

  • core jquip is 6.6 kB
  • If you do need full-fat jQuery, use a CDN, and specify the full version number

bootstrap CSS

TODO: image "only take what you need"

show screen - load in tab before session starts


resizing in browser - more bandwidth and more battery mention easy_thumbnails sprites - one image means one request - python lib called glue for working with them font image trick for icons - alpha, resize, colour ...


Tools for testing

demo with loband simulator? demo with tc TODO: what sites to show?

Examples of low bandwidth sites

Show in browser - log out, show firebug net tab, yslow TODO: what sites to show? bbc news, django docs


Thank you

TODO: Add: aptivate and twitter logo