Hamish Downer @hgd20
- less developed countries
- mobile internet
- reduce bandwidth on usage server side
- overloaded wifi ...
- slow
- slow
- latency
- slow
- latency
- dropped packets
- less developed countries
- mobile internet
- reduce bandwidth usage on server side
- overloaded wifi ...
- and it's an easy win
- apache - mod_deflate
- nginx - HttpGzipModule
- Django - GZipMiddleware
- mod_pagespeed from Google
The best work is no work
- ConditionalGetMiddleware: etag, last-modified
- django-htmlmin
- htmlmin
- django-pipeline
- django-compressor
- webassets
- "90% of the functionality, 10% of the size"
- https://github.com/mythz/jquip
- don't hit "download", go to "customize" and download just what you need
- At the least, do your image resizing on the server
- easy-thumbnails will do this for you
- https://github.com/samastur/image-diet
- PIL is great, but images are really not optimised
- if you're using easy-thumbnails, it just works (tm)
- saves 1/3 to 1/2 of file size while not visibly different
- Firebug net tab, Yslow
- Loband Simulator
- Mac: Network Link Conditioner (GUI), ipfw/dummynet
- Linux:
scripts - Windows: Fiddler, TMNetSim, Network Emulation in Visual Studio, Charles Proxy and others
- http://www.aptivate.org/
- http://www.3ieimpact.org/
- http://www.inasp.info/
- http://jrnls.cup.org/ (compare with http://journals.cambridge.org/ )
I am Hamish Downer, @hgd20 on twitter, work at Aptivate.