title: OOD Rules
data-transition-duration: 500
css: talk.css
OOD = Object Oriented Design
Hamish Downer / hgd20 / foobacca / aptivate.org
assert len (class ) <= 100
assert len (method ) <= 5
assert len (class ) <= 100
assert len (method ) <= 5
assert len (method .params ) <= 4
assert len (class ) <= 100
assert len (method ) <= 5
assert len (method .params ) <= 4
class Meta :
# you must persuade your pair
# if you want to break a rule
"duration" : 8 ,
"durationtype" : " day" ,
"finishmoment" : " 09/22/2015 17:00:00 GMT" ,
"id" : " grid_0_33" ,
"kids" : [],
"label" : " Dalek" ,
"nature" : " period" ,
"startmoment" : " 09/17/2015 09:00:00 GMT" ,
"type" : 26
def get_blank_activity (self ):
return {
'nature' : None ,
'type' : None ,
'verbose_type' : 'empty' ,
def add_period (self , period ):
# ...
for halfday in xhalfdays (start_day , end_day ):
self .days [halfday ] = {
'nature' : 'period' ,
'type' : period ['type' ],
'verbose_type' : self .period_legend .get (period ['type' ]),
'label' : period .get ('label' ),
def add_symbol (self , symbol ):
# ...
for halfday in xhalfdays_for_day (day ):
self .days [halfday ] = {
'nature' : 'symbol' ,
'type' : symbol ['type' ],
'verbose_type' : self .symbol_legend .get (symbol ['type' ]),
'label' : self .symbol_legend .get (symbol ['type' ]),
class Activity (object ):
def __init__ (self , ** kwargs ):
self .extra_init (** kwargs )
def extra_init (self ):
# to be overridden by child classes
def __unicode__ (self ):
return "{} - {}/{} - {}" .format (
self .nature ,
self .activity_type ,
self .verbose_type ,
self .label
class EmptyActivity (Activity ):
def extra_init (self ):
self .nature = 'empty'
self .activity_type = 0
self .verbose_type = 'empty'
self .label = 'empty'
def __unicode__ (self ):
return "empty"
class PeriodActivity (Activity ):
def extra_init (self , activity_type , verbose_type , label = None ):
self .nature = 'period'
self .activity_type = activity_type
self .verbose_type = verbose_type
if label :
self .label = label
else :
self .label = verbose_type
class SymbolActivity (Activity ):
def extra_init (self , activity_type , verbose_type ):
self .nature = 'symbol'
self .activity_type = activity_type
self .verbose_type = verbose_type
self .label = verbose_type
def __unicode__ (self ):
return "{} - {}/{}" .format (
self .nature ,
self .activity_type ,
self .verbose_type ,
def add_period (self , period ):
# ...
for halfday in xhalfdays (start_day , end_day ):
self .days [halfday ] = PeriodActivity (
activity_type = period ['type' ],
verbose_type = self .period_legend .get (period ['type' ]),
label = period .get ('label' )
def add_symbol (self , symbol ):
# ...
for halfday in xhalfdays_for_day (day ):
self .days [halfday ] = SymbolActivity (
activity_type = symbol ['type' ],
verbose_type = self .symbol_legend .get (symbol ['type' ])
Composition instead of Inheritance
UpdateView ancestry
Open for extension
Closed for modification
super() vs extra_init()
class Activity (object ):
def __init__ (self , ** kwargs ):
# ...
class PeriodActivity (Activity ):
def __init__ (self , ** kwargs ):
super (SymbolActivity , self ).__init__ (** kwargs )
# ...
super() vs extra_init()
super() vs extra_init()
class Activity (object ):
def __init__ (self , ** kwargs ):
# ...
self .extra_init (** kwargs )
def extra_init (self , ** kwargs ):
class PeriodActivity (Activity ):
def extra_init (self , ** kwargs ):
# ...
def halfday_str (day , am_pm ):
return day .isoformat () + '-' + am_pm
def xhalfdays (start , end ):
""" generator: takes two datetimes, and produces strings like:
Note it should skip weekends
start_am_pm = 'am' if start .hour < 12 else 'pm'
end_am_pm = 'am' if end .hour < 14 else 'pm'
day = start .date ()
end_day = end .date ()
one_day = timedelta (days = 1 )
# def xhalfdays(start, end): # continued
if start_am_pm == 'pm' :
if is_weekday (day ):
yield halfday_str (day , 'pm' )
day += one_day
while day < end_day :
if is_weekday (day ):
yield halfday_str (day , 'am' )
yield halfday_str (day , 'pm' )
day += one_day
if day == end_day and is_weekday (day ):
yield halfday_str (day , 'am' )
if end_am_pm == 'pm' :
yield halfday_str (day , 'pm' )
class HalfDay (object ):
def __init__ (self , day , am_pm ):
self .day = day
self .am_pm = am_pm
def increment (self ):
if self .pm :
return HalfDay (self .day + self .one_day , self .AM )
else :
return HalfDay (self .day , self .PM )
def increment_weekday (self ):
halfday = self .increment ()
while not halfday .is_weekday ():
halfday = halfday .increment ()
return halfday
def __lt__ (self , other ):
return (
self .day < other .day or (
self .day == other .day and
self .am and other .pm
def is_weekday (self ):
def __unicode__ (self ):
class HalfDayRange (object ):
def __init__ (self , start , end ):
self .start_half_day = self .from_start_date (start )
self .end_half_day = self .from_end_date (end )
def from_start_date (self , date_time ):
am_pm = 'am' if date_time .hour < 12 else 'pm'
halfday = HalfDay (date_time .date (), am_pm )
if not halfday .is_weekday ():
halfday = halfday .increment_weekday ()
return halfday
def from_end_date (self , date_time ):
am_pm = 'am' if date_time .hour < 14 else 'pm'
return HalfDay (date_time .date (), am_pm )
def xhalfdays (self ):
half_day = self .start_half_day
while half_day <= self .end_half_day :
yield unicode (half_day )
half_day = half_day .increment_weekday ()
A little duplication is better than the wrong abstraction
Think about objects in terms of messages and message passing
assert len (class ) <= 100
assert len (method ) <= 5
assert len (method .params ) <= 4
class Meta :
# you must persuade your pair
# if you want to break a rule
Hamish Downer / hgd20 / foobacca / aptivate.org