Feel free to contribute to the project. It is hosted on Github. Clone the repository and open a pull request.
There is a Vagrant box included in this repo to help development of the plugin.
The box contains Django, Postgres and Elasticsearch.
To work with the box simply run:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
create a virtualenv and install the requirements in tests/testproject/requirements.txt
You can access a WebGUI for elasticsearch here: http://localhost:9200/_plugin/head/
The plugin uses Tox for testing under different Python versions.
To manually run the tests, activate a virtual env, go to the directory /vagrant/tests
and run ./testproject/manage.py test
The app uses the Europarl ACL WMT 2013 test set.
There is a Django management command that can import the reference SGML data and create Django models from it.
vagrant@precise64:/vagrant/tests/testproject$ ./manage.py import_sgm --delete ../../test
The option --delete
causes the import to delete any existing data.
The only argument is the path to the test
directory containing the SGML files.
The ACL WMT 2013 test set is included as Django-fixture.
PEP-8 with a line length of 100.
If you have the Editorconfig Plugin installed, your IDE is automatically going to enforce the correct style.