Aptivate and Consensus
- Hello
- HD been around for ages, JH pretty new to Aptivate
"everyone agrees" - of course they don't most of the time.
Range from:
- all enthusiastic support
- no one raising "critical concerns"
- political statement:
- No one is more qualified than you to decide what your life will be.
- Consensus decision making is based on the idea that people should have full control over their lives and that power should be shared by all rather than concentrated in the hands of a few.
- participation is a core value
- engagement, build relationships, can't just ignore anyone
- everyone owns the decisions -> buy in,
- better decisions
Used to be run by 4 directors, 2 left, bit of a crisis, decided to involve everyone
- full consensus
- consent
- optimal consent vs completion consent
- "critical concern"
- delegation
- ask permission vs ask forgiveness
- autonomy
- last 2 - fail fast, feedback as discussion not blame
- get together in London
- econsensus
local maxima unless supergroups ?!
delegated authority
tacit agreement to know what to bring to MMM
- decisions that will take a lot of our resources
- decisions with high risk
- decisions that really affect everyone
sociocracy - we circle around it but haven't embraced all their practices
model of "proposals"
tendency to question (geeks) - "culture of criticism"
pushed back, come back when proposal improved, proposer gets discouraged/busy/... -> reluctant to propose, what are the limits of what could be proposed (guidelines to test waters, build support, go though WG ...?)
potential to only focus on problems
forgotten - focus, importance, priority changes
still experimenting, learning, growing
asking forgiveness vs asking permission
sociocracy - we don't really do it, but circle around it ...
model of bringing proposals needs support as size of org grows
feedback loops - does decision need to come to the MMM