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"max_flow_rate": "Maximalt flöde", - "min_flow_rate": "Minimalt flöde", - "max_expected_power": "Maximal förväntad effekt", - "min_expected_power": "Minimal förväntad effekt", - "watt_threshold": "Tröskelvärde för kiloprefix", - "display_zero_lines": "Vising av inaktiva linjer", - "clickable_entities": "Klickbara entiteter", - "disable_dots": "Avaktivera punkter", - "use_new_flow_rate_model": "Ny flödesmodell", - "use_metadata": "Använd metadata", - "mode": "Läge", - "show": "Visa", - "hide": "Dölj", - "custom": "Anpassad", - "grey_out": "Utgråad", - "transparency": "Transparens", - "grey_color": "Grå färg" + "card": { + "label": { + "car": "Bil", + "motorbike": "Motorcykel" } + }, + "editor": { + "entity_generator": "Generator", + "combined": "Sammansatt entitet (en entitet med postitiva och negativa värden)", + "separated": "Separata entiteter (en entitet för konsumtion och en för produktion)", + "custom_colors": "Anpassade färger", + "secondary_info": "Sekundär information", + "power_outage": "Strömavbrott", + "grid": "Nät", + "solar": "Sol", + "battery": "Batteri", + "fossil_fuel_percentage": "Fossilt bränsle", + "home": "Hem", + "individual": "Individuell", + "accept_negative": "Acceptera negativa värden", + "advanced": "Avancerade inställningar", + "decimals": "Decimaler", + "consumption": "Konsumtion", + "production": "Produktion", + "color_icon": "Ikonfärg", + "color_circle": "Cirkelfärg", + "color_value": "Färg på värde", + "color_state_of_charge_value": "Färg", + "display_zero": "Visa vid nollvärde", + "display_zero_tolerance": "Tolerans för nollvärde", + "display_state": "Visningsläge", + "display_zero_state": "Visning vid noll", + "invert_state": "Invertera status", + "template": "Mall", + "unit_of_measurement": "Enhet", + "unit_white_space": "Mellanrum före enhet", + "label_alert": "Varningsetikett", + "icon_alert": "Varningsikon", + "state_alert": "Status vid strömavbrott", + "state_of_charge": "Laddningsnivå", + "state_of_charge_unit_white_space": "Mellanrum före enhet", + "state_of_charge_unit": "Enhet", + "state_of_charge_decimals": "Decimaler", + "state_of_charge_icon": "Ikon", + "show_state_of_charge": "Visa laddningsnivå", + "state_type": "Statustyp", + "subtract_individual": "Individuell avräkning", + "override_state": "Använd entitetsvärde", + "calculate_flow_rate": "Beräkna flöde", + "inverted_animation": "Reversera animation", + "show_direction": "Visa riktning", + "circle_animation": "Cirkelanimation", + "color": "Färg", + "dashboard_link": "Länk till kontrollpanel", + "dashboard_link_label": "Länknamn till kontrollpanel", + "w_decimals": "Decimaler watt", + "kw_decimals": "Decimaler kilowatt", + "max_flow_rate": "Maximalt flöde", + "min_flow_rate": "Minimalt flöde", + "max_expected_power": "Maximal förväntad effekt", + "min_expected_power": "Minimal förväntad effekt", + "watt_threshold": "Tröskelvärde för kiloprefix", + "display_zero_lines": "Vising av inaktiva linjer", + "clickable_entities": "Klickbara entiteter", + "disable_dots": "Avaktivera punkter", + "use_new_flow_rate_model": "Ny flödesmodell", + "use_metadata": "Använd metadata", + "mode": "Läge", + "show": "Visa", + "hide": "Dölj", + "custom": "Anpassad", + "grey_out": "Utgråad", + "transparency": "Transparens", + "grey_color": "Grå färg" + } } diff --git a/src/power-flow-card-plus-config.ts b/src/power-flow-card-plus-config.ts index 8bbcf33..5d132f8 100644 --- a/src/power-flow-card-plus-config.ts +++ b/src/power-flow-card-plus-config.ts @@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ interface Home extends BaseConfigEntity { color_value?: boolean | "solar" | "grid" | "battery"; subtract_individual?: boolean; secondary_info?: SecondaryInfoType; + circle_animation?: boolean; } interface FossilFuelPercentage extends BaseConfigEntity { diff --git a/src/style.ts b/src/style.ts index 94ea436..2b44fa6 100644 --- a/src/style.ts +++ b/src/style.ts @@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ export const styles = css` --text-grid-return-color: var(--energy-grid-return-color); --text-battery-in-color: var(--energy-battery-in-color); --text-battery-out-color: var(--energy-battery-out-color); + --home-circle-animation: rotate-in 0.6s ease-in; } ha-card { @@ -461,7 +462,7 @@ export const styles = css` color: var(--icon-home-color); } .circle svg circle { - animation: rotate-in 0.6s ease-in; + animation: var(--home-circle-animation); transition: stroke-dashoffset 0.4s, stroke-dasharray 0.4s; fill: none; } diff --git a/src/style/all.ts b/src/style/all.ts index 98df42d..5252621 100644 --- a/src/style/all.ts +++ b/src/style/all.ts @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ import { PowerFlowCardPlus } from "../power-flow-card-plus"; +import { ConfigEntities } from "../power-flow-card-plus-config"; import { IndividualObject } from "../states/raw/individual/getIndividualObject"; import { IndividualDeviceType } from "../type"; import { convertColorListToHex } from "../utils/convertColor"; @@ -6,6 +7,7 @@ import { computeColor } from "./colors"; interface AllDynamicStyles { individual: IndividualObject[]; + entities: ConfigEntities; [key: string]: any; } @@ -183,6 +185,9 @@ export const allDynamicStyles = ( main.style.setProperty("--icon-home-color", computeColor(entities.home?.color_icon, homeSources, homeLargestSource)); main.style.setProperty("--text-home-color", computeColor(entities.home?.color_value, homeSources, homeLargestSource)); + // --home-circle-animation + if (entities.home?.circle_animation === false) main.style.setProperty("--home-circle-animation", "none"); + // Battery-Grid line main.style.setProperty( "--battery-grid-line", @@ -248,7 +253,7 @@ export const allDynamicStyles = ( let individualIndex = 0; individual.forEach((_, index) => { if (!individual[index].has) return; - getStylesForIndividual(entities.individual[index], individualIndex); + getStylesForIndividual(entities!.individual![index], individualIndex); individualIndex++; }); } diff --git a/src/ui-editor/schema/_schema-base.ts b/src/ui-editor/schema/_schema-base.ts index 599ef4d..c13c1c8 100644 --- a/src/ui-editor/schema/_schema-base.ts +++ b/src/ui-editor/schema/_schema-base.ts @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ export const secondaryInfoSchema = [ { name: "unit_of_measurement", label: "Unit of Measurement", selector: { text: {} } }, { name: "decimals", label: "Decimals", selector: { number: { mode: "box", min: 0, max: 10, step: 1 } } }, { name: "color_value", label: "Color Value", selector: { boolean: {} } }, - { name: "unit_white_space", label: "Unit White Space", selector: { boolean: {} } }, + { name: "unit_white_space", label: "Unit White Space", default: true, selector: { boolean: {} } }, { name: "display_zero", label: "Display Zero", selector: { boolean: {} } }, { name: "accept_negative", label: "Accept Negative", selector: { boolean: {} } }, { name: "display_zero_tolerance", label: "Display Zero Tolerance", selector: { number: { mode: "box", min: 0, max: 1000000, step: 0.1 } } }, diff --git a/src/ui-editor/schema/battery.ts b/src/ui-editor/schema/battery.ts index dc0fe67..8b9d1b8 100644 --- a/src/ui-editor/schema/battery.ts +++ b/src/ui-editor/schema/battery.ts @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ const stateOfChargeSchema = [ { name: "state_of_charge_unit_white_space", label: "Unit White Space", + default: true, selector: { boolean: {} }, }, { diff --git a/src/ui-editor/schema/fossil_fuel_percentage.ts b/src/ui-editor/schema/fossil_fuel_percentage.ts index 477dc68..3b44ab0 100644 --- a/src/ui-editor/schema/fossil_fuel_percentage.ts +++ b/src/ui-editor/schema/fossil_fuel_percentage.ts @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ const mainSchema = { { name: "unit_white_space", label: "Unit White Space", + default: true, selector: { boolean: {} }, }, { diff --git a/src/ui-editor/schema/home.ts b/src/ui-editor/schema/home.ts index d1ba572..d5dc9c6 100644 --- a/src/ui-editor/schema/home.ts +++ b/src/ui-editor/schema/home.ts @@ -38,6 +38,12 @@ const mainSchema = { }, }, }, + { + name: "circle_animation", + label: "Circle Animation", + default: true, + selector: { boolean: {} }, + }, { name: "subtract_individual", label: "Subtract Individual", diff --git a/src/ui-editor/schema/individual.ts b/src/ui-editor/schema/individual.ts index 49e8a70..0664f50 100644 --- a/src/ui-editor/schema/individual.ts +++ b/src/ui-editor/schema/individual.ts @@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ const mainSchema = { { name: "unit_white_space", label: "Unit White Space", + default: true, selector: { boolean: {} }, }, {