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Introductory Haskell, bobkonf'17

These are the course materials for

Based on earlier tutorials with Andres Löh, Alexander Ulrich.

Getting things running

  • open Main.hs from this repository in an editor (e.g., vim).
  • open a terminal window and enter ghci Main.hs.
  • try this:
*Main> hellobobkonf
seems like you're all set!

Basic data types

> 42
> 2.3
> "foo"
> 'x'
> True
> False
> (42, "foo")

Basic Syntax

-- A function named 'f' with one parameter
greet you = "hey, " ++ you
double x = x * 2

-- A function named 'g' with two parameters
mul x y = x * y
greetWith greeting you = greeting ++ ", " ++ you
-- Function application is syntactically lightweight.
> mul 42 (double 23)

More forms of expressions:

-- let-bindings
> let x = 5 in x + 42

-- conditionals
> if x == 5 then [42] else []

-- lambda expression
> \x y -> x + y

The last one is an anonymous function or lambda expression. Functions are first-class values - regular values that you can pass around like any other.

Inductive list definition, list construction examples

Lists are an important data structure in Haskell (as in most other functional languages).

Lists are defined inductively. You might know the schema from various Lisp or ML dialects.

-- The empty list
> []

-- Construct a new list from a value (head) and a list (tail): cons
> 2 : []

-- Constructing lists with more elements
> 1 : (2 : [])

-- Without parentheses
> 1 : 2 : []

-- Syntactic sugar for list construction
> [1, 2, 3]
> 42 : [1, 2, 3]
> [42, 19] ++ [1, 2, 3]

Syntax [e_1, ..., e_n] is transformed into an equivalent expression using the cons (:) operator.

Functions on lists

list length

Deconstruct the list according to its inductive definition by pattern matching. A list is either empty or a cons combination of a value and some other list. Treat the cases separately!

length []        = 0
length (hd : tl) = 1 + length tl
length [1..3]           ==
length (1 : 2 : 3 : []) ==
1 + length (2 : 3 : []) ==
1 + 1 + length (3 : []) ==
1 + 1 + 1 + length ([]) ==
1 + 1 + 1 + 0           ==
  • Two equations, two cases for the underlying data type: case-wise function definition. Very common pattern for function definitions
  • A recursive call deals with the tail of the list (if necessary)
  • boolean or: short-cut evaluation
  • In Haskell, all bindings are mutually recursive by default

list membership

-- Any value is certainly not an element of the empty list
elem x [] = False

-- Check wether the head value equals 'x' or if 'x' occurs
-- in the tail of the list.
elem x (y : ys) = x == y || elem x ys
> elem 5 [6, 9, 42]
> elem 9 [6, 9, 42]

Truth values

Truth values are just a data type with two constructors:

> True
> False

Define boolean functions by pattern-matching on those constructors. We define our own version of boolean that behaves exactly like the Haskell one. The or-operator is present in the standard library, but we define our own version.

Haskell allows to define our own infix operators.

True  || y = True
False || y = y
> True  || False
> False || False

Side note: An infix operator can be used as a regular function:

> (||) True False

Additionally, any function with two arguments can be used as an infix operator by enclosing it in backticks.

> 5 `elem` [1, 2, 3, 5]

Lazy Evaluation

Short-cut behaviour of boolean operators is not a special hack in Haskell.

Lazy evaluation: function arguments are evaluated only when they are actually required. Usually, required means that they are matched on.

-- A special value that raises an exception when it is evaluated
> undefined

-- Only need to evaluate the first argument to True to give the result
> True || undefined

-- Need to evaluate the second argument.
> False || undefined

Lazy evaluation is neat:

> let allIntegers = [1..]
-- Show evaluation status of binding. Thunks are marked with an underscore
> :print allIntegers
> :t take
> take 10 allIntegers
> :print allIntegers
> :t sum
> sum (take 10 allIntegers)
> sum allIntegers

We can work with non-terminating computations:

ones = 1 : twos

twos = 2 : ones

Type Inference

Haskell is a strong and statically typed language. The compiler checks if every expression is type-correct.

But: We have not seen any type signatures so far. How is this consistent with static typing?

Answer: The compiler can infer the type of an expression from the types of its sub-expressions. Type inference


not True  = False
not False = True

From the code, we can conclude that:

  • It's a function (it has an argument)
  • It takes a truth value
  • It produces a truth value
not :: Bool -> Bool

The compiler checks wether we have given a correct type for the function.

We can also ask the compiler for the type of some expression or function:

> :t not
> :t not True

What is the type of the "or" function?

> True || False

It takes two bools and produces a bool:

(||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool

-- Actually: A function that is applied to a bool and gives us another function.
(||) :: Bool -> (Bool -> Bool)

Let's return to our elem function. We can give its type as follows:

elem :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool

-- But actually, it's this type:
elem :: Int -> ([Int] -> Bool)

What is the type of elem 5?

Functions with more than one parameter can be partially applied. Partial application specializes (or fixes) a function on some parameters.

containsFive :: [Int] -> Bool
containsFive = elem 5
> containsFive [1, 2, 3]
> containsFive [1..10]

(Parametric) Polymorphism

Let's define a function that appends two lists of integers.

(++) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]

-- Case 1: first argument is the empty list
[] ++ ys     = ys

-- Case 2: non-empty first argument.
(x:xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys)

Do we use the fact that we append lists of integers specifically? Wouldn't the code for appending lists of strings look exactly the same (except in the type signature)?

==> Remove type signature

["foo", "bar"] ++ ["baz"]

What, then, is the type of (++)? Let's ask the compiler. For any program, Haskell infers not only some type, but the most general type.

:t (++)
(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]

Read this as: For any element type a, the function takes two lists of a and produces a new list of a. Crucially though, both arguments must have the same element type.

a is a type variable which can be instantiated to any type.

Parametric polymorphism: A function behaves the same, regardless of the type. Parametric polymorphism is a powerful way to write abstract and generic code.

Another polymorphic function

map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
map _ []     = []

Note also that this is a higher-order function. It takes another function as an argument.

> map (elem 5) [[1..10], [2..4], []]
> map (+ 1) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Data types

Haskell supports a powerful mechanism to define new data types: algebraic data types or sums of products.

Simple example:

data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
> Just 3
> Nothing
> [Just 3, Just False]
> [Just 3, Nothing, Just 5]
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
> [Left 3, Right False]

(Both Maybe and Either are Monads. Enough said. :-)

Let's define a data type for binary trees with node labels of some type. The type gets a type parameter.

data Tree a = Leaf
            | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)

We have two constructors. A Leaf is a tree, as well as a Node, applied to three parameters. Note that the type is recursive: A tree contains two child trees (if it is a Node).

This is an easy example of a generic data structure.

-- The 'Leaf' constructor is a valid tree for /any/ element type.
> :t Leaf
> :t Node Leaf "foo" Leaf

Side note: What is the type of Node?

> :t Node

Data constructors are just functions and can be treated like any other function.

Functions over data types usually follow the structure of inductively defined types by pattern matching and recursion (just as in the case of lists).

sumTree :: Tree Int -> Int
sumTree Leaf           = 0
sumTree (Node t1 x t2) = sumTree t1 + x + sumTree t2

t :: Tree Int
t = Node
       (Node Leaf 3 Leaf)
           (Node Leaf 16 (Node Leaf 21 Leaf))

sumTree t

We can interpret binary trees as search trees. Write a function that checks wether a value is a member of a given search tree.

elemTree :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
elemTree _ Leaf = False
elemTree a (Node t1 x t2) =
  if a == x then True          else
  if a < x  then elemTree a t1 else
                 elemTree a t2

Purity and Effects

purity or referential transparency:

You can replace any two expressions by each other that evaluate to the same value.

The value of a piece of code is everything that matters.

No effects (widget manipulation, disk access, random data generation, ...)

No, wait:

Effects are explicit in the types!

generateRandomNumber :: Int -> IO Int
readString           :: IO String

IO a is an action that may have some effects and yields an a.

generateRandomNumber always retursn the same action on the same input Int, so referential transparency still holds!

Main entry point of every program:

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "hello, world"


In Haskell, the expressive type system allows to specify interesting properties of programs. But furthermore, we can also let us be guided by types during development.

mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapMaybe = _

An expression that begins with an underscore is called a hole. The Haskell compiler gives us information about the type of the expression that we should fill the hole with.

Things to learn here:

  • break up your problem (pattern matching), and put the pieces back together (make the types fit).
  • Maybe and [] are related (how?).
  • even with types you need to keep your brain running while coding. :)

Tools, Infrastructure, Further Reading

Library search and distribution

Package management

  • cabal:
    • haskell package manager
    • powerful version dependency constraint solver
    • hackage-security
  • stack:
    • alternative to cabal, younger and more pragmatic.
  • both based on the Cabal library.


name:                gorbla
version:             1.3.11
synopsis:            gorbla isn't a real project, it's just a cabal file example.
license:             AGPL-3
license-file:        LICENSE
author:              ...
maintainer:          ...
build-type:          Simple
cabal-version:       >= 1.10

    , DB.Core
      base >=4.7 && <4.8
    , aeson >=0.7 && <0.8
    , transformers ...

executable run-server
    , acid-state
    , ...


resolver: lts-7.1

- '.'
- location: '../prelude'
- location:
    commit: ebdd5fa3fa5a0d3c22602bec15059e821ad10ec4

- react-flux-1.2.3
- ...

compiler: ghcjs-
compiler-check: match-exact

        sha1: e640724883238593e2d2f7f03991cb413ec0347b



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