The out of the box Connex implementation for browser.
Just include the CDN link within a script tag. Connex
will then be registered as a global variable.
<!-- install the latest v2 -->
<script src="" />
It's recommended when your project is a bit large.
npm i @vechain/connex
import Connex from '@vechain/connex'
const connex = new Connex({
node: '', // veblocks public node, use your own if needed
network: 'main' // defaults to mainnet, so it can be omitted here
const connex = new Connex({
node: '',
network: 'test'
const connex = new Connex({
node: '<the API url of your node>',
// the genesis block of your private network
network: {
id: '0x...',
In some cases, e.g. the classic 'Buy me a coffee' demo, you don't need the ability to access the blockchain. You can opt-out Connex.Thor
module, and just create Connex.Vendor
const vendor = new Connex.Vendor('main') //'main','test' or genesis ID if it's private network
This package, @vechain/connex is designed only work in the browser, if you are interested in running it in Node.js, try @vechain/connex-framework.
This package is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0, also included in LICENSE file in the repository.