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An AutoHotkey library that allows you to map multiple actions to one key using a tap-and hold system
Long press / Tap / Multi Tap / Tap and Hold / Multi Tap and Hold etc are all supported

Getting Help

Use the TapHoldManager Discussion Thread on the AHK Forums

Or join the HidWizards Discord server

Normal Usage


  1. Download a zip from the releases page
  2. Extract the zip to a folder of your choice
  3. Run the Example script


Include the library

#include Lib\TapHoldManager.ahk

Instantiate TapHoldManager

thm := new TapHoldManager()

thm := TapHoldManager()

Add some key(s)

thm.Add("1", Func("MyFunc1"))
thm.Add("2", Func("MyFunc2"))

thm.Add("1", MyFunc1)
thm.Add("2", MyFunc2)

Add your callback function(s)

MyFunc1(isHold, taps, state){
    ToolTip % "1`n" (isHold ? "HOLD" : "TAP") "`nTaps: " taps "`nState: " state

MyFunc2(isHold, taps, state){
    ToolTip % "2`n" (isHold ? "HOLD" : "TAP") "`nTaps: " taps "`nState: " state

; v2
MyFunc1(isHold, taps, state){
    ToolTip("1`n" (isHold ? "HOLD" : "TAP") "`nTaps: " taps "`nState: " state)

MyFunc2(isHold, taps, state){
    ToolTip("2`n" (isHold ? "HOLD" : "TAP") "`nTaps: " taps "`nState: " state)

IsHold will be true if the event was a hold. If so, state will holl 1 for pressed or 0 for released.
If IsHold is false, the event was a tap, and state will be -1
In either case, taps holds the number of taps which occurred.
For example, if I double-tap, IsHold will be false, and taps will be 2.
If I double-tapped and held on the second tap, then on press the function would be fired once with IsHold as true, taps would as 2 and state as 1. When the key is released, the same but state would be 0

Instantiating TapHoldManager

thm := new TapHoldManager([<tapTime>, <holdTime>, <maxTaps>, <prefix>, <window>])

thm := TapHoldManager([<tapTime>, <holdTime>, <maxTaps>, <prefix>, <window>])

That is to say, all parameters are optional. If omitted, they will use the default value (See below).

tapTime The amount of time after a tap occured to wait for another tap.
Defaults to 150ms.
holdTime The amount of time that you need to hold a button for it to be considered a hold.
Defaults to the same as tapTime.
maxTaps The maximum number of taps before the callback will be fired.
Defaults to infinite.
Setting this value to 1 will force the callback to be fired after every tap, whereas by default if you tapped 3 times quickly it would fire the callback once and pass it a taps value of 3, it would now be fired 3 times with a taps value of 1.
If maxTaps is 1, then the tapTime setting will have no effect.
prefix The prefix used for all hotkeys, default is $
window An AHK WinTitle string that defines which windows the hotkey will take effect in
For example, to make Hotkeys only work in Notepad, you could use:
thm := new TapHoldManager(,,,,"ahk_exe notepad.exe")

You can pass as many parameters as you want.
thm := new TapHoldManager()
thm := new TapHoldManager(100, 200, 1, "$*")

When specifying parameters, you can omit the parameter to leave that parameter at it's default.
For example, if you only wish to alter the prefix (3rd) parameter, you could do:
thm := new TapHoldManager(,,, "$*") Or
thm := new TapHoldManager(,,, "$*")

Adding Hotkeys

thm.Add(<keyname>, <callback (function object)>, [tapTime, holdTime, maxTaps, prefix, window])
When adding keys, you can also optionally add tapTime, holdTime, maxTaps, prefix, or window parameters (As used when instantiating the TapHoldManager class) to the end to override the TapHoldManager's settings . For example:

thm := new TapHoldManager(,200)        ; override holdTime to 200
thm.Add("1", Func("MyFunc1"), 100)     ; override tapTime to 100
thm.Add("2", Func("MyFunc2"), , ,4)    ; override maxTaps to 4

; v2
thm := TapHoldManager(,200)            ; override holdTime to 200
thm.Add("1", MyFunc1, 100)             ; override tapTime to 100
thm.Add("2", MyFunc2, , ,4)            ; override maxTaps to 4

In the above example, the TapHoldManager class (thm) uses all default settings except holdTime, which is changed to 200.

Key 1 uses a tapTime of 100, and uses the modified holdTime of 200 which was inherited from thm - all other options are default.

Key 2 uses a holdTime of 200 (Inherited from thm) and a maxTaps of 4 - all other options are default

Enabling or Disabling Hotkeys

Hotkeys can be disabled by calling PauseHotkey and passing the name of the key to pause:

Hotkeys can be re-enabled by calling ResumeHotkey and passing the name of the key to resume:

Hotkeys can be removed by calling RemoveHotkey and passing the name of the key to remove:

Logic Flowchart

(Note that the firing of the function on key release during a hold is omitted from this diagram for brevity) flowchart

Example Timelines


Minimizing response times

To make taps fire as quickly as possible, set tapTime as low as possible.
If you do not require multi-tap or multi-tap-and-hold, then setting maxTaps to 1 will make taps respond instantly upon release of the key. In this mode, the tapTime setting will have no effect.
To make holds fire as quickly as possible, setting holdTime as low as possible will help. maxTaps will not affect response time of holds, as they always end a sequence.

Integration with the Interception driver (Multiple Keyboard support)

TapHoldManager can use the Interception driver to add support for per-keyboard hotkeys - you can bind TapHoldManager to keys on a second keyboard, and use them completely independently of your main keyboard.

Interception Setup

  1. Set up my AutoHotInterception AHK wrapper for Interception.
    Get the interception example running, so you know AHK can speak to interception OK.
  2. Download the latest release of TapHoldManager from the releases page and extract it to a folder of your choice.
  3. You need to add the files from TapHoldManager's lib folder to AutoHotInterception's lib folder.
    (Or, you can make sure the contents of both lib folders are in My Documents\AutoHotkey\Lib)
  4. Enter the VID / PID of your keyboard(s) into the Interception example script and run

AutoHotInterception modes

TapHoldManager works in both AutoHotInterception modes - "Context" and "Subscription" modes.

AutoHotInterception Context Mode

Just before you call Add, set the context for hotkeys using hotkey, if, <context var> which matches that which your AHK Context Callback sets.
For example:

#include Lib\TapHoldManager.ahk
#include <AutoHotInterception>

AHI := new AutoHotInterception()
keyboardId := AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x03EB, 0xFF02)
cm1 := AHI.CreateContextManager(keyboardId)

thm := new TapHoldManager()

hotkey, if, cm1.IsActive
thm.Add("1", Func("MyFunc1"))
hotkey, if

MyFunc1(isHold, taps, state){
    Tooltip % "IsHold: " isHold "`nTaps: " taps "`nState: " state

#if cm1.IsActive ; Hotkey, if needs a context to match, even if it is empty

AutoHotInterception Subscription Mode

A wrapper is included which extends the TapHoldManager class and replaces the hotkey bind code with Interception bind code.

As well as including the TapHoldManager library, include InterceptionTapHold.ahk and AutoHotInterception.ahk.
There are many ways to do this - you could either have one Lib folder next to the script containing the contents of both the AHI Lib folder and the THM Lib folder, and use:

#include Lib\TapHoldManager.ahk
#include Lib\InterceptionTapHold.ahk
#include Lib\AutoHotInterception.ahk

Or, copy the contents of both the AHI and THM Lib folders to C:\My Documents\AutoHotkey\Lib, and use

#include <AutoHotInterception>
#include <InterceptionTapHold>
#include <TapHoldManager>

Instantiate AutoHotInterception:

AHI := new AutoHotInterception()

AHI := AutoHotInterception()

Get the ID of your device:

;v1 / v2
keyboard1Id := AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x03EB, 0xFF02)

Instantiate InterceptionTapHold instead of TapHoldManager and pass in the AHI instance and the id of the device:

ITH := new InterceptionTapHold(<AHI Instance>, <Device ID> [, <tapTime>, <holdTime>, <maxTaps>, <block>])

ITH := InterceptionTapHold(<AHI Instance>, <Device ID> [, <tapTime>, <holdTime>, <maxTaps>, <block>])


ITH := new InterceptionTapHold(AHI, keyboard1Id)

ITH := InterceptionTapHold(AHI, keyboard1Id)

Required Parameters
AHI Instance = An Instance of the AutoHotInterception class
Device ID = The ID of the device to subscribe to

Optional Parameters
The usual THM parameters, but window is replaced with block.

block = whether or not to block the input. Defaults to true.

Note: If you wish to use one script to handle multiple keyboards, use one manager per keyboard.

ITH1 := new InterceptionTapHold(AHI, keyboardId1)
ITH2 := new InterceptionTapHold(AHI, keyboardId2)