v2.0.0.dev1 (2024-06-19)
- Revoke token on logout CLI command
- Use compote CLI when executed as module
- support debug mode by setting env var IDF_COMPONENT_MANAGER_DEBUG_MODE
- support reuse local existing versions while version solving
- Set COMPONENT_VERSION in CMake from manifests in requirements file
- use current solution while changing target or idf version if it works
- reset version solver states when the old solution not working
- test_check_for_newer_component_versions wrong component_hash
- store download_url only in storage client
compote registry login
url- cleanup dependencies, lift version restrictions
- Consistent naming convention for ESP Component Registry
- local components in lock file not exist
- local dep with '__' can be treated as namespace separator correctly
- re-trigger version solver when optional dependency now meet conditions
- skip the optional dependencies while version solving
- Fix 'default' profile not loading from the config file
- Invalid component name on upload
- unify env var with pydantic-settings
- rename service_url to registry_url in manifest files
- remove api cache with file
- remove poetry and do project cleanup