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Installation by Script

This script automatically installs EspoCRM as a Docker image with Nginx server and MariaDB database.


  1. Operating system:
  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • Linux Mint
  1. Access via command line.

  2. Root or sudo access.


Open your server's command line and run the commands:

sudo bash

Installation with SSL/TLS certificate

sudo bash --ssl

Installation without prompts

sudo bash -y --ssl --letsencrypt [email protected]

Available options

-y or --yes

Skip confirmation prompts during installation.


Installation with SSL/TLS certificate. Ex. --ssl. See installation modes.


Installation with a Let's Encrypt free certificate. Ex. --ssl --letsencrypt. See installation modes.


Installation with an own SSL/TLS certificate. Ex. --ssl --owncertificate. See installation modes.


Define your domain. Ex. or --domain=


Email address for Let's Encrypt certificate. Ex. [email protected].


Clean the existing EspoCRM installation and start a new one. This option can be used if you have already installed EspoCRM. Ex. --clean.


Note: For HTTP mode only.

Indicate a public IP address that will be used for EspoCRM installation. Ex. --public-ip.


Note: For HTTP mode only.

Indicate a private (local) IP address that will be used for EspoCRM installation. Ex. --private-ip.


Define your own MySQL root password instead of the automatically generated one. Ex. --db-root-password=my-password.


Define your own MySQL password for EspoCRM installation. Ex. --db-password=my-password.


Define a username of your EspoCRM administrator. Ex. --admin-username=admin.


Define a password of EspoCRM administrator. Ex. --admin-password=admin-password.


Update the for the existing installation. Ex. --command.


A path for the backup. Ex. --backup-path ="/backup".

Server management

The operation of EspoCRM consists of several services, such as nginx, mariadb, daemon.

In order to update the command tool, see update the


In order to display a list of available commands.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ help

Status of services

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ status

Restart services

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ restart

Start services

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ start

Build and start services

In order to apply changes in docker-compose.yml.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ build

Stop services

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ stop

EspoCRM rebuild

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ rebuild

EspoCRM upgrade

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ upgrade

EspoCRM logs

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ logs


Create a full backup of EspoCRM.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ backup "BACKUP_DIRECTORY"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ backup /var/www/espocrm-backup.


Restore the backup created by the backup command.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ restore "BACKUP_ARCHIVE"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ restore "/var/www/espocrm-backup/2024-01-01_142051.tar.gz".

Restore on a fresh server

Restore the backup created by the backup command.

1. Configure the environment

wget -N
sudo bash --environment

2. Restore a backup

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ restore "BACKUP_ARCHIVE"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ restore "/var/www/espocrm-backup/2024-01-01_142051.tar.gz".

Restore troubleshooting

In order to fix the Error response from daemon: network external not found, run:

sudo bash --network

and then run the Step 2 again.


Delete old and unnecessary files.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ clean

Import SQL dump

Import the database from the SQL dump created by mariadb-dump, mysqldump, phpMyAdmin, etc.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ import-sql "PATH/DB.sql"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ import-sql "/var/www/espocrm-backup/db.sql".

Import SQL dump for one / several tables

Import the database with enabled DROP TABLE statement in the SQL dump created by mariadb-dump, mysqldump, phpMyAdmin, etc.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ import-sql --skip-drop "PATH/DB.sql"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ import-sql "/var/www/espocrm-backup/db.sql" --skip-drop.

Export a database into the SQL dump

Export the database structure and data into a .sql dump.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ export-sql "PATH"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ export-sql "/var/www/espocrm-backup".

Export a database table into the SQL dump

Export the single database table structure and data into a .sql dump.

Notice: the database tables have different names than Entities. Ex. TargetList entity has the target_list table.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ export-table-sql "PATH" "TABLE_NAME"

An example: sudo /var/www/espocrm/ export-table-sql "/var/www/espocrm-backup" account.

Certificate generation

Generate a new Let's Encrypt certificate. It can be used to create a certificate for the first time or after a domain change.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ cert-generate

Certificate renewal

Renew an existing Let's Encrypt certificate. It can be used in crontab to automatically renewal.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ cert-renew

Apply a domain change

Applying a domain change described here.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ apply-domain

Enable automatic certificate renewal

Note: This item is relevant only for the Let's Encrypt mode.

Enable automatic certificate renewal. This should be done after moving to another server only.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ cert-cron-add

Disable automatic certificate renewal

Note: This item is relevant only for the Let's Encrypt mode.

Disable automatic certificate renewal. This command should be run after changing the installation mode (ex. to own SSL certificate).

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ cert-cron-remove

Add a cronjob for VoIP Integration connector

Add a cronjob for a VoIP Integration extension after configuring the connector (ex. Asterisk).

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ voip-cron-add CONNECTOR

where CONNECTOR is your connector ID, ex. Asterisk.

Remove a cronjob for VoIP Integration connector

Remove a cronjob for a VoIP Integration extension after disabling the connector (ex. Asterisk).

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ voip-cron-remove CONNECTOR

where CONNECTOR is your connector ID, ex. Asterisk.



├── data
│   ├── espocrm
│   ├── mariadb
│   └── nginx
├── docker-compose.yaml

Storage location

All data are stored at:


Installation modes

1. Let's Encrypt certificate

This certificate is a free of charge and can be used by providing an email address.

2. Own SSL/TLS certificate

If you need a high-security connection, you have to use your own SSL/TLS certificate. In this mode, EspoCRM will be installed with dummy certificates which should be replaced by real ones.

Post installation steps:

1. Go to your server directory /var/www/espocrm/data/nginx/ssl/cert/.

2. Replace the following certificates with your own:

  • fullchain.pem
  • privkey.pem

Important! Your own certificates have to substitute the existing certificates and must have the same names.

3. Restart nginx server:

/var/www/espocrm/ espocrm-nginx

3. HTTP mode

This mode is recommended to use only if you don't have a domain name or want to use your IP address as a domain name.

Changing installed mode

All the actions can be applied to already installed EspoCRM instance.

From HTTP to Own SSL/TLS certificate

sudo bash --ssl --owncertificate

From HTTP to Let's Encrypt certificate

sudo bash --ssl --letsencrypt [email protected]

From Own SSL/TLS certificate to Let's Encrypt certificate

sudo bash --ssl --letsencrypt [email protected]

Manually (advanced users only)

1. Stop your existing EspoCRM instance.

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ stop

2. Rename your existing directory:

mv /var/www/espocrm /var/www/espocrm-old

3. Run the installer in the required mode, e.g. Let's Encrypt certificate mode:

sudo bash --ssl --letsencrypt [email protected]

4. Copy your existing data to a new installation:

rm -rf /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm
rm -rf /var/www/espocrm/data/mariadb
cp -rp /var/www/espocrm-old/data/espocrm /var/www/espocrm/data
cp -rp /var/www/espocrm-old/data/mariadb /var/www/espocrm/data

5. Update your /var/www/espocrm/docker-compose.yml file. You have to copy your existing options from /var/www/espocrm-old/docker-compose.yml for the services:

  • espocrm-db
  • espocrm

6. Restart services via the command:

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ restart

7. Login as administrator and update your new Site URL in Administration > Settings.


Nginx logs


EspoCRM logs


Update the

In order to load the latest version of the, run the command:

wget -N
sudo bash --command

Modify PHP settings

This can be achieved by mounting the PHP configuration file and restarting the container.

1. Login via terminal to your server and open EspoCRM directory /var/www/espocrm:

cd /var/www/espocrm

2. Create the PHP configuration file:

mkdir -p data/php; \
nano data/php/espocrm.ini

with the content:

expose_php = Off
display_errors = Off
display_startup_errors = Off
log_errors = On

then press Ctrl + 0 and Ctrl + X

3. Mount the created PHP configuration file to the container:

sudo nano docker-compose.yml

add ./data/php/espocrm.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/espocrm.ini option for espocrm container as displayed below:

    - ./data/espocrm:/var/www/html
    - ./data/php/espocrm.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/espocrm.ini

then press Ctrl + 0 and Ctrl + X

4. Restart the container to apply the changes:

sudo ./ restart espocrm

Modify Nginx settings

1. Login via terminal to your server and open EspoCRM directory /var/www/espocrm:

cd /var/www/espocrm

2. Edit the file ./data/nginx/conf.d/default.conf.template

sudo nano ./data/nginx/conf.d/default.conf.template

3. Restart the container to apply the changes:

sudo ./ restart espocrm-nginx

Change a domain name

1. Login via terminal to your server and open EspoCRM directory /var/www/espocrm:

cd /var/www/espocrm

2. Find and replace the old domain name with the new one in the file ./docker-compose.yml

sudo nano ./docker-compose.yml

Options to change:

  3. command under the espocrm-certbot service (required only for the letsencrypt mode).

3. Run the command:

sudo ./ apply-domain

Note: You have to clear your browser cache for this change to take effect.

Installer migration from v1 to v2

!!! note

If your MySQL container is not running or restarting, check the [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) section.

1. Export the MySQL database from the corresponding Docker container:

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/backup
cd /var/www/backup
sudo docker exec -i espocrm-mysql /usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -pYOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD espocrm > db.sql


  • Replace the YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD with your MySQL root password.

2. Copy data and custom folders from espocrm directory:

sudo cp -a /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm/data /var/www/backup/data
sudo cp -a /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm/custom /var/www/backup/custom

3. Install a fresh EspoCRM by a script:

cd ~
sudo bash --db-root-password=YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD --db-password=YOUR_ESPOCRM_DB_PASSWORD --admin-password=YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD --clean


  • Replace the YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD with your MySQL root password.
  • Replace the YOUR_ESPOCRM_DB_PASSWORD with your MySQL espocrm user password.
  • Replace the YOUR_ADMIN_PASSWORD with your EspoCRM admin user password.

4. Stop the services:

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ stop

5. Replace data and custom folders in the /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm directory with the previously exported ones.

sudo rm -rf /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm/data
sudo rm -rf /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm/custom
sudo cp -a /var/www/backup/data /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm
sudo cp -a /var/www/backup/custom /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm

6. Replace 'host' => 'espocrm-mysql' line with 'host' => 'espocrm-db' one in the /var/www/espocrm/data/espocrm/data/config-internal.php file.

7. Start the services:

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ start

8. Import previously exported database to MariaDB container:

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ import-sql /var/www/backup/db.sql

9. Make a rebuild:

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ rebuild

10. Log in to your instance and check if everything is working well.


If after upgrading the EspoCRM instance with the upgrade command you get error 500 in your instance and there is nothing in the logs that could be related to this error, one of the reasons could be a MySQL version upgrade (upgrades automatically).

!!! warning

Make sure that your instance is using MySQL database and not MariaDB one. If it is MariaDB, then the error solution will not work for you in case of using MariaDB database.

To solve this problem and gain access to the instance, follow these steps:

1. Stop the services:

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ stop

2. In /var/www/espocrm/docker-compose.yaml file, remove the following line:

command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password

3. Insert the following line in the same place and save changes:

command: --mysql-native-password=ON

4. Build and start the services:

sudo /var/www/espocrm/ build