The pipeline for a single paired-end lib contains 15 steps as follow:
- report read length
- alignment
- flagstat bam
- post align: dedup bam
- post align: picard markedup
- post align: dedup bam (again) - final bam file
- post align: name sort bam
- post align: bam to bedpe
- bedpe to tagalign
- shift tagalign
- xcor subset sample
- xcor calculation use subset
- macs2 peak calling
- filter peaks
- ataqc
bowtie2 -X2000 --mm --local | samtools view -Su /dev/stdin | samtools sort & index > xxx.PE2SE.bam &.bai
For bowtie2:
- Use memory-mapped I/O to load the index (--mm);
- '-X2000' means maximum fragment length for valid paired-end alignments is 2000bp;
- --local: a preset options mode, default as --sensitive-local,
For samtools view:
- -S: ignore for compatibility with previous samtools versions
- -u: uncompressed BAM outputs
samtools view -F 1804 -f 2 -u -q 30 xxx.PE2SE.bam | sambamba sort -n /dev/stdin -o /output_dir/xxx.PE2SE.dupmark.bam
- Remove improper mapping marker (1804) & poor mapping score (<30) & output [u]ncompressed bam & [f] output fwd and rev. both mapped pairs
- Sort the bam by name (-n) and prepair for the deduplicating step
samtools fixmate -r xxx.PE2SE.dupmark.bam (tmp) xxx.PE2SE.dupmark.bam.fixmate.bam (tmp)
Fill in mate coordinate. ISIZE (insert size) and mate related flags from the name-sorted bam and remove secondary and ummapped reads (-r)
samtools view -F 1804 -f 2 -u xxx.PE2SE.dupmark.bam.fixmate.bam | sambamba sort /dev/stdin -o xxx.PE2SE.filt.bam
macs2 callpeak -t xxx.PE2SE.nodup.tn5.tagAlign.gz -f BED \
-n" -g "hs" -p 0.01 --nomodel \
--shift -75 --extsize 150 -B --SPMR --keep-dup all --call-summits
Sort by Col8 in descending order and replace long peak names in Column 4 with Peak_
sort -k 8gr,8gr"_peaks.narrowPeak | awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{$4="Peak_"NR ; print $0}' | gzip -nc >
macs2 bdgcmp -t"_treat_pileup.bdg -c"_control_lambda.bdg \
--o-prefix" -m FE
slopBed -i"_FE.bdg -g hg38.chrom.sizes -b 0 | bedClip stdin hg38.chrom.sizes
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n >
bedGraphToBigWig hg38.chrom.sizes
Some concerpts:
- insert size
- fragment distribution
- Calculated by using the final bam file
- Extended TSS to -/+2kb
- Use metaseq package to create BamSignal class, and caclulated coverageover TSS features which stores in a (length(features)*bins) NumPy array
- Shifted the bam file to half of the read length in the 5' direction
- Reversed the promoters on the minus strand
- Use normalization method from Greenleaf et al. 2013:
- background average noise is to use averaged coverage of 100bps at both ends
- enrichment = coverage / background average noise