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Emojify 😘

In a given string convert unicode and :shortcode: emojis to <img /> tags using asset packages like

Unicode version

Currently supported Unicode version: 15.0. Minimum supported emoji-assets version: 8.0.0.


This package is a collection of utility functions loosely based on twemoji and joypixels legacy javascript libraries. It aims to completely replace those with a modern ES implementation, full unicode spec support and flexible image collection support. SVG sprites are not supported for performance reasons. For best results pair with



Determines if string contains only a single emoji. Automatically trims whitespace before checking. Returns bool.


Takes a string with shortnames and returns a string with every known emoji shortname replaced with corresponding unicode representation. Ignores unknown shortnames.


Opposite of shortnamesToUnicode.

renderShortnameToString(string, options)

Takes a string with shortnames and returns a string with every known emoji shortname replaced with an image tag. Useful for rendering specific emojis when it's easier to use :bacon: instead of 🥓. For a list of supported options check below.

renderToString(string, options)

Takes a string with unicode emojis and returns a string with every known emoji sequence replaced with an image tag. Useful for rendering user generated content. For a list of supported options check below.

renderToArray(string, callback)

Takes a string with unicode emojis and returns an array of mixed data. Calls callback for every known emoji sequence to be replaced with any kind of data you like (React Fragments, Vue specific data structure etc). The callback will be called with 3 arguments: image name, unicode symbol and replacement index. Useful for using native rendering within your target UI framework. Returned array will be filtered out to omit empty strings. Return null or an empty string from the callback function to strip away emojis.


An array of objects containing all supported emojis. Format is:

  category: "people", // emoji category according to spec
  hex: "1f603", // hex representation used to reference images
  shortname: ":smiley:", // shortname representation, legacy so no aliases are supported
  suggest: true // should this emoji appear in suggestions based on current support by major OS versions


String containing regular expression for a single emoji character supported by this library and assets. Usage:

const myRegex = new RegExp(emojiRegex); // do stuff


Same as emojiRegex, but for shortnames.


Render functions and some helper functions support these options. This list contains keys and their default values.

  size: 64, // size of emojis to use when the default CDN is used, supported sizes are: 32, 64, 128
  className: null, // CSS class to use when rendering image tags
  unsafe: false, // when set to true, render will NOT sanitize the string, e.g. it forces "unsafe" output
  single: false, // when the string contains just a single emoji this speeds up render a bit
  cdn: undefined, // CDN to use for image paths

By default, the path to emoji images is constructed like this: /images/emojis-v${version}/${size}. version is the version used to generate the emojis.json file and size is the asset size (32/64/128).

Example output: /images/emojis-v8.0.0/64/1f603.png. When cdn option is specified, it will be used instead. When just a size is specified, default path will be used with size being replaced by the one provided in options.


Every function described in this readme is fully typed, you shoudn't need any additional type declarations.


There is a number of internal scripts available to re-generate and update this package from time to time. You can run these scripts via node run <script>


This will download the current unicode spec file unless cached locally, generate an emoji collection, compare that collection against assets package and generate new vendor/emojis.json dictionary as well as new regex for matching. Based on excellent work of Mathias Bynens: emoji-regex. His package is not used here because we need to only include emojis currently supported by the assets package, not every emoji in the spec.


Extracts current emoji-assets description json and puts it in .tmp/ folder.


Shows every emoji with suggest: true. Use inline flag to have output in one line instead of a list: node run suggestable inline


Tries to render every emoji in current unicode spec and checks for potential errors.


Tries to render every emoji located in scaffolding/emojis_ios.txt or scaffolding/emojis_android.txt and checks for potential errors. By default uses ios spec, pass android flag to check android emojis: node run device_test android


This project is published under MIT license. See LICENSE file for more details.