1) crate a batch file ls.bat which contains the dir command
2) place the created file in one of the directory included in PATH env var (C:\Python27\Scripts)
Virustotal Analyze .exe and detect malware
Hashdeep Find the hash of something
Strings Strings version for microsoft
PEiD Detect if the file is packed
Upx Pack or Unpack file (includes windows version)
DependencyWalker Builds a hierarchical tree diagram of all dependent modules. For each module lists all the functions that are exported by that module, and which of those functions are actually being called by other modules.
PEview Browse throught PE header and show the stored information
Resource Hacker Show PE advanced information
Imports | Functions used from other libraries
Exports | Functions in the PE that can be called by other programs
or libraries
Time Date Stamp | Compilation timestamp
Sections | Names and size of sections on disk and memory
Subsystem | CUI or GUI application
Resources | Other information