Releases: eiffel-community/eiffel-intelligence-frontend
Releases · eiffel-community/eiffel-intelligence-frontend
Eiffel Intelligence frontend 1.0.2
What's new?
Eiffel Intelligence documentation now contains examples rules with Agen version of the Eiffel protocol
Improved error messages when EI back-ends are not properly set up
Any user can now perform all READ, UPDATE and DELETE operations on existing anonymous subscriptions
Eiffel Intelligence frontend 1.0.1
Whats new
- Reorganized the documentation into chapters, making it easier to find in the documentation in both the
README file and on GitHub pages. - Updated the framework for the GUI
- Add button to clear all warnings received in the alert dropdown in the GUI
- Add Dockerfile to build Eiffel Intelligence frontend
- Add docker-compose to set up surrounding environment for EI
- Making it easier to select multiple subscriptions for deletion
- Updated images in documentation to match the new look in the GUI
- It is now possible to be be logged in to multiple backends and have them in the same browser window, each with their own tab.
- is restructured and some properties have been renamed to follow Java standards
- Subscription form e-mail validation has support for multiple e-mails in a comma separated list.
Bug fixes
- Fixed subscription template, so jmespath does not result in a null value
- Fixed issues with being logged in to multiple backends.
There was an issue where a user logged in to a back end but after switching back end became logged out
from the previous back-end. It is now possible to be logged in to multiple back-ends and switch between
them while still being logged in.
Eiffel Intelligence front-end first stable release
What is new?
- A Dockerfile has been added to run EI front-end
- Integration tests added
- Documentation has been updated
- Several dependencies have been updated to newer versions
- Better information in how to add token-based authentication in the gui
- Validation of back-end information when adding back-end instance via curl.
- Multiple user issue fixed. It should now be possible to be logged in to EI with several users using the same front-end webserver
- Error when trying to change name of subscription, subscription name is the key and may not be changed. Name change disabled in edit mode in gui
- User may no longer add second default back-end instance via curl command, only 1 default allowed
Updated user documentation with CURL examples
What is new?
- The project documentation is published to Github pages
- Updated user documentation with CURL examples
- Added a user guide for test rules in documentation
- It is now possible to attach a custom subject in the email sent upon subscription triggering
- The form for creating subscriptions has been improved
- Subscription form is now easier to navigate with how notificationMessage is displayed
- Various CSS improvements in GUI
- Correct EI version is fetched and displayed in EI info page
Fixes/Improvements for the web application
- Add routing capability
- Add wiki pages to the EI-Frontend main repo
- Add replace/append/clear-all functionality in test-rules page
- Add help information on test-rules page
- Improve EI Backend instances list configuration
- Improve functionality regarding disconnection of back end
- Fix cross origin issue in some environments
- Fix issue with login
GUI functionality improvements
- GUI functionality improvements
- Fix rules/events uploading problem in Chrome and IE
- Fixed some authorization issues
- Fix to content stretching beyond screen space
- Improved the EI backendInstancesinformation file handling
- Subscription improvements
Add support for multi user
- Gui users may now switch backend without affecting each other.
- Improved backends handling
- Improved handeling of some error/messages
- Fix of path variable name
- Subscription GUI: added AND & ARE between requirements and conditions
- Fixes of CSS
- Update frontend example images
- Fixing and adding boostrap tooltips in EI frontend
- Fixed problem with removing specific rule from Test Rules
- Fixed upload button for rules and events in IE and Edge
- Fixed upload rules and upload events do not need manual refreshing
Fix multiuser support
- improve handling of error messages
- improve elements alignment and pages responsive design
- add warning for subscription name validation
- clean up unused elements
- link to backend wiki documentation on Github
- hide button for deleting notification message when composing subscription if only one notification message is present
- fix multi user support
- change field for active backend to defaultBackend
Remove content validation of notificationMeta field in subscriptions
Add host prefix to template download in test rules page
Remove content validation of notificationMeta field in subscriptions
Sychronized enabling of test rules page
Test rules pages is now deactivated if rules testing is not enabled in the back end.