- Description: 8-bit DAC with 3.3V supply and enable input
- Commit: N/A
- PDK: sky130A
- Designer: Tim Edwards
- Company: Efabless Corporation
- Created: November 21, 2023
- License: Apache 2.0
- Last modified: None
- b7:0
- Description: Digital input (8 bits)
- Type: digital
- Direction: input
- Vmin: vss - 0.3
- Vmax: dvdd + 0.3
- ena
- Description: Enable input (active low)
- Type: digital
- Direction: input
- Vmin: vss - 0.3
- Vmax: dvdd + 0.3
- Vhigh
- Description: Reference high voltage
- Type: signal
- Direction: input
- Vmin: Vlow
- Vmax: vdd
- Vlow
- Description: Reference low voltage
- Type: signal
- Direction: input
- Vmin: vss
- Vmax: Vhigh
- out
- Description: DAC voltage output
- Type: signal
- Direction: output
- Vmin: Vlow
- Vmax: Vhigh
- dvdd
- Description: Positive digital power supply
- Type: power
- Direction: inout
- Vmin: 1.5
- Vmax: 2.1
- dvss
- Description: Digital ground
- Type: ground
- Direction: inout
- Vmin: -0.3
- Vmax: 0.3
- vdd
- Description: Positive analog power supply
- Type: power
- Direction: inout
- Vmin: 3.0
- Vmax: 3.6
- vss
- Description: Analog ground
- Type: ground
- Direction: inout
- Vmin: -0.3
- Vmax: 0.3
- Vdvdd
- Description: Digital power supply voltage
- Display: dvdd
- Unit: V
- Typical: 1.8
- Vdvss
- Description: Digital ground
- Display: dvss
- Unit: V
- Typical: 0
- Vvdd
- Description: Analog power supply voltage
- Display: vdd
- Unit: V
- Typical: 3.3
- Vvss
- Description: Analog ground
- Display: vss
- Unit: V
- Typical: 0
- Rout
- Description: Output load resistance
- Display: RLoad
- Unit: MΩ
- Typical: 100
- Cout
- Description: Output load capacitance
- Display: CLoad
- Unit: fF
- Maximum: 100
- Vlow
- Description: DAC low voltage reference
- Display: Vlow
- Unit: V
- Typical: 0
- Vhigh
- Description: DAC high voltage reference
- Display: Vhigh
- Unit: V
- Typical: 3.3
- ena
- Description: DAC enable
- Display: ena
- Typical: 1
- b[7:0]
- Description: DAC digital input value
- Display: b[7:0]
- Typical: 0
- temperature
- Description: Ambient temperature
- Display: Temp
- Unit: °C
- Minimum: -40
- Typical: 27
- Maximum: 130
- corner
- Description: Process corner
- Display: Corner
- Minimum: ss
- Typical: tt
- Maximum: ff