This is a script module with a set of functions per Autotask.Entity in the Autotask SOAP API. The code is autogenerated from the entity information that is available through the API. There is a Get-function for any entities that support Query, a New-function for any entities that support Create, a Set-function for any entities that support Update and a Remove-function for any entities that support Delete. If you cannot find a remove function for an entity, for instance Ticket, it is because the API does not permit deleting Tickets through the API. examples:
# No remove function for account, the API does not support deleting accounts
This is a public release of an internal module we have developed. We use Autotask, a SaaS software suite for ITSPs and MSPs. Autotask has a well documented SOAP API that we use quite extensively for automation. The API Documentation is available online.
While working with the API we noted that a detailed definition of all entities and fields of entities is available programatically through the API. In this module we use this information to generate a PowerShell module with IntelliSense support in both ISE and Visual Studio Code. We also generate inline, comment based help to make working with the API in PowerShell as easy as possible.
The module is generated dynamically, directly from the API information. All functions can be recreated if we update this module or when Autotask releases a new version of the API. Should Autotask update the API to permit deleting of Tickets through the API in the future, our module can be rebuilt and a Remove-AtwsTicket can be made availble to you.
Use Get-Help functionname a lot. You will find information such as required parameters, any entities that the current entity have connections to, other entities that have connections to your current entity and a lot more. Possible values for picklists are included both in the help text and in IntelliSense autocomplete
Be careful! This module exposes all the Autotask Web Services API entities and methods as PowerShell functions. This makes it very easy to make a lot of changes very quickly. But there is no undo! If you use this module to destroy or delete anything in your Autotask tenant you did not intend to - you are entirely on your own! This module is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability (see the license). If this is not acceptable to you - do not use it!