:depth: 2
````{group-tab} macOS
Select *View → as List (`⌘1`)* or *View → as Outline (`⌘2`)* for expandable folders. You can expand and collapse folders using the right and left arrow keys in the outline view.
Navigate into a folder with a double-click *(`⌘↓`)* or one level up by using the ▲ button next to the path-field *(`⌘↑`)*.
````{group-tab} Windows
You can expand and collaps folders using the right and left arrow keys in the outline view.
Navigate into a folder with a doubl-click *(`Ctrl+Down`)* or one level up by using the ▲ button next to the path-field *(`Ctrl+Up`)*.
:class: tip
Enable tabs by default when choosing *File → New Browser (`⌘N`)* by selecting in System Preferences the checkbox *Dock → Prefer tabs when opening documents: Always*. New browser windows and the transfer window will then be displayed in a single window frame with a tab bar. You can merge windows with *View → Show Tab Bar and Window → Merge all Windows*
Spring-loaded folders are a feature that allows you to move a file or even another folder, into a folder deeply nested within several other folders using drag and drop. To enable, choose Preferences → Browser → Use spring-loaded folders when dragging files and adjust the delay for the folder to expand when hovering over with the mouse. Note that spring-loaded folders are only supported in the outline view.
Use the search field (macOS ⌘/
Windows Ctrl+F
) to display only files that match the search string in the browser. Search is case insensitive and does look for matching sequences in the filename. To search recursively, hit the return key (⏎
). The following protocols have a server-side index that is used to give fast results without recursively descending into folders.
You can sort the file listing by clicking the table column header. Choose View → Column to add more headers such as Kind to allow sorting by file type including folders appearing first in the list.
Choose your computer name from the protocol selection popup button in the New Connection window.
Alternatively, you can use drag and drop or Menu File → Upload (macOS ⌥↑
Windows Alt+Up
). You can also copy (macOS ⌘C
Windows Ctrl+C
) files in your file browser and paste them into Cyberduck using Menu Edit → Paste (macOS ⌘V
Windows Ctrl+V
) afterward.
See other upload methods.
You can edit any file on the server using your preferred application. See Edit Files.
Use File → New Folder... (macOS ⇧⌘N
Windows Ctrl+Shift+N
) or File → New File... (macOS ⌘F
Windows Ctrl+Shift+F
) to create a new folder or file on the server.
You can move files in the browser as you would in the Finder.app/ Explorer using drag and drop. Use the ⌥
modifier key on macOS or the Ctrl key on Windows to duplicate files. If connected to the same server, you can also move files between different browser windows.
The following protocols allow duplicating files on the server without downloading and uploading but copying in place:
To move a file, use Edit → Cut (macOS ⌘X
Windows Ctrl+X
) followed by Edit → Paste (macOS ⌘V
Windows Ctrl+V
). To duplicate a file, use Edit → Copy (macOS ⌘C
Windows Ctrl+C
) followed by Edit → Paste (macOS ⌘V
Windows Ctrl+V
You can copy files between arbitrary servers when connected to with two open browser windows. Drag files from one browser to the other to transfer files between servers.
:alt: Copy
:width: 700px
Select the file in the browser and press the Return key. Type the new name and press Return again to exit the editing mode. You can also rename files by choosing File → Info (macOS ⌘I
Windows Alt+Return
) or press the Get Info toolbar button. Simply enter the new name in the very top field. The field must lose focus (e.g. by hitting Return or Tab) to commit the filename change.
:alt: Inline Rename
:width: 300px
Some protocols support the trashing of files instead of permanently deleting them. This feature is enabled by default. It can be disabled using a hidden configuration option.
This is supported for the following protocols:
Choose File → New Symbolic Link... to create a symbolic link. This is supported on UNIX systems with a SFTP connection and some FTP with SITE SYMLINK
Select the file in the browser and choose File → Info (macOS ⌘I
Windows Alt+Return
) to display detailed attributes of a file in a tool window. It allows to change permissions, manage content distributions for cloud services, and settings specific to the Amazon S3 service.
:class: tip
You can toggle Quick Look in a Cyberduck browser for any file using *Space Bar*. A preview is rendered depending on a Quick Look Plugin available on your system for the given file type. Many file types like different image formats can be previewed with the bundled plugins in OS X and HTML is even rendered in the Quick Look preview panel.
:alt: Quicklook
:width: 500px
See bookmark Web URL configuration for HTTP URLs. You can select multiple files to open/copy all URLs.
- Open Web URL: The Web URL can be found in the File → Open URL menu and as an optional toolbar item in the browser window. Use View → Customize Toolbar... to add the Open in Browser button to your default browser toolbar.
- Copy Web URL: The Web URL can be found in the Edit → Copy URl menu.
Refer to Share.
Refer to Open in Terminal.
Use the File → Print option where you can open a PDF from the browser listing or print it.
Folder icons are badged for paticular access permissions.
:alt: Private Folder Badge
:width: 50px
Folder with no permission to access.
:alt: Read Only Folder Badge
:width: 50px
Folder with read-only permissions. Uploading or editing files to this folder is not possible.
:alt: Drop folder Badge
:width: 50px
Drop Folder where you can only upload files to but are not allowed to view its content.
You can view all revisions of a file in the browser by choosing View → Show Hidden Files. The following protocols support versioning
To revert to a previous version and make it the current, choose File → Revert.
Use Window → Activity (macOS ⌘0
Windows Ctrl+0
) to toggle the activity window. It lists the currently running background tasks at the top and all queued activities subsequently.
:alt: Activity
:width: 500px
If characters aren't displayed correctly in the browser, try to change the character encoding used. See View → Text Encoding or edit the bookmark Encoding setting. Try UTF-8
(the default), ISO-8859-1
, and Windows-1252
This is not the size of its content but the size of the folder itself. Use File → Info (macOS ⌘I
Windows Alt+Return
) to calculate the size of all contained files recursively.
Restore browser sessions that were left open when the application was last closed.
Open new browser window after application launch.
Browser → General → Show Hidden Files
Display files in the browser that start with .
and previous revisions (S3). Use View → Show Hidden Files to toggle the mode of a current browser window.
Use only one Info window which updates with the selection change in the browser. If unchecked, open multiple Info windows to compare files.
Hidden Preferences
A hidden configuration option.
defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck browser.font.size 18
A hidden configuration option. Define a different format using
defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck browser.duplicate.format "{0} ({1}){2}"
where the plaseholders will be replaced with
- {0} with the base filename
- {1} with the timestampof the file
- {2} with the extension in the format
if present in the original filename.
A hidden configuration option. A confirmation is shown before renaming or moving files.
defaults write ch.sudo.cyberduck browser.move.confirm true
A hidden configuration option can re-enable the file listing limit prompt after dismissing it with enabled Always checkbox.
```{group-tab} macOS
Open *Terminal.app* and execute the command
defaults delete ch.sudo.cyberduck browser.list.limit.directory
and the command
defaults delete ch.sudo.cyberduck browser.list.limit.container
```{group-tab} Windows
Navigate to `%AppData%\Cyberduck` and search within the existing `Cyberduck.exe_Url_<random characters>` folders after the folder that is named after your currently used Cyberduck version. Open the file *user.config* that is located within that folder and delete the lines
<setting name="browser.list.limit.directory"
<setting name="browser.list.limit.container"