- Read the code of conduct.
- Check out existing issues.
- New to GitHub? Check out the GitHub Getting Started documentation.
The most valuable contributions from people are their ideas. Look through the existing issues and add your thoughts, questions, and ideas.
If you don't have one, you'll need a GitHub account to do this (and most other actions described in this document).
If you see an error or area for improvement that isn't in the existing issues, open a new issue.
This site is built using Sphinx. You can install Sphinx.
There's a Makefile that runs Sphinx builds.
- docs-source contains source files and is where most changes will be made
- docs contains output files generated by Sphinx
If you're familiar with GitHub then you're likely already familiar with the fastest way to get started. Go ahead and fork the repo, make your changes in a branch, and then open a PR. If possible, include the issue #, and don't forget to add yourself to the contributors file if you're not already there.