diff --git a/interfaces/coppeliasim/DQ_CoppeliaSimInterface.m b/interfaces/coppeliasim/DQ_CoppeliaSimInterface.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c705144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/coppeliasim/DQ_CoppeliaSimInterface.m
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+% (C) Copyright 2024 DQ Robotics Developers
+% This file is part of DQ Robotics.
+% DQ Robotics is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% DQ Robotics is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+% along with DQ Robotics. If not, see .
+% DQ Robotics website: dqrobotics.github.io
+% Contributors to this file:
+% 1. Juan Jose Quiroz Omana (juanjose.quirozomana@manchester.ac.uk)
+% - Responsible for the original implementation.
+classdef (Abstract) DQ_CoppeliaSimInterface < handle
+ properties (Access = protected)
+ end
+ methods (Access = protected)
+ % function obj = DQ_CoppeliaSim(inputArg1,inputArg2)
+ % end
+ end
+ methods(Abstract)
+ % This method connects to CoppeliaSim.
+ % Calling this function is required before anything else can happen.
+ connect(obj, host, port, TIMEOUT_IN_MILISECONDS);
+ % This method enables or disables the stepped (synchronous) mode
+ % for the remote API server service that the client is connected to.
+ % Example:
+ % set_stepping_mode(true) % stepping mode enabled
+ % set_stepping_mode(false) % stepping mode disabled
+ set_stepping_mode(obj, flag);
+ % This method sends trigger signal to the CoppeliaSim scene,
+ % which performs a simulation step when the stepping mode is used.
+ trigger_next_simulation_step(obj);
+ % This method starts the CoppeliaSim simulation.
+ start_simulation(obj);
+ % This method stops the CoppeliaSim simulation.
+ stop_simulation(obj);
+ % This method gets the handles for a cell array of
+ % object names in the the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ handles = get_handles(obj,names);
+ % This method gets the handle for a given object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ handle = get_handle(obj,name);
+ % This method gets the translation of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ t = get_object_translation(obj,objectname);
+ % This method sets the translation of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ set_object_translation(obj,objectname,translation);
+ % This method gets the rotation of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ r = get_object_rotation(obj, objectname);
+ % This method sets the rotation of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ set_object_rotation(obj,objectname,rotation);
+ % This method gets the pose of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ x = get_object_pose(obj,objectname);
+ % This method sets the pose of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ set_object_pose(obj,objectname,pose);
+ % This method sets the joint positions of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ set_joint_positions(obj,jointnames,joint_positions);
+ % This method sets the joint positions of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ joint_positions = get_joint_positions(obj,jointnames);
+ % This method sets the joint target positions of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % It is required a dynamics enabled scene, and joints in dynamic mode
+ % with position control mode.
+ % information about joint modes:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/jointModes.htm
+ set_joint_target_positions(obj,jointnames,joint_target_positions);
+ % This method gets the joint velocities of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ joint_velocities = get_joint_velocities(obj,jointnames);
+ % This method sets the joint target velocities of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % It is required a dynamics enabled scene, and joints in dynamic mode
+ % with velocity control mode. Check this link for more
+ % information about joint modes:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/jointModes.htm
+ set_joint_target_velocities(obj,jointnames,joint_target_velocities);
+ % This method sets the joint torques of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % It is required a dynamics enabled scene, and joints in dynamic mode
+ % with velocity or force/torque control mode. Check this link for more
+ % information about joint modes:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/jointModes.htm
+ set_joint_torques(obj,jointnames,torques);
+ % This method gets the joint torques of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ joint_torques = get_joint_torques(obj,jointnames);
+ end
diff --git a/interfaces/coppeliasim/DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface.m b/interfaces/coppeliasim/DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ad0383b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/coppeliasim/DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface.m
@@ -0,0 +1,1159 @@
+% CLASS DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface - Communicate with V-REP using dual quaternions.
+% Installation:
+% 1) Enable V-REP's remote API on the Server Side:
+% http://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiServerSide.htm
+% - Port 19997 is enabled by default, please refer to the V-REP
+% documentation if you need more ports.
+% 2) Enable V-REP's remote API on the Client Side:
+% http://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiClientSide.htm
+% You have to add two folders to your MATLAB path. For example, on
+% 64bit Windows:
+% - YOUR_VREP_FOLDER\programming\remoteApiBindings\matlab\matlab
+% - YOUR_VREP_FOLDER\programming\remoteApiBindings\lib\lib\Windows\64Bit
+% For more information refer to the remote API documentation.
+% Usage:
+% If your installation is done correctly, the following minimal example
+% will start the V-REP simulation, sleep for one second, and stop the
+% simulation:
+% 1) Open V-REP with the default scene
+% 2) Run
+% >> vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+% >> vi.connect('',19997);
+% >> vi.start_simulation();
+% >> pause(1);
+% >> vi.stop_simulation();
+% >> vi.disconnect();
+% Familiarizing yourself with V-REP's remote API terminology might be
+% helpful to fully understand the documentation.
+% http://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/legacyRemoteApiOverview.htm
+% DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface Methods:
+% connect - Connects to a V-REP Remote API Server
+% disconnect - Disconnects from currently connected server
+% disconnect_all - Flushes all Remote API connections
+% start_simulation - Start V-REP simulation
+% stop_simulation - Stop V-REP simulation
+% get_object_translation - Get object translation as a pure
+% quaternion
+% set_object_translation - Set object translation with a pure
+% quaternion
+% get_object_rotation - Get object rotation as a unit quaternion
+% set_object_rotation - Set object rotation with a unit quaternion
+% get_object_pose - Get object pose as a unit dual quaternion
+% set_object_pose - Set object pose with a unit dual quaternion
+% set_joint_positions - Set the joint positions of a robot
+% set_joint_target_positions - Set the joint target positions of a
+% robot
+% get_joint_positions - Get the joint positions of a robot
+% set_synchronous - Set the stepped (synchronous) mode for the remote
+% API server service that the client is connected to.
+% trigger_next_simulation_step - Send a synchronization trigger
+% signal to the CoppeliaSim scene
+% wait_for_simulation_step_to_end - Return the time needed for a
+% command to be sent to the CoppeliaSim scene, executed, and sent back.
+% set_joint_target_velocities - Set the joint target velocities of a
+% robot
+% get_joint_velocities - Get the joint velocities of a robot
+% get_joint_torques - Get the joint torques of a robot
+% set_joint_torques - Set the joint torques of a robot
+% DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface Methods (For advanced users)
+% get_handle - Get the handle of a V-REP object
+% get_handles - Get the handles for multiple V-REP objects
+% (C) Copyright 2018-2023 DQ Robotics Developers
+% This file is part of DQ Robotics.
+% DQ Robotics is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% DQ Robotics is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+% along with DQ Robotics. If not, see .
+% DQ Robotics website: dqrobotics.github.io
+% Contributors to this file:
+% 1. Murilo Marques Marinho (murilo@nml.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
+% - Responsible for the original implementation.
+% 2. Juan Jose Quiroz Omana (juanjose.quirozomana@manchester.ac.uk)
+% - Added the following methods:
+% - set_synchronous()
+% - trigger_next_simulation_step()
+% - wait_for_simulation_step_to_end()
+% - set_joint_target_velocities()
+% - get_joint_velocities()
+% - Improved the documentation of the class
+% - Renamed the class from DQ_VrepInterface to DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface
+% - The class now inherits from DQ_CoppeliaSimInterface
+% 3. Frederico Fernandes Afonso Silva (frederico.silva@ieee.org)
+% - Added the following methods:
+% - get_joint_torques() (see https://github.com/dqrobotics/matlab/pull/104)
+% - set_joint_torques() (see https://github.com/dqrobotics/matlab/pull/104)
+% - Altered the following properties from 'private' to 'protected'
+% (see discussions in https://github.com/dqrobotics/matlab/pull/101
+% to further details):
+% - vrep
+% - clientID
+classdef DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface < DQ_CoppeliaSimInterface
+ properties (Access = private)
+ % a map between V-REP object names and DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElements
+ handles_map;
+ end
+ properties (Access = protected)
+ % the V-REP remote API instance used by this interface
+ vrep;
+ % the client ID of this remote API connection
+ clientID;
+ end
+ properties (Constant)
+ % Constant that denotes the V-VREP's remote API blocking operation mode
+ OP_BLOCKING = remApi('remoteApi').simx_opmode_blocking;
+ % Constant that denotes the V-VREP's remote API streaming operation mode
+ OP_STREAMING = remApi('remoteApi').simx_opmode_streaming;
+ % Constant that denotes the V-VREP's remote API oneshot operation mode
+ OP_ONESHOT = remApi('remoteApi').simx_opmode_oneshot;
+ % Constant that denotes the V-VREP's remote API buffer operation mode
+ OP_BUFFER = remApi('remoteApi').simx_opmode_buffer;
+ % Constant that denotes the V-VREP's remote API joint velocity ID
+ JOINT_VELOCITY_PARAMETER_ID = remApi('remoteApi').sim_jointfloatparam_velocity;
+ end
+ methods (Access = private)
+ function handle = handle_from_string_or_handle(obj,name_or_handle)
+ if(ischar(name_or_handle))
+ name = name_or_handle;
+ if(obj.handles_map.isKey(name))
+ handle = obj.handles_map(name).handle;
+ else
+ handle = obj.get_handle(name);
+ obj.handles_map(name) = DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElement(handle);
+ end
+ else
+ handle=name_or_handle;
+ end
+ end
+ function element = element_from_string(obj,name)
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(name); %Add new handle if needed
+ element = obj.handles_map(name);
+ end
+ end
+ methods
+ function obj = DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface()
+ obj.vrep=remApi('remoteApi');
+ obj.handles_map = containers.Map;
+ obj.clientID = -1;
+ disp(['This version of DQ Robotics DQ_VrepInterface is compatible'...
+ ' with VREP 3.5.0']);
+ end
+ function connect(obj,ip,port)
+ % This method connects to the remote api server (i.e. CoppeliaSim).
+ % Calling this function is required before anything else can happen.
+ % Usage:
+ % connect(ip, port);
+ % ip: The ip address where the CoppeliaSim is located.
+ % port: The port number where to connect.
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % connect('', 19997);
+ obj.clientID = obj.vrep.simxStart(ip,port,true,true,5000,5);
+ if (obj.clientID>-1)
+ disp('Connected to the remote API server');
+ else
+ error('Failed to connect to remote API server');
+ end
+ end
+ function disconnect(obj)
+ % This method ends the communication between the client and
+ % the CoppeliaSim scene. This should be the very last method called.
+ obj.vrep.simxFinish(obj.clientID);
+ end
+ function disconnect_all(obj)
+ % This method ends all running communication threads with the
+ % CoppeliaSim scene. This should be the very last method called.
+ obj.vrep.simxFinish(-1);
+ end
+ function set_synchronous(obj,flag)
+ % This method enables or disables the stepped (synchronous) mode
+ % for the remote API server service that the client is connected to.
+ % Example:
+ % set_synchronous(true) % synchronous mode enabled
+ % set_synchronous(false) % synchronous mode disabled
+ if (~islogical(flag))
+ error('Error in set_synchronous: argument must be logical, not a %s. \nExample:\n set_synchronous(true)', class(flag));
+ end
+ obj.vrep.simxSynchronous(obj.clientID,flag);
+ end
+ % This method enables or disables the stepped (synchronous) mode
+ % for the remote API server service that the client is connected to.
+ % Example:
+ % set_stepping_mode(true) % stepping mode enabled
+ % set_stepping_mode(false) % stepping mode disabled
+ function set_stepping_mode(obj, flag)
+ obj.set_synchronous(flag);
+ end
+ function trigger_next_simulation_step(obj)
+ % This method sends a synchronization trigger signal to the CoppeliaSim scene,
+ % which performs a simulation step when the synchronous mode is used.
+ obj.vrep.simxSynchronousTrigger(obj.clientID);
+ end
+ function ping_time = wait_for_simulation_step_to_end(obj)
+ % This method returns the time needed for a command to be sent
+ % to the CoppeliaSim scene, executed, and sent back.
+ [~, ping_time] = obj.vrep.simxGetPingTime(obj.clientID);
+ end
+ function start_simulation(obj)
+ % This method starts the CoppeliaSim simulation.
+ obj.vrep.simxStartSimulation(obj.clientID,obj.vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot);
+ end
+ function stop_simulation(obj)
+ % This method stops the CoppeliaSim simulation.
+ obj.vrep.simxStopSimulation(obj.clientID,obj.vrep.simx_opmode_blocking);
+ end
+ function handles = get_handles(obj,names)
+ % This method gets the handles for a cell array of
+ % object names in the the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % get_handles(names);
+ % names: The cell array of object names.
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % handle = get_handles({'ReferenceFrame_1', 'ReferenceFrame_2'});
+ handles = [];
+ if(iscell(names))
+ for i=1:length(names)
+ [~,handles(i)] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ char(names(i)),...
+ obj.vrep.simx_opmode_blocking);
+ end
+ else
+ error('Error in get_handles: argument names must be of type cell, e.g. names = [{joint1,joint2}];');
+ end
+ end
+ function handle = get_handle(obj,name)
+ % This method gets the handle for a given object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ %
+ % Usage:
+ % get_handles(name);
+ % names: The object name.
+ % Example:
+ % handle = get_handle('ReferenceFrame');
+ [~,handle] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ name,...
+ obj.vrep.simx_opmode_blocking);
+ end
+ function t = get_object_translation(obj,objectname,reference_frame,opmode)
+ % This method gets the translation of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ %
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % t = get_object_translation(objectname)
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % t = get_object_translation(objectname,reference_frame,opmode);
+ %
+ % objectname: The object name
+ % (optional) reference_frame: Indicates the name of
+ % the relative reference frame in which you
+ % want the translation. If not specified,
+ % the absolute frame is used.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
+ % the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % % Recommended:
+ % t = get_object_translation('DefaultCamera');
+ %
+ % % For advanced usage:
+ % t = get_object_translation('DefaultCamera', 'Frame_b', OP_ONESHOT);
+ % First approach to the auto-management using
+ % DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElements. If the user does not specify the
+ % opmode, it is chosen first as STREAMING and then as BUFFER,
+ % as specified by the remote API documentation
+ handle = objectname; % alias
+ if nargin <= 2
+ element = obj.element_from_string(handle);
+ if(~element.state_from_function_signature('get_object_translation'))
+ [~,object_position] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ -1,...
+ % We need to check the buffer until it is not empty,
+ % TODO add a timeout.
+ retval = 1;
+ while retval==1
+ [retval,object_position] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ -1,...
+ obj.OP_BUFFER);
+ end
+ else
+ [~,object_position] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ -1,...
+ obj.OP_BUFFER);
+ end
+ else
+ relative_to_handle = reference_frame; % alias
+ [~,object_position] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
+ opmode);
+ end
+ t = DQ([0,double(object_position)]);
+ end
+ function set_object_translation(obj,objectname,translation,reference_frame,opmode)
+ % This method sets the translation of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % set_object_translation(objectname,translation);
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % set_object_translation(objectname,translation,reference_frame,opmode);
+ %
+ % objectname: The object name.
+ % translation: The desired translation.
+ % (optional) reference_frame: Indicates the name of
+ % the relative reference frame in which
+ % the desired translation is expressed.
+ % If not specified, the absolute frame is used.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
+ % the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % % Recommended:
+ % set_object_translation('DefaultCamera', t);
+ %
+ % % For advanced usage:
+ % set_object_translation('DefaultCamera', t, 'Frame_b', OP_ONESHOT);
+ % create some aliases
+ handle = objectname;
+ t = translation;
+ if nargin == 3
+ obj.vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ -1,...
+ t.q(2:4),...
+ obj.OP_ONESHOT);
+ else
+ relative_to_handle = reference_frame; % alias
+ obj.vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
+ t.q(2:4),...
+ opmode);
+ end
+ end
+ function r = get_object_rotation(obj, objectname, reference_frame, opmode)
+ % This method gets the rotation of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ %
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % t = get_object_rotation(objectname);
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % t = get_object_rotation(objectname,reference_frame,opmode);
+ %
+ % objectname: The object name
+ % (optional) reference_frame: Indicates the name of
+ % the relative reference frame in which you
+ % want the rotation. If not specified,
+ % the absolute frame is used.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
+ % the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % % Recommended:
+ % r = get_object_rotation('DefaultCamera');
+ %
+ % % For advanced usage:
+ % r = get_object_rotation('DefaultCamera', 'Frame_b', OP_ONESHOT);
+ % create some aliases
+ handle = objectname;
+ id = obj.clientID;
+ handle1 = obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle);
+ % First approach to the auto-management using
+ % DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElements. If the user does not specify the
+ % opmode, it is chosen first as STREAMING and then as BUFFER,
+ % as specified by the remote API documentation
+ if nargin <= 2
+ element = obj.element_from_string(handle);
+ if(~element.state_from_function_signature('get_object_rotation'))
+ [~,obj_rot] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectQuaternion(id, ...
+ handle1,...
+ -1,...
+ % We need to check the buffer until it is not empty,
+ % TODO add a timeout.
+ retval = 1;
+ while retval==1
+ [retval,obj_rot] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectQuaternion(id,...
+ handle1,...
+ -1,...
+ obj.OP_BUFFER);
+ end
+ else
+ [~,obj_rot] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectQuaternion(id,handle1,...
+ -1,...
+ obj.OP_BUFFER);
+ end
+ else
+ relative_to_handle = reference_frame; % alias
+ handle2 = obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle);
+ [~,obj_rot] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectQuaternion(id,...
+ handle1,...
+ handle2,...
+ opmode);
+ end
+ object_rotation_double = double(obj_rot);
+ %V-Rep's quaternion representation is [x y z w] so we have to
+ %take that into account
+ r = normalize(DQ([object_rotation_double(4),...
+ object_rotation_double(1),...
+ object_rotation_double(2),...
+ object_rotation_double(3)]));
+ end
+ function set_object_rotation(obj,objectname,rotation,reference_frame,opmode)
+ % This method sets the rotation of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % set_object_rotation(objectname,rotation);
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % set_object_rotation(objectname,rotation,reference_frame,opmode);
+ %
+ % objectname: The object name.
+ % rotation: The desired rotation.
+ % (optional) reference_frame: Indicates the name of
+ % the relative reference frame in which
+ % the desired rotation is expressed.
+ % If not specified, the absolute frame is used.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
+ % the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % % Recommended:
+ % set_object_rotation('DefaultCamera', r);
+ %
+ % % For advanced usage:
+ % set_object_rotation('DefaultCamera', r, 'Frame_b', OP_ONESHOT);
+ % create some aliases
+ handle = objectname;
+ r = rotation;
+ if nargin == 3
+ obj.vrep.simxSetObjectQuaternion(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ -1,...
+ [r.q(2:4); r.q(1)],...
+ obj.OP_ONESHOT); %V-Rep's quaternion representation is [x y z w] so we have to take that into account
+ else
+ relative_to_handle = reference_frame; % alias
+ obj.vrep.simxSetObjectQuaternion(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
+ [r.q(2:4); r.q(1)],...
+ opmode); %V-Rep's quaternion representation is [x y z w] so we have to take that into account
+ end
+ end
+ function x = get_object_pose(obj,objectname,reference_frame,opmode)
+ % This method gets the pose of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ %
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % x = get_object_pose(objectname);
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % x = get_object_pose(objectname,reference_frame,opmode);
+ %
+ % objectname: The object name
+ % (optional) reference_frame: Indicates the name of
+ % the relative reference frame in which you
+ % want the pose. If not specified,
+ % the absolute frame is used.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
+ % the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % % Recommended:
+ % x = get_object_pose('DefaultCamera');
+ %
+ % % For advanced usage:
+ % x = get_object_pose('DefaultCamera', 'Frame_b', OP_ONESHOT);
+ handle = objectname; % alias
+ if nargin <= 2
+ t = obj.get_object_translation(handle);
+ r = obj.get_object_rotation(handle);
+ else
+ relative_to_handle = reference_frame; % alias
+ t = obj.get_object_translation(...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
+ opmode);
+ r = obj.get_object_rotation(...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
+ opmode);
+ end
+ x = r + 0.5*DQ.E*t*r;
+ end
+ function set_object_pose(obj,objectname,pose,reference_frame,opmode)
+ % This method sets the pose of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % set_object_pose(objectname,pose);
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % set_object_pose(objectname,pose,reference_frame,opmode);
+ %
+ % objectname: The object name.
+ % pose: The desired pose.
+ % (optional) reference_frame: Indicates the name of
+ % the relative reference frame in which
+ % the desired pose is expressed.
+ % If not specified, the absolute frame is used.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
+ % the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
+ %
+ % Example:
+ %
+ % t = DQ.i*0.01;
+ % r = DQ.i;
+ % x = r+0.5*DQ.E*t*r;
+ %
+ % % Recommended:
+ % set_object_pose('DefaultCamera', x);
+ %
+ % % For advanced usage:
+ % set_object_pose('DefaultCamera', x, 'Frame_b', OP_ONESHOT);
+ % create some aliases
+ handle = objectname;
+ x = pose;
+ if nargin == 3
+ t = translation(x);
+ r = rotation(x);
+ obj.set_object_translation(...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ t,...
+ -1,...
+ obj.OP_ONESHOT);
+ obj.set_object_rotation(...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ r,...
+ -1,...
+ obj.OP_ONESHOT);
+ else
+ relative_to_handle = reference_frame;
+ t = translation(x);
+ r = rotation(x);
+ obj.set_object_translation(...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ t,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
+ opmode);
+ obj.set_object_rotation(...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
+ r,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
+ opmode);
+ end
+ end
+ function set_joint_positions(obj,jointnames,joint_positions,opmode)
+ % This method sets the joint positions of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % It is required a dynamics disabled scene.
+ %
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % set_joint_positions(jointnames, joint_positions);
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % set_joint_positions(jointnames, joint_positions, opmode);
+ %
+ % jointnames: The joint names.
+ % joint_positions: The joint positions.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
+ % the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
+ % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
+ % u = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1];
+ %
+ % % Recommended:
+ % set_joint_positions(jointnames, u);
+ %
+ % % Advanced usage:
+ % set_joint_positions(jointnames, u, OP_ONESHOT);
+ % create some aliases
+ handles = jointnames;
+ thetas = joint_positions;
+ if nargin == 3
+ % The recommended mode is OP_ONESHOT
+ opmode = obj.OP_ONESHOT;
+ end
+ for joint_index=1:length(handles)
+ if isa(handles,'cell')
+ obj.vrep.simxSetJointPosition(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handles{joint_index}),...
+ thetas(joint_index),...
+ opmode);
+ else
+ obj.vrep.simxSetJointPosition(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handles),...
+ thetas(joint_index),...
+ opmode);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function set_joint_target_positions(obj,jointnames,joint_target_positions,opmode)
+ % This method sets the joint target positions of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % It is required a dynamics enabled scene, and joints in dynamic mode
+ % with position control mode.
+ %
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % set_joint_target_positions(jointnames,joint_target_positions);
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % set_joint_target_positions(jointnames, joint_target_positions, opmode);
+ %
+ % jointnames: The joint names.
+ % joint_target_positions: The joint target positions.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
+ % the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
+ % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
+ % u = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1];
+ %
+ % % Recommended:
+ % set_joint_target_positions(jointnames, u);
+ %
+ % % Advanced usage:
+ % set_joint_target_positions(jointnames, u, OP_ONESHOT);
+ % create some aliases
+ handles = jointnames;
+ thetas = joint_target_positions;
+ if nargin == 3
+ % The recommended mode is OP_ONESHOT
+ opmode = obj.OP_ONESHOT;
+ end
+ for joint_index=1:length(handles)
+ if isa(handles,'cell')
+ obj.vrep.simxSetJointTargetPosition(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handles{joint_index}),...
+ thetas(joint_index),...
+ opmode);
+ else
+ obj.vrep.simxSetJointTargetPosition(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handles),...
+ thetas(joint_index),...
+ opmode);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function [joint_positions,retval]=get_joint_positions(obj,jointnames,opmode)
+ % This method gets the joint positions of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % joint_positions = get_joint_positions(jointnames);
+ % [joint_positions, retval] = get_joint_positions(jointnames);
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % joint_positions] = get_joint_positions(jointnames,opmode);
+ % [joint_positions, retval] = get_joint_positions(jointnames, opmode);
+ %
+ % -Parameters:
+ %
+ % jointnames: The joint names.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
+ % the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
+ %
+ % - Outputs:
+ %
+ % joint_positions: The joints positions
+ % retval: The return code of the Remote API function,
+ % which is defined in https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiConstants.htm#functionErrorCodes
+ %
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
+ % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
+ %
+ % % Recommended:
+ % joint_positions = get_joint_positions(jointnames);
+ % [joint_positions, rtn] = get_joint_positions(jointnames);
+ %
+ % % Advanced usage:
+ % joint_positions = get_joint_positions(jointnames, OP_ONESHOT);
+ % [joint_positions, rtn] = get_joint_positions(jointnames, OP_ONESHOT);
+ % create some aliases
+ handles = jointnames;
+ thetas = zeros(length(handles),1);
+ for joint_index=1:length(handles)
+ % First approach to the auto-management using
+ % DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElements. If the user does not specify the
+ % opmode, it is chosen first as STREAMING and then as BUFFER,
+ % as specified by the remote API documentation
+ if nargin <= 2
+ if isa(handles,'cell')
+ element = obj.element_from_string(handles{joint_index});
+ else
+ element = obj.element_from_string(handles);
+ end
+ if(~element.state_from_function_signature('get_joint_positions'))
+ [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointPosition(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ element.handle,...
+ retval=1;
+ while retval==1
+ [retval,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointPosition(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ element.handle,...
+ obj.OP_BUFFER);
+ end
+ else
+ [retval,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointPosition(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ element.handle,...
+ obj.OP_BUFFER);
+ end
+ else
+ [retval,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointPosition(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handles{joint_index}),...
+ opmode);
+ end
+ thetas(joint_index) = double(tmp);
+ end
+ joint_positions = thetas;
+ end
+ function joint_velocities = get_joint_velocities(obj,jointnames,opmode)
+ % This method gets the joint velocities of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % joint_velocities = get_joint_velocities(jointnames);
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % joint_velocities = get_joint_velocities(jointnames, opmode)
+ %
+ % jointnames: The joint names.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
+ % the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
+ % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
+ %
+ % % Recommended:
+ % joint_velocities = get_joint_velocities(jointnames);
+ %
+ % % Advanced usage:
+ % joint_velocities = get_joint_velocities(jointnames, OP_ONESHOT);
+ joint_velocities = zeros(length(jointnames),1);
+ for joint_index=1:length(jointnames)
+ % First approach to the auto-management using
+ % DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElements. If the user does not specify the
+ % opmode, it is chosen first as STREAMING and then as BUFFER,
+ % as specified by the remote API documentation
+ if nargin <= 2
+ if isa(jointnames,'cell')
+ element = obj.element_from_string(jointnames{joint_index});
+ else
+ element = obj.element_from_string(jointnames);
+ end
+ if(~element.state_from_function_signature('get_joint_velocities'))
+ [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectFloatParameter(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ element.handle,...
+ retval=1;
+ while retval==1
+ [retval,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectFloatParameter(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ element.handle,...
+ obj.OP_BUFFER);
+ end
+ else
+ [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectFloatParameter(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ element.handle,...
+ obj.OP_BUFFER);
+ end
+ else
+ [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectFloatParameter(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}),...
+ opmode);
+ end
+ joint_velocities(joint_index) = double(tmp);
+ end
+ end
+ function set_joint_target_velocities(obj,jointnames,joint_target_velocities,opmode)
+ % This method sets the joint velocities of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % It is required a dynamics enabled scene, and joints in dynamic mode
+ % with velocity control mode. Check this link for more
+ % information about joint modes:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/jointModes.htm
+ %
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % set_joint_target_velocities(jointnames, joint_target_velocities);
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % set_joint_target_velocities(jointnames, joint_target_velocities, opmode);
+ %
+ % jointnames: The joint names.
+ % joint_target_velocities: The joint target velocities.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
+ % the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details:
+ % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
+ % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
+ % u = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1];
+ %
+ % % Recommended:
+ % set_joint_target_velocities(jointnames, u);
+ %
+ % % Advanced usage:
+ % set_joint_target_velocities(jointnames, u, OP_ONESHOT);
+ if nargin == 3
+ % The recommended mode is OP_ONESHOT
+ opmode = obj.OP_ONESHOT;
+ end
+ for joint_index=1:length(jointnames)
+ if isa(jointnames,'cell')
+ obj.vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}),...
+ joint_target_velocities(joint_index),...
+ opmode);
+ else
+ obj.vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(...
+ obj.clientID,...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames),...
+ joint_target_velocities(joint_index),...
+ opmode);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ function joint_torques = get_joint_torques(obj,jointnames,opmode)
+ % This method gets the joint torques of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % joint_torques = get_joint_torques(jointnames);
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % joint_torques = get_joint_torques(jointnames, opmode)
+ %
+ % jointnames: The joint names.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not
+ % specified, the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details: https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiFunctionsMatlab.htm#simxGetJointForce
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
+ % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
+ %
+ % % Recommended:
+ % joint_torques = get_joint_torques(jointnames);
+ %
+ % % Advanced usage:
+ % joint_torques = get_joint_torques(jointnames, OP_STREAMING);
+ joint_torques = zeros(length(jointnames),1);
+ % If the user does not specify the opmode, it is chosen first
+ % as STREAMING and then as BUFFER, as specified by the remote
+ % API documentation.
+ for joint_index=1:length(jointnames)
+ % First approach to the auto-management using
+ % DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElements. If the user does not specify the
+ % opmode, it is chosen first as STREAMING and then as BUFFER,
+ % as specified by the remote API documentation
+ if nargin <= 2
+ if isa(jointnames,'cell')
+ element = obj.element_from_string(jointnames{joint_index});
+ else
+ element = obj.element_from_string(jointnames);
+ end
+ if(~element.state_from_function_signature('get_joint_torques'))
+ [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointForce(obj.clientID, element.handle, obj.OP_STREAMING);
+ return_code = 1;
+ while(return_code == 1)
+ [return_code,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointForce(obj.clientID, element.handle, obj.OP_BUFFER);
+ end
+ else
+ [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointForce(obj.clientID, element.handle, obj.OP_BUFFER);
+ end
+ else
+ [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointForce(obj.clientID, ...
+ obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}), opmode);
+ end
+ joint_torques(joint_index) = double(-tmp); % V-REP returns joint torques with an inverse sign
+ end
+ end
+ function set_joint_torques(obj,jointnames,torques,opmode)
+ % This method sets the joint torques of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % Recommended:
+ % set_joint_torques(jointnames, torques);
+ %
+ % Advanced:
+ % set_joint_torques(jointnames, torques, opmode);
+ %
+ % jointnames: The joint names.
+ % torques: The joint torques.
+ % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not
+ % specified, the opmode will be set automatically.
+ %
+ % You can use the following modes:
+ %
+ % Check this link for more details: https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiFunctionsMatlab.htm#simxSetJointTargetVelocity
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
+ % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
+ % u = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1];
+ %
+ % % Recommended:
+ % set_joint_torques(jointnames, u);
+ %
+ % % Advanced usage:
+ % set_joint_torques(jointnames, u, opmode);
+ % If the user does not specify the opmode, it is chosen first
+ % as STREAMING and then as OP_ONESHOT, as specified by the
+ % remote API documentation.
+ if nargin == 3
+ % The recommended mode is OP_ONESHOT
+ for joint_index=1:length(jointnames)
+ obj.vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(obj.clientID, obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}), ...
+ sign(torques(joint_index))*10e10, obj.OP_ONESHOT);
+ obj.vrep.simxSetJointForce(obj.clientID, obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}), ...
+ abs(torques(joint_index)), obj.OP_ONESHOT);
+ end
+ else
+ for joint_index=1:length(jointnames)
+ obj.vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(obj.clientID, obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}),...
+ sign(torques(joint_index))*10e10, opmode);
+ obj.vrep.simxSetJointForce(obj.clientID,obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}),abs(torques(joint_index)),...
+ opmode);
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/interfaces/coppeliasim/DQ_CoppeliaSimRobot.m b/interfaces/coppeliasim/DQ_CoppeliaSimRobot.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab80a798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/coppeliasim/DQ_CoppeliaSimRobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+% CLASS DQ_CoppeliaSimRobot - Abstract class with methods to send and receive
+% robot information to and from VREP.
+% Usage:
+% Inherit from this class and implement the abstract methods.
+% DQ_VrepRobot Methods (Abstract):
+% set_configuration - Sends the joint configurations to VREP
+% get_configuration - Obtains the joint configurations from VREP
+% (C) Copyright 2018-2024 DQ Robotics Developers
+% This file is part of DQ Robotics.
+% DQ Robotics is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% DQ Robotics is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+% along with DQ Robotics. If not, see .
+% DQ Robotics website: dqrobotics.sourceforge.net
+% Contributors to this file:
+% 1. Murilo Marques Marinho - murilo@nml.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
+% - Responsible for the original implementation.
+% 2. Frederico Fernandes Afonso Silva (frederico.silva@ieee.org)
+% - Deprecated the following methods to ensure compatibility with the
+% C++ version of the class:
+% - 'send_q_to_vrep'
+% - 'get_q_from_vrep'
+% - Removed the following methods to ensure compatibility with the
+% C++ version of the class:
+% - 'kinematics'
+% 3. Juan Jose Quiroz Omana (juanjose.quirozomana@manchester.ac.uk)
+% - Renamed the class from DQ_VrepRobot to DQ_CoppeliaSimRobot
+classdef (Abstract) DQ_CoppeliaSimRobot
+ properties
+ robot_name
+ vrep_interface
+ end
+ methods (Abstract)
+ set_configuration(obj,q);
+ q = get_configuration(obj);
+ end
+ methods
+ function send_q_to_vrep(obj, q)
+ % For backwards compatibility only. Do not use this method.
+ warning('Deprecated. Use set_configuration() instead.')
+ obj.set_configuration(q)
+ end
+ function q = get_q_from_vrep(obj)
+ % For backwards compatibility only. Do not use this method.
+ warning('Deprecated. Use get_configuration() instead.')
+ q = obj.get_configuration();
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/interfaces/coppeliasim/DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot.m b/interfaces/coppeliasim/DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a41d1469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/coppeliasim/DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+% CLASS DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot - Concrete class to interface with serial robots
+% in VREP.
+% Usage:
+% 1) Drag-and-drop a serial robot to a VREP scene. For instance, a
+% "my_robot" robot.
+% 2) Run
+% >> vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+% >> vi.connect('',19997);
+% >> vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot", vi);
+% >> vi.start_simulation();
+% >> vrep_robot.get_configuration();
+% >> pause(1);
+% >> vi.stop_simulation();
+% >> vi.disconnect();
+% Note that the name of the robot should be EXACTLY the same as in
+% VREP. For instance, if you drag-and-drop a second robot, its name
+% will become "my_robot#0", a third robot, "my_robot#1", and so on.
+% DQ_SerialVrepRobot Methods:
+% get_joint_names - Gets the joint names of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+% set_configuration - Sets the joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+% get_configuration - Gets the joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+% set_target_configuration - Sets the joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene as a target configuration for the joint controllers.
+% get_configuration_velocities - Gets the joint velocities of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+% set_target_configuration_velocities - Sets the joint velocities of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene as a target velocity for the joint controllers.
+% set_configuration_space_torques - Sets the joint torques of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+% get_configuration_space_torques - Gets the joint torques of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+% (C) Copyright 2011-2024 DQ Robotics Developers
+% This file is part of DQ Robotics.
+% DQ Robotics is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% DQ Robotics is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+% along with DQ Robotics. If not, see .
+% DQ Robotics website: dqrobotics.github.io
+% Contributors to this file:
+% 1. Frederico Fernandes Afonso Silva (frederico.silva@ieee.org)
+% - Responsible for the original implementation, based on the C++ version:
+% - DQ_VrepInterface.h: https://github.com/dqrobotics/cpp-interface-vrep/blob/master/include/dqrobotics/interfaces/vrep/DQ_VrepInterface.h
+% - DQ_SerialVrepRobot.cpp: https://github.com/dqrobotics/cpp-interface-vrep/blob/master/src/dqrobotics/interfaces/vrep/DQ_SerialVrepRobot.cpp
+% 2. Juan Jose Quiroz Omana (juanjose.quirozomana@manchester.ac.uk)
+% - Renamed the class from DQ_SerialVrepRobot to DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot
+classdef DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot < DQ_CoppeliaSimRobot
+ properties
+ joint_names;
+ base_frame_name;
+ end
+ methods
+ function obj = DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot(base_robot_name, robot_dof, robot_name, vrep_interface)
+ % This method constructs an instance of a DQ_SerialVrepRobot.
+ % Usage:
+ % DQ_SerialVrepRobot(base_robot_name, robot_dof, robot_name, vrep_interface);
+ % base_robot_name: The base name of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % robot_dof: The number of DoF of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % robot_name: The name of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % vrep_interface: The DQ_VrepInterface object connected to the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+ % vi.connect('',19997);
+ % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
+ %
+ % Note that the name of the robot should be EXACTLY the same as in the CoppeliaSim
+ % scene. For instance, if you drag-and-drop a second robot, its name will become
+ % "my_robot#0", a third robot, "my_robot#1", and so on.
+ obj.robot_name = robot_name;
+ obj.vrep_interface = vrep_interface;
+ %% The use of 'initialize_joint_names_from_vrep()', as is done in the C++ implementation, is not supported on a constructor in MATLAB
+ % From the second copy of the robot and onward, VREP appends a
+ % #number in the robot's name. We check here if the robot is
+ % called by the correct name and assign an index that will be
+ % used to correctly infer the robot's joint labels.
+ splited_name = strsplit(obj.robot_name,'#');
+ robot_label = splited_name{1};
+ if ~strcmp(robot_label, base_robot_name)
+ error('Expected %s', base_robot_name)
+ end
+ if length(splited_name) > 1
+ robot_index = splited_name{2};
+ else
+ robot_index = '';
+ end
+ % Initialize joint names, link names, and base frame name
+ obj.joint_names = {};
+ for i=1:robot_dof
+ current_joint_name = {robot_label,'_joint',int2str(i),robot_index};
+ obj.joint_names{i} = strjoin(current_joint_name,'');
+ end
+ obj.base_frame_name = obj.joint_names{1};
+ end
+ function joint_names = get_joint_names(obj)
+ % This method gets the joint names of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % get_joint_names;
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+ % vi.connect('',19997);
+ % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
+ % joint_names = vrep_robot.get_joint_names;
+ joint_names = obj.joint_names;
+ end
+ function set_configuration(obj, q)
+ % This method sets the joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % set_configuration(q);
+ % q: The joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+ % vi.connect('',19997);
+ % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
+ % q = zeros(7,1);
+ % vrep_robot.set_configuration(q);
+ %
+ % Note that this calls "set_joint_positions" in DQ_VrepInterface, meaning that it
+ % is only suitable for joints in kinematic mode.
+ obj.vrep_interface.set_joint_positions(obj.joint_names, q)
+ end
+ function q = get_configuration(obj)
+ % This method gets the joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % get_configuration;
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+ % vi.connect('',19997);
+ % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
+ % q = vrep_robot.get_configuration;
+ q = obj.vrep_interface.get_joint_positions(obj.joint_names);
+ end
+ function set_target_configuration(obj, q_target)
+ % This method sets the joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene as a target configuration for the joint controllers.
+ % Usage:
+ % set_target_configuration(q_target);
+ % q_target: The target joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+ % vi.connect('',19997);
+ % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
+ % q_target = zeros(7,1);
+ % vrep_robot.set_target_configuration(q_target);
+ %
+ % Note that this calls "set_joint_target_positions" in DQ_VrepInterface, meaning that it
+ % is only suitable for joints in dynamic mode with position control.
+ obj.vrep_interface.set_joint_target_positions(obj.joint_names, q_target)
+ end
+ function qd = get_configuration_velocities(obj)
+ % This method gets the joint velocities of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % get_configuration_velocities;
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+ % vi.connect('',19997);
+ % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
+ % qd = vrep_robot.get_configuration_velocities;
+ qd = obj.vrep_interface.get_joint_velocities(obj.joint_names);
+ end
+ function set_target_configuration_velocities(obj, v_target)
+ % This method sets the joint velocities of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene as a target velocity for the joint controllers.
+ % Usage:
+ % set_target_configuration_velocities(v_target);
+ % v_target: The target joint velocities of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+ % vi.connect('',19997);
+ % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
+ % v_target = zeros(7,1);
+ % vrep_robot.set_target_configuration_velocities(v_target);
+ %
+ % Note that this calls "set_joint_target_velocities" in DQ_VrepInterface, meaning that it
+ % is only suitable for joints in dynamic mode with velocity control.
+ obj.vrep_interface.set_joint_target_velocities(obj.joint_names, v_target);
+ end
+ function set_configuration_space_torques(obj,tau)
+ % This method sets the joint torques of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % set_configuration_space_torques(tau);
+ % tau: The joint torques of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+ % vi.connect('',19997);
+ % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
+ % tau = zeros(7,1);
+ % vrep_robot.set_configuration_space_torques(tau);
+ %
+ % Note that this calls "set_joint_torques" in DQ_VrepInterface, meaning that it
+ % is only suitable for joints in dynamic mode with force/torque control.
+ obj.vrep_interface.set_joint_torques(obj.joint_names,tau)
+ end
+ function tau = get_configuration_space_torques(obj)
+ % This method gets the joint torques of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
+ % Usage:
+ % get_configuration_space_torques;
+ %
+ % Example:
+ % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+ % vi.connect('',19997);
+ % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
+ % tau = vrep_robot.get_configuration_space_torques;
+ tau = obj.vrep_interface.get_joint_torques(obj.joint_names);
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interfaces/coppeliasim/robots/LBR4pCoppeliaSimRobot.m b/interfaces/coppeliasim/robots/LBR4pCoppeliaSimRobot.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..376b21e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/coppeliasim/robots/LBR4pCoppeliaSimRobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+% CLASS LBR4pCoppeliaSimRobot - Concrete class to interface with the "KUKA LBR4+"
+% robot in VREP.
+% Usage:
+% 1) Drag-and-drop a "KUKA LBR4+" robot to a VREP scene.
+% 2) Run
+% >> vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+% >> vi.connect('',19997);
+% >> vrep_robot = LBR4pVrepRobot("LBR4p", vi);
+% >> vi.start_simulation();
+% >> robot.get_configuration();
+% >> pause(1);
+% >> vi.stop_simulation();
+% >> vi.disconnect();
+% Note that the name of the robot should be EXACTLY the same as in
+% VREP. For instance, if you drag-and-drop a second robot, its name
+% will become "LBR4p#0", a third robot, "LBR4p#1", and so on.
+% LBR4pVrepRobot Methods:
+% kinematics - Obtains the DQ_Kinematics implementation of this robot
+% (C) Copyright 2011-2024 DQ Robotics Developers
+% This file is part of DQ Robotics.
+% DQ Robotics is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% DQ Robotics is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+% along with DQ Robotics. If not, see .
+% DQ Robotics website: dqrobotics.sourceforge.net
+% Contributors to this file:
+% 1. Murilo Marques Marinho - murilo@nml.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
+% - Responsible for the original implementation
+% 2. Frederico Fernandes Afonso Silva (frederico.silva@ieee.org)
+% - Updated for compatibility with the DQ_SerialVrepRobot class.
+% 3. Juan Jose Quiroz Omana (juanjose.quirozomana@manchester.ac.uk)
+% - Renamed the class from LBR4pVrepRobot to LBR4pCoppeliaSimRobot
+classdef LBR4pCoppeliaSimRobot < DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot
+ methods
+ function obj = LBR4pCoppeliaSimRobot(robot_name, vrep_interface)
+ obj@DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot("LBR4p", 7, robot_name, vrep_interface);
+ end
+ function kin = kinematics(obj)
+ %% Obtains the DQ_SerialManipulator instance that represents this LBR4p robot.
+ % >> vrep_robot = LBR4pVrepRobot("LBR4p", vi);
+ % >> robot_kinematics = vrep_robot.kinematics();
+ LBR4p_DH_theta=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
+ LBR4p_DH_d = [0.200, 0, 0.4, 0, 0.39, 0, 0];
+ LBR4p_DH_a = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
+ LBR4p_DH_alpha = [pi/2, -pi/2, pi/2, -pi/2, pi/2, -pi/2, 0];
+ LBR4p_DH_type = double(repmat(DQ_JointType.REVOLUTE,1,7));
+ LBR4p_DH_matrix = [LBR4p_DH_theta;
+ LBR4p_DH_d;
+ LBR4p_DH_a;
+ LBR4p_DH_alpha
+ LBR4p_DH_type];
+ kin = DQ_SerialManipulatorDH(LBR4p_DH_matrix);
+ kin.set_reference_frame(obj.vrep_interface.get_object_pose(obj.base_frame_name));
+ kin.set_base_frame(obj.vrep_interface.get_object_pose(obj.base_frame_name));
+ kin.set_effector(1+0.5*DQ.E*DQ.k*0.07);
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/interfaces/coppeliasim/robots/YouBotCoppeliaSimRobot.m b/interfaces/coppeliasim/robots/YouBotCoppeliaSimRobot.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0bf2d5e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interfaces/coppeliasim/robots/YouBotCoppeliaSimRobot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+% CLASS YouBotVrepRobot - Concrete class to interface with the "KUKA YouBot"
+% robot in VREP.
+% Usage:
+% 1) Drag-and-drop a "KUKA YouBot" robot to a VREP scene.
+% 2) Run
+% >> vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
+% >> vi.connect('',19997);
+% >> vrep_robot = YouBotVrepRobot("youBot", vi);
+% >> vi.start_simulation();
+% >> robot.get_configuration();
+% >> pause(1);
+% >> vi.stop_simulation();
+% >> vi.disconnect();
+% Note that the name of the robot should be EXACTLY the same as in
+% VREP. For instance, if you drag-and-drop a second robot, its name
+% will become "youBot#0", a third robot, "youBot#1", and so on.
+% YouBotVrepRobot Methods:
+% set_configuration - Sends the joint configurations to VREP
+% get_configuration - Obtains the joint configurations from VREP
+% kinematics - Obtains the DQ_Kinematics implementation of this robot
+% (C) Copyright 2011-2024 DQ Robotics Developers
+% This file is part of DQ Robotics.
+% DQ Robotics is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% DQ Robotics is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+% along with DQ Robotics. If not, see .
+% DQ Robotics website: dqrobotics.sourceforge.net
+% Contributors to this file:
+% 1. Murilo Marques Marinho - murilo@nml.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
+% - Responsible for the original implementation
+% 2. Frederico Fernandes Afonso Silva (frederico.silva@ieee.org)
+% - Updated for compatibility with the DQ_SerialVrepRobot class.
+% 3. Juan Jose Quiroz Omana (juanjose.quirozomana@manchester.ac.uk)
+% - Renamed the class from YouBotVrepRobot to YouBotCoppeliaSimRobot
+classdef YouBotCoppeliaSimRobot < DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot
+ properties (Constant)
+ adjust = ((cos(pi/2) + DQ.i*sin(pi/2)) * (cos(pi/4) + DQ.j*sin(pi/4)))*(1+0.5*DQ.E*-0.1*DQ.k);
+ end
+ methods
+ function obj = YouBotCoppeliaSimRobot(robot_name, vrep_interface)
+ obj@DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot("youBot", 5, robot_name, vrep_interface);
+ %% youBot does not follow the standard naming convention in CoppeliaSim. Also, the use of 'set_names()', as is done in the C++ implementation, is not supported on a constructor in MATLAB
+ % From the second copy of the robot and onward, VREP appends a
+ % #number in the robot's name. We check here if the robot is
+ % called by the correct name and assign an index that will be
+ % used to correctly infer the robot's joint labels.
+ splited_name = strsplit(robot_name,'#');
+ robot_label = splited_name{1};
+ if ~strcmp(robot_label,'youBot')
+ error('Expected youBot')
+ end
+ if length(splited_name) > 1
+ robot_index = splited_name{2};
+ else
+ robot_index = '';
+ end
+ % Initialize joint names and base frame
+ obj.joint_names = {};
+ for i=1:5
+ current_joint_name = {robot_label,'ArmJoint',int2str(i-1),robot_index};
+ obj.joint_names{i} = strjoin(current_joint_name,'');
+ end
+ obj.base_frame_name = robot_name;
+ end
+ function set_configuration(obj,q)
+ %% Sends the joint configurations to VREP
+ % >> vrep_robot = YouBotVrepRobot("youBot", vi)
+ % >> q = zeros(8,1);
+ % >> vrep_robot.set_configuration(q)
+ x = q(1);
+ y = q(2);
+ phi = q(3);
+ r = cos(phi/2.0)+DQ.k*sin(phi/2.0);
+ p = x * DQ.i + y * DQ.j;
+ pose = (1 + DQ.E*0.5*p)*r;
+ obj.vrep_interface.set_joint_positions(obj.joint_names,q(4:8));
+ obj.vrep_interface.set_object_pose(obj.base_frame_name, pose * obj.adjust');
+ end
+ function q = get_configuration(obj)
+ %% Obtains the joint configurations from VREP
+ % >> vrep_robot = YouBotVrepRobot("youBot", vi)
+ % >> q = vrep_robot.get_configuration(q)
+ base_x = obj.vrep_interface.get_object_pose(obj.base_frame_name) * obj.adjust;
+ base_t = vec3(translation(base_x));
+ base_phi = rotation_angle(rotation(base_x));
+ base_arm_q = obj.vrep_interface.get_joint_positions(obj.joint_names);
+ q = [base_t(1); base_t(2); base_phi; base_arm_q];
+ end
+ function kin = kinematics(obj)
+ %% Obtains the DQ_WholeBody instance that represents this youBot robot.
+ % >> vrep_robot = YouBotVrepRobot("youBot", vi)
+ % >> robot_kinematics = vrep_robot.kinematics()
+ include_namespace_dq
+ % The DH parameters and other geometric parameters are based on
+ % Kuka's documentation:
+ % http://www.youbot-store.com/wiki/index.php/YouBot_Detailed_Specifications
+ % https://www.generationrobots.com/img/Kuka-YouBot-Technical-Specs.pdf
+ pi2 = pi/2;
+ arm_DH_theta = [ 0, pi2, 0, pi2, 0];
+ arm_DH_d = [ 0.147, 0, 0, 0, 0.218];
+ arm_DH_a = [ 0.033, 0.155, 0.135, 0, 0];
+ arm_DH_alpha = [pi2, 0, 0, pi2, 0];
+ arm_DH_type = double(repmat(DQ_JointType.REVOLUTE,1,5));
+ arm_DH_matrix = [arm_DH_theta;
+ arm_DH_d;
+ arm_DH_a;
+ arm_DH_alpha
+ arm_DH_type];
+ arm = DQ_SerialManipulatorDH(arm_DH_matrix);
+ base = DQ_HolonomicBase();
+ x_bm = 1 + E_*0.5*(0.165*i_ + 0.11*k_);
+ base.set_frame_displacement(x_bm);
+ kin = DQ_WholeBody(base);
+ kin.add(arm);
+ effector = 1 + E_*0.5*0.3*k_;
+ kin.set_effector(effector);
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/interfaces/vrep/DQ_SerialVrepRobot.m b/interfaces/vrep/DQ_SerialVrepRobot.m
index df363a09..a9dd9c71 100644
--- a/interfaces/vrep/DQ_SerialVrepRobot.m
+++ b/interfaces/vrep/DQ_SerialVrepRobot.m
@@ -52,189 +52,11 @@
% - DQ_VrepInterface.h: https://github.com/dqrobotics/cpp-interface-vrep/blob/master/include/dqrobotics/interfaces/vrep/DQ_VrepInterface.h
% - DQ_SerialVrepRobot.cpp: https://github.com/dqrobotics/cpp-interface-vrep/blob/master/src/dqrobotics/interfaces/vrep/DQ_SerialVrepRobot.cpp
-classdef DQ_SerialVrepRobot < DQ_VrepRobot
- properties
- joint_names;
- base_frame_name;
- end
+classdef DQ_SerialVrepRobot < DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot
function obj = DQ_SerialVrepRobot(base_robot_name, robot_dof, robot_name, vrep_interface)
- % This method constructs an instance of a DQ_SerialVrepRobot.
- % Usage:
- % DQ_SerialVrepRobot(base_robot_name, robot_dof, robot_name, vrep_interface);
- % base_robot_name: The base name of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % robot_dof: The number of DoF of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % robot_name: The name of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % vrep_interface: The DQ_VrepInterface object connected to the CoppeliaSim scene.
- %
- % Example:
- % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
- % vi.connect('',19997);
- % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
- %
- % Note that the name of the robot should be EXACTLY the same as in the CoppeliaSim
- % scene. For instance, if you drag-and-drop a second robot, its name will become
- % "my_robot#0", a third robot, "my_robot#1", and so on.
- obj.robot_name = robot_name;
- obj.vrep_interface = vrep_interface;
- %% The use of 'initialize_joint_names_from_vrep()', as is done in the C++ implementation, is not supported on a constructor in MATLAB
- % From the second copy of the robot and onward, VREP appends a
- % #number in the robot's name. We check here if the robot is
- % called by the correct name and assign an index that will be
- % used to correctly infer the robot's joint labels.
- splited_name = strsplit(obj.robot_name,'#');
- robot_label = splited_name{1};
- if ~strcmp(robot_label, base_robot_name)
- error('Expected %s', base_robot_name)
- end
- if length(splited_name) > 1
- robot_index = splited_name{2};
- else
- robot_index = '';
- end
- % Initialize joint names, link names, and base frame name
- obj.joint_names = {};
- for i=1:robot_dof
- current_joint_name = {robot_label,'_joint',int2str(i),robot_index};
- obj.joint_names{i} = strjoin(current_joint_name,'');
- end
- obj.base_frame_name = obj.joint_names{1};
- end
- function joint_names = get_joint_names(obj)
- % This method gets the joint names of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % get_joint_names;
- %
- % Example:
- % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
- % vi.connect('',19997);
- % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
- % joint_names = vrep_robot.get_joint_names;
- joint_names = obj.joint_names;
- end
- function set_configuration(obj, q)
- % This method sets the joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % set_configuration(q);
- % q: The joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- %
- % Example:
- % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
- % vi.connect('',19997);
- % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
- % q = zeros(7,1);
- % vrep_robot.set_configuration(q);
- %
- % Note that this calls "set_joint_positions" in DQ_VrepInterface, meaning that it
- % is only suitable for joints in kinematic mode.
- obj.vrep_interface.set_joint_positions(obj.joint_names, q)
- end
- function q = get_configuration(obj)
- % This method gets the joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % get_configuration;
- %
- % Example:
- % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
- % vi.connect('',19997);
- % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
- % q = vrep_robot.get_configuration;
- q = obj.vrep_interface.get_joint_positions(obj.joint_names);
- end
- function set_target_configuration(obj, q_target)
- % This method sets the joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene as a target configuration for the joint controllers.
- % Usage:
- % set_target_configuration(q_target);
- % q_target: The target joint configurations of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- %
- % Example:
- % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
- % vi.connect('',19997);
- % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
- % q_target = zeros(7,1);
- % vrep_robot.set_target_configuration(q_target);
- %
- % Note that this calls "set_joint_target_positions" in DQ_VrepInterface, meaning that it
- % is only suitable for joints in dynamic mode with position control.
- obj.vrep_interface.set_joint_target_positions(obj.joint_names, q_target)
- end
- function qd = get_configuration_velocities(obj)
- % This method gets the joint velocities of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % get_configuration_velocities;
- %
- % Example:
- % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
- % vi.connect('',19997);
- % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
- % qd = vrep_robot.get_configuration_velocities;
- qd = obj.vrep_interface.get_joint_velocities(obj.joint_names);
- end
- function set_target_configuration_velocities(obj, v_target)
- % This method sets the joint velocities of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene as a target velocity for the joint controllers.
- % Usage:
- % set_target_configuration_velocities(v_target);
- % v_target: The target joint velocities of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- %
- % Example:
- % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
- % vi.connect('',19997);
- % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
- % v_target = zeros(7,1);
- % vrep_robot.set_target_configuration_velocities(v_target);
- %
- % Note that this calls "set_joint_target_velocities" in DQ_VrepInterface, meaning that it
- % is only suitable for joints in dynamic mode with velocity control.
- obj.vrep_interface.set_joint_target_velocities(obj.joint_names, v_target);
- end
- function set_configuration_space_torques(obj,tau)
- % This method sets the joint torques of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % set_configuration_space_torques(tau);
- % tau: The joint torques of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- %
- % Example:
- % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
- % vi.connect('',19997);
- % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
- % tau = zeros(7,1);
- % vrep_robot.set_configuration_space_torques(tau);
- %
- % Note that this calls "set_joint_torques" in DQ_VrepInterface, meaning that it
- % is only suitable for joints in dynamic mode with force/torque control.
- obj.vrep_interface.set_joint_torques(obj.joint_names,tau)
- end
- function tau = get_configuration_space_torques(obj)
- % This method gets the joint torques of the robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % get_configuration_space_torques;
- %
- % Example:
- % vi = DQ_VrepInterface();
- % vi.connect('',19997);
- % vrep_robot = DQ_SerialVrepRobot("my_robot", 7, "my_robot#1", vi);
- % tau = vrep_robot.get_configuration_space_torques;
- tau = obj.vrep_interface.get_joint_torques(obj.joint_names);
+ warning('Deprecated. Use DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot instead.')
+ obj@DQ_SerialCoppeliaSimRobot(base_robot_name, robot_dof, robot_name, vrep_interface)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/interfaces/vrep/DQ_VrepInterface.m b/interfaces/vrep/DQ_VrepInterface.m
index a869a347..88dc94d0 100644
--- a/interfaces/vrep/DQ_VrepInterface.m
+++ b/interfaces/vrep/DQ_VrepInterface.m
@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@
% - set_joint_target_velocities()
% - get_joint_velocities()
% - Improved the documentation of the class
+% - Renamed the class from DQ_VrepInterface to DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface
+% - The class now inherits from DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface
% 3. Frederico Fernandes Afonso Silva (frederico.silva@ieee.org)
% - Added the following methods:
@@ -108,1040 +110,13 @@
% - clientID
-classdef DQ_VrepInterface < handle
- properties (Access = private)
- % a map between V-REP object names and DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElements
- handles_map;
- end
- properties (Access = protected)
- % the V-REP remote API instance used by this interface
- vrep;
- % the client ID of this remote API connection
- clientID;
- end
- properties (Constant)
- % Constant that denotes the V-VREP's remote API blocking operation mode
- OP_BLOCKING = remApi('remoteApi').simx_opmode_blocking;
- % Constant that denotes the V-VREP's remote API streaming operation mode
- OP_STREAMING = remApi('remoteApi').simx_opmode_streaming;
- % Constant that denotes the V-VREP's remote API oneshot operation mode
- OP_ONESHOT = remApi('remoteApi').simx_opmode_oneshot;
- % Constant that denotes the V-VREP's remote API buffer operation mode
- OP_BUFFER = remApi('remoteApi').simx_opmode_buffer;
- % Constant that denotes the V-VREP's remote API joint velocity ID
- JOINT_VELOCITY_PARAMETER_ID = remApi('remoteApi').sim_jointfloatparam_velocity;
- end
- methods (Access = private)
- function handle = handle_from_string_or_handle(obj,name_or_handle)
- if(ischar(name_or_handle))
- name = name_or_handle;
- if(obj.handles_map.isKey(name))
- handle = obj.handles_map(name).handle;
- else
- handle = obj.get_handle(name);
- obj.handles_map(name) = DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElement(handle);
- end
- else
- handle=name_or_handle;
- end
- end
- function element = element_from_string(obj,name)
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(name); %Add new handle if needed
- element = obj.handles_map(name);
- end
- end
+classdef DQ_VrepInterface < DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface
function obj = DQ_VrepInterface()
- obj.vrep=remApi('remoteApi');
- obj.handles_map = containers.Map;
- obj.clientID = -1;
- disp(['This version of DQ Robotics DQ_VrepInterface is compatible'...
- ' with VREP 3.5.0']);
- end
- function connect(obj,ip,port)
- % This method connects to the remote api server (i.e. CoppeliaSim).
- % Calling this function is required before anything else can happen.
- % Usage:
- % connect(ip, port);
- % ip: The ip address where the CoppeliaSim is located.
- % port: The port number where to connect.
- %
- % Example:
- % connect('', 19997);
- obj.clientID = obj.vrep.simxStart(ip,port,true,true,5000,5);
- if (obj.clientID>-1)
- disp('Connected to the remote API server');
- else
- error('Failed to connect to remote API server');
- end
- end
- function disconnect(obj)
- % This method ends the communication between the client and
- % the CoppeliaSim scene. This should be the very last method called.
- obj.vrep.simxFinish(obj.clientID);
- end
- function disconnect_all(obj)
- % This method ends all running communication threads with the
- % CoppeliaSim scene. This should be the very last method called.
- obj.vrep.simxFinish(-1);
- end
- function set_synchronous(obj,flag)
- % This method enables or disables the stepped (synchronous) mode
- % for the remote API server service that the client is connected to.
- % Example:
- % set_synchronous(true) % synchronous mode enabled
- % set_synchronous(false) % synchronous mode disabled
- if (~islogical(flag))
- error('Error in set_synchronous: argument must be logical, not a %s. \nExample:\n set_synchronous(true)', class(flag));
- end
- obj.vrep.simxSynchronous(obj.clientID,flag);
- end
- function trigger_next_simulation_step(obj)
- % This method sends a synchronization trigger signal to the CoppeliaSim scene,
- % which performs a simulation step when the synchronous mode is used.
- obj.vrep.simxSynchronousTrigger(obj.clientID);
- end
- function ping_time = wait_for_simulation_step_to_end(obj)
- % This method returns the time needed for a command to be sent
- % to the CoppeliaSim scene, executed, and sent back.
- [~, ping_time] = obj.vrep.simxGetPingTime(obj.clientID);
- end
- function start_simulation(obj)
- % This method starts the CoppeliaSim simulation.
- obj.vrep.simxStartSimulation(obj.clientID,obj.vrep.simx_opmode_oneshot);
- end
- function stop_simulation(obj)
- % This method stops the CoppeliaSim simulation.
- obj.vrep.simxStopSimulation(obj.clientID,obj.vrep.simx_opmode_blocking);
- end
- function handles = get_handles(obj,names)
- % This method gets the handles for a cell array of
- % object names in the the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % get_handles(names);
- % names: The cell array of object names.
- %
- % Example:
- % handle = get_handles({'ReferenceFrame_1', 'ReferenceFrame_2'});
- handles = [];
- if(iscell(names))
- for i=1:length(names)
- [~,handles(i)] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(...
- obj.clientID,...
- char(names(i)),...
- obj.vrep.simx_opmode_blocking);
- end
- else
- error('Error in get_handles: argument names must be of type cell, e.g. names = [{joint1,joint2}];');
- end
- end
- function handle = get_handle(obj,name)
- % This method gets the handle for a given object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- %
- % Usage:
- % get_handles(name);
- % names: The object name.
- % Example:
- % handle = get_handle('ReferenceFrame');
- [~,handle] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectHandle(...
- obj.clientID,...
- name,...
- obj.vrep.simx_opmode_blocking);
- end
- function t = get_object_translation(obj,objectname,reference_frame,opmode)
- % This method gets the translation of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- %
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % t = get_object_translation(objectname)
- %
- % Advanced:
- % t = get_object_translation(objectname,reference_frame,opmode);
- %
- % objectname: The object name
- % (optional) reference_frame: Indicates the name of
- % the relative reference frame in which you
- % want the translation. If not specified,
- % the absolute frame is used.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
- % the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details:
- % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
- %
- % Example:
- % % Recommended:
- % t = get_object_translation('DefaultCamera');
- %
- % % For advanced usage:
- % t = get_object_translation('DefaultCamera', 'Frame_b', OP_ONESHOT);
- % First approach to the auto-management using
- % DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElements. If the user does not specify the
- % opmode, it is chosen first as STREAMING and then as BUFFER,
- % as specified by the remote API documentation
- handle = objectname; % alias
- if nargin <= 2
- element = obj.element_from_string(handle);
- if(~element.state_from_function_signature('get_object_translation'))
- [~,object_position] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- -1,...
- % We need to check the buffer until it is not empty,
- % TODO add a timeout.
- retval = 1;
- while retval==1
- [retval,object_position] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- -1,...
- obj.OP_BUFFER);
- end
- else
- [~,object_position] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- -1,...
- obj.OP_BUFFER);
- end
- else
- relative_to_handle = reference_frame; % alias
- [~,object_position] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectPosition(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
- opmode);
- end
- t = DQ([0,double(object_position)]);
- end
- function set_object_translation(obj,objectname,translation,reference_frame,opmode)
- % This method sets the translation of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % set_object_translation(objectname,translation);
- %
- % Advanced:
- % set_object_translation(objectname,translation,reference_frame,opmode);
- %
- % objectname: The object name.
- % translation: The desired translation.
- % (optional) reference_frame: Indicates the name of
- % the relative reference frame in which
- % the desired translation is expressed.
- % If not specified, the absolute frame is used.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
- % the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details:
- % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
- %
- % Example:
- % % Recommended:
- % set_object_translation('DefaultCamera', t);
- %
- % % For advanced usage:
- % set_object_translation('DefaultCamera', t, 'Frame_b', OP_ONESHOT);
- % create some aliases
- handle = objectname;
- t = translation;
- if nargin == 3
- obj.vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- -1,...
- t.q(2:4),...
- obj.OP_ONESHOT);
- else
- relative_to_handle = reference_frame; % alias
- obj.vrep.simxSetObjectPosition(obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
- t.q(2:4),...
- opmode);
- end
- end
- function r = get_object_rotation(obj, objectname, reference_frame, opmode)
- % This method gets the rotation of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- %
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % t = get_object_rotation(objectname);
- %
- % Advanced:
- % t = get_object_rotation(objectname,reference_frame,opmode);
- %
- % objectname: The object name
- % (optional) reference_frame: Indicates the name of
- % the relative reference frame in which you
- % want the rotation. If not specified,
- % the absolute frame is used.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
- % the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details:
- % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
- %
- % Example:
- % % Recommended:
- % r = get_object_rotation('DefaultCamera');
- %
- % % For advanced usage:
- % r = get_object_rotation('DefaultCamera', 'Frame_b', OP_ONESHOT);
- % create some aliases
- handle = objectname;
- id = obj.clientID;
- handle1 = obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle);
- % First approach to the auto-management using
- % DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElements. If the user does not specify the
- % opmode, it is chosen first as STREAMING and then as BUFFER,
- % as specified by the remote API documentation
- if nargin <= 2
- element = obj.element_from_string(handle);
- if(~element.state_from_function_signature('get_object_rotation'))
- [~,obj_rot] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectQuaternion(id, ...
- handle1,...
- -1,...
- % We need to check the buffer until it is not empty,
- % TODO add a timeout.
- retval = 1;
- while retval==1
- [retval,obj_rot] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectQuaternion(id,...
- handle1,...
- -1,...
- obj.OP_BUFFER);
- end
- else
- [~,obj_rot] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectQuaternion(id,handle1,...
- -1,...
- obj.OP_BUFFER);
- end
- else
- relative_to_handle = reference_frame; % alias
- handle2 = obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle);
- [~,obj_rot] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectQuaternion(id,...
- handle1,...
- handle2,...
- opmode);
- end
- object_rotation_double = double(obj_rot);
- %V-Rep's quaternion representation is [x y z w] so we have to
- %take that into account
- r = normalize(DQ([object_rotation_double(4),...
- object_rotation_double(1),...
- object_rotation_double(2),...
- object_rotation_double(3)]));
- end
- function set_object_rotation(obj,objectname,rotation,reference_frame,opmode)
- % This method sets the rotation of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % set_object_rotation(objectname,rotation);
- %
- % Advanced:
- % set_object_rotation(objectname,rotation,reference_frame,opmode);
- %
- % objectname: The object name.
- % rotation: The desired rotation.
- % (optional) reference_frame: Indicates the name of
- % the relative reference frame in which
- % the desired rotation is expressed.
- % If not specified, the absolute frame is used.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
- % the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details:
- % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
- %
- % Example:
- % % Recommended:
- % set_object_rotation('DefaultCamera', r);
- %
- % % For advanced usage:
- % set_object_rotation('DefaultCamera', r, 'Frame_b', OP_ONESHOT);
- % create some aliases
- handle = objectname;
- r = rotation;
- if nargin == 3
- obj.vrep.simxSetObjectQuaternion(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- -1,...
- [r.q(2:4); r.q(1)],...
- obj.OP_ONESHOT); %V-Rep's quaternion representation is [x y z w] so we have to take that into account
- else
- relative_to_handle = reference_frame; % alias
- obj.vrep.simxSetObjectQuaternion(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
- [r.q(2:4); r.q(1)],...
- opmode); %V-Rep's quaternion representation is [x y z w] so we have to take that into account
- end
- end
- function x = get_object_pose(obj,objectname,reference_frame,opmode)
- % This method gets the pose of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- %
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % x = get_object_pose(objectname);
- %
- % Advanced:
- % x = get_object_pose(objectname,reference_frame,opmode);
- %
- % objectname: The object name
- % (optional) reference_frame: Indicates the name of
- % the relative reference frame in which you
- % want the pose. If not specified,
- % the absolute frame is used.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
- % the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details:
- % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
- %
- % Example:
- % % Recommended:
- % x = get_object_pose('DefaultCamera');
- %
- % % For advanced usage:
- % x = get_object_pose('DefaultCamera', 'Frame_b', OP_ONESHOT);
- handle = objectname; % alias
- if nargin <= 2
- t = obj.get_object_translation(handle);
- r = obj.get_object_rotation(handle);
- else
- relative_to_handle = reference_frame; % alias
- t = obj.get_object_translation(...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
- opmode);
- r = obj.get_object_rotation(...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
- opmode);
- end
- x = r + 0.5*DQ.E*t*r;
- end
- function set_object_pose(obj,objectname,pose,reference_frame,opmode)
- % This method sets the pose of an object in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % set_object_pose(objectname,pose);
- %
- % Advanced:
- % set_object_pose(objectname,pose,reference_frame,opmode);
- %
- % objectname: The object name.
- % pose: The desired pose.
- % (optional) reference_frame: Indicates the name of
- % the relative reference frame in which
- % the desired pose is expressed.
- % If not specified, the absolute frame is used.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
- % the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details:
- % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
- %
- % Example:
- %
- % t = DQ.i*0.01;
- % r = DQ.i;
- % x = r+0.5*DQ.E*t*r;
- %
- % % Recommended:
- % set_object_pose('DefaultCamera', x);
- %
- % % For advanced usage:
- % set_object_pose('DefaultCamera', x, 'Frame_b', OP_ONESHOT);
- % create some aliases
- handle = objectname;
- x = pose;
- if nargin == 3
- t = translation(x);
- r = rotation(x);
- obj.set_object_translation(...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- t,...
- -1,...
- obj.OP_ONESHOT);
- obj.set_object_rotation(...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- r,...
- -1,...
- obj.OP_ONESHOT);
- else
- relative_to_handle = reference_frame;
- t = translation(x);
- r = rotation(x);
- obj.set_object_translation(...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- t,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
- opmode);
- obj.set_object_rotation(...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handle),...
- r,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(relative_to_handle),...
- opmode);
- end
- end
- function set_joint_positions(obj,jointnames,joint_positions,opmode)
- % This method sets the joint positions of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % It is required a dynamics disabled scene.
- %
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % set_joint_positions(jointnames, joint_positions);
- %
- % Advanced:
- % set_joint_positions(jointnames, joint_positions, opmode);
- %
- % jointnames: The joint names.
- % joint_positions: The joint positions.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
- % the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details:
- % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
- %
- % Example:
- % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
- % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
- % u = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1];
- %
- % % Recommended:
- % set_joint_positions(jointnames, u);
- %
- % % Advanced usage:
- % set_joint_positions(jointnames, u, OP_ONESHOT);
- % create some aliases
- handles = jointnames;
- thetas = joint_positions;
- if nargin == 3
- % The recommended mode is OP_ONESHOT
- opmode = obj.OP_ONESHOT;
- end
- for joint_index=1:length(handles)
- if isa(handles,'cell')
- obj.vrep.simxSetJointPosition(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handles{joint_index}),...
- thetas(joint_index),...
- opmode);
- else
- obj.vrep.simxSetJointPosition(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handles),...
- thetas(joint_index),...
- opmode);
- end
- end
- end
- function set_joint_target_positions(obj,jointnames,joint_target_positions,opmode)
- % This method sets the joint target positions of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % It is required a dynamics enabled scene, and joints in dynamic mode
- % with position control mode.
- %
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % set_joint_target_positions(jointnames,joint_target_positions);
- %
- % Advanced:
- % set_joint_target_positions(jointnames, joint_target_positions, opmode);
- %
- % jointnames: The joint names.
- % joint_target_positions: The joint target positions.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
- % the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details:
- % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
- %
- % Example:
- % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
- % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
- % u = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1];
- %
- % % Recommended:
- % set_joint_target_positions(jointnames, u);
- %
- % % Advanced usage:
- % set_joint_target_positions(jointnames, u, OP_ONESHOT);
- % create some aliases
- handles = jointnames;
- thetas = joint_target_positions;
- if nargin == 3
- % The recommended mode is OP_ONESHOT
- opmode = obj.OP_ONESHOT;
- end
- for joint_index=1:length(handles)
- if isa(handles,'cell')
- obj.vrep.simxSetJointTargetPosition(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handles{joint_index}),...
- thetas(joint_index),...
- opmode);
- else
- obj.vrep.simxSetJointTargetPosition(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handles),...
- thetas(joint_index),...
- opmode);
- end
- end
- end
- function [joint_positions,retval]=get_joint_positions(obj,jointnames,opmode)
- % This method gets the joint positions of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % joint_positions = get_joint_positions(jointnames);
- % [joint_positions, retval] = get_joint_positions(jointnames);
- %
- % Advanced:
- % joint_positions] = get_joint_positions(jointnames,opmode);
- % [joint_positions, retval] = get_joint_positions(jointnames, opmode);
- %
- % -Parameters:
- %
- % jointnames: The joint names.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
- % the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details:
- % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
- %
- % - Outputs:
- %
- % joint_positions: The joints positions
- % retval: The return code of the Remote API function,
- % which is defined in https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiConstants.htm#functionErrorCodes
- %
- %
- % Example:
- % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
- % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
- %
- % % Recommended:
- % joint_positions = get_joint_positions(jointnames);
- % [joint_positions, rtn] = get_joint_positions(jointnames);
- %
- % % Advanced usage:
- % joint_positions = get_joint_positions(jointnames, OP_ONESHOT);
- % [joint_positions, rtn] = get_joint_positions(jointnames, OP_ONESHOT);
- % create some aliases
- handles = jointnames;
- thetas = zeros(length(handles),1);
- for joint_index=1:length(handles)
- % First approach to the auto-management using
- % DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElements. If the user does not specify the
- % opmode, it is chosen first as STREAMING and then as BUFFER,
- % as specified by the remote API documentation
- if nargin <= 2
- if isa(handles,'cell')
- element = obj.element_from_string(handles{joint_index});
- else
- element = obj.element_from_string(handles);
- end
- if(~element.state_from_function_signature('get_joint_positions'))
- [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointPosition(...
- obj.clientID,...
- element.handle,...
- retval=1;
- while retval==1
- [retval,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointPosition(...
- obj.clientID,...
- element.handle,...
- obj.OP_BUFFER);
- end
- else
- [retval,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointPosition(...
- obj.clientID,...
- element.handle,...
- obj.OP_BUFFER);
- end
- else
- [retval,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointPosition(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(handles{joint_index}),...
- opmode);
- end
- thetas(joint_index) = double(tmp);
- end
- joint_positions = thetas;
- end
- function joint_velocities = get_joint_velocities(obj,jointnames,opmode)
- % This method gets the joint velocities of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % joint_velocities = get_joint_velocities(jointnames);
- %
- % Advanced:
- % joint_velocities = get_joint_velocities(jointnames, opmode)
- %
- % jointnames: The joint names.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
- % the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details:
- % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
- %
- % Example:
- % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
- % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
- %
- % % Recommended:
- % joint_velocities = get_joint_velocities(jointnames);
- %
- % % Advanced usage:
- % joint_velocities = get_joint_velocities(jointnames, OP_ONESHOT);
- joint_velocities = zeros(length(jointnames),1);
- for joint_index=1:length(jointnames)
- % First approach to the auto-management using
- % DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElements. If the user does not specify the
- % opmode, it is chosen first as STREAMING and then as BUFFER,
- % as specified by the remote API documentation
- if nargin <= 2
- if isa(jointnames,'cell')
- element = obj.element_from_string(jointnames{joint_index});
- else
- element = obj.element_from_string(jointnames);
- end
- if(~element.state_from_function_signature('get_joint_velocities'))
- [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectFloatParameter(...
- obj.clientID,...
- element.handle,...
- retval=1;
- while retval==1
- [retval,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectFloatParameter(...
- obj.clientID,...
- element.handle,...
- obj.OP_BUFFER);
- end
- else
- [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectFloatParameter(...
- obj.clientID,...
- element.handle,...
- obj.OP_BUFFER);
- end
- else
- [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetObjectFloatParameter(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}),...
- opmode);
- end
- joint_velocities(joint_index) = double(tmp);
- end
- end
- function set_joint_target_velocities(obj,jointnames,joint_target_velocities,opmode)
- % This method sets the joint velocities of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % It is required a dynamics enabled scene, and joints in dynamic mode
- % with velocity control mode. Check this link for more
- % information about joint modes:
- % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/jointModes.htm
- %
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % set_joint_target_velocities(jointnames, joint_target_velocities);
- %
- % Advanced:
- % set_joint_target_velocities(jointnames, joint_target_velocities, opmode);
- %
- % jointnames: The joint names.
- % joint_target_velocities: The joint target velocities.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not specified,
- % the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details:
- % https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiModusOperandi.htm
- %
- % Example:
- % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
- % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
- % u = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1];
- %
- % % Recommended:
- % set_joint_target_velocities(jointnames, u);
- %
- % % Advanced usage:
- % set_joint_target_velocities(jointnames, u, OP_ONESHOT);
- if nargin == 3
- % The recommended mode is OP_ONESHOT
- opmode = obj.OP_ONESHOT;
- end
- for joint_index=1:length(jointnames)
- if isa(jointnames,'cell')
- obj.vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}),...
- joint_target_velocities(joint_index),...
- opmode);
- else
- obj.vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(...
- obj.clientID,...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames),...
- joint_target_velocities(joint_index),...
- opmode);
- end
- end
- end
- function joint_torques = get_joint_torques(obj,jointnames,opmode)
- % This method gets the joint torques of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % joint_torques = get_joint_torques(jointnames);
- %
- % Advanced:
- % joint_torques = get_joint_torques(jointnames, opmode)
- %
- % jointnames: The joint names.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not
- % specified, the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details: https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiFunctionsMatlab.htm#simxGetJointForce
- %
- % Example:
- % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
- % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
- %
- % % Recommended:
- % joint_torques = get_joint_torques(jointnames);
- %
- % % Advanced usage:
- % joint_torques = get_joint_torques(jointnames, OP_STREAMING);
- joint_torques = zeros(length(jointnames),1);
- % If the user does not specify the opmode, it is chosen first
- % as STREAMING and then as BUFFER, as specified by the remote
- % API documentation.
- for joint_index=1:length(jointnames)
- % First approach to the auto-management using
- % DQ_VrepInterfaceMapElements. If the user does not specify the
- % opmode, it is chosen first as STREAMING and then as BUFFER,
- % as specified by the remote API documentation
- if nargin <= 2
- if isa(jointnames,'cell')
- element = obj.element_from_string(jointnames{joint_index});
- else
- element = obj.element_from_string(jointnames);
- end
- if(~element.state_from_function_signature('get_joint_torques'))
- [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointForce(obj.clientID, element.handle, obj.OP_STREAMING);
- return_code = 1;
- while(return_code == 1)
- [return_code,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointForce(obj.clientID, element.handle, obj.OP_BUFFER);
- end
- else
- [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointForce(obj.clientID, element.handle, obj.OP_BUFFER);
- end
- else
- [~,tmp] = obj.vrep.simxGetJointForce(obj.clientID, ...
- obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}), opmode);
- end
- joint_torques(joint_index) = double(-tmp); % V-REP returns joint torques with an inverse sign
- end
- end
- function set_joint_torques(obj,jointnames,torques,opmode)
- % This method sets the joint torques of a robot in the CoppeliaSim scene.
- % Usage:
- % Recommended:
- % set_joint_torques(jointnames, torques);
- %
- % Advanced:
- % set_joint_torques(jointnames, torques, opmode);
- %
- % jointnames: The joint names.
- % torques: The joint torques.
- % (optional) opmode: The operation mode. If not
- % specified, the opmode will be set automatically.
- %
- % You can use the following modes:
- %
- % Check this link for more details: https://www.coppeliarobotics.com/helpFiles/en/remoteApiFunctionsMatlab.htm#simxSetJointTargetVelocity
- %
- % Example:
- % jointnames={'LBR4p_joint1','LBR4p_joint2','LBR4p_joint3','LBR4p_joint4',...
- % 'LBR4p_joint5','LBR4p_joint6','LBR4p_joint7'};
- % u = [0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1];
- %
- % % Recommended:
- % set_joint_torques(jointnames, u);
- %
- % % Advanced usage:
- % set_joint_torques(jointnames, u, opmode);
- % If the user does not specify the opmode, it is chosen first
- % as STREAMING and then as OP_ONESHOT, as specified by the
- % remote API documentation.
- if nargin == 3
- % The recommended mode is OP_ONESHOT
- for joint_index=1:length(jointnames)
- obj.vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(obj.clientID, obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}), ...
- sign(torques(joint_index))*10e10, obj.OP_ONESHOT);
- obj.vrep.simxSetJointForce(obj.clientID, obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}), ...
- abs(torques(joint_index)), obj.OP_ONESHOT);
- end
- else
- for joint_index=1:length(jointnames)
- obj.vrep.simxSetJointTargetVelocity(obj.clientID, obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}),...
- sign(torques(joint_index))*10e10, opmode);
- obj.vrep.simxSetJointForce(obj.clientID,obj.handle_from_string_or_handle(jointnames{joint_index}),abs(torques(joint_index)),...
- opmode);
- end
- end
+ warning('Deprecated. Use DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface instead.')
+ obj@DQ_CoppeliaSimLegacyInterface();
diff --git a/interfaces/vrep/DQ_VrepRobot.m b/interfaces/vrep/DQ_VrepRobot.m
index 7c59b4a8..b715d6e8 100644
--- a/interfaces/vrep/DQ_VrepRobot.m
+++ b/interfaces/vrep/DQ_VrepRobot.m
@@ -38,32 +38,14 @@
% - Removed the following methods to ensure compatibility with the
% C++ version of the class:
% - 'kinematics'
+% 3. Juan Jose Quiroz Omana (juanjose.quirozomana@manchester.ac.uk)
+% - The class now inherits from DQ_CoppeliaSimRobot
-classdef (Abstract) DQ_VrepRobot
- properties
- robot_name
- vrep_interface
- end
- methods (Abstract)
- set_configuration(obj,q);
- q = get_configuration(obj);
- end
+classdef (Abstract) DQ_VrepRobot < DQ_CoppeliaSimRobot
- function send_q_to_vrep(obj, q)
- % For backwards compatibility only. Do not use this method.
- warning('Deprecated. Use set_configuration() instead.')
- obj.set_configuration(q)
- end
- function q = get_q_from_vrep(obj)
- % For backwards compatibility only. Do not use this method.
- warning('Deprecated. Use get_configuration() instead.')
- q = obj.get_configuration();
+ function obj = DQ_VrepRobot()
+ warning('Deprecated. Use DQ_CoppeliaSimRobot instead.')
+ obj@DQ_CoppeliaSimRobot();
diff --git a/interfaces/vrep/robots/LBR4pVrepRobot.m b/interfaces/vrep/robots/LBR4pVrepRobot.m
index b020dfad..0e1f0963 100644
--- a/interfaces/vrep/robots/LBR4pVrepRobot.m
+++ b/interfaces/vrep/robots/LBR4pVrepRobot.m
@@ -43,35 +43,16 @@
% - Responsible for the original implementation
% 2. Frederico Fernandes Afonso Silva (frederico.silva@ieee.org)
% - Updated for compatibility with the DQ_SerialVrepRobot class.
+% 3. Juan Jose Quiroz Omana (juanjose.quirozomana@manchester.ac.uk)
+% - The class now inherits from LBR4pCoppeliaSimRobot
-classdef LBR4pVrepRobot < DQ_SerialVrepRobot
+classdef LBR4pVrepRobot < LBR4pCoppeliaSimRobot
function obj = LBR4pVrepRobot(robot_name, vrep_interface)
- obj@DQ_SerialVrepRobot("LBR4p", 7, robot_name, vrep_interface);
+ warning('Deprecated. Use LBR4pCoppeliaSimRobot instead.')
+ obj@LBR4pCoppeliaSimRobot(robot_name, vrep_interface);
- function kin = kinematics(obj)
- %% Obtains the DQ_SerialManipulator instance that represents this LBR4p robot.
- % >> vrep_robot = LBR4pVrepRobot("LBR4p", vi);
- % >> robot_kinematics = vrep_robot.kinematics();
- LBR4p_DH_theta=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
- LBR4p_DH_d = [0.200, 0, 0.4, 0, 0.39, 0, 0];
- LBR4p_DH_a = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
- LBR4p_DH_alpha = [pi/2, -pi/2, pi/2, -pi/2, pi/2, -pi/2, 0];
- LBR4p_DH_type = double(repmat(DQ_JointType.REVOLUTE,1,7));
- LBR4p_DH_matrix = [LBR4p_DH_theta;
- LBR4p_DH_d;
- LBR4p_DH_a;
- LBR4p_DH_alpha
- LBR4p_DH_type];
- kin = DQ_SerialManipulatorDH(LBR4p_DH_matrix);
- kin.set_reference_frame(obj.vrep_interface.get_object_pose(obj.base_frame_name));
- kin.set_base_frame(obj.vrep_interface.get_object_pose(obj.base_frame_name));
- kin.set_effector(1+0.5*DQ.E*DQ.k*0.07);
- end
diff --git a/interfaces/vrep/robots/YouBotVrepRobot.m b/interfaces/vrep/robots/YouBotVrepRobot.m
index 7ad10e34..3d00c196 100644
--- a/interfaces/vrep/robots/YouBotVrepRobot.m
+++ b/interfaces/vrep/robots/YouBotVrepRobot.m
@@ -45,105 +45,16 @@
% - Responsible for the original implementation
% 2. Frederico Fernandes Afonso Silva (frederico.silva@ieee.org)
% - Updated for compatibility with the DQ_SerialVrepRobot class.
+% 3. Juan Jose Quiroz Omana (juanjose.quirozomana@manchester.ac.uk)
+% - The class now inherits from YouBotCoppeliaSimRobot
-classdef YouBotVrepRobot < DQ_SerialVrepRobot
- properties (Constant)
- adjust = ((cos(pi/2) + DQ.i*sin(pi/2)) * (cos(pi/4) + DQ.j*sin(pi/4)))*(1+0.5*DQ.E*-0.1*DQ.k);
- end
+classdef YouBotVrepRobot < YouBotCoppeliaSimRobot
function obj = YouBotVrepRobot(robot_name, vrep_interface)
- obj@DQ_SerialVrepRobot("youBot", 5, robot_name, vrep_interface);
- %% youBot does not follow the standard naming convention in CoppeliaSim. Also, the use of 'set_names()', as is done in the C++ implementation, is not supported on a constructor in MATLAB
- % From the second copy of the robot and onward, VREP appends a
- % #number in the robot's name. We check here if the robot is
- % called by the correct name and assign an index that will be
- % used to correctly infer the robot's joint labels.
- splited_name = strsplit(robot_name,'#');
- robot_label = splited_name{1};
- if ~strcmp(robot_label,'youBot')
- error('Expected youBot')
- end
- if length(splited_name) > 1
- robot_index = splited_name{2};
- else
- robot_index = '';
- end
- % Initialize joint names and base frame
- obj.joint_names = {};
- for i=1:5
- current_joint_name = {robot_label,'ArmJoint',int2str(i-1),robot_index};
- obj.joint_names{i} = strjoin(current_joint_name,'');
- end
- obj.base_frame_name = robot_name;
- end
- function set_configuration(obj,q)
- %% Sends the joint configurations to VREP
- % >> vrep_robot = YouBotVrepRobot("youBot", vi)
- % >> q = zeros(8,1);
- % >> vrep_robot.set_configuration(q)
- x = q(1);
- y = q(2);
- phi = q(3);
- r = cos(phi/2.0)+DQ.k*sin(phi/2.0);
- p = x * DQ.i + y * DQ.j;
- pose = (1 + DQ.E*0.5*p)*r;
- obj.vrep_interface.set_joint_positions(obj.joint_names,q(4:8));
- obj.vrep_interface.set_object_pose(obj.base_frame_name, pose * obj.adjust');
- end
- function q = get_configuration(obj)
- %% Obtains the joint configurations from VREP
- % >> vrep_robot = YouBotVrepRobot("youBot", vi)
- % >> q = vrep_robot.get_configuration(q)
- base_x = obj.vrep_interface.get_object_pose(obj.base_frame_name) * obj.adjust;
- base_t = vec3(translation(base_x));
- base_phi = rotation_angle(rotation(base_x));
- base_arm_q = obj.vrep_interface.get_joint_positions(obj.joint_names);
- q = [base_t(1); base_t(2); base_phi; base_arm_q];
- end
- function kin = kinematics(obj)
- %% Obtains the DQ_WholeBody instance that represents this youBot robot.
- % >> vrep_robot = YouBotVrepRobot("youBot", vi)
- % >> robot_kinematics = vrep_robot.kinematics()
- include_namespace_dq
- % The DH parameters and other geometric parameters are based on
- % Kuka's documentation:
- % http://www.youbot-store.com/wiki/index.php/YouBot_Detailed_Specifications
- % https://www.generationrobots.com/img/Kuka-YouBot-Technical-Specs.pdf
- pi2 = pi/2;
- arm_DH_theta = [ 0, pi2, 0, pi2, 0];
- arm_DH_d = [ 0.147, 0, 0, 0, 0.218];
- arm_DH_a = [ 0.033, 0.155, 0.135, 0, 0];
- arm_DH_alpha = [pi2, 0, 0, pi2, 0];
- arm_DH_type = double(repmat(DQ_JointType.REVOLUTE,1,5));
- arm_DH_matrix = [arm_DH_theta;
- arm_DH_d;
- arm_DH_a;
- arm_DH_alpha
- arm_DH_type];
- arm = DQ_SerialManipulatorDH(arm_DH_matrix);
- base = DQ_HolonomicBase();
- x_bm = 1 + E_*0.5*(0.165*i_ + 0.11*k_);
- base.set_frame_displacement(x_bm);
- kin = DQ_WholeBody(base);
- kin.add(arm);
- effector = 1 + E_*0.5*0.3*k_;
- kin.set_effector(effector);
- end
+ warning('Deprecated. Use YouBotCoppeliaSimRobot instead.')
+ obj@YouBotCoppeliaSimRobot(robot_name, vrep_interface);
+ end