diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.cs.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.cs.xlf index 8b0ebf59de..6295af2023 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.cs.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.cs.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ Obecné přetypování (IL unbox.any) používané sekvencí vrácenou metodou E The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing se podporuje pouze u neobecných úloh, nikoli u Task<TResult>. Pokud ho chcete použít s task<TResult>, nejprve ho přetypujte na základní úlohu. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing se podporuje pouze s neobecnou úlohou. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Obecné přetypování (IL unbox.any) používané sekvencí vrácenou metodou E Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - Použít CreateEncryptor s výchozím inicializačním vektorem + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ Obecné přetypování (IL unbox.any) používané sekvencí vrácenou metodou E 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - AsSpan je efektivnější než Substring. Substring provádí kopírování řetězce O(n), zatímco AsSpan ho neprovádí a má konstantní náklady. + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.de.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.de.xlf index 21cd8d62a1..a4c7ff805b 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.de.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.de.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ Erweiterungen und benutzerdefinierte Konvertierungen werden bei generischen Type The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - "ConfigureResultitOptions.SuppressInternewing" wird nur mit dem nicht generischen Task und nicht mit einem Task<TResult> unterstützt. Um es mit einem Task<TResult> zu verwenden, wandeln Sie zuerst in den Basistask um. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - "Configure OdbcitOptions.SuppressInternewing" wird nur mit dem nicht generischen Task unterstützt. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Erweiterungen und benutzerdefinierte Konvertierungen werden bei generischen Type Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - CreateEncryptor mit Standard-Initialisierungsvektoren verwenden + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ Erweiterungen und benutzerdefinierte Konvertierungen werden bei generischen Type 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - "AsSpan" ist effizienter als "Substring". Im Gegensatz zu "Substring" führt "AsSpan" keine O(n)-Zeichenfolgenkopie durch und bietet daher konstante Kosten. + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.es.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.es.xlf index 9e0b513609..9244098260 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.es.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.es.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ La ampliación y las conversiones definidas por el usuario no se admiten con tip The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing solo se admite con Task no genérica, no con Task<TResult>. Para usarlo con Task<TResult>, convierta primero a Task base. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing solo se admite con Task no genérica + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ La ampliación y las conversiones definidas por el usuario no se admiten con tip Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - Usar CreateEncryptor con el vector de inicialización predeterminado + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ La ampliación y las conversiones definidas por el usuario no se admiten con tip 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - 'AsSpan' es más eficaz que 'Substring'. 'Substring' realiza una copia de cadena O(n), mientras que 'AsSpan' no lo hace y tiene un costo constante. + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.fr.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.fr.xlf index 8a0d9700f6..a3338cb5a2 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.fr.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.fr.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ Les conversions étendues et définies par l’utilisateur ne sont pas prises en The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing est uniquement pris en charge avec la tâche non générique, et non avec une tâche Task<TResult>. Pour l’utiliser avec une tâche Task<TResult>, commencez par effectuer un cast vers la tâche de base. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing est uniquement pris en charge avec la tâche non générique + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Les conversions étendues et définies par l’utilisateur ne sont pas prises en Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - Utiliser CreateEncryptor avec la valeur par défaut IV + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ Les conversions étendues et définies par l’utilisateur ne sont pas prises en 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - « AsSpan » est plus efficace, « SUBSTRING ». 'Substring’ effectue une copie de chaîne O (n), alors que ’AsSpan’ ne possède pas un coût constant. + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.it.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.it.xlf index a0e099037a..d5516b2ae4 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.it.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.it.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ L'ampliamento e le conversioni definite dall'utente non sono supportate con tipi The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing è supportato solo con l'attività non generica, non con un'attività<TResult>. Per usarlo con un oggetto Task<TResult>, eseguire prima il cast all'attività di base. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - ConfigureOption.SuppressThrowing è supportato solo con l'attività non generica + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ L'ampliamento e le conversioni definite dall'utente non sono supportate con tipi Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - Usa CreateEncryptor con il vettore di inizializzazione predefinito + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ L'ampliamento e le conversioni definite dall'utente non sono supportate con tipi 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - 'AsSpan' è più efficace di 'Substring'. 'Substring' esegue una copia della stringa O(n), mentre 'AsSpan' non la esegue e ha un costo costante. + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ja.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ja.xlf index 67d4edb01f..4c0cfa119f 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ja.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ja.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> で使用されるジェネリック型チェック ( The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing は、Task<TResult> ではない、非ジェネリック Task での使用のみサポートされています。Task<TResult> で使用するには、まず、基本型の Task にキャストしてください。 + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing は、非ジェネリック Task での使用のみサポートされています + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> で使用されるジェネリック型チェック ( Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - 既定の IV で CreateEncryptor を使用する + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> で使用されるジェネリック型チェック ( 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - 'AsSpan' の方が 'Substring' より効率的です。'Substring' は O(n) 文字列コピーを実行しますが、'AsSpan' はこれを実行せず、固定コストがあります。 + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ko.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ko.xlf index 3e99858137..5c2c6b4866 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ko.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ko.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T>에서 사용하는 제네릭 형식 검사(C# 'is' The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing은 일반적이지 않은 작업에서만 지원되며 작업<TResult>은 지원되지 않습니다. 작업<TResult>과 함께 사용하려면 먼저 기본 작업에 캐스트합니다. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing은 일반적이지 않은 작업에서만 지원됩니다. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T>에서 사용하는 제네릭 형식 검사(C# 'is' Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - 기본 IV와 함께 CreateEncryptor 사용 + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T>에서 사용하는 제네릭 형식 검사(C# 'is' 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - 'AsSpan'은 'Substring'보다 효율적입니다. 'Substring'은 O(n) 문자열 복사를 수행하는 반면 'AsSpan'은 수행하지 않으며 일정한 비용이 듭니다. + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pl.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pl.xlf index 8a10266ff5..7e6b9a85cf 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pl.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pl.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ Konwersje poszerzane i zdefiniowane przez użytkownika nie są obsługiwane w pr The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - Metoda ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing jest obsługiwana tylko z zadaniem niegenerycznym, a nie zadaniem <TResult>. Aby użyć ją z zadaniem <TResult>, najpierw rzutuj na zadanie podstawowe. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - Metoda ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing jest obsługiwana tylko z zadaniem niegenerycznym + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Konwersje poszerzane i zdefiniowane przez użytkownika nie są obsługiwane w pr Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - Użyj metody CreateEncryptor z domyślnym wektorem inicjowania + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ Konwersje poszerzane i zdefiniowane przez użytkownika nie są obsługiwane w pr 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - Ciąg „AsSpan” jest bardziej wydajny niż ciąg „Substring”. Ciąg „Substring” wykonuje kopię ciągu O(n), natomiast ciąg „AsSpan” nie wykonuje i ponadto ma stały koszt. + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pt-BR.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pt-BR.xlf index 91f8a59f02..51affde057 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pt-BR.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.pt-BR.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ Ampliação e conversões definidas pelo usuário não são compatíveis com tip The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - Só há suporte para ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing com a tarefa não genérica, não com uma Tarefa<TResult>. Para usá-lo com um Tarefa<TResult>, primeiro converta para o Tarefa base. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - O ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing só é compatível com a tarefa não genérica + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Ampliação e conversões definidas pelo usuário não são compatíveis com tip Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - Usar CreateEncryptor com o IV padrão + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ Ampliação e conversões definidas pelo usuário não são compatíveis com tip 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - 'AsSpan' é mais eficiente do que 'Substring'. 'Substring' executa uma cópia de cadeia de caracteres O(n), enquanto 'AsSpan' não tem e tem um custo constante. + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ru.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ru.xlf index e25e83d9a7..186713345e 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ru.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.ru.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ Widening and user defined conversions are not supported with generic types. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing поддерживается только с неуниверсальной задачей, а не с задачей<TResult>. Чтобы использовать его с задачей<TResult>, сначала выполните приведение к базовой задаче. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing поддерживается только с неуниверсальной задачей + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Widening and user defined conversions are not supported with generic types. Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - Используйте CreateEncryptor с вектором инициализации по умолчанию. + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ Widening and user defined conversions are not supported with generic types. 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - "AsSpan" более эффективен, чем "Substring". "Substring" выполняет копирование строки O(n), тогда как "AsSpan" не имеет постоянных затрат. + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.tr.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.tr.xlf index 3aa2e2dd1e..9970958b1a 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.tr.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.tr.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ Genel türlerde genişletme ve kullanıcı tanımlı dönüştürmeler desteklen The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing, Task<TResult> ile değil, yalnızca genel olmayan Task ile desteklenir. Bu işlevi Task<TResult> ile kullanmak için öncelikle türü temel Task olarak değiştirin. + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing yalnızca genel olmayan Task ile desteklenir + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Genel türlerde genişletme ve kullanıcı tanımlı dönüştürmeler desteklen Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - Varsayılan IV ile CreateEncryptor kullan + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ Genel türlerde genişletme ve kullanıcı tanımlı dönüştürmeler desteklen 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - 'AsSpan', 'Substring'den daha verimlidir. 'Substring' bir O(n) dizesi kopyası oluşturur ama 'AsSpan' bunu yapmaz ve sabit bir maliyeti vardır. + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hans.xlf index 267e7cb908..3d3bd7b13e 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的泛型类型检查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing 仅支持用于非泛型任务,不可用于 Task<TResult>。若要将它用于 Task<TResult>,请先强制转换为基本任务。 + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - 只有非泛型任务才支持 ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的泛型类型检查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi Do not use Count() or LongCount() when Any() can be used - 如果可以使用 Any(),请勿使用 Count() 或 LongCount() + 如果可以使用 Any() 则不使用 Count() 或 LongCount() @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的泛型类型检查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - 将 CreateEncryptor 与默认 IV 结合使用 + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的泛型类型检查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - “AsSpan” 比 “Substring” 效率更高。“Substring” 执行 O(n)字符串复制,而 “AsSpan” 不执行且具有固定成本。 + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. diff --git a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hant.xlf index 1cfb0679bd..702a9360d8 100644 --- a/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/NetAnalyzers/Core/Microsoft.NetCore.Analyzers/xlf/MicrosoftNetCoreAnalyzersResources.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -925,12 +925,12 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的一般型別檢查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing 只支援非一般工作,不支援 Task<TResult>。若要與 Task<TResult> 一起使用,請先強制型轉到基本任務。 + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task, not a Task<TResult>. To use it with a Task<TResult>, first cast to the base Task. The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task - ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing 只支援非一般工作 + The ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing is only supported with the non-generic Task @@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的一般型別檢查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi Do not use Count() or LongCount() when Any() can be used - 不要在可使用 Any() 時使用 Count() 或 LongCount() + 若可以使用 Any(),就不要使用 Count() 來提高效能 @@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的一般型別檢查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV - 使用具有預設 IV 的 CreateEncryptor + Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV @@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ Enumerable.OfType<T> 使用的一般型別檢查 (C# 'is' operator/IL 'isi 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost. - 'AsSpan' 比 'Substring' 更有效率。'Substring' 會執行 O(n) 字串複製,而 'AsSpan' 不會且有固定成本。 + 'AsSpan' is more efficient then 'Substring'. 'Substring' performs an O(n) string copy, while 'AsSpan' does not and has a constant cost.