TreeWriter to build a ROOT tree from MiniAOD. Designed for ttbar, starting from
Get CMSSW environment 10_6_29 and use the following recipe to setup the TreeWriter
cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_29
cd CMSSW_10_6_29/src/
git cms-init
git cms-merge-topic dmeuser:ttbar_treeUL
scram b -j7
git cms-addpkg RecoEgamma/EgammaTools ### essentially just checkout the package from CMSSW
git clone
mv EgammaPostRecoTools/python/ RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/python/.
git clone -b ULSSfiles_correctScaleSysMC EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/data/
git cms-addpkg EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools
scram b -j7
cd TopQuarkAnalysis
git clone
scram b -j7
cd ..
git clone [email protected]:dmeuser/TreeWriter.git -b UltraLegacy
scram b -j7
cd TreeWriter
To produce nTuples histograms with pileup weights are needed. Usually they are already stored in the repository (e.g. for UL17 and UL18) in PUreweighting/data/puWeights.root
. Before producing or updating the weights, make sure that the JSONS and pileup distributions in makefile
are up to date and correctly selected for a given year. In addition the correct pileup mix has to be selected in
. The the pileup weights can be produced and updated using
make -C PUreweighting
The TreeWriter can be tested localy by running
voms-proxy-init -voms cms
cmsRun TreeWriter/python/
This usually takes one single input file defined in
and produces the corresponding nTuple. For testing it is usually recommended to not run on the total input file but set options.maxEvents=<numberOfEvents>
(keep in mind to reset this number to -1
when running on crab).
The actualy production of nTuples is done by running the TreeWriter on crab. All necessary configuration can be found in crabConfig_<year>.py
. Here the input samples are defined, as well as other crab settings like splitting
or the output path on dCache. For submitting the jobs denfined in the Config use
. /cvmfs/
cd crab
Running, killed or finished crab jobs can be handled by the tool found in crab/crabTools/
. The main command to be used is
By setting different options the following tasks can be performed:
- Checking the status of jobs (would rather prefer to use Grafana for this)
- Resubmitting failed jobs (with adapted
or adaptedsiteblacklist
) - Kill individual or all jobs
- Download finished jobs. Here the
can be set in order to create only nTuples with a given size (recommended und currently set to 10 GB) - ...
To see the full list of options use python --help
Since the TreeWriter is currently only used by one person, there are some changes which need to be applied in order for other users to use the TreeWriter. There is no guarantee for the completeness of the following list:
- Output path on dCache defined by
- User related storage settings in