- Introduction: loading data, installing packages
- Exploring data: plotting, multiple dimensions, facetting
- Loading data from spatial datasets
- Merging datasets
- Introduction: loading data, installing plugins
- Analysis: Simple calculations, spatial analysis
- Basic "WalkScore" type calculation
: plot quick maps
The datasets we will use are available on Stellar here. Make a folder for this class (preferably not on your desktop if you use Windows) and unzip the data into that folder.
- Millenium Cities Data
- New York Buildings & Energy Data
- Cambridge MA Data from OpenstreetMap
(For the first example Millenium Cities Data
you can access the data via the stellar website; for the other examples you need to download the data.)
This is a comment:
# this line is ignored
First, we are going to check that you all could install a package:
Loading data into a dataframe:
# a dataframe is similar to an excel-spreadsheet
# 'dataSample' is a variable; you can use any name here
dataSample <- read.csv('pathToFile/file.csv') # this assumes a csv file with headers
Load in the Millenium Cities Data:
# read in data
mil_city <- read.csv('http://stellar.mit.edu/S/course/4/sp12/4.474/courseMaterial/topics/topic5/resource/mil_city_small/mil_city_small.csv')
# here we are reading the data directly from a URL!
To see the top part of your data use the head
To see a summary of your data:
To access a column use the $ notation:
ggplot2 is a visualization and analysis package for R. We are going to focus on using some of the plotting functions, and illustrate facet-plotting. First load the library into your workspace:
On the ggplot2 website you can see many different types of plots. The most basic is the qplot()
function; the more complicated plotting function is ggplot()
. First try using qplot
to examine some of the mil_city
# first we will plot urban density against road length
qplot(data=mil_city, x=Urban_density, y=Length_of_road_per_1000_people)
You can make the same plot using ggplot
. There are more ways of customizing things using ggplot
ggplot(data = mil_city, aes(x = Urban_density, y = Length_of_road_per_1000_people)) + geom_point()
Now add a third dimension. We will group the data by color (colour!):
ggplot(data = mil_city, aes(x = Urban_density, y = Length_of_road_per_1000_people)) + geom_point(aes(colour= Group))
Adding a 4th dimension, we can make the point size proportional to the average car trip:
ggplot(data = mil_city, aes(x = Urban_density, y = Length_of_road_per_1000_people)) + geom_point(aes(colour= Group, size=Average_time_of_a_car_trip))
Here we used geom_point()
but there are other types of plots such as lines (`geom_line()), area, etc.
Let's break up the data into 'facets'. This is a powerful method for examining data in subsets
ggplot(data = mil_city, aes(x = Urban_density, y = Length_of_road_per_1000_people)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~Group)
- Try extending these plots by adding the previous dimensions, ilustrated by size or color.
Labeling your Axes:
# axes titles: xlab, ylab
ggplot(data = mil_city, aes(x = Urban_density, y = Length_of_road_per_1000_people)) + geom_point() + xlab('Pop. Dens (People/Hectare)')
# try adding ylab()
# max/min - use + xlim(0,1000) + ylim(0,1000) (for example)
Saving your plot:
plot1 <- ggplot(data = mil_city, aes(x = Urban_density, y = Length_of_road_per_1000_people)) + geom_point() + xlab('Pop. Dens (People/ Hectare)')
Clear all your plots from the display, and try typing plot1
into the console:
ggsave() # puts in your working directory (see below, for explanation of working directory)
ggsave(file="millenium_cities.pdf", plot1, width=4, height=4)
You can perform all types of standard analysis:
- Try calculating the mean and standard deviation of all columns
- Calculate the max value in
There are hundreds of packages for all types of analysis also.
A quick description of spatial data (in particular the (shapefile
Open the file mn_small.shp
. We are going to focus on exploring non-spatial patterns from spatial data. First, set your working directory:
# A shortcut of referring to the folder you are working in. e.g.
To read in a dbf
file, you can use the following command:
library(foreign) # load a library that is installed by default in R
setwd('/Users/djq/Dropbox/4.474/') # set your working directory (example)
The first shapefile we are using here is a sample of tax-assessors parcels from New York. Read in the attribute table:
mn <- read.dbf('manhattan/mn_small.dbf') # note this is to the '.dbf' part of the shapefile. We are ignoring the spatial information
This shows one huge value on the y-axis. Lets remove it (ignoring the underlying reasoning)
mn <- subset(mn, mn$BldgArea < 1e7) # we are overwriting the dataframe 'mn'
There also several 0 year values - remove them too
mn <- subset(mn, mn$YearBuilt != 0) # '!=' means 'does not equal'
Trying plotting some values from this table. For example:
ggplot(data=mn, aes(YearBuilt, BldgArea)) + geom_point(aes(colour = ResArea, alpha=0.5)) # alpha controls transparency, from 0 - 1
If you would like more examples using this specific dataset you can follow instructions from an IAP class.
If you have two different datasets, with a common ID, how can you combine them? To explore this, load a dataframe of zipfiles for New York:
elec <- read.csv('ny_energy_per_zip.csv')
Now join this to the building/tax-data, by zipcode. I have aggregated the values from an NYC dataset, available here. (Note: Spatial joins are possible in R
but are not covering them in this class, and I think that there are better tools for this purpose.)
Examine elec
dataframe. Merge using ZipCode
(note that spelling is identical in both dataframes, othewise the merge wll fail):
ny_data <- merge(mn, elec, by = 'ZipCode') # the 'by' term is optional here, but I am including for clarity
Try making a facet-plot by zipcode illustrating energy use.
is a free GIS software. It is fast, and has a lot of features that are good for analysis. It's still not great for map making. I will give a quick demo on how to perform the following analyses (we will probably return to this on Thursday):
- Choropleths
- Rasterization
- Polygonization
We will use the Cambridge data on Thursday.
Pros: quick / scriptable
Cons: hard to customize
is another package in R that can be used for many spatial analyses. Here we are just using it to plot a shapefile.
We are not focusing on beautiful cartography with this package. We just want to make quick plots of the data that are understandable. You can find some useful spplot references here
Load in the NY zipcode shapefile and the following libraries:
Now, load the spatial piece of NY_Zip_Energy
(the .shp
demo <- readShapePoly('ny_energy/NY_Zip_Energy.shp')
And also load the attribute table for easy perusal:
att <- read.dbf('ny_energy/NY_Zip_Energy.dbf')
You can make a plot using the following commands:
spplot(demo, "kWh_res") # residential
spplot(demo, "kWh_com") # commercial
spplot(demo, "kWh_res", scales=list(draw = F), colorkey=F) # remove scales and key/legend
To save the plot (as a pdf, for example):
ny_res_energy <- spplot(demo, "kWh_res") # store the plot
pdf('ny_res_energy.pdf',height=5,width=5) # set up pdf
print(ny_res_energy) # print
dev.off() # close the PDF file
Fine tuning:
spplot(demo, c("kWh_res","kWh_com")) # colour scale is a bit hard to read as one map has much larger values than the other
spplot(demo, c("kWh_res","kWh_com"), names.attr = c("Residential","Commercial")) # change names
spplot(demo, c("kWh_res","kWh_com"), col.regions = rainbow(100, start = 4/6, end = 1)) # tweaking colours
Scale-bars and further refinement are not very easy to include. My preference is to use another program for organizing these details. However, there are a few approaches you can use for adjusting the colors (you will need to install these packages):
pal = brewer.pal(7,"Greens")
# demo = readOGR("data/ny_zip/", "NY_Zip_Energy") # alternative method of reading in data
brks.qt = classIntervals(demo$kWh_res, n = 7, style = "quantile")
brks.eq = classIntervals(demo$kWh_res, n = 7, style = "equal")
# Example of one of the map plots
spplot(demo, "kWh_res", at=brks.eq$brks, col.regions=pal, col="transparent", main = list(label="Energy per ZipCode"))
This example is slightly modified from here
- Changing interval type of breaks
- Plotting the tax lots for one ZipCode, by one dimension
- Making a grid of plots, using several measurements