Example of Node.js microservices setup using Docker, Docker-Compose and OpenTelemetry.
This is inspired from project: https://github.com/ashleydavis/nodejs-microservices-example
Need to build a microservices application? Learn how to do this with Bootstrapping Microservices.
bitbucket-pipelines.yml -> Script that builds this system in the cloud on push to a Bitbucket repo.
docker-compose.yml -> Script that boots the whole system locally for development and testing.
db-fixture/ -> Docker container configure to load a database fixture into the MongoDB database.
scripts/ -> Scripts for building and provisioning the system.
- infrastructure/ -> Terraform scripts to build the cloud infrastructure.
- docker/ -> Terraform scripts to build a private Docker registry.
- kubernetes/ -> Terraform scripts to build a Kubernetes cluster to host our Docker containers.
- build.sh -> Master build script. Runs all other scripts in this directory in sequence. Can build this system in the cloud from scratch.
- infrastructure/ -> Terraform scripts to build the cloud infrastructure.
service/ -> An example microservice.
web/ -> Example microservice with a front-end.
Follow the steps in this section to book the microservices application for developent using Docker.
Change directory to the microservices application:
cd nodejs-microservices-example
Use Docker Compose to start the microservices application:
docker compose up
To build after you change code:
docker compose up --build
A web page is now available:
An example REST API is also available:
The Mongodb database is available:
In the dev environment updates to the code on the host OS automatically flow through to the microservices in the Docker containers which are rebooted automatically using nodemon. This means you can edit code without having to restart Docker Compose.
Before running each script, please ensure it is flagged as executable, eg:
chmod +x ./scripts/build-image.sh
The first time you do a build you need a Docker registry to push images to, run the follow script to provision your private Docker registry:
Please take note of the username and password that are printed out after the Docker registry is created. You'll need to set these as environment variables as described in the previous section to be able to push your images to the registry.
Build the Docker image:
./scripts/build-image.sh service
./scripts/build-image.sh web
Push the Docker image to your container registry:
./scripts/push-image.sh service
./scripts/push-image.sh web
Now provision your Kubernetes cluster:
You can also run all the build scripts in go using:
You can also use the build from docker-compose
docker-compose up --build
This repo integrates with Bitbucket Pipelines for continuous integration / delivery.
If you put this repo in Bitbucket it will run the script in the file bitbucket-pipelines.yml on each push to the repository. This builds the Docker containers, copies the images to your private Docker Registry, provisions the environment on Azure and deploys the code.
Please make sure you have created a private Docker registry already as mentioned in the previous section.
Please see the earlier section that lists the environment variables you must set in Bitbucket
Although please don't set the VERSION environment variable for Bitbucket, that's already set to the build number from Bitbucket Pipelines.
Setting up Terraform for Azure https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/terraform-install-configure
Creating a service principle: https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/authenticating_via_service_principal.html
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/terraform/terraform-create-k8s-cluster-with-tf-and-aks https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/azurerm/r/kubernetes_cluster.html
Great video from Scott Hanselman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iECZMWIQfgc