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A complete odometry free solution for mapping and exploring an unknown environment via UAV


  1. Knowledge of ROS
  2. ROS needs to be installed

Getting ROS packages

  1. sudo apt-get install ros--hector-slam
  2. sudo apt-get install mavros
  3. sudo apt-get install ros--husky-navigation

Steps to run the 3d SLAM

  1. roslaunch dp3d.launch ( it will require hector_laser_to_pointcloud node, needs to be compiled in a catkin workspace)

Also, please remap the topics as per your need

Hardware in my case:

  1. Rplidar (node name: rplidar_node, topic name: /scan)
  2. Pixhawk 1 (node name: mavros, imu topic name: /mavros/imu/data)
  3. I wrote a seperate node to publish height data by subscribing to the barometer topic, as I didn't have a dedicated height sensor. (My approach was inaccurate). Please get a height sensor and modify the python script in "learning_tf" folder as per your needs and "rosrun learning_tf <script_name>.py
