If you wish to contribute to the project, please follow the steps below to ensure your contribution is organized and easily integrated into the main repository.
- Fork the repository: Create a fork of the repository so you can work on your changes.
- Clone your fork: Clone your fork to your local machine.
- Create a new branch: Always create a new branch for each feature or bugfix. Naming your branch descriptively is helpful.
- Example:
- Example:
- Make your changes: Implement the feature or bug fix.
- Commit your changes: Write clear and concise commit messages following this format:
fix: <description of the bug fix>
feat: <description of the feature>
docs: <documentation changes>
- Push your changes: Push the branch to your fork on GitHub.
- Submit a Pull Request: Go to the "Pull Requests" tab in the original repository and submit your changes.
If you encounter bugs or have suggestions, please feel free to open an issue on GitHub. When reporting an issue, provide as much information as possible.
Thank you for contributing!