diff --git a/.hugo_build.lock b/.hugo_build.lock
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/content/configuration/build-versioning.md b/content/configuration/build-versioning.md
index d127544f..50bbe6ce 100644
--- a/content/configuration/build-versioning.md
+++ b/content/configuration/build-versioning.md
@@ -81,15 +81,7 @@ It can be found under **General > App Information > Apple ID** under your applic
If you use `codemagic.yaml` config and you have [Automatic code signing](/yaml-code-signing/signing-ios/#automatic-code-signing) setup, you are good to go directly to [Set the build number with `agvtool`](#set-the-build-number-with-agvtool)
-### Creating the App Store Connect API key
-It is recommended to create a dedicated App Store Connect API key for Codemagic in [App Store Connect](https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/access/api). To do so:
-1. Log in to App Store Connect and navigate to **Users and Access > Keys**.
-2. Click on the + sign to generate a new API key.
-3. Enter the name for the key and select an access level. We recommend choosing either `Developer` or `App Manager`, read more about Apple Developer Program role permissions [here](https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/deve5f9a89d7).
-4. Click **Generate**.
-5. As soon as the key is generated, you can see it added to the list of active keys. Click **Download API Key** to save the private key for later. Note that the key can only be downloaded once.
+{{< include "/partials/app-store-connect-api-key.md">}}
### Saving the API access arguments to environment variables
diff --git a/content/partials/app-store-connect-api-key.md b/content/partials/app-store-connect-api-key.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c313edff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/partials/app-store-connect-api-key.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+### Creating the App Store Connect API key
+It is recommended to create a dedicated App Store Connect API key for Codemagic in [App Store Connect](https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/access/api). To do so:
+1. Log in to App Store Connect and navigate to **Users and Access > Keys**.
+2. Click on the + sign to generate a new API key.
+3. Enter the name for the key and select an access level. We recommend choosing `App Manager` access rights, read more about Apple Developer Program role permissions [here](https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/deve5f9a89d7).
+4. Click **Generate**.
+5. As soon as the key is generated, you can see it added to the list of active keys. Click **Download API Key** to save the private key for later. Note that the key can only be downloaded once.
+Take note of the **Issuer ID** above the table of active keys as well as the **Key ID** of the generated key as these will be required when setting up the Apple Developer Portal integration in the Codemagic UI.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/yaml-code-signing/signing-ios.md b/content/yaml-code-signing/signing-ios.md
index e21a8aa0..4de369e8 100644
--- a/content/yaml-code-signing/signing-ios.md
+++ b/content/yaml-code-signing/signing-ios.md
@@ -23,20 +23,7 @@ Under the hood, we use [Codemagic CLI tools](https://github.com/codemagic-ci-cd/
In order to use automatic code signing and have Codemagic manage signing certificates and provisioning profiles on your behalf, you need to configure API access to App Store Connect.
-### Creating the App Store Connect API key
-It is recommended to create a dedicated App Store Connect API key for Codemagic in [App Store Connect](https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/access/api). To do so:
-1. Log in to App Store Connect and navigate to **Users and Access > Keys**.
-2. Click on the + sign to generate a new API key.
-3. Enter the name for the key and select an access level. We recommend choosing `App Manager` access rights, read more about Apple Developer Program role permissions [here](https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/deve5f9a89d7).
-4. Click **Generate**.
-5. As soon as the key is generated, you can see it added to the list of active keys. Click **Download API Key** to save the private key for later. Note that the key can only be downloaded once.
-Take note of the **Issuer ID** above the table of active keys as well as the **Key ID** of the generated key as these will be required when setting up the Apple Developer Portal integration in the Codemagic UI.
+{{< include "/partials/app-store-connect-api-key.md" >}}
### Saving the API key to environment variables
Save the API key and the related information in the **Environment variables** section in Codemagic UI. Click **Secure** to encrypt the values. Note that binary files (i.e. provisioning profiles & .p12 certificate) have to be [`base64 encoded`](../variables/environment-variable-groups/#storing-sensitive-valuesfiles) locally before they can be saved to **Environment variables** and decoded during the build. Below are the following environment variables:
diff --git a/content/yaml-code-signing/signing-macos.md b/content/yaml-code-signing/signing-macos.md
index 4362995f..15da4a90 100644
--- a/content/yaml-code-signing/signing-macos.md
+++ b/content/yaml-code-signing/signing-macos.md
@@ -33,19 +33,8 @@ Under the hood, we use [Codemagic CLI tools](https://github.com/codemagic-ci-cd/
In order to use automatic code signing and have Codemagic manage signing certificates and provisioning profiles on your behalf, you need to configure API access to App Store Connect.
-### Creating the App Store Connect API key
+{{< include "/partials/app-store-connect-api-key.md">}}
-It is recommended to create a dedicated App Store Connect API key for Codemagic in [App Store Connect](https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/access/api). To do so:
-1. Log in to App Store Connect and navigate to **Users and Access > Keys**.
-2. Click on the + sign to generate a new API key.
-3. Enter the name for the key and select an access level. We recommend choosing either `Developer` or `App Manager`, read more about Apple Developer Program role permissions [here](https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/deve5f9a89d7).
-4. Click **Generate**.
-5. As soon as the key is generated, you can see it added to the list of active keys. Click **Download API Key** to save the private key for later. Note that the key can only be downloaded once.
-Take note of the **Issuer ID** above the table of active keys as well as the **Key ID** of the generated key as these will be required when setting up the Apple Developer Portal integration in the Codemagic UI.
### Saving the API key to environment variables