This program runs on an Espressif EPS32 microcontroller and advertizes or scan for iBeacons.
One of my sons used this as a tool to research the behavior of Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) signals in relation to contact tracing for MIT PACT.
- Supports both BLE advertiser and scan modes
- Advertize interval is configurable
- Controlled and data presented through MQTT
- Supports over-the-air updates 1
- Easily one-time provisioning from an Android phone 1
The full fledged project installation method is described in the
. Before you go down that road, you may want to give it a quick spin to see what it can do. The remainder of this README will walk you through this.
The devices interface using the MQTT protocol.
MQTT stands for MQ Telemetry Transport. It is a publish/subscribe, extremely simple and lightweight messaging protocol, designed for constrained devices and low-bandwidth, high-latency or unreliable networks. FAQ
No soldering required.
Name | Description | Sugggested mfr/part# |
ESP32BRD | ESP32 development board | ESP32-DevKitC-VB |
BROKER | Device to run MQTT Broker such as Mosquitto | Raspberry Pi 4 |
Clone the repository and its submodules to a local directory. The --recursive
flag automatically initializes and updates the submodules in the repository,.
git clone --recursive
cd BLEscan
cp scanner/Kconfig.example scanner/Kconfig
cp factory/Kconfig.example factory/Kconfig
If you haven't installed ESP-IDF, I recommend the Microsoft Visual Studio Code IDE (vscode). From vscode, add the Microsoft's C/C++ extension. Then add the Espressif IDF extension and follow its configuration to install ESP-IDF 4.4.
In menuconfig
, scroll down to BLEscan and select "Use hardcoded Wi-Fi credentials" and specify the SSID and password of your Wi-Fi access point. Then select "Use hardcoded MQTT URL" and specify the URL to the MQTT broker in the form mqtt://mqtt:[email protected]:1883
cd scanner set-target esp32 menuconfig flash
Both replies to control messages and scan results are reported using MQTT topic blescan/data/SUBTOPIC/DEVNAME
Subtopics are:
, BLE scan results,mode
, response tomode
control messages,who
, response towho
control messages,restart
, response torestart
control messages,dbg
, general debug messages
The easiest way for running the Mosquitto MQTT client under Microsoft Windows is by using Windows Subsystem for Linux.
sudo apt-get update.
sudo apt-get install mosquitto.
sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients.
E.g. to listen to all scan results, use:
mosquitto_sub -t "blescan/data/scan/#" -v
where #
is a the MQTT wildcard character.
The device support three modes:
, the device advertises iBeacon messagesscan
, the device scans for iBeacon messages and reports them using MQTTidle
, the device neither advertises or scans
To switch modes, sent a control message with the new mode to:
, a group topic that all devices listen to, orblescan/ctrl/DEVNAME
listens to this topic.
is either a programmed device name, such as esp32-1
, or esp32_XXXX
where the XXXX
are the last digits of the MAC address. Device names are assigned based on the BLE MAC address in main/ble_task.c
mosquitto_pub -t "blescan/ctrl" -m SEE_BELOW |
mosquitto_sub -t "blescan/data/#" |
mode |
{ "response": { "mode": "ADV", "interval": 40 } } |
scan |
{ "response": { "mode": "SCAN", "interval": 40 } } |
int 100 |
{ "response": { "mode": "SCAN", "interval": 100 } } |
adv |
{ "response": { "mode": "ADV", "interval": 100 } } |
idle |
{ "response": { "mode": "IDLE", "interval": 100 } } |
Other control messages are:
, can be used for device discovery when sent to the group topicrestart
, to restart the ESP32 (and check for OTA updates)int N
, to change scan/adv interval to N milliseconds (40 .. 1000 msec)mode
, to report the current scan/adv mode and interval
Messages can be sent to a specific device, or the whole group:
mosquitto_pub -t "blescan/ctrl/esp-1" -m "who"
mosquitto_pub -t "blescan/ctrl" -m "who"
In one terminal listen for the reponses from all devices
mosquitto_sub -t "blescan/data/#" -v
In another terminal sent the command to all devices
mosquitto_pub -t "blescan/ctrl" -m who
The first terminal will show the scan results
blescan/data/who/esp32-1 { "ble": {"name": "esp32-1", "address": "30:ae:a4:cc:24:6a"}, "firmware": { "version": "scanner.v1.0", "date": "Apr 28 2022 16:20:28" }, "wifi": { "connect": 1, "address": "", "SSID": "Guest Barn", "RSSI": -51 }, "mqtt": { "connect": 1 }, "mem": { "heap": 115692 } }
blescan/data/who/esp32-4 { "ble": {"name": "esp32-4", "address": "ac:67:b2:53:7f:22"}, "firmware": { "version": "scanner.v1.0", "date": "Apr 28 2022 16:20:28" }, "wifi": { "connect": 1, "address": "", "SSID": "Guest Barn", "RSSI": -66 }, "mqtt": { "connect": 1 }, "mem": { "heap": 115636 } }
blescan/data/who/esp32-3 { "ble": {"name": "esp32-3", "address": "ac:67:b2:53:82:8a"}, "firmware": { "version": "scanner.v1.0", "date": "Apr 28 2022 16:20:28" }, "wifi": { "connect": 1, "address": "", "SSID": "Guest Barn", "RSSI": -58 }, "mqtt": { "connect": 1 }, "mem": { "heap": 115636 } }
blescan/data/who/esp32-2 { "ble": {"name": "esp32-2", "address": "30:ae:a4:cc:32:4e"}, "firmware": { "version": "scanner.v1.0", "date": "Apr 28 2022 16:20:28" }, "wifi": { "connect": 1, "address": "", "SSID": "Guest Barn", "RSSI": -65 }, "mqtt": { "connect": 1 }, "mem": { "heap": 115716 } }
In one terminal listen for the reponses
mosquitto_sub -t "blescan/data/#" -v
In another terminal sent the commands. First put all devices in advertizing mode, then put one device in scanning mode.
mosquitto_pub -t "blescan/ctrl" -m adv
mosquitto_pub -t "blescan/ctrl/esp32-2" -m scan
The first terminal will show the scan results
blescan/data/mode/esp32-3 { "response": { "mode": "ADV", "interval": 40 } }
blescan/data/mode/esp32-2 { "response": { "mode": "ADV", "interval": 40 } }
blescan/data/mode/esp32-4 { "response": { "mode": "ADV", "interval": 40 } }
blescan/data/mode/esp32-1 { "response": { "mode": "ADV", "interval": 40 } }
blescan/data/mode/esp32-1 { "response": { "mode": "SCAN", "interval": 40 } }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-3", "address": "ac:67:b2:53:82:8a", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -40 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-4", "address": "ac:67:b2:53:7f:22", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -38 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-2", "address": "30:ae:a4:cc:32:4e", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -37 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-2", "address": "30:ae:a4:cc:32:4e", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -39 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-3", "address": "ac:67:b2:53:82:8a", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -39 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-3", "address": "ac:67:b2:53:82:8a", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -38 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-4", "address": "ac:67:b2:53:7f:22", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -37 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-3", "address": "ac:67:b2:53:82:8a", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -36 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-4", "address": "ac:67:b2:53:7f:22", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -37 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-2", "address": "30:ae:a4:cc:32:4e", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -40 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-2", "address": "30:ae:a4:cc:32:4e", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -37 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-3", "address": "ac:67:b2:53:82:8a", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -36 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-4", "address": "ac:67:b2:53:7f:22", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -37 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-2", "address": "30:ae:a4:cc:32:4e", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -39 }
blescan/data/scan/esp32-1 { "name": "esp32-4", "address": "ac:67:b2:53:7f:22", "txPwr": -59, "RSSI": -38 }
We love to hear from you. Please use the Github channels to provide feedback.
Available with the full install as described in
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