Appendix - Pixel Art Special Effects Gallery / Cheatsheet - Free Ideas & Recipes for Starting Your Own CryptoPunks Collection Today
Let's use the punks
alien #3100,
#172 and
to show off the special effects built into
the pixel art machinery.
Let's change the zoom factor to 4x:
Let's flip the pixels horizontally:
Let's change the color to black & white or
more scientifically known as 8-bit grayscale, that is,
256 shades of gray
starting with black (0x000000
and ending with white (0xffffff
Let's change the color palette to ye olde' sepia:
punk.change_palette8bit( Palette8bit::SEPIA )
Let's change the color palette to a blue theme:
punk.change_palette8bit( Palette8bit::BLUE )
Let's change the color palette to the futuristic false series:
punk.change_palette8bit( Palette8bit::FALSE )
Let's change to a black & white (pecil drawing) sketch using a sketch zoom - 4 pixels, line (brush) - 1 pixel (the default):
punk.sketch( 4 )
Sketch zoom - 4 pixels, line (brush) - 4 pixels:
punk.sketch( 4, line: 4 )
Sketch zoom - 8 pixels, line (brush) - 2 pixels:
punk.sketch( 8, line: 2 )
Sketch zoom - 12 pixels, line (brush) - 3 pixels:
punk.sketch( 12, line: 3 )
Let's change to LED lights using LED - 8 pixels, spacing - 2 pixels (the default):
# note: change black pixels (0xff) to a (lighter) shade of black e.g. raisin black (0x242124ff)
punk = punk.change_colors( { 0xff => 0x242124ff } )
punk.led( 8, spacing: 2 )
LED zoom - 16 pixels, spacing - 3 pixels:
punk.led( 16, spacing: 3 )
LED zoom - 16 pixels, spacing - 8 pixels, round corner turned on:
punk.led( 16, spacing: 8, round_corner: true )
And so on. Now it's up to you. Yes, you can.