Pro tips :-) :
Add symfony dumper and Mark Shust's super two-factor auth module :
composer require symfony/var-dumper --dev
composer require mshust/magento2-two-factor-authentication
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Symfony dumper permits to dump large variables in the browser, using :
dd($variable); //dump and die
Mark Shust's module allows you to activate/deactivate two-factor auth from the command line.
bin/magento config:set twofactorauth/general/enable 0
bin/magento cache:flush
This environment is shipped with a magento cli. You can use it with the following command :
bin/magento <command>
To get the list of all available commands, you can use the following command :
bin/magento list
As for Symfony, you do not need to write the full command. You can use the first letters of the command. For example, you can use
bin/magento c:f
instead of
bin/magento cache:flush
If the shortcut correspond to two or more commands, you will have a list of the commands available.
You can use it for all the commands of magento provided the ownership of files is correct. As Magento populates the generated folder and I flush it quite often. I added a command to clean that folder. And another one to clean the log folder.
This environment is also shipped with a magerun. You can use it with the following command :
bin/magerun <command>