This page is archived. Please visit TODO: This document is out of date and the official one has not been converte to markdown and open-sourced.
This is the agreement template we hold with everyone who works at the firm.
- This agreement may be terminated by either party at any time. However, it's courtesy to give 2 weeks of notice if the contract has held for at least 3 months consecutively.
- Nature of relationship - Because it's a contract position, you are not an employee but instead a business associate, no payroll deductions are made. You are responsible for remitting income taxes and other deductions to the appropriate governing bodies.
- Compensation - You will be paid an hourly rate for hours worked and recorded, with payment for each calendar month sent to you within one week of the following calendar month. The expectation is you will work a predefined number of hours per week starting when this agreement commences or a specified start date.
- Leave - There is no paid vacation time. However, unpaid leave may be taken as long as communicated 2 weeks in advance.
- Benefits - The typical employment benefits do not apply between the subcontractor and firm. The rate negoatiated should be increased accordingly to account for this. Please note that if you purchase any of these services yourself (such as extended medical benefits), they may be deducted from your taxable income.
- Claimed Expenses - Business expenses (travel, conferences) approved in advance by a Partner are paid along with your regular compensation.
- Unclaimed Expenses - Business expenses not claimed (Food and drink, home office, computers) may be deducted on your tax return.
- Equipment and Office - You will provide your own equipment and office space. A Linux laptop or workstation is recommended; Mac OS also works; Windows, less so.
- Confidentiality - You agree to hold in confidence and not to disclose to an outside party, any data you were given access to by Countable or parties who hold a business relationship with Countable, unless given explicit permission by the owner of said data, and for a period of 5 years after the termination of this agreement. In the event of a more strict confidentiality contract is held between Countable and the Client on a specific project, you will be required to agree to additional terms before engaging with that Client.
- Non-compete and non-solicitation - You agree not to enter into an employment or paid contract relationship with Countable's Clients or other of Countable's subcontractors or employees, for a period of 6 months of the termination of this agreement.
The fact you're not an employee is a bit strange but it has a lot of advantages. In a way it's more like joining an exclusive "guild" than being an employee. As questions arise I'll post explanations here so this page improves over time.