Releases: contao-thememanager/core
Added more variables for checkbox- and radio-elements (Their style isn't tied to form settings anymore) e59d665 8d2676d
(Inverted color for labels when using text-color: invert)
(Background-color when hovered)
(Background-color when checked)
(Font-size for '✔'-symbol)
(Color for '✔'-symbol)
Added new utility functions and added documentation 9008fc0
(Checks if unit is px or rem)
(Converts rem to px)
(Return the sum of two shorthand css)
(Return the difference of two shorthand css)
(Returns percentage() with 4 decimal places)
(Compare two values and return the minimum - Can be used with px and rem)
(Compare two values and return the maximum - Can be used with px and rem)
To use the new variables, make sure to fill the new variables in "Form: Checkbox / Radio" if you are installing it on a running version
Changed $font-size-base to type number 4b1dd52
rem(), sum() and sub() should now output units (instead of strings) and can be used inside other functions
standardize() should now return a list-type instead of a string
(output the full shorthand with 4 values)
. -
rem() can now be used with pixel values
button-padding() is now subList() and shouldn't be used anymore
shorten-decimal-value() was rewritten to shortPercentage()
Changed all paddings for buttons to subList 2ee462d
Checkbox labels should now behave properly and react to checkbox-sizes 8d2676d Line 254
The font-size for the checkbox-'✔'-symbol is now limited to the inner width of a checkbox eebfb7a
The form palette of the ThemeManager configuration was split into multiple sections to make it more understandable
- Form: Textarea (Line-height for widget-textarea) - Form: Label / Legend (Styles for label and legend) - Form: Select / Input / Textarea (Styles for input-, select- and textarea-elements) - Form: Checkbox / Radio (Styles for checkbox- and radio-elements) - Form: Miscellaneous (Styles such as select-symbols or form-validation)
- button-padding() will be removed in ThemeManager version 2
- shorten-decimal-value() will be removed in ThemeManager version 2
- Fixed a bug where 'ol'-elements (ordered lists) were not considered for text-color-invert #2 66e89c3
- Fixed a bug where 'overflow: visible' (.ov) was overwritten by other styles #4 2753d20
- Fixed a translation error for the german column-width descriptions #5 5661dd1
- Added an invert-color for checkbox labels #3 9d65858
To make sure you can use all new style manager additions, it is strongly recommended to import our new stylemanager-configuration, found here: style-manager-core.xml
Added 'boxed' option bba6945 for following modules :
- login
- personal-data
- registration
- change password
- lost password
Bug fixes
To make sure you are able to use all new style manager additions, it is strongly recommended to import our new stylemanager-configuration found here: style-manager-core.xml
- Added an option to give buttons a full-width (setting them display-block) f726d81
With display block, buttons will behave like text in terms of layouting. You can use the usual text-alignment to align it on the horizontal axis
Download links in ce_download and ce_downloads can be shown as buttons now 963498c
The grid-list behaviour will activate if any settings for the grid-list are active. This will parse the other part of the template and make sure your previously styled lists won't break with this update. If you display the downloads as buttons, it is recommended to use the new full-width option
- Removed following parts from the user-select-mixin due to not being needed anymore ( 656d00d 1ec7f99
Removed the option to give wrappers and boxed-wrappers "layout>boxed" as it didn't work due to their structure 9f5a03f
Added palettes for wrapper and boxed-wrapper content-element b2fe2ed
You should now be able to use the stylemanager with these content-elements if you import the new core xml
- Fixed a bug with floats not being cleared for icon- and image-text elemens 6162b7a
Added form-validation dropdown in Theme-Manager configuration.
The form-validation highlights input, select and textarea fields that are empty and contain non-valid input.
Following options have been added:
- None
- Focus (Error styles only on focus)
- Always (Always show error styles for non-valid form-fields)
Changed .error styles to :not(:valid) (The error markdown is removed if the new input is valid)
Extending .error styles via extend for more general usage
Added a charset.css (charset utf8) to be at first position of combined css files a4456a7
Added $form-select-option-color and $form-select-option-background (You are now able to configure these as well and change the colors for dropdown select options) 666ed50
Added a utility function (shorten-decimal-value) for usage in percentage calculations to shorten percentage values to 4 decimal places 189fada
To make sure you are able to use all new style manager additions, it is strongly recommended to import our new stylemanager-configuration found here: style-manager-core.xml
Added text-alignment for headlines with responsive behaviour 09b733e
Added $link-font-weight to thememanager configuration c8e5b5f
Added support for form fieldsets to inherit our grid framework 2941e82
Added responsive styles from contao c0ea72a
Added $form-textarea-lineheight to thememanager configuration 0cd2ab1
Added wrapper-start and wrapper-stop - content elements (and their boxed variants) 87c3b79 0416eed
Added boxed-shadow for grid-lists 5c70fe4 adc3937 (You are now able to use box shadows for boxed-elements without them being cut off - please keep in mind that the $box-shadow variable should not be bigger than grid-gutter)
Added 12 new layout options for Image-Text elements for absolute positioning of text above images 8409989
Absolute Top, Absolute Center, Absolute Bottom
(For 100% width of c_text and positioning on vertical axis)
Absolute Left Top, Absolute Left Center, Absolute Left Bottom
Absolute Middle Top, Absolute Middle Center, Absolute Middle Bottom
Absolute Right Top, Absolute Right Center, Absolute Right Bottom
Added text-alignment for hyperlinks and toplinks ed28925
We are aware of the restriction but most units were redundant and would not work. The only exception made was adding em for heading letterspacings. A few components in our framework work with calculations. „Wrong usage“ of units for some variables would have led to unexpected behaviour
Removal of unnecessary styles for justify content 1c89ad2
Subheadings can now contain more than 255 characters d97628d (You are now able to use „Headline 2“ to add additional text)
Added p and div for headings 2e95ea2 (You are now able to fake a heading by using „p“ or „div“ with a headline class – Search Engine Optimization)
Removed standard-appearance of buttons a3f2ed5
Added overflow visible attribute to inside containers of .ov elements 12cdd85
Changed how hl-design-lined works 793c2d5 (It is now able to inherit text-alignment and the position is calculated based on thememanager configuration)
Converting RSCE to HTML has been disabled bc96f67
Components in our framework are rock solid custom elements. Converting these to HTML will break them.
- Added a message for redundant css framework in layout settings eef5013
Adding a css framework with drastic layout changes like holy-grail on top of the theme-manager may lead to unexpected behaviour
Deprecated / Moved
- Removed headline-design.scss from core and moved it into additonal styles 6a599af
This feature was removed due to it’s css size. The removal of it reduces the framework by 5kB. You are still able to use it by following these steps:
- Download the scss from additional-styles/headline-design
- Add it to your theme compilation settings (Skin source files)
- Compile your theme (Skin source files can use the configurated theme manager variables which are needed in headline-design.scss for calculating the right spacings)
- Add the new generated css file to your layout
- Import style-manager-headline-design.xml to your Stylemanager (StyleManager > Import)
Fixed a bug with no-gutter not working correctly 8e8e077
Fixed a bug where headline-fields would not be added to elements f822187
Added missing text-alignment (justify) 30a89e0
Added subheadings to navigation modules 82a195e
Changed layout-top calculation to work with px, rem and all shorthand values for boxed elements 960165f
Removed placeholder classes for form-field-image 6b59777