Get the receipt's list sent from an acccount.
Get the receipt's list received from an acccount.
The Commercio SDK, our own open source tool to format transactions to
- DocsHelper getSentReceipts;
- DocsHelper getReceivedReceipts.
- Generate the wallet;
- Execute the DocsHelper getSentReceipts function to get the sent receipt's list;
- Execute the DocsHelper getReceivedReceipts function to get the received receipt's list.
Here's an example of the implemetation in all the available languages.
final wallet = Wallet.derive(mnemonic, networkInfo);
final sentReceipts = await DocsHelper.getSentReceipts(
final receivedReceipts = await DocsHelper.getReceivedReceipts(
val wallet = Wallet.derive(mnemonic = mnemonic, networkInfo = networkInfo)
val sentReceipts = DocsHelper.getSentReceipts(
address = Did(wallet.bech32Address),
wallet = wallet
val receivedReceipts = DocsHelper.getReceivedReceipts(
address= Did(wallet.bech32Address),
wallet = wallet
var wallet = commercio.sacco.lib.Wallet.derive(mnemonic, networkInfo);
var sentReceiptsURL = $"{wallet.networkInfo.lcdUrl}/receipts/{wallet.bech32Address}/sent";
var sentReceipts = commercio.sdk.Network.queryChain(sentReceiptsURL);
var receivedReceiptsURL = $"{wallet.networkInfo.lcdUrl}/receipts/{wallet.bech32Address}/received";
var receivedReceipts = commercio.sdk.Network.queryChain(receivedReceiptsURL);