Wallet address are pretty compex stuff to write down or remember:
If you ask someone for Tokens you need to give them your address. If you just provide them with even one digit or one letter wrong your money is lost forever. One way to share an address is copy paste it and message them. Or you can just show then or print a QR code to scan.
Here's how to do it.
Generate the QR code of your address in your Android and iOS device.
The Sacco library, our own open source tool to sign and send transactions to any Cosmos SDK based blockchain, including Commercio.network.
The qrscan, a Flutter plugin to scanning.
- Wallet derive.
- Execute Wallet the derive function to generate the wallet;
- Get your address;
- Finally, generate the QR code.
Here's an example of the implementation in all the available languages.
import 'package:qrscan/qrscan.dart' as scanner;
final wallet = Wallet.derive(mnemonic, networkInfo);
final address = wallet.bech32Address;
final qrCode = await scanner.generateBarCode(address);