If users change or loose their phone they need a way to re-enter the seed phrase and recover the wallet on a new phone.
Enter the 24 words of your mnemonic to re-generate the wallet.
The Sacco library, our own open source tool to sign and send transactions to any Cosmos SDK based blockchain, including Commercio.network.
- Wallet derive.
From Wikipedia:
Mnemonics make use of elaborative encoding, retrieval cues, and imagery as specific tools to encode any given information in a way that allows for efficient storage and retrieval. Mnemonics aid original information in becoming associated with something more accessible or meaningful—which, in turn, provides better retention of the information.
- Enter the 24 words of mnemonic;
- Call the wallet derive function;
- Finally, the result is a new wallet.
Here's an example of the implementation in all the available languages.
final mnemonicString = 'final random flame cinnamon grunt hazard easily mutual resist pond solution define knife female tongue crime atom jaguar alert library best forum lesson rigid';
final mnemonic = mnemonicString.split(' ');
final networkInfo = NetworkInfo(bech32Hrp: 'did:com:', lcdUrl: 'http://localhost:1317');
final wallet = Wallet.derive(mnemonic, networkInfo);
val mnemonicString = "final random flame cinnamon grunt hazard easily mutual resist pond solution define knife female tongue crime atom jaguar alert library best forum lesson rigid"
val mnemonic = listOf(mnemonicString)
val networkInfo = NetworkInfo(bech32Hrp = "did:com:", lcdUrl = "http://localhost:1317")
val wallet = Wallet.derive(mnemonic = mnemonic, networkInfo = networkInfo)
String mnemonicString = "final random flame cinnamon grunt hazard easily mutual resist pond solution define knife female tongue crime atom jaguar alert library best forum lesson rigid";
List<String> mnemonic = new List<String>(mnemonicString.Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));
static commercio.sacco.lib.NetworkInfo networkInfo = new commercio.sacco.lib.NetworkInfo(
bech32Hrp: "did:com:",
lcdUrl: "http://localhost:1317"
var wallet = commercio.sacco.lib.Wallet.derive(mnemonic, networkInfo);