diff --git a/Wikipedia/Localizations/qqq.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Wikipedia/Localizations/qqq.lproj/Localizable.strings
index eb95967b9d1..894210beaf5 100644
--- a/Wikipedia/Localizations/qqq.lproj/Localizable.strings
+++ b/Wikipedia/Localizations/qqq.lproj/Localizable.strings
@@ -1,27 +1,3 @@
-// Messages for Message documentation (Message documentation)
-// Exported from translatewiki.net
-// Author: Abijeet Patro
-// Author: Ajeje Brazorf
-// Author: Amire80
-// Author: Brion
-// Author: Cleinman
-// Author: Jeeputer
-// Author: Kizule
-// Author: Liuxinyu970226
-// Author: McDutchie
-// Author: Minh Nguyen
-// Author: MuratTheTurkish
-// Author: Nemo bis
-// Author: Nike
-// Author: Patrik L.
-// Author: Purodha
-// Author: Robby
-// Author: Shirayuki
-// Author: Siebrand
-// Author: Takot
-// Author: Verdy p
-// Author: Woytecr
"aaald-added-text-description-2" = "Title displayed in an article as a living document cell explaining that a revision has a certain number of characters added. $1 is replaced by a formatted string representing characters added.";
"aaald-article-description-updated-description" = "Title displayed in an article as a living document cell explaining that an article's description was updated in a revision.";
"aaald-article-insert-header" = "Header text in article content insert section that displays recent significant article updates.";
@@ -35,7 +11,7 @@
"aaald-many-sections-description" = "Text explaining what sections an article as a living document change occurred in, if occurred in 3+ sections. $1 is replaced with the number of sections.";
"aaald-multiple-changes-description" = "Title displayed in article as a living document content insert explaining that multiple changes were made in a revision.";
"aaald-multiple-references-added-description" = "Title displayed in an article as a living document cell when multiple references were added (and no other changes) to a revision.";
-"aaald-new-book-reference-title" = "Header text for a new book reference type that was added in an article as a living document cell.\n{{identical|Book}}";
+"aaald-new-book-reference-title" = "Header text for a new book reference type that was added in an article as a living document cell.";
"aaald-new-discussion" = "Portion of title displayed in article as a living document timeline cell and content insert explaining that a new article talk page topic has been posted.";
"aaald-new-journal-reference-database" = "Database text for a new journal reference type that was added in an article as a living document cell. $1 is replaced by the database volume number of the reference.";
"aaald-new-journal-reference-title" = "Header text for a new journal reference type that was added in an article as a living document cell.";
@@ -45,19 +21,19 @@
"aaald-new-talk-topic-description-format" = "Title displayed in an article as a living document timeline cell and content insert explaining that a new article talk page topic has been posted. $1 is replaced by `New discussion` text.";
"aaald-new-website-reference-archive-date-text" = "Text in a new website reference in an article as a living document cell that describes when the reference was retrieved for Archive.org. $1 is replaced with the reference's archive date.";
"aaald-new-website-reference-archive-url-text" = "Archive.org URL text for a new website reference type that was added in an article as a living document cell. This will be turned into a link that goes to the reference's Archive.org URL.";
-"aaald-new-website-reference-title" = "Header text for a new website reference type that was added in an article as an living document cell.\n{{identical|Website}}";
+"aaald-new-website-reference-title" = "Header text for a new website reference type that was added in an article as an living document cell.";
"aaald-numerical-multiple-references-added-description" = "Title displayed in an article as a living document cell explaining that multiple references were added to a revision. This string is used alongside other changes types like added characters. $1 is replaced with the number of references.";
"aaald-one-section-description" = "Text explaining what section an article as a living document event change occurred in, if occurred in only one section. $1 is replaced with the section name.";
"aaald-revision-by-anonymous" = "Text describing the anonymous user that made a significant revision in the article as a living document view.";
"aaald-revision-userInfo" = "Text describing details about the user that made a significant revision in the article as a living document view. $1 is replaced by the editor name and $2 is replaced by the number of edits they have made.";
"aaald-single-reference-added-description" = "Title displayed in an article as a living document timeline cell when a reference was added (and no other changes) to a revision.";
"aaald-small-change-description" = "Describes how many small changes are batched together in the article as a living document timeline view. $1 is replaced with the number of small changes.";
-"aaald-summary-title" = "Describes how many small changes are batched together in the article as a living document timeline view.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - replaced by the number of accumulated changes editors made\n* $2 - replaced by the number of editors that made that change\n* $3 - replaced with relative timeframe date that the edit counting started (e.g. 10 days)";
-"aaald-two-sections-description" = "Text explaining what two sections were changed. $1 is replaced with the first section name, $2 with the second section name.";
+"aaald-summary-title" = "Describes how many small changes are batched together in the article as a living document timeline view. $1 is replaced by the number of accumulated changes editors made, $2 is replaced by the number of editors that made that change and $3 is replaced with relative timeframe date that the edit counting started (e.g. 10 days).";
+"aaald-two-sections-description" = "Text explaining what sections an article as a living document event change occurred in, if occurred in two sections. $1 is replaced with the first section name, $2 with the second.";
"aaald-vandalism-revert-description" = "Title displayed in an article as a living document timeline cell explaining that a vandalism revision was reverted.";
"aaald-view-full-history-button" = "Text displayed in a button for pushing to the full article history view on the article as a living document screen.";
"about-content-license" = "Header text for content license section";
-"about-content-license-details" = "Text explaining license of app content. $1 is the message {{msg-wikimedia|Wikipedia-ios-about-content-license-details-share-alike-license}}.";
+"about-content-license-details" = "Text explaining license of app content. $1 is the message {{msg-wikimedia|about-content-license-details-share-alike-license}}.";
"about-content-license-details-share-alike-license" = "Name of the \"Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike\" license";
"about-contributors" = "Header text for contributors section of the about page. Is not capitalised for aesthetic reasons, but could be capitalised in translations. {{Identical|Contributor}}";
"about-libraries" = "Header text for libraries section (as in a collection of subprograms used to develop software) of the about page. Is not capitalised for aesthetic reasons, but could be capitalised in translations.";
@@ -65,11 +41,11 @@
"about-libraries-license" = "About page link title that will display a license for a library used in the app {{Identical|License}}";
"about-libraries-licenses-title" = "Title for list of library licenses. $1 will be replaced with an emoji expressing our love for open source software";
"about-places-maps-license" = "Header text for maps license section";
-"about-places-maps-license-details" = "Text explaining license of maps content. $1 is the message {{msg-wikimedia|Wikipedia-ios-about-places-maps-license-details-link-text}}.";
+"about-places-maps-license-details" = "Text explaining license of maps content. $1 is the message {{msg-wikimedia|about-places-maps-license-details-link-text}}.";
"about-places-maps-license-details-link-text" = "Text used for link to maps license";
"about-product-of" = "Description of who produced the app. $1 is the message {{msg-wikimedia|wikipedia-ios-about-wikimedia-foundation}}.";
"about-repositories" = "Header text for repositories section of the about page. Is not capitalised for aesthetic reasons, but could be capitalised in translations. {{Identical|Repository}}";
-"about-repositories-app-source-license" = "Text explaining the app source licensing. $1 is the message {{msg-wikimedia|Wikipedia-ios-about-repositories-app-source-license-mit}}.";
+"about-repositories-app-source-license" = "Text explaining the app source licensing. $1 is the message {{msg-wikimedia|about-repositories-app-source-license-mit}}.";
"about-repositories-app-source-license-mit" = "Name of the \"MIT\" license";
"about-send-feedback" = "Link text for sending app feedback";
"about-testers" = "Header text for (software) testers section of the about page. Is not capitalised for aesthetic reasons, but could be capitalised in translations.";
@@ -84,7 +60,7 @@
"account-creation-captcha-request-account" = "Text for link to 'Request an account' page.";
"account-creation-captcha-title" = "Title for account creation CAPTCHA interface";
"account-creation-create-account" = "Text for create account button";
-"account-creation-have-account" = "Text for button which shows login interface. $1 is the message {{msg-wikimedia|Wikipedia-ios-account-creation-log-in}}";
+"account-creation-have-account" = "Text for button which shows login interface. $1 is the message {{msg-wikimedia|account-creation-log-in}}";
"account-creation-log-in" = "Log in text to be used as part of a log in button {{Identical|Log in}}";
"account-creation-logging-in" = "Alert shown after account successfully created and the user is being logged in automatically. {{Identical|Logging in}}";
"account-creation-missing-fields" = "Error shown when one of the required fields for account creation (username, password, and password confirmation) is empty.";
@@ -100,7 +76,7 @@
"action-add-to" = "Title of the action that adds the selection to something else.";
"action-add-to-reading-list" = "Title of the action that adds selected articles to a reading list";
"action-add-to-reading-list-short" = "Shorter title for the action that adds selected articles to a reading list";
-"action-cancel" = "Title of the cancel action.\n{{Identical|Cancel}}";
+"action-cancel" = "Title of the cancel action.";
"action-discard-edits" = "Title of the discard edits action.";
"action-find-in-page" = "Title text and accessibility label for find in page action on buttons or info sheets.";
"action-language-accessibility" = "Accessibility title for the 'Language' toolbar button on articles and talk pages.";
@@ -110,8 +86,8 @@
"action-previous-revision-accessibility" = "Accessibility title for the 'Previous Revision' action button when viewing a single revision diff.";
"action-read" = "Title for the 'Read' action\n{{Identical|Read}}";
"action-redo" = "Title text and accessibility label for redo action on buttons or info sheets.";
-"action-remove" = "Title of the action that removes the selection from the current context.\n{{Identical|Remove}}";
-"action-replace" = "Title of the replace all action.\n{{Identical|Replace}}";
+"action-remove" = "Title of the action that removes the selection from the current context.";
+"action-replace" = "Title of the replace all action.";
"action-replace-all" = "Title of the replace all action.";
"action-retry" = "Title of the retry action.";
"action-save" = "Title for the 'Save' action {{Identical|Save}}";
@@ -119,31 +95,31 @@
"action-saved-accessibility" = "Accessibility title for the 'Unsave' action {{Identical|Saved}}";
"action-saved-accessibility-notification" = "Notification spoken after user saves an article for later.";
"action-share" = "Short title for the 'Share' action. Please use the shortest translation possible. {{Identical|Share}}";
-"action-share-accessibility" = "Accessibility title for the 'Share' action\n{{Identical|Share}}";
-"action-sort" = "Title of the sort action.\n{{Identical|Sort}}";
+"action-share-accessibility" = "Accessibility title for the 'Share' action";
+"action-sort" = "Title of the sort action.";
"action-thank-user-accessibility" = "Accessibility title for the 'Thank User' action button when viewing a single revision diff.";
"action-undo" = "Title text and accessibility label for undo action on buttons or info sheets.";
"action-unsave" = "Short title for the 'Unsave' action. Please use the shortest translation possible. {{Identical|Saved}}";
"action-unsaved-accessibility-notification" = "Notification spoken after user removes an article from Saved articles.";
-"action-update" = "Title of the update action.\n{{Identical|Update}}";
+"action-update" = "Title of the update action.";
"add-articles-to-reading-list" = "Title for the view in charge of adding articles to a reading list - $1 is replaced with the number of articles to add";
"add-citation-title" = "Title for add citation action";
"additional-information-email-title" = "Text for the additional information for the request vanishing email body";
-"announcements-dismiss" = "Button text indicating a user wants to dismiss an announcement\n{{Identical|Dismiss}}";
+"announcements-dismiss" = "Button text indicating a user wants to dismiss an announcement {{Identical|No thanks}}";
"app-store-keywords" = "Short list of keywords describing the app for the app store. It is required that these are individual words, not phrases, and are comma separated.";
"app-store-release-notes" = "Short summary of what is new in this version of the app for the app store";
"app-store-short-description" = "Short description of the app for the app store";
"app-store-subtitle" = "Subtitle describing the app for the app store";
"appearance-settings-adjust-text-sizing" = "Header of the Text sizing section in Appearance settings";
"appearance-settings-expand-tables" = "Title for the setting that expands tables in an article by default";
-"appearance-settings-expand-tables-footer" = "Footer of the expand tables section in Appearance settings, explaining the expand tables setting. \"Quick facts\" is {{msg-wm|Pagecontentservice-info-box-title}}.";
+"appearance-settings-expand-tables-footer" = "Footer of the expand tables section in Appearance settings, explaining the expand tables setting";
"appearance-settings-image-dimming-footer" = "Footer of the Theme options section in Appearance settings, explaining image dimming";
"appearance-settings-reading-themes" = "Title of the Reading themes section in Appearance settings";
"appearance-settings-set-automatic-table-opening" = "Tables in article will be opened automatically";
"appearance-settings-text-sizing-example-text" = "Example text of the Adjust article text sizing section in Appearance settings";
"appearance-settings-theme-options" = "Title of the Theme options section in Appearance settings";
"article-about-title" = "The text that is displayed before the 'about' section at the bottom of an article";
-"article-delete" = "Title of the action that deletes the selected articles article.\n{{Identical|Delete}}";
+"article-delete" = "Title of the action that deletes the selected articles article.";
"article-deleted-accessibility-notification" = "Notification spoken after user deletes an article from the list. $1 will be replaced with the number of deleted articles.";
"article-fetcher-error-updated-content-timeout" = "Error shown to the user when the content doesn't update in a reasonable amount of time.";
"article-languages-filter-placeholder" = "Filter languages text box placeholder text.";
@@ -155,7 +131,7 @@
"article-reference-view-title" = "Title for the reference view. $1 is replaced by the reference link name, for example [1].";
"article-revision-history" = "Title for menu option that leads to article revision history.";
"article-save-error-not-enough-space" = "Alert message informing user that article cannot be save due to insufficient storage available";
-"article-share" = "Text of the article list row action shown on swipe which allows the user to choose the sharing option\n{{Identical|Share}}";
+"article-share" = "Text of the article list row action shown on swipe which allows the user to choose the sharing option";
"article-talk-page" = "Title for article talk page button";
"article-toolbar-reading-themes-controls-toolbar-item" = "Accessibility label for the Reading Themes Controls article toolbar item";
"back-button-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility label for a button to navigate back. {{Identical|Back}}";
@@ -163,7 +139,7 @@
"button-go-back" = "Button text for Go back button used in various places";
"button-next" = "Button text for next button used in various places. {{Identical|Next}}";
"button-ok" = "Button text for ok button used in various places {{Identical|OK}}";
-"button-publish" = "Button text for publish button used in various places. {{Identical|Publish}}";
+"button-publish" = "Button text for publish button used in various places. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis. {{Identical|Publish}}";
"button-publish-anyway" = "Button text for publish button used when first warned against publishing.";
"button-read-now" = "Read now button text used in various places.";
"button-report-a-bug" = "Button text for reporting a bug";
@@ -171,7 +147,7 @@
"button-saved-for-later" = "Longer button text for already saved button used in various places.";
"button-saved-remove" = "Remove from saved button text used in various places.";
"button-skip" = "Button text for skip button used in various places.";
-"cancel" = "Cancel\n{{Identical|Cancel}}";
+"cancel" = "Cancel";
"cc-zero" = "Name of the CC Zero license - https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0";
"chinese-variants-alert-body" = "Body text of alert used to inform users about Chinese variant support. Please do not translate the newlines (\n) or Chinese characters (简体, 繁體, etc.).";
"chinese-variants-alert-title" = "Title of alert used to inform users about Chinese variant support.";
@@ -190,7 +166,7 @@
"description-edit-for-article" = "String describing which article description is being edited. $1 is replaced with the article title";
"description-edit-learn-more" = "Title text for description editing learn more button";
"description-edit-length-warning" = "Displayed to indicate how many description characters were entered. Separator can be customized depending on the language. $1 is replaced with the number of characters entered, $2 is replaced with the recommended maximum number of characters.";
-"description-edit-license" = "Button text for information about the Terms of Use and edit licenses. Parameters:\n* $1 - 'Terms of Use' link ({{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-wikitext-upload-save-terms-name}})\n* $2 - license name link ({{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-cc-zero}})";
+"description-edit-license" = "Button text for information about the Terms of Use and edit licenses. Parameters:\n* $1 - 'Terms of Use' link, $2 - license name link";
"description-edit-pencil-introduction" = "Title for button used to show article lead section editor";
"description-edit-pencil-title" = "Title for button used to show article description editor";
"description-edit-placeholder-title" = "Placeholder text shown inside description field until user taps on it";
@@ -206,13 +182,13 @@
"description-help-tips-description" = "Description editing tips details label text";
"description-help-tips-example-description-one" = "First example description text";
"description-help-tips-example-description-two" = "Second example description text";
-"description-help-tips-example-title-one" = "First example label text\n\nThis example should follow the [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Description|description guidelines for your language]].";
-"description-help-tips-example-title-two" = "Second example label text\n\nThis example should follow the [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Description|description guidelines for your language]].";
+"description-help-tips-example-title-one" = "First example label text";
+"description-help-tips-example-title-two" = "Second example label text";
"description-help-tips-for-example" = "Examples label text";
"description-help-tips-title" = "Description editing tips label text";
"description-help-title" = "Title for description editing help page";
"description-help-wikidata-guide" = "Wikidata guide label text";
-"description-published-button-title" = "Title for description panel done button.\n{{Identical|Done}}";
+"description-published-button-title" = "Title for description panel done button.";
"description-published-footer" = "Title for footer explaining articles may be edited too - not just descriptions.";
"description-published-subtitle" = "Subtitle encouraging user to continue editing";
"description-published-title" = "Title for letting the user know their description change succeeded.";
@@ -227,8 +203,8 @@
"diff-compare-header-heading" = "Heading label in header when comparing two revisions.";
"diff-compare-header-to-info-heading" = "Heading label in info box for current revision when comparing two revisions.";
"diff-compare-title" = "Title label that shows in the navigation bar when scrolling and comparing revisions.";
-"diff-context-lines-collapsed-button-title" = "Expand button title in diff compare context section when section is in collapsed state.\n{{Identical|Show}}";
-"diff-context-lines-expanded-button-title" = "Expand button title in diff compare context section when section is in expanded state.\n\n{{Identical|Hide}}";
+"diff-context-lines-collapsed-button-title" = "Expand button title in diff compare context section when section is in collapsed state.";
+"diff-context-lines-expanded-button-title" = "Expand button title in diff compare context section when section is in expanded state.";
"diff-header-revision-accessibility-text" = "Accessibility text to provide more context to users of assistive tecnologies about the revision date";
"diff-multi-line-format" = "Label in diff to indicate how many lines a change section encompases. This format is for multiple change lines. $1 is replaced by the starting line number and $2 is replaced by the ending line number.";
"diff-paragraph-moved" = "Label in diff to indicate that a paragraph has been moved. This label is in the location of where the paragraph was moved from.";
@@ -264,7 +240,7 @@
"diff-user-button-accessibility-text" = "Accessibility text to provide more context to users of assistive tecnologies about the user button actions";
"dim-images" = "Label for image dimming setting";
"donate-accessibility-amount-button-hint" = "Accessibility hint on donate form amount option button for screen readers.";
-"donate-accessibility-donate-hint-format" = "Accessibility hint on the donate form Apple Pay button for screen readers. Parameters:\n* $1 - the donation amount entered by the user.";
+"donate-accessibility-donate-hint-format" = "Accessibility hint on donate form Apple Pay button for screen readers. Parameters: * $1 - the donation amount entered by the user.";
"donate-accessibility-email-opt-in-hint" = "Accessibility hint on donate form email opt in checkbox for screen readers.";
"donate-accessibility-keyboard-done-hint" = "Accessibility hint on donate form keyboard done button for screen readers.";
"donate-accessibility-monthly-recurring-hint" = "Accessibility hint on donate form monthly recurring checkbox for screen readers.";
@@ -279,7 +255,7 @@
"donate-help-tax-deductibility-information" = "Help link at the bottom of the donate form, that takes user to a web view link with more info.";
"donate-later-title" = "Title for toast shown when user clicks remind me later on fundraising banner";
"donate-maximum-error-text" = "Error text displayed when user enters donation amount above the maximum. Parameters: * $1 - the currency code, $2 - the maximum donation amount allowed. (For example, 'USD $25,000')";
-"donate-minimum-error-text" = "Error text displayed when user enters donation amount below the allowed minimum. Parameters:\n* $1 - the minimum amount allowed\n* $2 - the currency code. (For example, 'USD')";
+"donate-minimum-error-text" = "Error text displayed when user enters donation amount below the allowed minimum. Parameters: * $1 - the minimum amount allowed, $2 - the currency code. (For example, '$1 USD')";
"donate-monthly-recurring-text" = "Text next to monthly recurring checkbox on donate form.";
"donate-payment-method-prompt-apple-pay-button-title" = "Title of Apple Pay button choice in donate payment method prompt.";
"donate-payment-method-prompt-message" = "Message of prompt to user asking which payment method they want to donate with.";
@@ -309,7 +285,7 @@
"edit-link-remove-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility label for the button that removes link syntax to the current selection";
"edit-link-remove-link-title" = "Title for the remove link button";
"edit-link-title" = "Title for the Edit link screen";
-"edit-menu-item" = "Button label for text selection 'Edit' menu item\n{{Identical|Edit}}";
+"edit-menu-item" = "Button label for text selection 'Edit' menu item";
"edit-menu-item-could-not-find-selection-alert-message" = "Description of possible reasons the user text selection could not be located in the article wikitext.";
"edit-menu-item-could-not-find-selection-alert-title" = "Title for alert informing user their text selection could not be located in the article wikitext.";
"edit-minor-learn-more-text" = "Text for minor edits learn more button";
@@ -366,7 +342,7 @@
"empty-insert-media-title" = "Text for placeholder label visible when no file was selected or uploaded";
"empty-no-article-message" = "Shown when an article cant be loaded in place of an article";
"empty-no-feed-action-message" = "Footer messsage shown in place of content when no feed could be loaded. Tells users they can read saved pages offline";
-"empty-no-feed-message" = "{{Doc-mobileapp-internet}}\nBody of messsage shown in place of content when no feed could be loaded. Tells users they can see the articles when the interent is restored";
+"empty-no-feed-message" = "Body of messsage shown in place of content when no feed could be loaded. Tells users they can see the articles when the interent is restored";
"empty-no-history-message" = "Message of a blank screen shown when a user has no history";
"empty-no-history-title" = "Title of a blank screen shown when a user has no history";
"empty-no-other-article-languages-message" = "Message text shown in place of languages list when when no alternative article languages exist.";
@@ -390,7 +366,7 @@
"explore-featured-article-heading" = "Text for 'Featured article' header";
"explore-featured-article-sub-heading-from-language-wikipedia" = "Subtext beneath the 'Featured article' header when describing which specific Wikipedia. $1 will be replaced with the language - for example, 'From English Wikipedia'";
"explore-featured-article-sub-heading-from-wikipedia" = "Subtext beneath the 'Featured article' header when the specific language wikipedia is unknown.";
-"explore-feed-customize-accessibility-title" = "Accessibility title for feed customization\n{{Identical|Customize}}";
+"explore-feed-customize-accessibility-title" = "Accessibility title for feed customization";
"explore-feed-language-settings" = "Title for Explore feed language settings.";
"explore-feed-preferences-additional-languages-footer-text" = "Text explaining how to add additional languages";
"explore-feed-preferences-card-hidden-title" = "Title for button that appears in place of feed card hidden by user via the overflow button";
@@ -402,7 +378,7 @@
"explore-feed-preferences-featured-article-description" = "Description of Featured article section of Explore feed";
"explore-feed-preferences-feed-card-visibility-all-languages-off" = "Text for Explore feed card setting indicating that the feed card is hidden in all preferred languages";
"explore-feed-preferences-feed-card-visibility-all-languages-on" = "Text for Explore feed card setting indicating that the feed card is active in all preferred languages";
-"explore-feed-preferences-feed-card-visibility-global-cards-on" = "Text for Explore feed card setting indicating that the global feed card is active\n{{Identical|On}}";
+"explore-feed-preferences-feed-card-visibility-global-cards-on" = "Text for Explore feed card setting indicating that the global feed card is active";
"explore-feed-preferences-feed-card-visibility-languages-count" = "Text for Explore feed card setting indicating the number of languages it's visible in - $1 is replaced with the number of languages";
"explore-feed-preferences-feed-cards-hidden-title" = "Title for cell that appears in place of feed card hidden by user via the overflow button - $1 is replaced with feed card type";
"explore-feed-preferences-global-card-footer-text" = "Text describing the effects of turning off a global card";
@@ -474,7 +450,7 @@
"featured-widget-description" = "Text for description of Featured article widget displayed when adding to home screen.";
"featured-widget-from-language-wikipedia" = "Text displayed as Wikipedia source on Featured article widget. $1 will be replaced with the language.";
"featured-widget-from-wikipedia" = "Text displayed as Wikipedia source on Featured article widget if language is unavailable.";
-"featured-widget-language-failure" = "Error message shown when the user's primary language Wikipedia does not support the 'Featured article' feature.\n\n\"Primary\" is {{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-settings-primary-language}}.\n\n\"Settings\" is {{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-settings-title}}.";
+"featured-widget-language-failure" = "Error message shown when the user's primary language Wikipedia does not support the 'Featured article' feature.";
"featured-widget-title" = "Text for title of Featured article widget.";
"fetcher-error-generic" = "Error shown to the user for generic errors with no clear recovery steps for the user.";
"fetcher-error-unexpected-response" = "Error shown to the user for unexpected server responses.";
@@ -519,7 +495,7 @@
"history-clear-confirmation-heading" = "Heading text of delete all confirmation dialog";
"history-clear-delete-all" = "Button text for confirming delete all action";
"history-title" = "Title of the history screen shown on history tab {{Identical|History}}";
-"home-button-explore-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility heading for articles shown within the explore tab, indicating that tapping it will take you back to explore. \"Explore\" is {{msg-wikimedia|Wikipedia-ios-welcome-explore-title}}.";
+"home-button-explore-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility heading for articles shown within the explore tab, indicating that tapping it will take you back to explore. \"Explore\" is the same as {{msg-wikimedia|Wikipedia-ios-welcome-explore-title}}.";
"home-button-history-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility heading for articles shown within the history articles tab, indicating that tapping it will take you back to the history list. \"History\" is the same as {{msg-wikimedia|Wikipedia-ios-history-title}}.";
"home-button-saved-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility heading for articles shown within the saved articles tab, indicating that tapping it will take you back to the list of saved articles. \"Saved\" is the same as {{msg-wikimedia|Wikipedia-ios-saved-title}}.";
"home-more-like-footer" = "Footer for presenting user option to see longer list of articles related to a previously read article. $1 will be replaced with the name of the previously read article.";
@@ -545,7 +521,7 @@
"in-the-news-sub-title-from-language-wikipedia" = "Subtext beneath the 'In the news' header when describing which specific Wikipedia. $1 will be replaced with the language - for example, 'From English Wikipedia'";
"in-the-news-sub-title-from-wikipedia" = "Subtext beneath the 'In the news' header when the specific language wikipedia is unknown.";
"in-the-news-title" = "Title for the 'In the news' notification & feed section";
-"insert-action-title" = "Title for insert action\n{{Identical|Insert}}";
+"insert-action-title" = "Title for insert action";
"insert-link-title" = "Title for the Insert link screen";
"insert-media-alternative-text-description" = "Description for setting that allows users to add image alternative text";
"insert-media-alternative-text-placeholder" = "Placeholder text for setting that allows users to add image alternative text";
@@ -562,13 +538,13 @@
"insert-media-image-preview-select-image-action-title" = "Title for preview action that results in image selection";
"insert-media-image-size-setting-custom" = "Title for image size setting that sizes image using custom size";
"insert-media-image-size-setting-default" = "Title for image size setting that sizes image using default size";
-"insert-media-image-size-settings-px-unit-name" = "Image size unit name, abbreviation for 'pixels'.\n\n{{optional}}";
+"insert-media-image-size-settings-px-unit-name" = "Image size unit name, abbreviation for 'pixels'";
"insert-media-image-size-settings-title" = "Display ritle for image size setting";
"insert-media-image-type-setting-basic" = "Title for image type setting that formats image as basic";
-"insert-media-image-type-setting-frame" = "Title for image type setting that formats image as framed\n{{Identical|Frame}}";
+"insert-media-image-type-setting-frame" = "Title for image type setting that formats image as framed";
"insert-media-image-type-setting-frameless" = "Title for image type setting that formats image as frameless";
"insert-media-image-type-setting-thumbnail" = "Title for image type setting that formats image as thumbnail";
-"insert-media-image-type-settings-title" = "Display title for image type setting";
+"insert-media-image-type-settings-title" = "Display ritle for image type setting";
"insert-media-media-settings-title" = "Title for media settings view";
"insert-media-title" = "Title for the view in charge of inserting media into an article";
"insert-media-uploaded-image-title" = "Title that appears next to an image in media settings";
@@ -578,7 +554,7 @@
"kazakh-variants-alert-title" = "Title of alert used to inform users about Kazakh variant support.";
"kurdish-variants-alert-body" = "Body text of alert used to inform users about Kurdish variant support. Please do not translate the newlines (\n) or Kurdish characters (كوردی, etc.).";
"kurdish-variants-alert-title" = "Title of alert used to inform users about Kurdish variant support.";
-"languages-settings-title" = "Title for the 'Languages' section in Settings\n{{Identical|Language}}";
+"languages-settings-title" = "Title for the 'Languages' section in Settings";
"languages-title" = "Title for language picker {{Identical|Language}}";
"languages-wikipedia" = "Title for list of Wikipedia languages";
"logged-out-continue-without-logging-in-button-title" = "Title for button allowing user to continue without logging back in to their account";
@@ -587,7 +563,7 @@
"logged-out-title" = "Title for education panel letting user know they have been logged out.";
"login-forgot-password" = "Button text for loading the password reminder interface";
"login-join-wikipedia" = "Join Wikipedia text to be used as part of a create account button";
-"login-no-account" = "Text for create account button. $1 is the message {{msg-wikimedia|Wikipedia-ios-login-join-wikipedia}}";
+"login-no-account" = "Text for create account button. $1 is the message {{msg-wikimedia|login-account-join-wikipedia}}";
"login-title" = "Title for log in interface";
"main-menu-about" = "Button for showing information about the app.";
"main-menu-account-login" = "Button text for logging in. {{Identical|Log in}}";
@@ -641,11 +617,11 @@
"notifications-center-feed-news-notification-dismiss-button-text" = "Text for the dismiss button on the explore feed notifications card";
"notifications-center-feed-news-notification-text" = "Text shown to users to notify them that it is now possible to get push notifications for all Wikimedia projects through the app";
"notifications-center-filters-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility label for Notifications Center's filters button. This button is in an unselected state indicating that filters are not applied.";
-"notifications-center-filters-read-status-item-title-all" = "Title of All option in the read status section of the notifications center filter view. Selecting this allows all read statuses to display in the notifications center.\n{{identical|All}}";
-"notifications-center-filters-read-status-item-title-read" = "Title of Read option in the read status section of the notifications center filter view. Selecting this only displays read notifications in the notifications center.\n{{identical|Read}}";
+"notifications-center-filters-read-status-item-title-all" = "Title of All option in the read status section of the notifications center filter view. Selecting this allows all read statuses to display in the notifications center.";
+"notifications-center-filters-read-status-item-title-read" = "Title of Read option in the read status section of the notifications center filter view. Selecting this only displays read notifications in the notifications center.";
"notifications-center-filters-read-status-item-title-unread" = "Title of Unread option in the read status section of the notifications center filter view. Selecting this only displays unread notifications in the notifications center.";
"notifications-center-filters-read-status-section-title" = "Section title of the read status filter controls on the notifications center filter view.";
-"notifications-center-filters-title" = "Navigation bar title text for the filters view presented from notifications center. Allows for filtering by read status and notification type.\n{{identical|Filter}}";
+"notifications-center-filters-title" = "Navigation bar title text for the filters view presented from notifications center. Allows for filtering by read status and notification type.";
"notifications-center-filters-types-footer" = "Footer text for the types toggles in the notifications center filter view. Explains how the types toggles work.";
"notifications-center-filters-types-item-title-all" = "Title of the All types toggle in the notifications center filter view. Selecting this turns on or off all notification type filter toggles.";
"notifications-center-filters-types-section-title" = "Section title of the notification types filter controls on the notifications center filter view.";
@@ -657,11 +633,11 @@
"notifications-center-go-to-wikidata-item" = "Button text in Notifications Center that routes to a Wikidata item page.";
"notifications-center-go-to-your-talk-page" = "Button text in Notifications Center that routes to user's talk page.";
"notifications-center-header-alert-from-agent" = "Subheader text for unknown alert type notifications in Notifications Center. $1 will be replaced with the origin agent of the notification.";
-"notifications-center-inbox-title" = "Navigation bar title text for the inbox view presented from notifications center. Allows for filtering out notifications by Wikimedia project type.\n{{identical|Project}}";
-"notifications-center-inbox-wikimedia-projects-section-footer" = "Footer of the \"Wikimedia Projects\" section on the notifications center inbox view. This section only lists projects that user has an account at.";
-"notifications-center-inbox-wikimedia-projects-section-title" = "Title of the \"Wikimedia Projects\" section on the notifications center inbox view. This section allows the user to remove other (non-Wikipedia) Wikimedia projects from displaying in their Notifications Center.";
-"notifications-center-inbox-wikipedias-section-title" = "Title of the \"Wikipedias\" section on the notifications center inbox view. This section allows the user to remove certain Wikipedia language projects from displaying in their Notifications Center.";
-"notifications-center-language-project-name-format" = "{{optional}}\nFormat used for the ordering of language project name descriptions. This description is inserted into the header text of notifications in Notifications Center. For example, \"English Wikipedia\". Use this format to reorder these words if necessary or insert additional connecting words. Parameters: $1 = localized language name (\"English\"), $2 = localized name for Wikipedia (\"Wikipedia\")";
+"notifications-center-inbox-title" = "Navigation bar title text for the inbox view presented from notifications center. Allows for filtering out notifications by Wikimedia project type.";
+"notifications-center-inbox-wikimedia-projects-section-footer" = "Footer of the \"Wikimedia Projects\" section on filter adjustment views. This section only lists projects that user has an account at.";
+"notifications-center-inbox-wikimedia-projects-section-title" = "Title of the \"Wikimedia Projects\" section on filter adjustment views. This section allows the user to filter out other (non-Wikipedia) Wikimedia projects from displaying in their lists.";
+"notifications-center-inbox-wikipedias-section-title" = "Title of the \"Wikipedias\" section on filter adjustment views. This section allows the user to remove certain Wikipedia language projects from displaying in their lists.";
+"notifications-center-language-project-name-format" = "Format used for the ordering of language project name descriptions. This description is inserted into the header text of notifications in Notifications Center. For example, \"English Wikipedia\". Use this format to reorder these words if necessary or insert additional connecting words. Parameters: $1 = localized language name (\"English\"), $2 = localized name for Wikipedia (\"Wikipedia\")";
"notifications-center-login-notifications" = "Button text in Notifications Center that routes user to login notifications help page in web view.";
"notifications-center-mark" = "Button text in Notifications Center. Presents menu of options to mark selected notifications as read or unread.";
"notifications-center-mark-all-as-read" = "Toolbar button text in Notifications Center that marks all user notifications as read.";
@@ -688,14 +664,14 @@
"notifications-center-onboarding-panel-secondary-button" = "Title for Notifications Center onboarding panel secondary button.";
"notifications-center-onboarding-panel-subheading" = "Message for Notifications Center onboarding panel.";
"notifications-center-project-filters-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility label for Notifications Center's project filters button. This button is in an unselected state indicating that project filters are not applied.";
-"notifications-center-status-all" = "Text to indicate all notifications in Notifications Center.\n\n{{Identical|All}}";
+"notifications-center-status-all" = "Text to indicate all notifications in Notifications Center.";
"notifications-center-status-all-notifications" = "Status header text in Notifications Center displayed when viewing unfiltered list of notifications.";
"notifications-center-status-double-concatenation" = "Notifications Center status description. $1 is replaced with the currently applied filters and $2 is replaced with the count of projects/inboxes.";
"notifications-center-status-filtered-by" = "Status header text in Notifications Center displayed when filtering notifications.";
"notifications-center-status-in-projects" = "Notifications Center status description when filtering by projects/inboxes. $1 is replaced by the count of local projects.";
"notifications-center-status-in-projects-plain" = "Notifications Center status description when filtering by projects/inboxes, without preposition. $1 is replaced by the count of local projects.";
"notifications-center-status-in-types" = "Notifications Center status description when filtering by types. $1 is replaced by the count of filtered types.";
-"notifications-center-status-read" = "Text to indicate a read notification in Notifications Center.\n{{identical|Read}}";
+"notifications-center-status-read" = "Text to indicate a read notification in Notifications Center.";
"notifications-center-status-triple-concatenation" = "Notifications Center status description. $1 is replaced with the currently applied read status filter, $2 is replaced with the count of notification type filters, and $3 is replaced with the count of projects/inboxes.";
"notifications-center-status-unread" = "Text to indicate an unread notification in Notifications Center.";
"notifications-center-subheader-edit-milestone" = "Subheader text for edit milestone notifications in Notifications Center.";
@@ -715,11 +691,11 @@
"notifications-center-subheader-thanks" = "Subheader text for thanks notifications in Notifications Center.";
"notifications-center-subheader-translate-milestone" = "Subheader text for translation milestone notifications in Notifications Center.";
"notifications-center-subheader-user-rights-change" = "Subheader text for user rights change notifications in Notifications Center.";
-"notifications-center-subheader-welcome" = "Subheader text for welcome notifications in Notifications Center.\n\n{{identical|Welcome}}";
+"notifications-center-subheader-welcome" = "Subheader text for welcome notifications in Notifications Center.";
"notifications-center-subheader-wikidata-connection" = "Subheader text for 'Wikidata connection made' notifications in Notifications Center.";
"notifications-center-swipe-mark-as-read" = "Button text in Notifications Center swipe actions to mark a notification as read.";
"notifications-center-swipe-mark-as-unread" = "Button text in Notifications Center swipe actions to mark a notification as unread.";
-"notifications-center-swipe-more" = "Button text for the Notifications Center 'More' swipe action.\n\n{{Identical|More}}";
+"notifications-center-swipe-more" = "Button text for the Notifications Center 'More' swipe action.";
"notifications-center-title" = "Title for Notifications Center interface, as well as the accessibility label for the button that navigates to Notifications Center.";
"notifications-center-toolbar-mark-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility label for mark button in Notifications Center";
"notifications-center-type-item-description-mentions" = "Description of \"mention\" notification types, used on the notification detail view.";
@@ -728,7 +704,7 @@
"notifications-center-type-title-connection-with-wikidata" = "Title of \"connection with Wikidata\" notification type. Used on filters view toggles and the notification detail view.";
"notifications-center-type-title-edit-milestone" = "Title of \"edit milestone\" notification type. Used on filters view toggles and the notification detail view.";
"notifications-center-type-title-edit-reverted" = "Title of \"edit reverted\" notification type. Used on filters view toggles and the notification detail view.";
-"notifications-center-type-title-edit-summary-mention" = "Title of \"edit summary mention\" notification type. Used on filters view toggles and the notification detail view.\n\n'''Translate as meaning: \"a mention in the summary of an edit\"'''";
+"notifications-center-type-title-edit-summary-mention" = "Title of \"edit summary mention\" notification type. Used on filters view toggles and the notification detail view.";
"notifications-center-type-title-email-from-other-user" = "Title of \"email from other user\" notification type. Used on filters view toggles and the notification detail view.";
"notifications-center-type-title-login-attempts" = "Title of \"Login attempts\" notification type. Used on filters view toggles and the notification detail view. Represents failed logins from both a known and unknown device.";
"notifications-center-type-title-login-attempts-subtitle" = "Subtitle of \"Login attempts\" notification type filter toggle. Represents failed logins from both a known and unknown device.";
@@ -754,7 +730,7 @@
"on-this-day-detail-header-title" = "Title for 'On this day' detail view - $1 is replaced with the number of historical events which occurred on the given day";
"on-this-day-footer" = "Footer for presenting user option to see longer list of 'On this day' articles. $1 will be substituted with the number of events";
"on-this-day-footer-showing-event-count" = "Footer for presenting user option to see longer list of 'On this day' articles. $1 will be substituted with the number of events";
-"on-this-day-language-does-not-support-error" = "Error message shown when the user's primary language Wikipedia does not have the 'On this day' feature.\n\n\"Primary\" is {{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-settings-primary-language}}.\n\n\"On this day\" is {{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-on-this-day-title}}";
+"on-this-day-language-does-not-support-error" = "Error message shown when the user's primary language Wikipedia does not have the 'On this day' feature.";
"on-this-day-no-internet-error" = "error message shown when device is not connected to internet";
"on-this-day-sub-title-for-date-from-language-wikipedia" = "Subtext beneath the 'On this day' header when describing the date and which specific Wikipedia. $1 will be substituted with the date. $2 will be replaced with the language - for example, 'June 8th from English Wikipedia'";
"on-this-day-title" = "Title for the 'On this day' feed section";
@@ -767,13 +743,13 @@
"page-history-minor-edits" = "Text for view that shows many edits were marked as minor edits";
"page-history-revision-author-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility label text telling the user who authored a revision. $1 is replaced with the author.";
"page-history-revision-comment-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility label text of author's comment on the revision - $1 is replaced with revision comment";
-"page-history-revision-history-title" = "Title for revision history view";
+"page-history-revision-history-title" = "Title for revision history view. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"page-history-revision-minor-edit-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility label text used if edit was minor";
"page-history-revision-size-diff-addition" = "Accessibility label text telling the user how many bytes were added in a revision - $1 is replaced with the number of bytes added in a revision";
"page-history-revision-size-diff-subtraction" = "Accessibility label text telling the user how many bytes were removed in a revision - $1 is replaced with the number of bytes removed in a revision";
"page-history-revision-time-accessibility-label" = "Label text telling the user what time revision was made - $1 is replaced with the time";
"page-history-revisions-comparison-warning" = "Text telling the user how many revisions can be selected for comparison";
-"page-history-stats-text" = "Text for representing the number of edits that were made to an article and the year when the first edit was made. $1 is replaced with the number of edits, $2 is replaced with the year when the first edit was made.";
+"page-history-stats-text" = "Text for representing the number of edits that were made to an article and the year when the first edit was made. $1 is replaced with the number of edits, $2 is replaced with they year when the first edit was made.";
"page-history-user-edits" = "Text for view that shows many edits were made by logged-in users";
"page-issues" = "Label for the button that shows the \"Page issues\" dialog, where information about the imperfections of the current page is provided (by displaying the warning/cleanup templates). {{Identical|Page issue}}";
"page-location" = "Label for button used to show an article on the map";
@@ -783,7 +759,7 @@
"panel-compare-revisions-text" = "Text for educational panel about comparing revisions";
"panel-compare-revisions-title" = "Title for educational panel about comparing revisions";
"panel-not-logged-in-continue-edit-action-title" = "Title for button that continues publishing the edit anonymously.";
-"panel-not-logged-in-subtitle" = "Subtitle for letting user know that they are not logged in, after they attempt to publish an edit. Parameters:\n* $1 - app-specific text formatting - beginning bold text\n* $2 - app-specific text formatting - ending bold text\n* $3 - app-specific text formatting - beginning bold text\n* $4 - app-specific text formatting - ending bold text";
+"panel-not-logged-in-subtitle" = "Subtitle for letting user know that they are not logged in, after they attempt to publish an edit. Parameters:\n* $1 - app-specific text formatting - beginning bold text, $2 - app-specific text formatting - ending bold text, $3 - app-specific text formatting - beginning bold text, $4 - app-specific text formatting - ending bold text.";
"panel-not-logged-in-title" = "Title for education panel letting user know they are not logged in.";
"pictured" = "Indicates the person or item is pictured (as in a news story).";
"places-accessibility-clear-saved-searches" = "Accessibility hint for clearing saved searches";
@@ -796,13 +772,13 @@
"places-empty-search-title" = "Title text shown on an overlay when there are no recent Places searches. Describes that you can search Wikipedia for articles with geographic locations.";
"places-enable-location-action-button-title" = "Button title to enable location access";
"places-enable-location-description" = "Describes that access to your location is only used when the app or one of its features is on the screen";
-"places-enable-location-title" = "Explains that you can explore articles near you by enabling location access. \"Location\" should be the same term, which is used in the device settings, under \"Privacy\". \"Explore\" is {{msg-wikimedia|Wikipedia-ios-welcome-explore-title}}";
+"places-enable-location-title" = "Explains that you can explore articles near you by enabling location access. \"Location\" should be the same term, which is used in the device settings, under \"Privacy\".";
"places-filter-articles-action-sheet-title" = "Title for action sheet that allows users to filter Places articles";
"places-filter-button-title" = "Title for button that allows users to filter places";
"places-filter-no-saved-places" = "Explains that you don't have any saved places";
"places-filter-saved-articles" = "Title of places search filter that searches saved articles";
"places-filter-top-articles" = "Title of places search filter that searches top articles";
-"places-filter-top-articles-count" = "Describes how many top articles are found in the top articles filter - $1 is replaced with the number of articles\n{{Identical|Article}}";
+"places-filter-top-articles-count" = "Describes how many top articles are found in the top articles filter - $1 is replaced with the number of articles";
"places-filter-top-read-articles" = "Title for action that allows users to filter top read articles";
"places-location-enabled" = "Title for button informing user that they successfully enabled location services";
"places-no-saved-articles-have-location" = "Indicates to the user that none of their saved articles have location information";
@@ -814,7 +790,7 @@
"places-search-suggested-searches-header" = "Suggested searches - header for the list of suggested searches";
"places-search-this-area" = "A button title that indicates the search will be redone in the visible area";
"places-search-top-articles" = "A search suggestion for top articles";
-"places-search-top-articles-that-match-scope" = "Title used in search description when searching an area for Top articles\n{{Identical|Nearby}}";
+"places-search-top-articles-that-match-scope" = "Title used in search description when searching an area for Top articles";
"places-search-your-current-location" = "A search suggestion for showing articles near your current location.";
"places-title" = "Title of the Places screen shown on the places tab.";
"places-unknown-distance" = "Indicates that a place is an unknown distance away";
@@ -825,7 +801,7 @@
"potd-widget-title" = "Text for title of Picture of the day widget.";
"preference-summary-eventlogging-opt-in" = "Description of preference that when checked enables data collection of user behavior.";
"preference-title-eventlogging-opt-in" = "Title of preference that when checked enables data collection of user behavior.";
-"project-name-mediawiki" = "Project name for MediaWiki.org.";
+"project-name-mediawiki" = "Project name for MediaWiki.";
"project-name-wikibooks" = "Project name for Wikibooks.";
"project-name-wikidata" = "Project name for Wikidata.";
"project-name-wikimedia-commons" = "Project name for Wikimedia Commons.";
@@ -845,7 +821,7 @@
"reading-list-api-error-generic" = "An unexpected error occurred while syncing your reading lists.";
"reading-list-api-error-list-limit" = "You have too many lists.";
"reading-list-create-new-list-button-title" = "Title for button allowing the user to create a new reading list.";
-"reading-list-create-new-list-description" = "Title for label above text field for entering new list description.\n{{Identical|Description}}";
+"reading-list-create-new-list-description" = "Title for label above text field for entering new list description.";
"reading-list-create-new-list-reading-list-name" = "Title for label above text field for entering new list name.";
"reading-list-create-new-list-title" = "Title for the view in charge of creating a new reading list.";
"reading-list-deleted-accessibility-notification" = "Notification spoken after user deletes a reading list from the list.";
@@ -871,7 +847,7 @@
"reading-list-login-or-create-account-title" = "Title for syncing saved articles.";
"reading-list-login-subtitle" = "Subtitle explaining that saved articles and reading lists can be synced across Wikipedia apps.";
"reading-list-login-title" = "Title for syncing save articles.";
-"reading-list-name-user-created-annotation" = "Annotation added to a conflicting reading list name\n\n'''This means \"created by a user\", not \"a user has been created\".'''";
+"reading-list-name-user-created-annotation" = "Annotation added to a conflicting reading list name";
"reading-list-new-list-description-placeholder" = "Placeholder text appearing in text field for entering new list description";
"reading-list-new-list-name-placeholder" = "Placeholder text appearing in text field for entering new list name";
"reading-list-sync-disabled-panel-message" = "Message for panel informing user that sync was disabled on their Wikipedia account on another device.";
@@ -900,7 +876,7 @@
"reading-lists-count" = "Describes the number of reading lists - $1 is replaced with the number of reading lists";
"reading-lists-default-list-description" = "The description of the default saved pages list.";
"reading-lists-default-list-title" = "The title of the default saved pages list {{Identical|Saved}}";
-"reading-lists-delete-reading-list-alert-message" = "Title of the alert shown before deleting selected reading lists. $1 will be replaced with the number of lists being deleted";
+"reading-lists-delete-reading-list-alert-message" = "Title of the altert shown before deleting selected reading lists. $1 will be replaced with the number of lists being deleted";
"reading-lists-delete-reading-list-alert-title" = "Title of the alert shown before deleting selected reading lists. $1 is replaced with number of lists to be deleted. $1 will be replaced with the number of lists being deleted";
"reading-lists-large-sync-completed" = "Alert message informing user that large sync was completed. $1 will be replaced with the number of articles which were synced and $2 will be replaced with the number of reading lists which were synced";
"reading-lists-list-not-synced-limit-exceeded" = "Text of the alert label informing the user that list couldn't be synced.";
@@ -918,30 +894,30 @@
"reference-section-button-accessibility-label" = "Voiceover label for the top button (that jumps to article's reference section) when viewing a reference's details";
"reference-title" = "Title shown above reference/citation popover. $1 is replaced with the reference link text - i.e. '[1]' {{Identical|Reference}}";
"relative-date-days-ago" = "Relative days ago. 0 = today, singular = yesterday. $1 will be replaced with the number of days ago.";
-"relative-date-hours-abbreviated" = "Relative hours, abbreviated. $1 will be replaced with the number of hours.\n{{optional}}";
+"relative-date-hours-abbreviated" = "Relative hours, abbreviated. $1 will be replaced with the number of hours.";
"relative-date-hours-ago" = "Relative hours ago. 0 = this hour. $1 will be replaced with the number of hours ago.";
"relative-date-hours-ago-abbreviated" = "Relative hours ago, abbreviated. $1 will be replaced with the number of hours ago.";
"relative-date-hrs-ago" = "Relative hours ago. 0 = this hour. $1 will be replaced with the number of hours ago.";
"relative-date-min-ago" = "Relative minutes ago. 0 = just now. $1 will be replaced with the number of minutes ago.";
-"relative-date-minutes-abbreviated" = "Relative minutes, abbreviated. $1 will be replaced with the number of minutes.\n{{optional}}";
+"relative-date-minutes-abbreviated" = "Relative minutes, abbreviated. $1 will be replaced with the number of minutes.";
"relative-date-minutes-ago" = "Relative minutes ago. 0 = just now. $1 will be replaced with the number of minutes ago.";
"relative-date-minutes-ago-abbreviated" = "Relative minutes ago, abbreviated. $1 will be replaced with the number of minutes ago.";
"relative-date-months-ago" = "Relative months ago. 0 = this month, singular = last month. $1 will be replaced with the number of months ago.";
-"relative-date-seconds-abbreviated" = "Relative seconds, abbreviated. $1 will be replaced with the number of seconds.\n{{optional}}";
+"relative-date-seconds-abbreviated" = "Relative seconds, abbreviated. $1 will be replaced with the number of seconds.";
"relative-date-seconds-ago-abbreviated" = "Relative seconds ago, abbreviated. $1 will be replaced with the number of seconds ago.";
"relative-date-years-ago" = "Relative years ago. 0 = this year, singular = last year. $1 will be replaced with the number of years ago.";
"replace-button-accessibility" = "Accessibility label for button that triggers replace action. $1 is replaced by \"Replace single instance\" or \"Replace all instances\"";
"replace-buttons-replace-accessibility" = "Accessibility text for describing the type of replace the user is set to or about to perform. This is for replacing a single instance.";
"replace-buttons-replace-all-accessibility" = "Accessibility text for describing the type of replace the user is set to or about to perform. This is for replacing all instances.";
"replace-clear-button-accessibility" = "Accessibility label for the clear values X button in the replace textfield.";
-"replace-infolabel-method-replace" = "Title for label indicating which replace method they have currently selected. This is for replacing a single instance.\n{{Identical|Replace}}";
+"replace-infolabel-method-replace" = "Title for label indicating which replace method they have currently selected. This is for replacing a single instance.";
"replace-infolabel-method-replace-all" = "Title for label indicating which replace method they have currently selected. This is for replacing all instances.";
"replace-method-button-accessibility" = "Accessibility label for replace method switch button in Find and Replace. $1 is replaced by \"Replace single instance\" or \"Replace all instances\"";
"replace-replace-all-results-count" = "Alert view label that tells the user how many instances they just replaced via \"Replace all\". $1 is replaced with the number of instances that were replaced.";
-"replace-textfield-accessibility" = "Accessibility label for the replace text field.\n{{Identical|Replace}}";
+"replace-textfield-accessibility" = "Accessibility label for the replace text field.";
"replace-textfield-placeholder" = "Placeholder text seen in replace textfield before textfield is focused.";
-"return-button-title" = "Title for button indicating that it is possible to return from this point";
-"return-to-article" = "Title for button indicating that it is possible to go back to the article";
+"return-button-title" = "Title for button indicating that is possible return from this point";
+"return-to-article" = "Title for button indicating that is possible to go back to article";
"reverted-edit-title" = "Title for notification informing user that their edit was reverted.";
"saved-all-articles-title" = "Title of the all articles button on Saved screen";
"saved-default-reading-list-tag" = "Tag on the default reading list cell explaining that the list cannot be deleted";
@@ -967,7 +943,7 @@
"search-title" = "Title for search interface. {{Identical|Search}}";
"serbian-variants-alert-body" = "Body text of alert used to inform users about Serbian variant support. Please do not translate the newlines (\n) or Serbian characters (nсрпски ћирилица, etc.).";
"serbian-variants-alert-title" = "Title of alert used to inform users about Serbian variant support.";
-"settings-account" = "{{Identical|Account}}";
+"settings-account" = "Title for button and page letting user view their account page.";
"settings-appearance" = "Title of the reading preferences screen.";
"settings-clear-cache" = "Title for the 'Clear cached data' settings row";
"settings-clear-cache-are-you-sure-message" = "Message for the confirmation presented to the user to verify they are sure they want to clear clear cached data. $1 is replaced with the approximate file size in bytes that will be made available. Also explains that the action will not delete their saved pages.";
@@ -979,7 +955,7 @@
"settings-language-bar" = "Title in Settings for toggling the display the language bar in the search view";
"settings-languages-feed-customization" = "Explanation of how you can manage which languages appear in the feed.";
"settings-my-languages" = "Title for list of user's preferred languages";
-"settings-notifications" = "Title for view and button letting users change their [[w:Push_technology#Push_notification|push notifications]] settings.";
+"settings-notifications" = "Title for view and button letting users change their push notifications settings.";
"settings-notifications-echo-failure-message" = "Alert message text informing user of failure when subscribing to Echo Notifications.";
"settings-notifications-echo-failure-title" = "Alert title text informing user of failure when subscribing to Echo Notifications.";
"settings-notifications-echo-failure-try-again" = "Text alerting the user to try action again after error";
@@ -997,7 +973,7 @@
"settings-storage-and-syncing-enable-sync-title" = "Title of the settings option that enables saved articles and reading lists syncing";
"settings-storage-and-syncing-erase-saved-articles-alert-message" = "Message for the alert shown before erasing all saved articles.";
"settings-storage-and-syncing-erase-saved-articles-alert-title" = "Title of the alert shown before erasing all saved article.";
-"settings-storage-and-syncing-erase-saved-articles-button-title" = "Title of the settings button that enables erasing saved articles\n{{Identical|Erase}}";
+"settings-storage-and-syncing-erase-saved-articles-button-title" = "Title of the settings button that enables erasing saved articles";
"settings-storage-and-syncing-erase-saved-articles-footer-text" = "Footer text of the settings option that enables erasing saved articles. $1 will be replaced with a number and a system provided localized unit indicator for MB or KB.";
"settings-storage-and-syncing-erase-saved-articles-title" = "Title of the settings option that enables erasing saved articles";
"settings-storage-and-syncing-full-sync" = "Message confirming to the user that their reading lists will be synced in the background";
@@ -1010,7 +986,7 @@
"share-a-fact-made-with" = "Indicates that the share-a-fact card was made with the Wikipedia app";
"share-article-name-on-wikipedia" = "Formatted string expressing article being on Wikipedia. $1 will be an article title, which should be wrapped in the localized double quote marks.";
"share-building" = "Shown while Share-a-fact card is being constructed";
-"share-default-format" = "Default share format string. $1 is replaced with the selected text, $2 is replaced with the article title, $3 is replaced with the article URL link.";
+"share-default-format" = "Default share format string. $1 is replaced with the selected text, $2 is replaced with the article title, $3 is replaced with the articleURL.";
"share-email-format" = "Share format string for email. $1 is replaced with the selected text, $2 is replaced with the article title, $3 is replaced with the articleURL.";
"share-get-directions-in-maps" = "Button to get directions to the current article's location in the Maps app.";
"share-menu-item" = "'Share…' menu item with ellipsis to indicate further actions are required.";
@@ -1033,9 +1009,9 @@
"tajik-variants-alert-title" = "Title of alert used to inform users about Tajik variant support.";
"talk-page-active-users-accessibilty-label" = "Accessibility label indicating the number of active users in a thread. The $1 argument will be replaced with the amount of active users";
"talk-page-add-topic-button" = "Title for add topic to talk page button";
-"talk-page-archives" = "Title for menu option that redirects to talk page archives";
+"talk-page-archives" = "Title for menu option that redirects to talk page archives. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-page-article-about" = "Title for menu option for information on article talk pages. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
-"talk-page-change-language" = "Title for menu option to got to the change language page";
+"talk-page-change-language" = "Title for menu option to got to the change language page. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-page-collapse-thread-button" = "Accessibility label for the collapse thread button on talk pages when the thread is expanded";
"talk-page-discussion-read-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility text for indicating that some content have been read.";
"talk-page-discussion-unread-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility text for indicating that some content have not been read.";
@@ -1052,36 +1028,36 @@
"talk-page-new-topic-success-text" = "Banner text that appears after a new discussion was successfully published on a talk page.";
"talk-page-onboarding-button-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility text for the ok button on the talk pages onboarding modal";
"talk-page-overflow-menu-accessibility" = "Accessibility label for the talk page overflow menu button, which displays more navigation options to the user.";
-"talk-page-page-info" = "Title for menu option to go to the talk page information link";
-"talk-page-permanent-link" = "Title for menu option to open the talk page's permanent link in a web browser";
+"talk-page-page-info" = "Title for menu option to go to the talk page information link. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
+"talk-page-permanent-link" = "Title for menu option to open the talk page's permanent link in a web browser. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-page-publish-reply-error-subtitle" = "Subtitle for topic reply error alert";
"talk-page-publish-reply-error-title" = "Title for topic reply error alert";
"talk-page-publish-topic-error-title" = "Title for new topic post error alert";
"talk-page-read-in-web" = "Title for menu option to read a talk page in a web browser. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
-"talk-page-related-links" = "Title for menu option that redirects to a page that shows related links";
+"talk-page-related-links" = "Title for menu option that redirects to a page that shows related links. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-page-replies-count-accessibilty-label" = "Accessibility label indicating the number of replies in a thread. The $1 argument will be replaced with the amount of replies";
-"talk-page-reply-button" = "Text used on button to reply to talk page messages. Should probably be the same as {{mw-msg|Discussiontools-replybutton}}.";
+"talk-page-reply-button" = "Text used on button to reply to talk page messages. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-page-reply-button-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility text for reply button. The $1 will be replaced with the name of the user whose comment is being responded";
"talk-page-reply-depth-accessibility-label" = "Accessibility label for the reply depth indicator. This indicator suggests which reply the text is replying to. $1 is replaced with the depth number.";
"talk-page-reply-placeholder-format" = "Placeholder text that displays in the talk page reply text view. Parameters:\n* $1 - the username of the comment the user is replying to. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
-"talk-page-reply-terms-and-licenses" = "Text for information about the Terms of Use and edit licenses on talk pages when replying.\n\nParameters $1 to $6 are app-specific non-text formatting.\n\nPlease prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
-"talk-page-revision-history" = "Title for option that leads to talk pages revision history";
+"talk-page-reply-terms-and-licenses" = "Text for information about the Terms of Use and edit licenses on talk pages when replying. Parameters:\n* $1 - app-specific non-text formatting, $2 - app-specific non-text formatting, $3 - app-specific non-text formatting, $4 - app-specific non-text formatting, $5 - app-specific non-text formatting, $6 - app-specific non-text formatting. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
+"talk-page-revision-history" = "Title for menu option that leads to page revision history.";
"talk-page-rply-close-button-accessibility-hint" = "Accessibility hint for the reply screen close button";
"talk-page-share-button" = "Title for share talk page button";
-"talk-page-subscribe-to-topic" = "Text used on button to subscribe to talk page topic. Should be the same as {{msg-mw|Discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-subscribe}}.";
+"talk-page-subscribe-to-topic" = "Text used on button to subscribe to talk page topic. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-page-subscribed-alert-subtitle" = "Subtitle for alert informing that the user will receive notifications for a subscribed topic. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
-"talk-page-subscribed-alert-title" = "Title for alert informing that the user subscribed to a topic";
+"talk-page-subscribed-alert-title" = "Title for alert informing that the user subscribed to a topic. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-page-subscription-failed-alert" = "Text for the subscription failure alert";
-"talk-page-title-article-talk" = "This title label is displayed at the top of a talk page topic list, if the talk page type is an article talk page.";
-"talk-page-title-user-talk" = "This title label is displayed at the top of a talk page topic list, if the talk page type is a user talk page.";
+"talk-page-title-article-talk" = "This title label is displayed at the top of a talk page topic list, if the talk page type is an article talk page. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
+"talk-page-title-user-talk" = "This title label is displayed at the top of a talk page topic list, if the talk page type is a user talk page. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-page-topic-close-button-hint" = "Accessibility hint for talk page new topic screen close button";
"talk-page-topic-compose-terms-and-licenses" = "Text for information about the Terms of Use and edit licenses on talk pages when composing a new topic. Parameters:\n* $1 - app-specific non-text formatting, $2 - app-specific non-text formatting, $3 - app-specific non-text formatting, $4 - app-specific non-text formatting, $5 - app-specific non-text formatting, $6 - app-specific non-text formatting. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
-"talk-page-unsubscribe-to-topic" = "Text used on button to unsubscribe from talk page topic. Should be the same as {{msg-mw|Discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe}}.";
+"talk-page-unsubscribe-to-topic" = "Text used on button to unsubscribe from talk page topic.";
"talk-page-unsubscribed-alert-subtitle" = "Subtitle for alert informing that the user will no longer receive notifications for a topic. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
-"talk-page-unsubscribed-alert-title" = "Title for alert informing that the user unsubscribed to a topic";
+"talk-page-unsubscribed-alert-title" = "Title for alert informing that the user unsubscribed to a topic. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-page-unsubscription-failed-alert" = "Text for the unsubscription failure alert";
"talk-page-user-about" = "Title for menu option for information on user talk pages";
-"talk-page-user-contributions" = "Title for menu option for information on the user's contributions\n{{identical|Contribution}}";
+"talk-page-user-contributions" = "Title for menu option for information on the user's contributions. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-pages-archives-empty-title" = "Text displayed when no talk page archive pages were found.";
"talk-pages-archives-view-title" = "Title of talk page archive list view.";
"talk-pages-coffee-roll-read-more" = "Title of user and article talk pages button to read more of the coffee roll.";
@@ -1094,23 +1070,23 @@
"talk-pages-empty-view-header-article" = "Text header displayed in article talk pages when no topics are available.";
"talk-pages-empty-view-header-user" = "Text header displayed in user talk pages when no topics are available. $1 is replaced with a username.";
"talk-pages-reply-compose-close-confirmation-title" = "Title of confirmation alert displayed to user when they attempt to close the new reply view after entering text. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
-"talk-pages-topic-added-alert-title" = "Title for alert informing that the user's new topic was successfully published.";
-"talk-pages-topic-compose-body-placeholder" = "Placeholder text in topic body field of the talk page topic compose screen.";
+"talk-pages-topic-added-alert-title" = "Title for alert informing that the user's new topic was successfully published. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
+"talk-pages-topic-compose-body-placeholder" = "Placeholder text in topic body field of the talk page topic compose screen. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-pages-topic-compose-body-placeholder-accessibility" = "Accessibility label for the placeholder element of the topic body text view on the topic compose screen.";
"talk-pages-topic-compose-close-confirmation-discard" = "Title of discard action, displayed within a confirmation alert to user when they attempt to close the new topic view after entering title or body text. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-pages-topic-compose-close-confirmation-title" = "Title of confirmation alert displayed to user when they attempt to close the new topic view after entering title or body text.";
-"talk-pages-topic-compose-navbar-title" = "Top navigation bar title of talk page topic compose screen.";
+"talk-pages-topic-compose-navbar-title" = "Top navigation bar title of talk page topic compose screen. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-pages-topic-compose-title-placeholder" = "Placeholder text in topic title field of the talk page topic compose screen. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"talk-pages-topic-reply-onboarding-body" = "Body text for user education onboarding view for user and article talk pages.";
"talk-pages-topic-reply-onboarding-body-ios15" = "Body text for user education onboarding view for user and article talk pages. Parameters:\n* $1 - app-specific non-text formatting";
"talk-pages-topic-reply-onboarding-body-note-ios15" = "Body text for user education onboarding view for user and article talk pages on iOS 15+";
"talk-pages-topic-reply-onboarding-title" = "Title of user education onboarding view for user and article talk pages.";
"talk-pages-user-groups" = "Title for menu option for information on the user's user groups. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
-"talk-pages-user-logs" = "Title for menu option to consult the user's public logs";
-"talk-pages-view-title" = "Title of user and article talk pages view.";
+"talk-pages-user-logs" = "Title for menu option to consult the user's public logs. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
+"talk-pages-view-title" = "Title of user and article talk pages view. Please prioritize for de, ar and zh wikis.";
"theme-black-display-name" = "Black theme name presented to the user";
-"theme-dark-display-name" = "Dark theme name presented to the user\n{{Identical|Dark}}";
-"theme-default-display-name" = "Default theme name presented to the user\n{{Identical|Default}}";
+"theme-dark-display-name" = "Dark theme name presented to the user";
+"theme-default-display-name" = "Default theme name presented to the user";
"theme-default-explanation" = "Explains that the default theme matches the iOS system theme setting";
"theme-light-display-name" = "Light theme name presented to the user";
"theme-sepia-display-name" = "Sepia theme name presented to the user";
@@ -1134,9 +1110,9 @@
"vanish-account-back-confirm-keep-editing" = "Text of confirmation alert keep editing option on vanishing request screen, if user taps Back after filling out information. This option keeps them on the screen to continue editing.";
"vanish-account-back-confirm-title" = "Title of confirmation alert on vanishing request screen, if user taps Back after filling out information.";
"vanish-account-bottom-text" = "Informative text on accounting deletion on Wikipedia";
-"vanish-account-bottom-text-with-link" = "Informative text on accounting deletion on Wikipedia, contains link to more info on a web page. The parameters do not require translation, as they are used for markdown formatting. Parameters:\n* $1 - app-specific non-text formatting\n* $2 - app-specific non-text formatting\n* $3 - app-specific non-text formatting.";
+"vanish-account-bottom-text-with-link" = "Informative text on accounting deletion on Wikipedia, contains link to more info on a web page. The parameters do not require translation, as they are used for markdown formatting. Parameters:\n* $1 - app-specific non-text formatting, $2 - app-specific non-text formatting, $3 - app-specific non-text formatting.";
"vanish-account-button-text" = "Text for button on vanish account request screen";
-"vanish-account-continue-button-title" = "Title of button presented in the vanish account warning view.\n{{identical|Continue}}";
+"vanish-account-continue-button-title" = "Title of button presented in the vanish account warning view.";
"vanish-account-description" = "Description for the vanishing process";
"vanish-account-email-text" = "Email content for the vanishing account request";
"vanish-account-learn-more-text" = "Text for button on vanish account request screen that redirects to the meta page about the process";
@@ -1174,7 +1150,7 @@
"watchlist-edit-summary-accessibility" = "Text for edit summary acessibility text";
"watchlist-empty-view-button-title" = "Title for empty watchlist view button that redirects user to search articles";
"watchlist-empty-view-filter-title" = "Title for empty watchlist view when filters are active";
-"watchlist-empty-view-subtitle" = "Subtitle for empty watchlist view.\n\n\"Watch\" is {{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-watch}}.";
+"watchlist-empty-view-subtitle" = "Subtitle for empty watchlist view";
"watchlist-empty-view-title" = "Title for empty watchlist view";
"watchlist-expiration-subtitle" = "Watchlists onboarding modal set expiration section subtitle";
"watchlist-expiration-title" = "Watchlists onboarding modal set expiration section title";
@@ -1207,23 +1183,23 @@
"watchlist-thanks-success" = "Message displayed in a toast on successful thanking of user in Watchlist view. $1 is replaced with the user being thanked.";
"watchlist-track-subtitle" = "Watchlists onboarding modal track changes section subtitle";
"watchlist-track-title" = "Watchlists onboarding modal track changes section title";
-"watchlist-updates-subtitle" = "Watchlists onboarding modal view updates section subtitle.\n\n* \"Settings\" is {{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-settings-title}}\n* \"Account\" is {{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-settings-account}}";
+"watchlist-updates-subtitle" = "Watchlists onboarding modal view updates section subtitle";
"watchlist-updates-title" = "Watchlists onboarding modal view updates section title";
"watchlist-user-button-thank" = "Title shown for thank action in user menu button in watchlist view.";
"watchlist-user-button-user-contributions" = "Title shown for user contributions action in user menu button in diff and watchlist views.";
"watchlist-user-button-user-page" = "Title shown for user page action in user menu button in diff and watchlist views.";
"watchlist-user-button-user-talk-page" = "Title shown for user talk page action in user menu button in diff and watchlist views.";
-"watchlist-watch-subtitle" = "Watchlists onboarding modal watch articles section subtitle.\n\n\"Watch\" is {{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-watch}}";
+"watchlist-watch-subtitle" = "Watchlists onboarding modal watch articles section subtitle";
"watchlist-watch-title" = "Watchlists onboarding modal watch articles section title";
"welcome-exploration-explore-feed-description" = "Description for Explore feed";
-"welcome-exploration-explore-feed-title" = "Title for Explore feed. Translate as \"the feed ''of'' Explore\".\n\n\"Explore\" is {{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-home-title}}.";
+"welcome-exploration-explore-feed-title" = "Title for Explore feed";
"welcome-exploration-on-this-day-description" = "Description for On this day";
"welcome-exploration-on-this-day-title" = "Title for On this day";
"welcome-exploration-places-description" = "Description for Places";
"welcome-exploration-places-title" = "Title for Places";
"welcome-explore-continue-button" = "Text for button for dismissing welcome screens {{Identical|Get started}}";
"welcome-explore-new-ways-title" = "Title for welcome screens including explanation of new notification features";
-"welcome-explore-tell-me-more-done-button" = "Text for button dismissing detailed explanation of new features\n\n{{Identical|Got it}}";
+"welcome-explore-tell-me-more-done-button" = "Text for button dismissing detailed explanation of new features";
"welcome-intro-free-encyclopedia-description" = "Description for introductory welcome screen";
"welcome-intro-free-encyclopedia-more" = "Text for link for learning more about Wikipedia on introductory welcome screen";
"welcome-intro-free-encyclopedia-more-about" = "Title for more information about Wikipedia";
@@ -1260,5 +1236,5 @@
"wikitext-upload-save-anonymously-or-login" = "Text informing user of draw-backs of not signing in before saving wikitext. Parameters:\n* $1 - app-specific non-text formatting, $2 - app-specific non-text formatting.";
"wikitext-upload-save-anonymously-warning" = "Button sub-text informing user or draw-backs of not signing in before saving wikitext. Parameters:\n* $1 - sign in button text";
"wikitext-upload-save-sign-in" = "{{Identical|Log in}}";
-"wikitext-upload-save-terms-and-licenses" = "Text for information about the Terms of Use and edit licenses. Parameters:\n* $1, $2, $3, $4, $5 and $6 - app-specific non-text formatting";
-"wikitext-upload-save-terms-name" = "This message is used in the message {{msg-wm|Wikipedia-ios-wikitext-upload-save-terms-and-license}}.";
+"wikitext-upload-save-terms-and-licenses" = "Text for information about the Terms of Use and edit licenses. Parameters:\n* $1 - app-specific non-text formatting, $2 - app-specific non-text formatting, $3 - app-specific non-text formatting, $4 - app-specific non-text formatting, $5 - app-specific non-text formatting, $6 - app-specific non-text formatting.";
+"wikitext-upload-save-terms-name" = "This message is used in the message [[Wikimedia:Wikipedia-ios-wikitext-upload-save-terms-and-license]].";
diff --git a/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 43dbadce70a..fc3ef1669d0 100644
Binary files a/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings and b/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/ar.lproj/Localizable.strings differ
diff --git a/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/da.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/da.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 1a9bca5e58b..7333f4b6044 100644
Binary files a/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/da.lproj/Localizable.strings and b/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/da.lproj/Localizable.strings differ
diff --git a/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/da.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict b/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/da.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
index e1d4349306b..63c01466628 100644
--- a/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/da.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
+++ b/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/da.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
@@ -2,6 +2,100 @@
+ aaald-characters-text-description
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@v1@
+ v1
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ other
+ tegn
+ aaald-numerical-multiple-references-added-description
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@v1@ tilføjet
+ v1
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d reference
+ other
+ %1$d referencer
+ zero
+ 0 referencer
+ aaald-small-change-description
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@v1@
+ v1
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d lille ændring foretaget
+ other
+ %1$d mindre ændringer foretaget
+ zero
+ Ingen ændringer foretaget
+ aaald-summary-title
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@v1@ af %#@v2@ på %#@v3@
+ v1
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d ændring
+ other
+ %1$d ændringer
+ zero
+ 0 ændringer
+ v2
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %2$d bidragsyder
+ other
+ %2$d bidragsydere
+ zero
+ 0 bidragsydere
+ v3
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %3$d dag
+ other
+ %3$d dage
+ zero
+ 0 dage
@@ -66,6 +160,22 @@
%1$d historiske hændelser
+ on-this-day-footer-showing-event-count
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ %#@v1@ på denne dag
+ v1
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ one
+ %1$d historisk begivenhed mere
+ other
+ %1$d flere historiske begivenheder
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--- a/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/ko.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
+++ b/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/ko.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
@@ -700,5 +700,33 @@
%1$d개 답변
+ watchlist-byte-change
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ (%#@v1@)
+ v1
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ other
+ %1$d 바이트
+ watchlist-number-filters
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ [ %#@v1@](wikipedia://watchlist/filter)를 수정하여 더 많은 주시문서 항목 보기
+ v1
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ other
+ %1$d개 필터
diff --git a/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings b/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/nl.lproj/Localizable.strings
index 2e0f8128279..b72f9f37fe0 100644
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+++ b/Wikipedia/iOS Native Localizations/zh-hant.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict
@@ -783,5 +783,19 @@
+ watchlist-number-filters
+ NSStringLocalizedFormatKey
+ 調整[%#@v1@](wikipedia://watchlist/filter)可查看更多監視清單項目
+ v1
+ NSStringFormatSpecTypeKey
+ NSStringPluralRuleType
+ NSStringFormatValueTypeKey
+ d
+ other
+ %1$d 篩選功能
diff --git a/fastlane/metadata/da/keywords.txt b/fastlane/metadata/da/keywords.txt
index e706253846e..95d0f930bef 100644
--- a/fastlane/metadata/da/keywords.txt
+++ b/fastlane/metadata/da/keywords.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Wikipedia, reference, wiki, encyclopedia, info, knowledge, research, information, explore, learn
+Wikipedia, reference, wiki, encyklopædi, info, viden, forskning, information, udforsk, lær
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fastlane/metadata/nl-nl/description.txt b/fastlane/metadata/nl-nl/description.txt
index 290f2c6d4e5..2fc5c0e2293 100644
--- a/fastlane/metadata/nl-nl/description.txt
+++ b/fastlane/metadata/nl-nl/description.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
+Download de Wikipedia-app om plaatsen bij u in de buurt te verkennen, artikelen te synchroniseren om offline te lezen en uw leeservaring aan te passen.
\ No newline at end of file