diff --git a/_auto_rebin_8cc_source.html b/_auto_rebin_8cc_source.html
index fc816319fe2..97885cac04f 100644
--- a/_auto_rebin_8cc_source.html
+++ b/_auto_rebin_8cc_source.html
@@ -126,335 +126,341 @@
26 TH1F data_obs = src.
- 27 TH1F total_bkg(
- 28 data_obs.GetXaxis()->GetXbins()->GetArray()) ;
- 34 int nbins = total_bkg.GetNbinsX();
- 35 std::vector<double> init_bins;
- 36 for(
int i=1; i<=nbins+1; ++i) init_bins.push_back(total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i));
- 37 std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin] Searching for bins failing conditions "
- 38 "for analysis bin id " << bin << std::endl;
- 39 std::vector<double> new_bins = init_bins;
- 43 bin_uncert_fraction_, rebin_mode_);
- 46 if(new_bins.size() != init_bins.size()) {
- 47 std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin] Some bins not satisfying requested condition "
- 48 "found for analysis bin " << bin <<
", merging with neighbouring bins"
- 54 boost::format(
"%-21s %-10s %-21s\n") %
"Init Edges/Widths" %
"Content" %
"New Edges/Widths");
- 56 for (; i_old < init_bins.size(); ++i_old) {
- 57 double i_old_width = (i_old < (init_bins.size() - 1))
- 58 ? (init_bins[i_old + 1] - init_bins[i_old])
- 61 boost::format(
"%-10.0f %-10.0f %-10.2g") % init_bins[i_old] % i_old_width % total_bkg.GetBinContent(i_old+1));
- 62 bool new_aligned = (i_new < new_bins.size()) ? std::fabs(init_bins[i_old] - new_bins[i_new]) < 1E-8 :
- 64 double i_new_width = (i_new < (new_bins.size() - 1))
- 65 ? (new_bins[i_new + 1] - new_bins[i_new])
- 69 boost::format(
"%-10.0f %-10.0f\n") % new_bins[i_new] % i_new_width);
- 73 boost::format(
"%-10s %-10s\n") %
"-" %
- 88 std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin] Applying binning to all relevant distributions "
- 89 "for analysis bin id " << bin << std::endl;
- 90 dest.
+ 28 if (data_obs.GetXaxis()->GetXbins()->GetArray()){
+ 29 total_bkg = TH1F(
+ 30 data_obs.GetXaxis()->GetXbins()->GetArray()) ;
+ 32 total_bkg = TH1F(
+ 33 data_obs.GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(1),data_obs.GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(data_obs.GetNbinsX()+1));
+ 40 int nbins = total_bkg.GetNbinsX();
+ 41 std::vector<double> init_bins;
+ 42 for(
int i=1; i<=nbins+1; ++i) init_bins.push_back(total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i));
+ 43 std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin] Searching for bins failing conditions "
+ 44 "for analysis bin id " << bin << std::endl;
+ 45 std::vector<double> new_bins = init_bins;
+ 49 bin_uncert_fraction_, rebin_mode_);
+ 52 if(new_bins.size() != init_bins.size()) {
+ 53 std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin] Some bins not satisfying requested condition "
+ 54 "found for analysis bin " << bin <<
", merging with neighbouring bins"
+ 60 boost::format(
"%-21s %-10s %-21s\n") %
"Init Edges/Widths" %
"Content" %
"New Edges/Widths");
+ 62 for (; i_old < init_bins.size(); ++i_old) {
+ 63 double i_old_width = (i_old < (init_bins.size() - 1))
+ 64 ? (init_bins[i_old + 1] - init_bins[i_old])
+ 67 boost::format(
"%-10.0f %-10.0f %-10.2g") % init_bins[i_old] % i_old_width % total_bkg.GetBinContent(i_old+1));
+ 68 bool new_aligned = (i_new < new_bins.size()) ? std::fabs(init_bins[i_old] - new_bins[i_new]) < 1E-8 :
+ 70 double i_new_width = (i_new < (new_bins.size() - 1))
+ 71 ? (new_bins[i_new + 1] - new_bins[i_new])
+ 75 boost::format(
"%-10.0f %-10.0f\n") % new_bins[i_new] % i_new_width);
+ 79 boost::format(
"%-10s %-10s\n") %
"-" %
- 92 }
else std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin] Did not find any bins to merge for analysis "
- 93 "bin id: " << bin << std::endl;
- 99 double bin_condition,
double bin_uncert_fraction,
int mode) {
- 101 bool all_bins =
- 103 int hbin_idx = total_bkg.GetMaximumBin();
- 104 int nbins = total_bkg.GetNbinsX();
- 105 std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] Searching for bins failing condition "
- 106 "using algorithm mode: " << mode << std::endl;
- 119 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] Testing bins of "
- 120 "total_bkg hist to find those failing condition, starting from "
- 121 "maximum bin: " << hbin_idx << std::endl;
- 122 for(
int idx=hbin_idx; idx>1; --idx) {
- 123 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Bin index: " << idx <<
", BinLowEdge: " <<
- 124 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(idx) <<
", Bin content: " <<
- 125 total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx) <<
", Bin error fraction: " <<
- 126 total_bkg.GetBinError(idx-1)/total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx-1)
- 128 if(total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx-1) > bin_condition
- 129 && (total_bkg.GetBinError(idx-1)/total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx-1)
- 130 < bin_uncert_fraction)
- 132 new_bins.push_back(total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(idx));
- 134 for(
int idx=hbin_idx+1; idx<=nbins; ++idx) {
- 135 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Bin index: " << idx <<
", BinLowEdge: " <<
- 136 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(idx) <<
", Bin content: " <<
- 137 total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx) <<
", Bin error fraction: " <<
- 138 total_bkg.GetBinError(idx)/total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx)
- 140 if(total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx) > bin_condition
- 141 && (total_bkg.GetBinError(idx)/total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx)
- 142 < bin_uncert_fraction))
- 143 new_bins.push_back(total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(idx));
- 146 new_bins.push_back(total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(1));
- 147 new_bins.push_back(total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(nbins+1));
- 148 std::sort(new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end());
- 153 }
else if(mode == 1 || mode == 2) {
- 158 lbin_idx = total_bkg.GetMinimumBin();
- 159 }
else if (mode == 2) {
- 160 double maxval = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
- 163 for (
int idx = 1; idx <= total_bkg.GetNbinsX(); ++idx) {
- 164 if (total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx) <= maxval) {
- 166 maxval = total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx);
- 172 bool bin_tot_flag = total_bkg.GetBinContent(lbin_idx) <= bin_condition;
- 173 bool bin_err_flag = total_bkg.GetBinError(herrbin_idx)/
- 174 total_bkg.GetBinContent(herrbin_idx) >= bin_uncert_fraction;
- 175 if(bin_tot_flag || bin_err_flag) {
- 177 lbin_idx = (bin_tot_flag ? lbin_idx : herrbin_idx);
- 178 if(v_>0 && bin_tot_flag) std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] Testing "
- 179 "bins of total_bkg hist to find those with entry <= " << bin_condition
- 180 <<
", starting from bin: " << lbin_idx << std::endl;
- 181 if(v_>0 && !bin_tot_flag) std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] Testing "
- 182 "bins of total_bkg hist to find those with fractional error >= " <<
- 183 bin_uncert_fraction <<
", starting from bin: " << lbin_idx << std::endl;
- 185 double left_tot = total_bkg.GetBinContent(lbin_idx);
- 186 double left_err_tot = total_bkg.GetBinError(lbin_idx);
- 187 int idx = lbin_idx - 1;
- 190 while (((bin_tot_flag && left_tot <= bin_condition) || (!bin_tot_flag &&
- 191 left_err_tot/left_tot >= bin_uncert_fraction)) && idx > 0) {
- 192 left_err_tot = sqrt(pow(left_err_tot,2) + pow(total_bkg.GetBinError(idx),2));
- 193 left_tot = left_tot + total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx);
- 194 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Moving left, bin index: " << idx <<
", BinLowEdge: " <<
- 195 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(idx) <<
", Bin content: " <<
- 196 total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx) <<
", Running total from combining bins: "
- 197 << left_tot <<
", Current fractional error: " << left_err_tot/left_tot
- 201 int left_bins = lbin_idx - idx;
- 202 double right_tot = total_bkg.GetBinContent(lbin_idx);
- 203 double right_err_tot = total_bkg.GetBinError(lbin_idx);
- 206 while (((bin_tot_flag && right_tot <= bin_condition) || (!bin_tot_flag &&
- 207 right_err_tot/right_tot >= bin_uncert_fraction)) && idx <= nbins) {
- 208 right_err_tot = sqrt(pow(right_err_tot,2) + pow(total_bkg.GetBinError(idx),2));
- 209 right_tot = right_tot + total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx);
- 210 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Moving right, bin index: " << idx <<
", BinLowEdge: " <<
- 211 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(idx) <<
", Bin content: " <<
- 212 total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx) <<
", Running total from combining bins: "
- 213 << right_tot <<
", Current fractional error: " << right_err_tot/right_tot
- 217 int right_bins = idx - lbin_idx;
- 218 bool left_pass = bin_tot_flag ? left_tot > bin_condition :
- 219 left_err_tot/left_tot < bin_uncert_fraction;
- 220 bool right_pass = bin_tot_flag ? right_tot > bin_condition :
- 221 right_err_tot/right_tot < bin_uncert_fraction;
- 222 if (mode == 2) right_pass =
- 225 if(left_pass && !right_pass) {
- 226 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Merging left using " << left_bins - 1 <<
- 227 " bins" << std::endl;
- 228 for(
int i = lbin_idx; i > lbin_idx - left_bins + 1; --i) {
- 229 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Erasing bin low edge for bin " << i <<
- 230 ", BinLowEdge: " << total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i) << std::endl;
- 231 new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end(),
- 232 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i)),new_bins.end() );
- 234 }
else if(right_pass && !left_pass) {
- 235 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Merging right using " << right_bins - 1 <<
- 236 " bins" << std::endl;
- 237 for(
int i = lbin_idx; i < lbin_idx + right_bins - 1; ++i) {
- 238 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Erasing bin upper edge for bin " << i <<
- 239 ", BinUpperEdge: " << total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1) << std::endl;
- 240 new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end(),
- 241 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1)),new_bins.end() );
- 243 }
else if(left_pass && right_pass && left_bins < right_bins) {
- 244 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Merging left using " << left_bins - 1 <<
- 245 " bins" << std::endl;
- 246 for(
int i = lbin_idx; i > lbin_idx - left_bins + 1; --i) {
- 247 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Erasing bin low edge for bin " << i <<
- 248 ", BinLowEdge: " << total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i) << std::endl;
- 249 new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end(),
- 250 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i)),new_bins.end() );
- 252 }
else if(left_pass && right_pass && left_bins > right_bins) {
- 253 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Merging right using " << right_bins - 1 <<
- 254 " bins" << std::endl;
- 255 for(
int i = lbin_idx; i < lbin_idx + right_bins - 1 ; ++i) {
- 256 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Erasing bin upper edge for bin " << i <<
- 257 ", BinUpperEdge: " << total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1) << std::endl;
- 258 new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end(),
- 259 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1)),new_bins.end() );
- 264 }
else if(left_pass && right_pass && left_bins == right_bins &&
- 265 lbin_idx < hbin_idx) {
- 266 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Merging right using " << right_bins - 1 <<
- 267 " bins" << std::endl;
- 268 for(
int i = lbin_idx; i < lbin_idx + right_bins - 1; ++i) {
- 269 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Erasing bin upper edge for bin " << i <<
- 270 ", BinUpperEdge: " << total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1) << std::endl;
- 271 new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end(),
- 272 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1)),new_bins.end() );
- 274 }
else if(left_pass && right_pass && left_bins == right_bins &&
- 275 lbin_idx > hbin_idx) {
- 276 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Merging left using " << left_bins - 1 <<
- 277 " bins" << std::endl;
- 278 for(
int i = lbin_idx; i > lbin_idx - left_bins + 1; --i) {
- 279 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Erasing bin low edge for bin " << i <<
- 280 ", BinLowEdge: " << total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i) << std::endl;
- 281 new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end(),
- 282 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i)),new_bins.end() );
- 284 }
else if(!left_pass && !right_pass) {
- 285 std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] WARNING: No solution found "
- 286 "to satisfy condition, try merging all bins" << std::endl;
- 287 for(
int i = 2; i<=nbins; ++i) new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(),
- 288 new_bins.end(), total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i)),new_bins.end() );
- 292 std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] Chosen mode " << mode <<
" not"
- 293 " currently supported, exiting without altering binning" << std::endl;
- 298 total_bkg_new = (TH1F*)total_bkg.Rebin(new_bins.size()-1,
- 302 int nbins_new = total_bkg_new->GetNbinsX();
- 303 if(nbins_new!=nbins) {
- 304 if(v_>0) std::cout << std::endl;
- 305 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] New binning found: "
- 307 for(
int i=1; i<=nbins_new+1; ++i) {
- 308 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Bin index: " << i <<
", BinLowEdge: " <<
- 309 total_bkg_new->GetBinLowEdge(i) <<
", Bin content: " <<
- 310 total_bkg_new->GetBinContent(i) <<
", Bin error fraction: " <<
- 311 total_bkg_new->GetBinError(i)/total_bkg_new->GetBinContent(i)
- 315 if((total_bkg_new->GetBinContent(i) <= bin_condition
- 316 || total_bkg_new->GetBinError(i)/total_bkg_new->GetBinContent(i)
- 317 >= bin_uncert_fraction)
- 318 && i!=nbins_new+1) all_bins=
- 325 else FindNewBinning(*total_bkg_new, new_bins, bin_condition, bin_uncert_fraction, mode);
- 333 for(
int i = 1; i <= total_bkg.GetNbinsX(); ++i){
- 334 if(total_bkg.GetBinError(i)/total_bkg.GetBinContent(i) > maximum) {
- 335 maximum = total_bkg.GetBinError(i)/total_bkg.GetBinContent(i);
+ 94 std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin] Applying binning to all relevant distributions "
+ 95 "for analysis bin id " << bin << std::endl;
+ 96 dest.
+ 98 }
else std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin] Did not find any bins to merge for analysis "
+ 99 "bin id: " << bin << std::endl;
+ 105 double bin_condition,
double bin_uncert_fraction,
int mode) {
+ 107 bool all_bins =
+ 109 int hbin_idx = total_bkg.GetMaximumBin();
+ 110 int nbins = total_bkg.GetNbinsX();
+ 111 std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] Searching for bins failing condition "
+ 112 "using algorithm mode: " << mode << std::endl;
+ 125 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] Testing bins of "
+ 126 "total_bkg hist to find those failing condition, starting from "
+ 127 "maximum bin: " << hbin_idx << std::endl;
+ 128 for(
int idx=hbin_idx; idx>1; --idx) {
+ 129 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Bin index: " << idx <<
", BinLowEdge: " <<
+ 130 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(idx) <<
", Bin content: " <<
+ 131 total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx) <<
", Bin error fraction: " <<
+ 132 total_bkg.GetBinError(idx-1)/total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx-1)
+ 134 if(total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx-1) > bin_condition
+ 135 && (total_bkg.GetBinError(idx-1)/total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx-1)
+ 136 < bin_uncert_fraction)
+ 138 new_bins.push_back(total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(idx));
+ 140 for(
int idx=hbin_idx+1; idx<=nbins; ++idx) {
+ 141 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Bin index: " << idx <<
", BinLowEdge: " <<
+ 142 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(idx) <<
", Bin content: " <<
+ 143 total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx) <<
", Bin error fraction: " <<
+ 144 total_bkg.GetBinError(idx)/total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx)
+ 146 if(total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx) > bin_condition
+ 147 && (total_bkg.GetBinError(idx)/total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx)
+ 148 < bin_uncert_fraction))
+ 149 new_bins.push_back(total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(idx));
+ 152 new_bins.push_back(total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(1));
+ 153 new_bins.push_back(total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(nbins+1));
+ 154 std::sort(new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end());
+ 159 }
else if(mode == 1 || mode == 2) {
+ 164 lbin_idx = total_bkg.GetMinimumBin();
+ 165 }
else if (mode == 2) {
+ 166 double maxval = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
+ 169 for (
int idx = 1; idx <= total_bkg.GetNbinsX(); ++idx) {
+ 170 if (total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx) <= maxval) {
+ 172 maxval = total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx);
+ 178 bool bin_tot_flag = total_bkg.GetBinContent(lbin_idx) <= bin_condition;
+ 179 bool bin_err_flag = total_bkg.GetBinError(herrbin_idx)/
+ 180 total_bkg.GetBinContent(herrbin_idx) >= bin_uncert_fraction;
+ 181 if(bin_tot_flag || bin_err_flag) {
+ 183 lbin_idx = (bin_tot_flag ? lbin_idx : herrbin_idx);
+ 184 if(v_>0 && bin_tot_flag) std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] Testing "
+ 185 "bins of total_bkg hist to find those with entry <= " << bin_condition
+ 186 <<
", starting from bin: " << lbin_idx << std::endl;
+ 187 if(v_>0 && !bin_tot_flag) std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] Testing "
+ 188 "bins of total_bkg hist to find those with fractional error >= " <<
+ 189 bin_uncert_fraction <<
", starting from bin: " << lbin_idx << std::endl;
+ 191 double left_tot = total_bkg.GetBinContent(lbin_idx);
+ 192 double left_err_tot = total_bkg.GetBinError(lbin_idx);
+ 193 int idx = lbin_idx - 1;
+ 196 while (((bin_tot_flag && left_tot <= bin_condition) || (!bin_tot_flag &&
+ 197 left_err_tot/left_tot >= bin_uncert_fraction)) && idx > 0) {
+ 198 left_err_tot = sqrt(pow(left_err_tot,2) + pow(total_bkg.GetBinError(idx),2));
+ 199 left_tot = left_tot + total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx);
+ 200 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Moving left, bin index: " << idx <<
", BinLowEdge: " <<
+ 201 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(idx) <<
", Bin content: " <<
+ 202 total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx) <<
", Running total from combining bins: "
+ 203 << left_tot <<
", Current fractional error: " << left_err_tot/left_tot
+ 207 int left_bins = lbin_idx - idx;
+ 208 double right_tot = total_bkg.GetBinContent(lbin_idx);
+ 209 double right_err_tot = total_bkg.GetBinError(lbin_idx);
+ 212 while (((bin_tot_flag && right_tot <= bin_condition) || (!bin_tot_flag &&
+ 213 right_err_tot/right_tot >= bin_uncert_fraction)) && idx <= nbins) {
+ 214 right_err_tot = sqrt(pow(right_err_tot,2) + pow(total_bkg.GetBinError(idx),2));
+ 215 right_tot = right_tot + total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx);
+ 216 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Moving right, bin index: " << idx <<
", BinLowEdge: " <<
+ 217 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(idx) <<
", Bin content: " <<
+ 218 total_bkg.GetBinContent(idx) <<
", Running total from combining bins: "
+ 219 << right_tot <<
", Current fractional error: " << right_err_tot/right_tot
+ 223 int right_bins = idx - lbin_idx;
+ 224 bool left_pass = bin_tot_flag ? left_tot > bin_condition :
+ 225 left_err_tot/left_tot < bin_uncert_fraction;
+ 226 bool right_pass = bin_tot_flag ? right_tot > bin_condition :
+ 227 right_err_tot/right_tot < bin_uncert_fraction;
+ 228 if (mode == 2) right_pass =
+ 231 if(left_pass && !right_pass) {
+ 232 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Merging left using " << left_bins - 1 <<
+ 233 " bins" << std::endl;
+ 234 for(
int i = lbin_idx; i > lbin_idx - left_bins + 1; --i) {
+ 235 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Erasing bin low edge for bin " << i <<
+ 236 ", BinLowEdge: " << total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i) << std::endl;
+ 237 new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end(),
+ 238 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i)),new_bins.end() );
+ 240 }
else if(right_pass && !left_pass) {
+ 241 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Merging right using " << right_bins - 1 <<
+ 242 " bins" << std::endl;
+ 243 for(
int i = lbin_idx; i < lbin_idx + right_bins - 1; ++i) {
+ 244 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Erasing bin upper edge for bin " << i <<
+ 245 ", BinUpperEdge: " << total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1) << std::endl;
+ 246 new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end(),
+ 247 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1)),new_bins.end() );
+ 249 }
else if(left_pass && right_pass && left_bins < right_bins) {
+ 250 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Merging left using " << left_bins - 1 <<
+ 251 " bins" << std::endl;
+ 252 for(
int i = lbin_idx; i > lbin_idx - left_bins + 1; --i) {
+ 253 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Erasing bin low edge for bin " << i <<
+ 254 ", BinLowEdge: " << total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i) << std::endl;
+ 255 new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end(),
+ 256 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i)),new_bins.end() );
+ 258 }
else if(left_pass && right_pass && left_bins > right_bins) {
+ 259 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Merging right using " << right_bins - 1 <<
+ 260 " bins" << std::endl;
+ 261 for(
int i = lbin_idx; i < lbin_idx + right_bins - 1 ; ++i) {
+ 262 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Erasing bin upper edge for bin " << i <<
+ 263 ", BinUpperEdge: " << total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1) << std::endl;
+ 264 new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end(),
+ 265 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1)),new_bins.end() );
+ 270 }
else if(left_pass && right_pass && left_bins == right_bins &&
+ 271 lbin_idx < hbin_idx) {
+ 272 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Merging right using " << right_bins - 1 <<
+ 273 " bins" << std::endl;
+ 274 for(
int i = lbin_idx; i < lbin_idx + right_bins - 1; ++i) {
+ 275 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Erasing bin upper edge for bin " << i <<
+ 276 ", BinUpperEdge: " << total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1) << std::endl;
+ 277 new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end(),
+ 278 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i+1)),new_bins.end() );
+ 280 }
else if(left_pass && right_pass && left_bins == right_bins &&
+ 281 lbin_idx > hbin_idx) {
+ 282 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Merging left using " << left_bins - 1 <<
+ 283 " bins" << std::endl;
+ 284 for(
int i = lbin_idx; i > lbin_idx - left_bins + 1; --i) {
+ 285 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Erasing bin low edge for bin " << i <<
+ 286 ", BinLowEdge: " << total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i) << std::endl;
+ 287 new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(), new_bins.end(),
+ 288 total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i)),new_bins.end() );
+ 290 }
else if(!left_pass && !right_pass) {
+ 291 std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] WARNING: No solution found "
+ 292 "to satisfy condition, try merging all bins" << std::endl;
+ 293 for(
int i = 2; i<=nbins; ++i) new_bins.erase( std::remove( new_bins.begin(),
+ 294 new_bins.end(), total_bkg.GetBinLowEdge(i)),new_bins.end() );
+ 298 std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] Chosen mode " << mode <<
" not"
+ 299 " currently supported, exiting without altering binning" << std::endl;
+ 304 total_bkg_new = (TH1F*)total_bkg.Rebin(new_bins.size()-1,
+ 308 int nbins_new = total_bkg_new->GetNbinsX();
+ 309 if(nbins_new!=nbins) {
+ 310 if(v_>0) std::cout << std::endl;
+ 311 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"[AutoRebin::FindNewBinning] New binning found: "
+ 313 for(
int i=1; i<=nbins_new+1; ++i) {
+ 314 if(v_>0) std::cout <<
"Bin index: " << i <<
", BinLowEdge: " <<
+ 315 total_bkg_new->GetBinLowEdge(i) <<
", Bin content: " <<
+ 316 total_bkg_new->GetBinContent(i) <<
", Bin error fraction: " <<
+ 317 total_bkg_new->GetBinError(i)/total_bkg_new->GetBinContent(i)
+ 321 if((total_bkg_new->GetBinContent(i) <= bin_condition
+ 322 || total_bkg_new->GetBinError(i)/total_bkg_new->GetBinContent(i)
+ 323 >= bin_uncert_fraction)
+ 324 && i!=nbins_new+1) all_bins=
+ 331 else FindNewBinning(*total_bkg_new, new_bins, bin_condition, bin_uncert_fraction, mode);
+ 339 for(
int i = 1; i <= total_bkg.GetNbinsX(); ++i){
+ 340 if(total_bkg.GetBinError(i)/total_bkg.GetBinContent(i) > maximum) {
+ 341 maximum = total_bkg.GetBinError(i)/total_bkg.GetBinContent(i);
CombineHarvester cp()
Creates and returns a shallow copy of the CombineHarvester instance.
std::unique_ptr< TH1 > ClonedScaledShape() const
std::set< std::string > bin_set()
-int GetMaximumFracUncertBin(TH1F &total_bkg)
Return bin with maximum value of fractional error.
+int GetMaximumFracUncertBin(TH1F &total_bkg)
Return bin with maximum value of fractional error.
-void FindNewBinning(TH1F &total_bkg, std::vector< double > &new_bins, double bin_condition, double bin_uncert_fraction, int mode)
Pass through the total background histogram to find bins failing the required condition ("empty" bins...
+void FindNewBinning(TH1F &total_bkg, std::vector< double > &new_bins, double bin_condition, double bin_uncert_fraction, int mode)
Pass through the total background histogram to find bins failing the required condition ("empty" bins...
CombineHarvester & bin(std::vector< std::string > const &vec, bool cond=true)
void ForEachProc(Function func)
diff --git a/_auto_rebin_8h_source.html b/_auto_rebin_8h_source.html
index 9026264c54a..dab1799d8e3 100644
--- a/_auto_rebin_8h_source.html
+++ b/_auto_rebin_8h_source.html
@@ -155,13 +155,13 @@
AutoRebin & SetBinThreshold(double val)
The threshold for which we consider merging bins containing less than this value. ...
AutoRebin & SetVerbosity(unsigned verbosity)
Set to a value greater than zero for more verbose output.
-int GetMaximumFracUncertBin(TH1F &total_bkg)
Return bin with maximum value of fractional error.
+int GetMaximumFracUncertBin(TH1F &total_bkg)
Return bin with maximum value of fractional error.
Tests for any bins below a certain threshold and if they exist merges them with neighborouring bins...
AutoRebin & SetBinUncertFraction(double val)
The threshold on the bin uncertainty fraction for which we consider merging bins containing less than...
-void FindNewBinning(TH1F &total_bkg, std::vector< double > &new_bins, double bin_condition, double bin_uncert_fraction, int mode)
Pass through the total background histogram to find bins failing the required condition ("empty" bins...
+void FindNewBinning(TH1F &total_bkg, std::vector< double > &new_bins, double bin_condition, double bin_uncert_fraction, int mode)
Pass through the total background histogram to find bins failing the required condition ("empty" bins...
AutoRebin & SetPerformRebin(bool val)
Whether to actually perform the rebinning or just print it out.
AutoRebin & SetRebinMode(int val)
Flag to perform different versions of rebinning algorithm.
void Rebin(CombineHarvester &src, CombineHarvester &dest)
Work out optimal binning using the total background histogram built from src, and apply the binning t...
diff --git a/_main_8md_source.html b/_main_8md_source.html
index 847070e4b46..f35b3218658 100644
--- a/_main_8md_source.html
+++ b/_main_8md_source.html
@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@
31 * **CombineHarvester/CombineTools**, which contains the CombineHarvester class and other parts of the core framework
32 * **CombineHarvester/CombinePdfs**, which provides tools for building custom RooFit pdfs
- 34 The CMSSW version that should be used with CombineHarvester is driven by the recommendation for the HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit package, which is also required. The latest instructions can be found [here](https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/SWGuideHiggsAnalysisCombinedLimit#ROOT6_SLC6_release_CMSSW_7_4_X). Note that the CombineHarvester framework is only compatible with the CMSSW 7_X_Y series releases. A new release area can be set up and compiled in the following steps:
+ 34 The CMSSW version that should be used with CombineHarvester is driven by the recommendation for the HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit package, which is also required. The latest instructions can be found [here](https://cms-hcomb.gitbooks.io/combine/content/part1/#for-end-users-that-dont-need-to-commit-or-do-any-development). The CombineHarvester framework is compatible with the CMSSW 7_4_X and 8_1_X series releases. A new release area can be set up and compiled in the following steps:
- 36 export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc491
- 37 scram project CMSSW CMSSW_7_4_7
+ 36 export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc530
+ 37 scram project CMSSW CMSSW_8_1_0
40 git clone https://github.com/cms-analysis/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit.git HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
41 # IMPORTANT: Checkout the recommended tag on the link above
diff --git a/classch_1_1_auto_rebin.html b/classch_1_1_auto_rebin.html
index aabb350bd1d..c65083fe9cb 100644
--- a/classch_1_1_auto_rebin.html
+++ b/classch_1_1_auto_rebin.html
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
Repeats with new lowest bin until all bins pass threshold
-Definition at line 98 of file AutoRebin.cc.
+Definition at line 104 of file AutoRebin.cc.
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
Return bin with maximum value of fractional error.
-Definition at line 330 of file AutoRebin.cc.
+Definition at line 336 of file AutoRebin.cc.
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index cede3f4c250..e4e9a32628c 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@
CombineHarvester/CombineTools, which contains the CombineHarvester class and other parts of the core framework
CombineHarvester/CombinePdfs, which provides tools for building custom RooFit pdfs
-The CMSSW version that should be used with CombineHarvester is driven by the recommendation for the HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit package, which is also required. The latest instructions can be found here. Note that the CombineHarvester framework is only compatible with the CMSSW 7_X_Y series releases. A new release area can be set up and compiled in the following steps:
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc491
-scram project CMSSW CMSSW_7_4_7
-cd CMSSW_7_4_7/src
+The CMSSW version that should be used with CombineHarvester is driven by the recommendation for the HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit package, which is also required. The latest instructions can be found here. The CombineHarvester framework is compatible with the CMSSW 7_4_X and 8_1_X series releases. A new release area can be set up and compiled in the following steps:
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc530
+scram project CMSSW CMSSW_8_1_0
+cd CMSSW_8_1_0/src
git clone https://github.com/cms-analysis/HiggsAnalysis-CombinedLimit.git HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
# IMPORTANT: Checkout the recommended tag on the link above
diff --git a/intro_morph.html b/intro_morph.html
index ddfaa884c26..246a5fdf441 100644
--- a/intro_morph.html
+++ b/intro_morph.html
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
for (auto bin : bins) {
for (auto p : sig_procs) {
- can_morph[chn], true, nullptr );
+ can_morph[chn], true, false, nullptr );