+ Value + | +
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+ + Documentation + | +
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+ + NOTE: + |
This table summarizes the namespaces used in the XML implementation of ISO TC211 Standards for Geospatial Metadata. The current official versions of these namespaces are located at schemas.isotc211.org. Working versions and information are at the ISO + TC211 Git Repository.
+Standard Prefix | +Title | +Version | +Scope | +Standard, Paragraph | +Requirements Name | +Namespace URI | +Thumbnail | +UML Package | +XML Schema | +XML Schema Included | +Imported Namespaces | +
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The namespace URI for
+ NOTE: The XML Schema for
Name | Standard Prefix | Namespace Location | Schema Location |
This report describes the ISO TC211 codelist catalogs, the codelists they contain, and the values and definitions of the codes.
++ Please contact Ted Habermann if you have questions or suggestions.
+Entry | +Definition | +
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