Releases: charcoalphp/charcoal
Releases · charcoalphp/charcoal
4.0.0 (2022-09-21)
- elfinder: removed default base_path and public_path. These config keys should be defined in the AppConfig initialization.
new AppConfig(['base_path' => '...']);
Bug Fixes
- base-path: fix base_path concatenation issues since changes made to AppConfig see #28 (comment) (84441a3), closes /
- bin: fix charcoal binary appConfig's basePath (95bd3a5)
- elfinder: fix issues with elfinder paths (a476327)
- releaserc: add parserOpts for commit analyser (b004e04)
3.1.4 (2022-09-08)
Bug Fixes
- app: fix deleted method visibility (7383b5f)
- cache: fix composer dev requirement for slim (a7a44fb)
- charcoal: fix bad find and replace (577e414)
- charcoal: fix bad find and replace (2db7a17)
- cms: fix missing property type (fc8d6bf)
- cms: fix TemplateableTrait.php templateIdent property to be defaulted to an empty string like in ViewableTrait.php (01b8e5a)
- composer: fix some composer conflicting packages (3f94314)
- composer: move composer.json replace section for locomotivemtl packages to monorepo-builder.php to prevent overwriting (0d48576)
- core: add exception thrown when metadata file cannot be loaded (6fadceb)
- core: add exception thrown when source ident is not defined (5f76cec)
- core: revert loadfile() changes because it caused unexpected issues (04a0391)
- image: fix radial blur effect renamed to rotational blur (8293e99)
- php: add redis extension to php github action (49e755f)
- phpcs: exit execution after -l option (e6ad662)
- phpunit.xml.dist: add xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation (e13e43e)
- template-ident: uniformize template-ident return types (819f5a0)
- view: the view prop and method should be allowed to be null (c97c2e3)