#+title wpAudioPlugin
Example code using MATLAB Audio System Toolbox.
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Initially based on Charlie DeVane and Gabriele Bunkheila. 2016. Automatically Generating VST Plugins from MATLAB Code. https://www.mathworks.com/tagteam/89231_PluginGenerationEbriefMWFormat.pdf
Check also MATLAB Audio Plugin Example Gallery at https://mathworks.com/help/audio/ug/audio-plugin-example-gallery.html
Suggested order, starting with the ./01-Basics directory:
- myWire (simple throughput)
- myWidth (Linear mapping/matrixing of channels, single slider UI)
- myFilePan (mixdown to mono)
and then the rest of the subdirectory.
A Live Script .mlx (and its source .m script) are also provided.
In ./02-Sources, we inherit
- myFileMix (mix with an audio file)
- myOsc (use another audio object, accessors)
- myModulator: AM/Ring Modulation with audioOscillator class. GUI: Checkbox.
New Refrac (experimental): ./analysis: audio analysis routines: envelope, xcorr, etc ./hwSupport: arduino, iOS, Android, vs experiments
Avaliable as a source at audioTestBench using dsp.ColoredNoise