Brand new, redesigned course list handling for VAULT courtesy of Workday Student. The app creates an ORM of sorts around the openEQUELLA APIs, with objects for Groups, Taxonomies, and Taxonomy Terms, that lets us manipulate data easily.
- Install the Google Cloud CLI (needed for
) - Set up a python virtual environment & install dependencies
uv install
- Obtain a VAULT OAuth token for API use,
, add the token to it. You can also change the logging configuration here if you so choose. - Obtain access to CCA Integrations data in Google Cloud (contact Integration Engineer). There should be JSON files present for employees, students, and courses for current semesters. With the integrations project active, running
gcloud auth application-default login
once will authenticate this project.
The main app should work now but has yet to be used to create taxonomies in VAULT. Thus far only unit tests have been performed.
usage: [-h] [-c] [--course-lists] [-d] file
Create VAULT taxonomies from JSON course data.
positional arguments:
file course list JSON file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c, --clear only clear the given semester taxonomy term, do not
create new terms
--course-lists only create terms in course list taxonomies, ignore
-d, --downloadtaxos download fresh taxonomies from VAULT (do not use JSON
list in /data dir)
Logging information is sent both to stdout and to a dated log file in the "data" directory.
The taxonomies JSON is stored in data/taxonomies.json (not all their terms, just taxonomy names and identifiers). If you create a new taxonomy related to course lists or course information, e.g. if a new academic program is created, you'll need to rerun python --downloadtaxos
to refresh the JSON.
python data/data.json
creates many text file lists of faculty usernames in the "data" directory. Each file is named after the LDAP group that the accounts belong to.
downloads the Workday JSON course data and transforms it into an "_informer.csv" spreadsheet. This can then be used in the previous "libraries_course_lists" project.
> uv run coverage run -m unittest discover -v # run tests
> uv run coverage report --include=lib/\* # coverage report
> uv run coverage html # generate HTML in htmlcov/ that shows which lines aren't tested
> uv run python -m unittest test.test_course # run a specific test suite
Add tests to the "test" folder and name them like "test_FILENAME" where FILENAME is roughly the name of the module that's being tested. This ensures unittest
can discover them and makes it easier to see what tests still need to be written. You may need to create fixtures in both VAULT and the local filesystem to write some tests. Prefer using a fake, created datum to testing against production data that naturally changes.