##Creating basic plots using ggplot2
Goals for this lesson
- How to plot simple things with ggplot2
- scatterplots
- bar charts
- box/violin plot
- density plots / histograms
- When should you use which graph technique?
Last, but not least: There's no simple way to make 3D pie charts with ggplot2. And that's by design, because 3D pie charts are considered evil. Actually even 2D pie charts are not so nice, so try other visualization techniques instead, i.e. bar charts. The only exception to this rule: delivering tasty 3D pie charts to your lecturers.
- A Compedium of Clean Graphs in R from Eric-Jan Wagenmakers and Quentin F. Gronau
- ColorHexa- a tool for choosing colors for plots.
- ColorBrewer- a tool for choosing colors for plots, with a mapping focus.
- ggplot2 Quickref
- Beautiful plotting in R: A ggplot2 cheatsheet
- R Graph Catalog
- Advanced: Interactive Graphs w/ Shiny
- For fun: Plot using emoji with emoGG