##What is open science?
Goals for this lesson
- administrivia! go over the syllabus
- define open science
- intro to terminology
- Rules and regulations from NSF
This is the first class in the Open Science and Reproducible Research course! Welcome!
We will be using an active learning approach in this course- I will provide you with a series of links/readings/videos that you will be expected to read/skim before class time. Then, we will devote the class time to reviewing, discussing, asking and answering questions, working together on activities, and also using a bit of each class time as a supported work period on our major project. Generally, Tuesday classes will be about tools, and Thursday classes, we will focus on a more philosophical aspect of open science. For the majority of Thursday classes, I will bring an expert from the Open Science community in by teleconference. We will record those discussions and share them on the web as part of our ongoing effort to create curriculum that can be used for teaching this material to other students- that's right, you're not just a participant of this course, you're also an author!
If you have access to one, please bring a laptop to class. This course is about doing open science so the more we can work on in real time, the better.
Without further ado, let's learn about Open Science! We will explore the following resources:
- Rethinking research data, a TedXUWMilwaukee talk by Kristin Briney
- When will ‘open science’ become simply ‘science’? by Mick Watson
- What is open science? from The OpenScience Project (2009)
- What is open science? from F1000Research (2014)
- Why open research? from Why Open Research.
- Open Research Glossary this is not only an excellent resource for definitions of terminology commonly used in open science, it's also an example of the community-driven products that are common in the open science community. Check out this blog post describing how this glossary came about.
- Today’s Data, Tomorrow’s Discoveries NSF's public access plan. This will give us an in-depth look at the changing regulatory landscape around public funding and open data
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